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I'm a DM outside of this game, been Dming for some years and I've started to play this game for three months by now and it'll be something and new and fun to do with some of my free time.

Ckey: DiXoNoK
Contact: DiXoNoK#9307

Event Preferences: I DO EVERYTHING, COME AT ME!

Other Notes: I live in BRT Timezone so I can easily DM by afternoon, like around..2PM~3PM would be nice. Sadly most of the times I don't go stay up too late because of IRL things. 

Are you currently running events, and if so, are you considering player requested events?: No, but I would like to run some events since I have some ideas for that and yes, I'll always consider requested events.

(Post will probably be edited in the future as I get better with this)
[Image: unknown.png]
Character: Issac
Which Event: The Soul Within

Responsiveness: 10/10 Always was prepared and ready

Balance: 9/10 It was pretty fair and well planned. 

Storytelling: 10/10  Was very invested and looking forward to it. 

Fairness 10/10 Pretty Lit

Overall: 10/10

Any other comments: DM my events anytime.
Character: Theia
Which Event: The Soul Within

Responsiveness: 10/10 Amazing and just on point.

Balance: 10/10 Very well balanced.

Storytelling: 10/10  He put a lot of work into it and I enjoyed it very much. 

Fairness 10/10 Very fair.

Overall: 10/10

Any other comments: I would love for him to DM more of my events. I had a lot of fun considering this was my first event in this game.
[Image: unknown.png][Image: unknown.png]
Character: Bell
Which Event: The Soul Within

Responsiveness: 10/10 Not slow at all.

Balance: 8/10 I don't know if it was just me, but when I saw two of my friends 1v1 the EC and then it got to my point, it did feel like they were a lot weaker, I don't know if it was because you were nerfing them the long it went and I just didn't get the short end of the stick, but it did feel like it sucks for the first two considering they would've faced the EC at it's strongest point.

Storytelling: 10/10 I agree with the others that some good work was put into it as you even went asking us about our past to make specific trials for us.

Fairness 9/10 Not gonna lie, I was surprised by having the game tabbed out without sound and then coming back to see my group fighting some strong NPC's LOL

Overall: 9/10

Any other comments: I had a lot of fun despite the fact I was dying to just catch some sleep, tho that was my own fault, I hope I will get to be on another event of yours when I'm actually well rested.
Character: Jordunn Snowhunter
Event: Jordunn's first adventure!
Responsiveness: 10/10. Right after we posted, he posted 1-2 minutes after.
Balance: 9/10. Every fight led up to a tougher EC which wasn't too over-tuned.
Storytelling: 10/10. Story was very detailed, very clear on what to expect during the event.
Fairness: 9/10. His injuries wasn't bad considering it was a HCoI event. Loot was good.

Overall: 9/10

Any other comments: N/A
Character: Motai

Event: Jordunn's first adventure!

Responsiveness: 10/10 Fast response

Balance: 7/10 Just a case of getting used to making EC's/being an EC, over-tuned and sometimes just too weak. In the end though they caught their stride, though just a lil' bit too much CC immunity.

Storytelling: 8/10 Story was good, but the way it was told could've used more depth and details. But what was said got its way across, thankfully.

Fairness: 10/10 Got what was deserved for the injuries/fights.
Character: Omen

Which Event: Jordunn's first adventure!

Responsiveness: 10/10 It was pretty fast.

Balance: 6/10 There were balance issues in the beginning/middle, but DM had it figured out by the end. I think this will sort itself out in time. Keep it up!

Storytelling: 9/10 Story flowed well enough and it was good for what it was.

Fairness 10/10

Overall: 7/10

Any other comments: For a new DM you were very good. Overall, though, I had a blast and that's what counts in the end.
Character: Kaira

Which Event: Spill the Blood of a Holy Magi

Responsiveness: 9/10 Responds pretty quickly, me like it.

Balance: 10/10 I don't know much about balance. But it certainly felt very tough and fair at the same time. Me like it.

Storytelling: 9/10 Enjoyable, fun, though most of the point was on fighting. Which made sense given the event. Me like it.

Fairness 10/10 I wasn't given a perm for rolling a 2, me like it.

Overall: 9.5/10

Any other comments: A new DM added to my list of people to ask when hosting an event.

[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: cd06717ffe2aae06f035ce2f9d6bd902.png]
Character: Dagon HyalineWhich Event: Spill The Blood of A Holy Magi

Responsiveness: 10/10 Very responsive, didn't take too long to post. 

Balance: 10/10 All the fights were fair, none of them felt overpowered or overly easy.

Storytelling: 10/10  the story telling was pretty good for the simple story. 

Fairness 10/10 The event felt good, and then resulting gains felt fair for the event.

Overall: 10/10 

Any other comments: From someone who's only been on one event, I think you did a great job. Hope to go on more complex events with you as the DM in the future. 
Character: Dallan Aegeus

Which Event: A pilgrimage of Fire and Ash

Responsiveness: 10/10 - Very quick for someone who apparently hadn't eaten in a while.   :v

Balance: 7/10 - It was pretty good, but at the end, I think in an event where you have the potential to annihilate parties thanks to aoe's and no CD's, you gotta rely on two things, either a pattern from which they can work off or you have to actively hold back which isn't exactly the optimal choice. After the tweaks though, I liked the spot we got in, as a 'do or die', either we didn't screw up and win or we screw up and got stomped.

Storytelling: 10/10 - Ngl, I mostly expected this to just be a fighting event, so you have no idea of how happy I was when I saw that you actually gave us choices on how to act and even gave depth to some of the Boss monsters we were facing, and how that opened up the path for a possible chain event. I loved it.

Fairness: 10/10 - We got the rewards, there were risks for it, and I completely expected to get a perm when if I rolled low when going in a path that was being filled with Magma. None of the fights were easy, the patterns were there rather than just fighting mindlessly without a care in the world and pressing buttons, and we got used to it, adapting to it, and we got the injuries as well as our rewards.

Overall: 9/10

Any other comments: Considering how many times you had to rewrite the event because of people being kicked out of the party due to IC or dying, I'm glad you didn't give up on the event, thank you. Also looking forward to Part 2! High COD?!

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