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Character: Christophore Garijn
Which Event: To Seek a Cure

Responsiveness: Good responses and handling everything. Even small and silly stuff was aknowledged.

Balance: Great Howl of the Banshee incident of 2110 aside and me playing armed in an event, there was nothing realy to complain about. Important hard hitters were telegraphed in some fashions which I always enjoy. 

Storytelling: Definitly in the upper crust of things. 

Fairness: The small issues (see howl) were fairly resolved and alot of the hurties dished out were simply bad luck.

Overall: I had a realy good time and with the stuff I got I already have some ideas what to do with them.

Any other comments: The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, who lived in the 1700s, reportedly invented the sandwich so he wouldn't have to leave his gambling table to eat.
Character: Llevara Mikos
Which Event: Close Encounter

Responsiveness: 10/10 Always was prepared and ready

Balance: 9/10. I got bullied, but it was fun.

Storytelling: 10/10. I enjoyed the lovecraftian horror elements.

Fairness 10/10.

Overall: 10/10

Any other comments: Appreciate you for picking up the event to help out!
Character: Fantasy P. Kasca
Which Event: Close Encounter

Responsiveness: 10/10 Was long and good.

Balance: 10/10 I didn't go down once.

Storytelling: 10/10. Gaming narra's

Fairness: No comment. I didn't go down once. 10/10

Overall: 10/10 Was fun.

Any other comments: Love you.[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
Character: Codename: Maple

Which Event: Close Encounter

Responsiveness: 10/10. the dm paid close attention and described everyone's experiences in incredible detail

Balance: 10/10 i left on a stretcher after all the fun-fun-fun

Storytelling: 10/10. very solid, exciting adventure, woud

Fairness: Would do it all over again 10/10

Overall: 11/10

Any other comments: big love 
Character: Phaedra Equsiol
Which Event: Close Encounter

Responsiveness: 10/10. Dm was both quick, but interactive with player responses.
Balance: 10/10 Fun and v.difficult. Didn't feel too overwhelming though. Well done for a HCOD event.
Storytelling: 10/10. Spooky stuff... Kinda hope more of this lore or concept... Whatever it was? Can be furthered in the future.
Fairness: 10/10
Overall: 11/10
Any other comments: Thanks for dming! Sorry for passing out at the end there. >...<
Character: Midas Hiraeth

Which Event: Enarr's Number One Fan

Responsiveness: 10/10 Amazing bro ily >:)

Balance: 9/10 It was fair, well planned.

Storytelling: 10/10 I love your writing, and you always send a theme link lol I clicked everyone, set the mood too.

Fairness: 10/10 Fair, everyone got something valuable and a item worth for what we did.

Overall: 10/10

Any other comments: I'd have you DM another one of my events man.
Atlas Equisol
[Which Event]
Enarr's Number One Fan
Each narrate provided fast and detailed. We never really waited for too long expect when it comes to our own response towards the situation itself. VERY GOOD!!
Honestly, my only complain probably going to be the last boss. Since it was a hell but.. It is also to be expected considering everything. This was a HCOD event after all, danger is to be expected and injuries too.
I think, among everything in this event. Story felt like pure poetry, not going to lie. Not only did you give us a fresh perspective on the pantheon, but also its history too.  When I first put this event on the forum, I was honestly expecting something more of a straight forward experience but it kind of.. Turned upside down on me in truth. In a good way of course. I can safely say my character left this event with a development. Probably more than ever before. Both in a dramatic but also likely necessary way.
I think it was more than fair though.. I AM taking one point off for balancing reason. That was scary Sad
[Any other comments] 
I probs will try to harass you more to get you do more Dming man. This was a very nice event.

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