ChanceBug Reports
Describe the issue: A player was given faith initiate twice and charged twice for it. The person that baptized them was charged twice as well. Taking them to -5 faith. 

How to reproduce: Double click baptize. I'm pretty certain that's what caused it because I double clicked the option.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):   This is a before and after showing that it performed twice, charged twice. It also shows the fix once the Admin had fixed it. 
[Image: 7bd34d9acd5c1d8d0360b16b02ca274f.png]
Describe the issue: Polymorph's AoE shockwave lingers forever and doesn't disappear until you reboot, the spell also might not silence targets properly in combat anymore?

How to reproduce: Use Polymorph.

Please fix, I love the spell! <3
[Image: unknown.png]
Discord: Madsen#4678
Describe the issue: Chronos Aura Invulnerability does not work against Deflecting Palm.

How to reproduce: Press the active for Chronos Aura while the enemy is Dpalmed, punch them in the face and watch your neck snap from whiplash.

I am unsure if TC does the same, haven't had a chance to test it.
Describe the issue: Storm Aura, the click teleport feels /very/ unresponsive. It requires a few clicks for it to go off. Plus... There's no timer on it like the other cd's! If that could be added as well... I think the tooltips is also wrong. Shows 10%ap/20crit. I think it's just 15%ap atm. No crit. The spacebar tp? Is fine.

How to reproduce: Just use it, during a verb. Doesn't seem to instantly cast when clicking. Plus the lack of timer makes it difficult to keep track up. *paired together? It makes it a mess to deal with.*
-DR effects seem fucked.

Tested with both Scarlet Circle and Wither, using PSmash against a target with the standard 8% DR.
PSmash raw: 5521 
PSmash Scarlet Circle: 5430 
PSmash Wither: 5561

The expected damage increase (550 for wither, and 1050 for Scarlet Circle) is simply not present- however, the appropriate DR decreases do reflect in /delements. I have yet to test with Frostbite.
[Image: image.png][Image: image.png]
do not preview spells
[Image: image.png]

still takes RPP
[Image: image.png][Image: image.png]
Inverse Charge

Gives AP instead of DR for 7 seconds.

Mana Absorb

Gives +10% AP and 10 vitality instead of 10% AP and 15 Vitality
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
Absorption Tree

Potions (MA/Rebirth) refund Null Ray (the opener) instead of the Aura. Probably unintended?

Meteor Dash

The CD was adjusted as written in the patch notes, but the damage wasn't!
Illusion Tree:
Hypnosis: Only dmges 1 tile off the user making it really hard to use, consider adjusting its hitbox to be more in line with like Noxious cloud or other spells like it.

Prison of Pain: With the massive cast delay and the fact that it behaves as if there is no attempt to home on target, the spell just whiffs more than anything, as it stands right now this spell is likely only usable on root heavy builds.
Black Mirage can Teleport targets outside of RPB box
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