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Being able toggle speed of character walk or run while on rpb.

-This makes feints easier without use dash
-Precision when wanting move to spefic tile
-Menance walk
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
[Image: butun-yolculugum.gif]
When editing an item's description as a DM, please make a much larger space for an item to be described so the item's desc displays in full.

This is what it looks like currently:
[Image: w7pjcl88zo7.png]
a fizzy drink that alchemists can make that boosts energy regeneration for 24 hours could be neat.
a fizzy drink that cooks can make that gives a lot of energy and exp could be cool.

i just want to recreationally drink sodie pop.
[Image: UNfF2ah.png]
More slice of life updates please. Ones that improve the roleplay experience.

[Image: 359d9c502fa1e6fcfcbfe8503d7bca07.png]

-- Make this guild prompt bigger. Why is Guild MoTD so small? Why can't we link all our guild activities here, or need-to-know information that is relevant to our faction...
Add another line underneath 'Contributed' and have it say 'Type' so people know if their faction is DEVOTED, CONQUEROR, PROGRESSIVE, etc.
Another line that says 'allies and enemies' so you can set them in-game for your faction to remember.

-- Add another spell like Relationship that is instead called 'Magical Abilities', that holds a record of a players Admin-approved flavor abilities.
Once a player is approved for something non-mechanical, Admins edit the player's Magical Abilities spell with a small description/entry. The players can then activate the spell to flash one of their approved entries in-game.

Why do the blessed Mortyl Mementos need to link a gyazo to show they can look at someone's soul...
Why can't Sunsets Over Moonlight flash a cool button that shows their advanced exorcist capabilities?

Other less roleplay inclined games already have this feature...  Angry
- Scarcrow placable for farms. Scarecrow's exist much like someone assaulting a retainer; for 24 houurs after stealing crops or eggs, the thief is 'marked' in this sense. After 24 hours - or there could be two tiers for these, one that lasts 24, the other 48, depends on how far you wanted to - it fades. You could make any sort of funny justification, but I'm tired of seeing crop thieves without a whole lotta rp coming out of it besides 'those damn crop thieves are at it again.'
- A cute little in-game map you could pull up that denotes caves, dens, points of interest. The minimap is big, but it's clunky and pulling up an actual out-game world map is somewhat irritating. Could be as simple as adding a /map command. more of a QoL idea.
- please god could there be an option where i can hit x once and sit there and gather until a node is gone instead of hitting it everytime or holding it down. even if i have to buy some potion or buy a runeprint or something please my fingies hurt from trying to gather lumber for this SAILBOAT
- speaking of, tiers of lumberjacking axes that improve wood gain from trees. i hunger for wood gathering, but wood gathering hurts my fingers.
- more bow sprites for weapon previews.
I gained the spell Commander at 15 Dangerous battles! However, as a neutral person, not belonging to a faction...

This spell is not usable :') It does nada! (No faction, no influence.)

Is there a possibility that non-faction members could get something equivalent or otherwise, if we are meant to be rewarded for surviving this long/fighting? Big Grin

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