ChanceBug Reports
(08-07-2023, 06:09 PM)Dixonok Wrote: Summoning Master - The weird obelisk can't be targetted by using the NPC target nor the player target, it has to be manually clicked during the middle of a fight to be dealt with? Or is it a bug?

Have a summoning person use the obelisk.
Use the macro that the game gives
Doesn't work

Still not fixed, despite there being an announcement it was:
[Image: image.png]
Heyyy So before I forget- Foraging is broken. I've been level 100 foraging for a bit now and I have stopped getting extra items over a week ago. 

I still forage a fair bit, I would love this to be fixed <3
90% sure "you did not receive experience for enemy because X did more damage" is leaking disguises
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
quests say they will be ready in 7.46x10^9 days
[Image: W2rCYx.jpg]
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
Describe the issue: Doors to spaces that are classified as "apartments" can be locked inside of buildings and become, unlike normal doors, impervious to all forms of unpermitted entry and knocking.

How to reproduce: Enter a keep/tower/house/etc. with the above-described type of room inside of it that has been locked and attempt to break into it and/or knock only to realize there is no option to do so.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): Located at 292, 941, 1 is Dawnstone's Keep which has such a door on its middle level.
[Image: image.png]
I sold a potion from a proper red-carpet stall but there were no logs created.
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
Describe the issue: Cows seems to lose their happiness on reboot

How to reproduce: Max your chickens and cows' mood to 100%
Logout and return to IRL.
Sometimes server will reboot in that time.
Come playing back later.
Notice that your chickens have lost some mood (100% to 80%) which is fine, but the cow straight dropped to 0.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 
[Image: XT74XvL.png]

I petted the cow Mirabelle before checking the status. Bradley went from 100% (when I logged out yesterday) to 80%
Changing house (non red-carpet) stall shopkeeper names often just overlaps the new one over the old one.
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
Distort and Telekinesis seem to have the same issue as Timejammer and Chronostasis.

[Image: sAqyND0.png]
[Image: 6JJ7XF5.png]

In the above, I have Distort purchased and on my spell list, while not having Telekinesis purchased. I can't purchase it, as if I already owned it. (
However if done the opposite way (Purchase Telekinesis, then look at Distort) it works. As far as I'm aware this used to be the case with Time Jammer and Chronostasis as well.
[Image: t3Ftbuw.png]

How to replicate? Purchase Distort first, then try to do the same with Telekinesis. Refund Distort and do the opposite.
[Image: b6bWoga.png]
Describe the issue: Blinks from static charge/storm's wrath can teleport you on the RPB border. 
Which sometimes can help you get out of the RPB.

How to reproduce:
1) Have your opponent hugging a border.
2) Space teleport.
3) Land on the border.
4) Seems like a dash attack does the trick, but fatal strike your way out of the RPB
5) You're free now.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 

Note : Also happened on a normal sized RPB
[Image: UOj4ppB.png]
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