ChanceBug Reports
Hihi! I had heard there was an adventurer bug where coins given out were bugged, but I had an interaction where it seemingly took away coins? 
At first it seemed just to be a visual bug, but after logging back in, it was saying I didn't have enough coin. 
Here's what I did.
Have like 26 coin to start (just paid someone like 3,000), 
Pop gift of gab, 
Do fae powder quest, 
Coin total is now 7,
drop 1 coin pick it back up, it's now normal,
do rest of quests, 
total is 5,000 coins now (a little more but I don't have an exact number)
Log out
Log in, coin total is 7 again,
Try to drop my 5,000 to someone I need to pay, 
Says I don't have enough coin, 
Try a lower number, 500.
Allows me to drop it but visually it now says this:[Image: image.png]
Drop 946, no decimal
Visiually now says 3,125.
Try to drop any amount of coin, 3,125, 500, or even 1, it says I don't have enough coin. 
Admin helped me out but it was a wild ride, at the end it treated me like I had 0 coins. 
I assume other people with gift of gab + adventurer have been around, but if it helps this is a fairly new character made after the adventurer changes.
Sending letters in disguise.

If you send a letter to someone's original name, as they receive the letter it will tell you the name of their disguise rather than the name you originally sent to.
Describe the issue: If you are under the effects of an invisibility potion, toggling auras can bug if not remove the invisibility entirely while the potion is still considered active.

How to reproduce: Activate an aura that changes your base icon in any way. If you had forgotten to activate your Master-grade Shadow Aura to put an end to those /scouters, or if you logged out and tried to re-toggle it you're kinda screwed.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): Don't have any, but here's something to look at
[Image: ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic1.wikia.nocookie.n...ipo=images]
(08-09-2023, 08:20 PM)Galion Wrote: Describe the issue: Long-Distance Riftmancy deleting locations doesn't work.
Or, as the HUD says, 'Delte Location'

How to reproduce: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

i beg

still not fixed 

[Image: crying.jpg]

also, if you close out of the riftmancy prompt at the main menu where you select Teleport - Save Location - Delte Location
It will freeze you and force you to relog
Reminder that Melodic Repose is still broken. Please help us sound magi
Bug description: Having a tower ownership transferred to me didn't update /properties. However, I am the owner of the place if I manually click the tower's entrance and click 'view info'. Other buildings apparently work fine but the tower doesn't.
Bug Description: Scales not updated!

How to reproduce:
See Scales update
[Image: image.png]
Be a Drakanite with 20% dr base
Use scales
See your DR% Move from 20 to 40%
[Image: image.png]
(It is also still 9 seconds seems like...)

Please fix...
chickens can die before they're old enough to butcher despite showing the option on their corpse,
thus forcing you to bury them and not get the raw chicken in result
it's not what it looks like
disarm can put your weapon into the wall making you SOL
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
Describe the issue:
It looks like with the recent adventurer nerf, we are getting decimals on coin now which messes with the coin display.
For example, it showed I had 25 coins, but if I tried to drop 1, it said I didn't have enough coins
Turns out, I had like 0.000488281 coins at the moment.

How to reproduce:

Be adventurer.
Do Dungeons
See your coin counter becoming messed.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):
[Image: OqrROuG.png]
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