ChanceBug Reports
returned to its former glory
(fixed for tomorrow)
Fomorian Style: Way of the Earth Giant stance does not actually prevent crits while blocking.
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
Currently, certain types of doors inside buildings can be locked but not knocked or broke into.

You can't stop me, Margaret.
Sparring Partners have told me Cosmic's master is lagging their game when I use it.

To the point where it looks like a flip book, their words. This is kind of unfair, and should probably be fixed...
Mestra Flashbeam and Mestra Ignite both do not have a proper charge animation.
Describe the issue: Lost inventory slot after attempting to un-equip into full inventory and juggling a Vitality scroll.

How to reproduce: I am not exactly sure as to how it occurred, but my inventory was full and I was attempting to use a scroll on an equipped jacket which lead to a scramble as I tried to enchant the item as it was unequipped onto the ground before eventually the scroll and jacket disappeared and one of my inventory slots is no longer available.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 
[Image: image.png]
Describe the issue: Imps + Skurn Problems

How to reproduce: Unsummoning imps while you have summoning tree skurn out will remove -all- summons from the field. This then requires you to use summon skurn twice, as the game doesn't seem to recognize the skurn was deleted.

ALSO, Power Return can critically strike your skurn, but it will still only give you the normal heal.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): n/a
This one is... Irksome. 

[Image: image.png]

I took clicked the armor I wanted to wear to replace my viridium, since I was ICly teaching people how to fight - Then, when I remembered I had to click the armor OFF, I did so - And though it replaced the armor itself, the Viridium armor disappeared into the slot where the old armor was, and, uh, sucked itself into a blackhole of non-existence. Litterally imploded my slot, armor and all. I had it replaced, thankfully, but

Even after a day, I'm still...
[Image: image.png]

Missing the slot in totality. 

How to repeat?:

[Image: Sig3.png]
Describe the issue: Cancelling a /think submits an empty think
How to reproduce: Use the /think command. Cancel it. No thoughts. Head empty.
Relevant media:
[Image: image.png]

[Image: eternia-amber.png]
Amber count: 693 (or 770)
[Image: image.png]
How to replicate?
Step 1: get a boat
Step 2: pick up the boat near water
step 3: free bag slot
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