ChanceBug Reports
Potential bug: Light Speed does not damage the target when used. On the skill tooltip, it displays 6 spell damage. Other similar behaving abilities, such as Static Charge and Assassin Shroud, inflict damage to the target when using the dash teleport. Not sure if this is intended or not, thought I'd report it just in case!

How to reproduce: Use Light Speed on a player or a mob while engaged in a fight.
Potential bug: I was told that aura special abilities are supposed to use E, but storm aura uses Q for it's special tornado attack. This interferes with me using my goblin Q (because the STORM AURA 1-2 md Q has a 1 second cast lock for some reason.)

How to reproduce: Use storm aura and a stance that has a Q
The new grab feature uses the real name of the character that is picked up, even when they're in disguise, thus exposing their identity.

Edit: Also, when giants pick up people, the picked up person becomes giant-sized as well.
Bug: Grabbing someone who has a disguise will reveal who they truly are.

How to reproduce: Go find someone you think is sus and grab them you'll get your answer.

Big Grin

[maybe I should've clicked to the last page to see someone posted it already... Ooopsie.]
Bug: Grabbing someone who has a disguise will reveal who they truly are.

How to reproduce: Go find someone you think is sus and grab them you'll get your answer.
[Image: FWC20no.png]

(,,> ᴗ <,,) sowwy.......
(04-04-2023, 06:16 PM)charles Wrote: Bug: Grabbing someone who has a disguise will reveal who they truly are.

How to reproduce: Go find someone you think is sus and grab them you'll get your answer.

fix disguises and guilds as well see_no_evil emoji
Being grabbed puts you on another plane of existence.

I can see the posts of the person whose got me grabbed...
but I cannot see the posts of anyone else around me. It's a very surreal situation.
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
Bug: Grabbing someone steals their name.

How to reproduce: Grab someone and now there is two of them or three... Depending how many people grab said person.
Blue Crystal removes the stun from crystal javelin.

If this is intentional though... why..?
[Image: image.png][Image: image.png]
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