all of money came from sandwiches and stealing from the crown


[Image: trio.png]
Now that all the alchemists have got everyone's attention I'd like to say this once again:



please dont remove scarcity its the only thing adding adventure and value and more than just farmville to the profession . there is no alchemt boogyman camping every spawn there's just a LOT of people that go there half of which arent even alchemists
I was gonna post this suggestion earlier, i'm sure it'll be seen as controversial. But hey, sometimes you need a radical idea in the mix.

Turn Alchemist eyes into a T5 potion. Redo all the ingredient locations on map. Make them invisible, + only allow alchemist to actually drink alchemist eyes. As it stands? You can just make them for a group of people. And allow them to become runners for you, which is fine. But we have like over 30 alchemist atm, and i'm sure some of them have more than one person gathering for them.

Just a suggestion though.
Bring back the gathering necklace that caused potion ingredients to fly past you as an expensive T1 Alchemy thing you can build with a ton of mats. Like, I dunno 5-10 of each alchemy ingredient.

Then just have it drain energy while you use it.
Don't add new seeds to the game I will dupe all of them
Becoming an Artificer T1 has made me realize just how boring and uninspiring the crafting tree is. Just seems like it’s so incredibly lack lustre in all respects. It doesn’t look like it has been updated since it’s debut in Spires. Bothers me because it doesn’t look like any real care or thought went into the Artificer tree since E2.

How come for whatever reason not a single blacksmith in all of Esshar knows the secrets of making gauntlets or helmets?
How come there are no Adamantite legs, swords and staffs? One could say that Adamantite is too hard to make into complex things like those- but how come you can make the chestplate? In my mind a Chestplate would be the hardest thing to make in a set of armor.
Why isn’t Orchalicum used for anything standalone; I would have personally made an Orchalicum set that has very little protection but increases the amount of power output one can do to balance it out.
Tyrium - besides the fact of uniques being a thing, Tyrium has zero use outside of wasted space in a chest, and making it into stone, which is also pretty pointless.
I’d also like to see more sprite variety for armors and weapons. We’ve had three versions of the same game with hundreds of sprites added each time, but we’re still using the standard armor used in E1 for almost everything. Very bland. Very boring.
After writing this I’ve come to the conclusion that this deserves its own thread, which I’ll be making soon because.. cmon.
Crafting ingenral requires applications to be fully expressed. As someone who recently got a custom potion accepted? I'd say. Be more creative and push the boundaries. Nothings stopping you from using normal metals to create a helmet

There's a misconception. You don't NEED unique items or materials to make unique gear. Just the drive, motivation and willingness to app.
Synthetic Sylavanum - T1 Alchemy Recipe (appable?)
Ingredients: 5x Poppylus, 3x Crimson Reed, 1x Sinka, 1x Soothe Reed
Energy: 100

The "meth cooked by using various cleaning chemicals" equivalent to proper Sylavanum, giving a shorter but more potent high (20 POW for 24 hours?) - and much more dangerous withdrawals, eventually ending in permanent power nerfs if one doesn't feed their addiction. The krokodil of Esshar.
i miss mouse so much
[Image: unknown.png]
this is so much easier to make that the potential for withdrawals is tiny... since potions only tick while ur online, u can run on the same 24 hr crimson reed bowl for 3-4 days .

MAKE SYLAVANUM NEED LESS FAIRY DUST or have variations (pure/cut) that give more/less bonuses
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