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Nerf AP Stacking(Cosmic)
If Cosmic is to be bumped down again, do not bring back the Invigorate lock to Nova Ray. Having to pair up one spell to fire off another is clunky and makes it far too predictable, especially with what's being used currently.

If Nova Ray is truly performing better than it should be, then they should maybe nerf the damage so it matches Energy Beam? Sure, but I personally do not like the idea of having to use one specific spell that then acts as a massive tell and giveaway just so you can use a beam spell that is very punishing when you miss it or end up standing in an AoE during it's firing when every other spell in the game doesn't have such a weird requirement and isn't as damning when you whiff (outside of most of the other beam spells.)
(02-21-2020, 08:22 AM)Prestige Wrote: I agree.
But, with that said, I don’t think Occult as a tree is as oppressive as Holy. The ap ‘stacking’ from occult is minor. Meanwhile, holy has two shields, two aoes that give you dr, etc. Both trees are strong atm, and I’d argue that Holy is stronger. DR vs AP is never comparable ofc, DR is stronger period. Holy paired with shadow (imo shouldn’t be a thing) is way too oppressive and has too many tools that allow you to cover your mistakes.

I do think that cosmic aoe’s slow should be tuned down a bit, along with some rework for invig. Maybe make it a bigger ap boost, but just for cosmic / light. Rewards true cosmic mages, but the spell is no longer a req in the tree so it doesn’t hurt anyone.

This is false.

Actually, I'm not a number cruncher, but it has been proven in the past that AP stacking >>>> DR stacking. The AP-stacking from occult is not a minor thing, either....I'm not sure why people would think otherwise, especially when they, too, can get upwards of 20% from just sitting on their AOES. I'm not certain as to why you are looking at the tree as a stand-alone either....(that's not the priority of this thread).  This thread is mainly about cosmic, it's ability to AP stack in tandem with other things that give easy amounts of AP such as Occultism, Crystal, (Easy cosmic hiddens), and more. If you bypass this...Just remember that I told you so when my next character comes.

To say that cosmic's damage already took a hit doesn't change the fact that the slow is any less oppressive, especially for how huge the aoe is. It needs more spankings, sorry...not sorry.
Actually, DR% stacking is better than AP% stacking, it's just harder to obtain large amounts of DR% depending on build as fewer trees offer DR%, but it is possible and it is just as annoying if not worse than AP% stacking.

If you have 80% DR for example, you're only going to be taking 20% of any incoming damage, big or small, 100? Becomes 20. 1000 becomes 200, ect.

AP% stacking is relevant to base power, DR% is not just relevant to base vitality but also total vitality. If anything DR% in larger numbers is even more oppressive than AP%, since DR% affects your total health pool; go full vitality enchants and Nyeshk armour, maybe sprinkle on some health regeneration and you'll be very hard to put down.

You can hit 28% base DR with 204 mana and Drakanite Aura (10% DR), or 30% base DR with Earth Aura (12% DR), combine this with a shield for 40% DR and Holy AoEs and you'll be horribly tanky and reduce the effectiveness of anyone solely based around AP% stacking by a huge margin.
(02-21-2020, 06:59 PM)Mali Wrote: Actually, I'm not a number cruncher, but it has been proven in the past that AP stacking >>>> DR stacking.

For someone who DR stacks themselves, I can't agree with you. Sorry, I don't want to sound insulting but DR stacking is just as bad to deal with than AP stacking. Both problems are being one does a lot of damage in burst while the other can take bulk damage without a problem. People will say standing on occult aoe with an ap buff is crazy but people like some of the holy mages I've seen including you and other names I won't mention press guardian, holy shield and stand on either holy are for fat DR stacks.

I personally think you can't just say "AP stacking is BONKERS! Pls nerf" when DR stacking is just as much of a problem. No one cares about the past. This is now and problems now will be fixed without the past always being involved. Like I can't take you seriously.

To say Cosmic needs another nerf is kinda says something about your character. Then you sit here and say sitting on occult aoes is insane! Hello, 'I forgot holy existed where I can press my 2-3 defensive spells and sit on MY 10% DR AOE that will shoot my DR up to 50%+ or more because of shield!'. It just sounds like salt at this point.
[Image: cLqE2F8.png][Image: 6a80e83f676006462821fa550d8d8339.png]
And this is exactly why I say that people are retarded.

-Because I just knew that someone would say some stupid shit that wouldn't pertain to this topic at all, especially, when they would try to bring up 'DR stacking' and my character's build in the same sentence without ever fighting my character once. To say that the past doesn't matter at all is actually quite asinine, because you're supposed to learn from the past happenings(The past applies to all things, retard). If I haven't shown just how dangerous AP stacking can be on Bei Bei by two-shotting half the server...Then I honestly don't know what else I can do (she literally had two hiddens and killed everything.)

Sure, it's easy to point fingers and say(well, you have a shit ton of DR, you're holy/light/shadow) but at this point, you're simply blowing hot ass air. And quite frankly, it's very flatulent of you to even breath in my direction. Bitch you stink. For future reference, my character doesn't stack dr. She doesn't use two shields....She doesn't even HAVE a shield anymore due to the fact that it's...Actually quite pointless in this iteration. The only thing that's salty is you, because your build just so happens to possess Cosmic magic. And occult. And a blade style. And you're feeling some type of way because you think that this is targetting you when it is not.

If I was focusing on one person or one thing in particular, then that would be understandable. But there are plenty of things that can be done across the board dealing with AP stacking and quite frankly, your narrow-minded, small pea brain cannot seem to comprehend the bigger picture outside of focusing on what you possess. I get it. It's cute for you to reach..

But don't aim too high sis, you're not good.
You've never been good. Even while being a copy paste of someone else.

Also, this is very false. As I've stated- AP >>> DR in every case. You cannot refute this argument...even past admin will agree that AP stacking is much better than DR. And it's much easier as well..
None of this was an issue until the demons came stacking their occult AP and Cosmic AP. I seriously think the tree should be looked at and perhaps reworked a bit in how it operates and we'll see some improvements that aren't just people final getsuga tenshou'ing each other in their corrupted land invigoration.
I'm sorry to disagree, but it has always been an issue. It's not even really about demons alone(although, they are rather weird), it's moreso just about cosmic's flexibility and the amount of easily accessible AP that's on the map.
AP stacking shouldn't be so easily accessible, and the arguement isn't DR > AP, it's strictly how easy AP can be given and gotten. DR, while stronger due to how it blocks all in coming damage (and anyone who has 100% DR can just... not have any damage done to them, reminder of spires where shield stacking was a thing and people with holy shield, energy shield, and other forms of shielding for 100% just ruined those with AP), isn't capable of being gotten by two trees of ease.

With all these Melee blade styles giving 10% AP, with Cosmic Invigorate with 10% AP, and all the occult? If anything, if someone does something right - 40% AP that easily? Yikes.

Lower how you can get it - make Invigorate give Power of something else for a longer duration. This AP stacking is crazy.

Not even just from Cosmic, Energy too.
If overall DR% and AP% was soft-capped at 30% or 40% and gave diminishing returns beyond that point, it'd fix both DR% stacking and AP% stacking.

It'd also help if any source of AP% and DR% outside of auras and duration-based buffs were lowered across the board.
(02-21-2020, 07:40 PM)Mali Wrote: And this is exactly why I say that people are retarded.

This is why people aren't entirely agreeing with you. If we can't have a sensible discussion about the topic, then why?
[Image: cLqE2F8.png][Image: 6a80e83f676006462821fa550d8d8339.png]

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