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State of Meranthe
Crescent Fortress
[Image: 0PJI9FU.png]

2139 AC

A hooded figure begins to drag a corpse into the bowels of the fortress. A short time later they emerge with a nightmare creature, which scurries off into the night.
Gemini takes off their hood, revealing the white-haired witch Viola.
Quote:"Work. Work. Work. It's all I do. I am only one person, yet there's so much to be done. I serve you faithfully. I am the wind beneath your wings. However, Can't I indulge a bit? I want a spa. Maybe a cute boy to rub my feet. Win or lose, we need structure. A place for potential to be cultivated. I shall do so, Lord Supreme. Leave it to me."
Viola takes command of the Fortress for the purposes of development and management, still under The Supreme of the Coven, Etriath.
The Crescent Fortress and it's Atrellyan inhabitants have began to see a revival. Lately the Fortress has been buzzing with activity. As the main force rages across the land? Demons arrive out of rifts during the battle, stealing and plundering the dead. Corpses, weapons, armor, items, anything of value is taken and brought to the isle. Even gravesites are not sacred.
All of it is brought through the rift, and used for materials.
More demons.
More undead.
More manpower.
The turning point for the Fortress seems to the rebuilding of the isle. Witches spread to the edges, doing rituals for various purposes. Reinforcing. More development. In return those who are denizens of the dark receive invitations from undead who arrive in the night. All while Merenthe struggles with the main force and it's losses.
Even Magical Beast.

Quote:"Come to the Isle. Those of you who are shunned by the pantheon shall be welcome in our new land. Come and bring tribute to our new settlement and we shall welcome you. Those who help in development shall be rewarded. Come and build your Dreamland. Viola is willing to speak."

  • The Crescent Isle begins not only restoration of it's Keep and walls, but also development of  further buildings using plunder from the invasion.

  • Viola known previously as Gemini, is currently leading development, inviting those who wish to contribute to do so. All who are rejected by Merenthe shall find a place here, so long as the tribute is enough.

  • Additionally, more and more demons and undead seem to pour out from the Keep, while the witches slowly continue to increase in number.

  • Odd rituals are seen by plenty of spies along the outskirts of the isle, the purposes unknown. 
[Image: Goldlight-So-M.png]

The Progressive Core of the Republic

  • The Order adjusts to new reforms and adaptations, for evolution and improvement is constant, even amongst an organization, with a shift in ranks and Wings, with more promotions and graduations to follow.

  • And with a change to the Order itself, its Faith Wing meets a similar fate, as its new revised doctrine of faith and guidance is unveiled, following successful developments, including the Judgement of Aaliyah Khalas.
    United  for a better future, under the guidance of its Star of Ambition and Lady of Dreams.

  • Out east, within reach of The Vigil and its walls, a new Watchpost is built within the Shadowlands, to watch over a new tree, that seeks to gift the edge of that tainted stretch of land a new song of renewal.
  • On the war front, the silent workhorse of the Republic continues its preparations, from frontline contributions, to improvements upon the Castle-City´s fortifications against what is to come.
  • A new generation of graduates amongst the Tribunal´s orphans and wards makes itself known, as they integrate into The Vigil´s forces, with their formal educational curriculum coming to an end.
  • With a rise in casualties, across the peninsula, The Tribunal prepares a memorial to the fallen, for this time of grieving.

  • The "Iron Maiden Inn" within the Martyrs´ Vigil has been acquired by its governing administration, and is currently seeking a new caretaker to run the social hub, as well as to maintain it. New name branding and aesthetic changes are likely to be approved.

  • With an increase in residents, a new Residential Block has been built, with likely more improvements upon it to be done as required. Additional blocks may be built in time, with potential word on Residential Block Administrators being sought when such occurs.

  • New Volunteers are actively sought, for The Guard and the Faith Wing´s Clergy, as well as new technical workers for the Logistics sub-wing, with an increase in development and improvement programs, alchemist and artificer alike.
    Special interest is shown in those willing to work on aviationinfantry support and infrastructure projects.

  • A surprise communication from the Office of the Knight-Commander announces that the Vice-Chancellor of The Republic, and Former Oracle of Aphros, Lirael Equisol is now considering teaching students who wish to further develop The Occultic Arts.
    Letters for potential applicants, for these lessons to be, are to be forwarded to the Knight-Commander himself, Garret Richter, or delivered to the Vigil´s Keep´s Mailbox for processing and review. Ensure to include as many details as possible, for the best chance of approval.

    Only individuals that already wield the Occult will be considered, the potential class will not teach one how to attune to it, only how to improve what is already there.

The Traverse: 
From Shore to Shore.
Londo: From West to East.
Gloomlight GroveGlory to the Republic.
Kingdom of Fortune: Under the Protection of Golden Wings.

Delphina: Long Live the Lumin King. For who else is fit to rule, after him?
Arcadia: Congratulations, I suppose.

Ten's Citadel: A shame.
Xuefeng: A far-off curiosity, that hopefully remains that way.

Serenity: One less problem. Perhaps some potential.
Final Frontier: Woe to the Vanquished.
Drakonia: Never Forgotten. Only Pitied.
Midpoint: They did it before I could.

Aen: Old. Antiquated. Useful.
Mavethkar: Island.
Varesia: A Threat, or Not one?  We will see I suppose.

Mementos of Mortyl: All Men must Serve. Fascinating.

Fel[Adjective Term]: The Long War continues ever onward.
Atrellya: Not. One. Step. Back.
[Image: v-QX3-LUK-1.png]

Quote:"It has been Along time coming Londo. I have been your queen since I was eighteen years old. I have served you since I was eleven. I had my time and now...It is time for theirs. I hope you all will treat Queen Fulumi Thorruhn and Queen Aria P. Kasca with the same respect you all treated me with. I have loved being your queen and helping everyone I could but it is time for the new generation to take their thrones" -Former Queen Asterin P. Kasca

Years had passed since the invasions had started. The queen meeting with those around less and less till after specific deaths had her completely shut in. It was not till a year had passed that many had fully seen her out when she finally made the announcement of the new queens. The former queen will still be around if anyone needs her as the Duchess of Londo. If questions are had it is said to speak with the command Aeric Wilkerson or either queen. Including Anyone wanting to join their military or even their academy! With how progressive Londo is, One can only hope all of their allies will stay the same. There will be more to come in the coming years! Make sure to keep your eyes open for the changes. 

Goldlight Order: Allied
Gloomlight: Allied
Fortune: Allied
Traverse: Allied
Arcadia: Friendly
Delphina: Friendly
Serenity: Allied
Mavethkar: friendly
Xuefeng: Not sure
Momentos: Keep your pet in-line
Fel and those alike: Y'all can die.
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Crescent Fortress
[Image: 0PJI9FU.png]

2144 AC

Viola sits upon the top of the Fortress, looking down at the demons who take down the banners of the Demon Lords upon the walls. 
They govern themselves, led by demons no longer.
Quote: Wrote:"Indras is dead, and Atrellya only has a handful of demons to spare. Things will have to change. However with immortality, I have all the time in the world."
The witch returns as good as new, claiming to be immortal. After proclaiming their rebellion and show of their will to defy even the divine they make an official announcement.
Viola takes command of the Fortress declaring themselves, The Supreme of the Coven and leader of the Crescent isle. 
With the death of the Demon King Indras, and the transfiguration of nearly all of it's demons, the brutal slaughter and death around the isle has ceased. Instead, farms are produced and non-magi are given small wages for work, even guarded by undead near their homes. A small shift to the more humane. Viola oversees the work personally, even turning non-magi into magi. Without the need of their soul.
While demons dwindle, undead are the prime resource  in the workforce, altering Asenahime's tower into that of an Academy. While near the docks multiple shops and stalls are made for any more shady individuals to peddle their wares. There's even talk of a building Black Market somewhere hidden in the depths of the isle. 
Vorkos is titled the Champion of the Moonfallen.
Quote: Wrote:"Those of the pantheon enslave you. With Indras's passing, I am free and I will share the knowledge I hold to those who desire true freedom. Come, those of you who wish to learn that which Meranthe tries to shun. Necromancy, Riftmancy, Black Magic, you will have no better tutor. Even those of you from other covens, you're more than welcome to stay."
  • The Crescent Isle begins construction of the Moonfallen Academy to teach the dark artes as well as an anonymous black market.

  • Viola has taken up the mantle of Supreme of the Moonfallen Coven.  With it comes reforms which promote co-existence rather than subservience with demons. Checks and balances.

  • Non-Magi and others are being paid for living and assisting in the creation of a true settlement. Mercenaries and merchants are paid well for their services and magi are offered coin and power for their allegiance.

  • Odd rituals are seen by plenty of spies along the outskirts of the isle, the purposes unknown.  However, Demons are once more seen prowling the isle, albeit very few in number.
  • Some spies report about the witch attempting to create a new form of being, however there is no proof of actual action, yet.

[Image: 17ni7i.png]
YEAR 2144
A Commercial Kingdom in the Southern Seas.
Having survived the Demon King's attempt at extinction, the Kingdom of Fortune mourns the loss of their Queen, Rio Emeraldi.

A service will be held in the coming days, for the valiant heroes who lost their lives in service to the future.
The Kingdom seeks to return itself back to a commerce hub, and is focusing on such in the coming years.

 In the wake of his Granddaughter's death, Stede Emeraldi has taken the role of Sovereign, forgoing the title of 'King'.
"I did not wish to take the reigns, but sometimes an old hand needs to guide the ship back ashore." - Stede Emeraldi.
  The elder Emeraldi has acknowledged he will only hold the role for a few years, given his advanced age.
Vessels bearing the flags of Fortune have been seen transiting between the remains of the Traverse, Mavethkar,
as well as Londo. The Kingdom extends a warm welcome to any whom wish to live within it,
and will provide assistance to refugees who desire instead to rebuild elsewhere, should they ask.

After a great delay due to the invasion, Fortune's newly appointed Admiral, Kindle Sandsker seeks to host sermons about a forgotten god of the Lapine people.
She heavily encourages Lapines, and scholars from around Meranthe to visit and listen in.
The Sovereign reaffirms the bounty laid out in previous years by Tate Brier:
 One to Two-hundred thousand gold for the return of a pair of pistols, "Fortune and Misfortune."
The old man would like to see such a relic return to home.
[Image: 9ufndm.png]
Goldlight Order - Allied, even through extinction.
The TraverseAllies and friends, you will be sorely missed.
ProsperaA sacrifice made, a sacrifice remembered.
Gloomlight - Allies in the Republic.
LondoAnother lost friend. War is hell.
Nightview - Stalwart friends, good people.

Mavethkar - Death lingers over the isles, even in your absence. 
Arcadia - Friendly, perhaps from connections.
Xuefeng - Friendly. A far away place.
Aegis - A bastion of the north, now gone.

Dal'thala - Neutral? I suppose so.
Serenity - Neutral, but good souls reside here.
Mementos - I still don't understand you.

Dragon's NestThere's not much to say.
Atrellya - Whatever's left of you, should be exterminated.
The Fel - It has been a long war, just roll over and die already.
[Image: b49zc8mgl5y.png]

2145 AC
Located at the Tower of Aetius. Currently considering prospects.

Quote:"All men must serve, all men must die."

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New life has found itself within the halls of Interitus, from new leadership to new members to fill out the forgotten ranks of the old.

A new goddess is born from the 11, harrowing into the Hollow World, with Vdali reborn; Vinaska reigns. Those who wish to learn may speak to the Keepers of Mementos, Keeper Father above all others. Pay heed, to leave the goddess alone. Not all who wish to speak to her shall be allowed. Those who disrespect such wishes will be met with force.

Champion Moloch and Senior Death Knight Iaxel have taken on new Death Squires, those who wish to learn under the ways of the Death Knights of Mortyl may reach out to them. Those who are accepted shall be trained personally by such...

Keeper Father and Keeper Finality are both accepting new students to worship the new goddess Vinaska and Mortyl. Those who wish to undertake such a task may reach out to them. To undertake the honors of becoming a Keeper, with rites long lost to time. Brought back by their wisdom.

Appointed by the Goddess Vinaska, Lyco Corbin has become the Grave Warden of the Mementos. An aid and mentor for all, he has since provided lessons of the Occult to the public. With more lessons rumored to take place in the future on varying subjects. Such as Spiritmancy, Psionics, Hollows, and the History of Lira Moore.

Tension between The Legion and Mementos has reached a near boiling point, with the recent challenge against Champion Moloch, a bounty has been placed upon the Oscuri people. Rumors state upon her release the bounty will be removed...

Rumors spread from far and wide that projects are hidden deep within the halls of Interitus, and are soon to gain traction with their new numbers which grow nearly daily. A forge that was once within the realm of Gloomlight has seemingly gone missing, a tethered connection is all that remains of what was once held within Unreality.

It is up to the Kingdoms of Meranthe to reach out to the leaders of the Mementos. Should they wish to garner further relations.

‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊


[Image: w7w6cxblbmy.png]
Meranthe: Neutral
The Lost Legion: Brewing Tension
The Fel: Purge

[Image: paritas-3.png]


Quote:"The Republic Endures.
Glory to The Republic."

Over the years of the Atrellyan Invasion, the States of the Republic faced a trial of extinction, until only two remained, with Gloomlight Grove - and thus the Holy State of Aphros - and the Domains of the Goldlight Order, centered around Martyrs' Vigil.

A singular year after the fall of the Perfect Demon King, Indras, was all that was allowed before The Senate was beckoned once more, and in that single day the Republic adapted, and the reconstruction effort continues alongside technological and academic advancement.
  • High Chancellor Melos dul Vique has been replaced by the Knight-Commander of the Goldlight Order, Garret Richter, before the surviving and attending members of The Senate, to administrate the Republic and its future endeavours.

  • The former Chancellor - And his predecessor, Renfae Talalt - remain employed by The Republic at large, while the Hierarchy beyond The Senate prepares for additional changes in its structure.
    As the seats of the Vice Chancellor, The High Secretary, after a prior resignation , High Diplomat and High Commander remain vacant, with oncoming reforms.

  • The Kingdom of Fortune has been granted an official seat in the Senate, as a Protectorate of the Goldlight Order and thus a part of The Republic, increasing the current members to Three.

[Image: Goldlight-So-M.png]

The Progressive Core and Capital of the Republic
"In War and Adversity, Victory.
Through Victory, Peace.
And in Peace, Vigilance.

To ensure a better world."

  • With a successful defence against the Atrellyan Invasion, and the direct destruction of its Demon King, the auxiliary forces from the Theocracy of Aen embark from the harbor of the Castle-City, to return back out west to their homeland.
    Their work here was done.

  • In the first year of reconstruction, The Order dedicates itself not only to solemn ceremonies nor grim funerals, but also to the joys of life and celebrating such, with a Victory Ball to commemorate not only the triumph over the Demon Army, but to also celebrate the 100th birthday of the Order´s Founder and Current Commander.

  • In the aftermath of the war, and as the Militant Arm returns to its duties, a shift in rank occurs - The Chain of Command grows to further operate without requiring direct oversight from its Commander. Only a need to achieve their goals.
    The Ranks of The Order swell with an intake of volunteers, and with it, a show of force is employed to maintain dominium over its lands and domains, both its protected vassals and towns, as well as what is in reach of their lands.

  • Between the two major states of The Republic, a Joint Military Exercise occurs between The Bastion and The Militant Wing, with a mock siege employed to test capabilities.
    A victory goes to The Order and its Militant Wing´s volunteers, with a successful "invasion" and "occupation" - Followed by celebratory drinks and food alongside the defenders.

  • The Tribunal of The Everyman maintains its steady presence, as primer books and prayer amulets continue being sold for donations amongst the population, tourists and visitors. The clergy of The Dreamer maintains the most popular presence as the main patron of The Tribunal and The Order, yet Caius has seen a recent upsurge in turn, a small step ahead of the faithful of Chireus, and far more than Pylae.

  • Progress and Improvement march on. The Wings of The Order slowly see more boons of their victories, as the Logistics wing continues its work - Golem Drones are sighted within the workshops and construction continues upon The Catacombs, whatever those may be.


The Traverse: 
I bid farewell to the port and the land.
Londo: Casualties of War.
Gloomlight GroveGlory to the Republic.
Kingdom of Fortune: Under the Protection of Golden Wings.

Delphina: Long Live the Lumin King. For who else is fit to rule, after him?
Arcadia: Congratulations still, I suppose.

Xuefeng: A far-off curiosity, that hopefully remains that way.

Serenity: The Eyes Watch and Judge. Perhaps some potential.
Drakonia: And that makes three. You cannot Hide.

Aen: Useful at times. Not always.
Mavethkar: Island Gone.
Varesia: Threat Assessment Inconclusive.
Ãynglan-yi: A new curiosity, already being amusing.
Oscuri: Adapt or Fall. Her Will Be Done, in His Name.
Mementos of Mortyl:All Men must Serve (at arm's length).With only one exception.

Fel[Adjective Term]: The Long War continues ever onward.

Atrellya: Lost your King? What a shame.
[Image: arcadiapic.png]
Year 2147AC

News & Briefs

☀ After 3 years and half, Arcadia has recovered from the damage received during the Atrelyan offensive involving the Demon King Indras and their Sages. Brave volunters fought in the enchanted Forest along with the Delphinian forces and with the assistance of the Faes striking in their hidings, following the ritual that enchanted the forest.

Unfortunately, such battle has costed the lives of many, notably with the loss of Aeacus and the Keeper Mitra. A ceremony in their honors has been made, along with a large communal ritual to bless the land and enhances its recovery. The faeric presence also has dimmed, most of them returning back to the Spirit Realm now that the defense is over.

But as this period of mourning and recovery finishes, Arcadia stands once more and ready to live.

☀ Svengalf Sandsker, the Radiant and Champion of Alacritas, holds now the position of the Keeper. The Council of Arcadia also has been updated with new members :
Yuka Asano as a Minister with the title of Mender, under the commendation of the previous Mender Juniper Aubreen.
Yejide as part of the Council, for upholding and maintaining the faith of Harmony within Arcadia.
And ____ (answer still pending) as part of the Council, for upkeeping order in Arcadia.

As a reminder : People part of the Council can assist in administrative tasks within Arcadia, as those within the Ministry can deal with external diplomacy.

☀ Along with the promotion of Yuka Asano, the clinic of Arcadia is back with activity, along with the assistance of Fulumi Thorruhn, Ash Belrose and Maria Belrose. The clinic is also ready to accept new members among the residents of Arcadia, along with donations of supplies.

☀ The Militia of Arcadia also expands with new blood, and with a better organisation. There is a talk about the promotion of a new commander to be chosen soon...

☀ The queen of Londo, Fulumi Thorruhn, has established grounds in the outskirts of Arcadia, given a small plot of land to tend and to build a manor to welcome the survivors of Londo and her followers. With this, a part of the population of Londo has merged with the people of Arcadia.

☀ After a period of mourning, the Primordial Koretheia returned within Arcadia, as the regenerative rains ceased. Along with her return, people have witnessed the Rebirth of the undead Tiche Alline into a proper Dryad of Solais, to the awe of the people.

☀ The repairs being over, there is now an ongoing work to expand the territory of Arcadia to house the new inhabitants. Along with this project, the two caves connected to the cliffs of Arcadia are now under control. A Terraforming project is on the way, along with the construction of a proper barrack to build to house the militia properly. Along the way, the once ruins of Nyt'hjem, free of demonkind, are being cleaned by the population and in perticular a band of Lapines. This is assisted with the Rootkeeper Kindle Sandsker and Tiche Alline. Buildings sites are seen in the outskirts to reflect this. Any donations of money can be given to the Keeper Svengalf Sandsker

☀ The Grazing Ram, a tavern in the south east of Arcadia, has reopened to business, ready to serve drinks and foods on the go ! It is also recruiting for any resident willing to sell their culinary skills. Contact Monday Prithvi if interested !

☀ Finally, the Faith of Arcadia is preparing for another Festival soon : A Flower Festival ! In commemoration of the recovery post-war, where crops regrow in beautiful harvests and flowers bloom in all colors. This will be the occasion for everyone to display and shine their most colorfull outfits, decorated with your favorite floral garnements !


The Nation of Delphina
The people welcome the Delphinians with the respect due, as Arcadia is a vassal of Dal'Thala.

The Kingdom of Fortune
With the latest construction projects, the people of Fortune are more welcome than before, specially with the help of a specific project made with the Admiral. This is the occasion for the merchants of the land and the sea to trade.

The Rest of Civilized Meranthe

The Arcadians are warm and welcoming. As long visitors do not cause issues, wear known enemy crests, or are not notorious of wrongdoings, they can walk in the town freely... Except...

The Oscuris
The talk about those "Azraelites" bearing green leylines on their bodies keep the Arcadians alert and disturbed. The Militia is on a defensive position to repel any of them that could approach too close and refuse to leave.
Also the population is not fooled anymore about this odd rumor of the Leylines between Solais and the Oscuri looking similar : The Arcadians know fundamentally well these are totally different.

Atrelya and Morningstar
The populace is genuinely afraid and angered by their presence. Any display of agression from these people will be responded adequally, with no sympathy.

(Redeeming) Apostates
The Arcadians are reasoned that most of Apostates are misguided people. While they are cautious and remain ready to defend themselves, the apostates that surrendered and are going through their rehabiliation can find some caring gestures adressed to them, as long they are not wronged. A chance to find a proper life back once more.

Laws and Edicts

☀ Being a vassal of Dal'Thala, Arcadia employs the same laws at them.
☀ The most important to consider is the prohibition of Occult magic practice within the territory. Black Magic, Necromancy, Riftmancy, Chaos Magic and any fundamental entropic and profane magic are also forbidden.
  - Exception for those under rehabiliation, as long they are colared and allowed to walk within Arcadia.
  - Failure to abide to this can involve proportional and escalating punitions accordingly.
☀ List of Persona Non-Grata (Specific indivudal banned from entry, regardless of their affiliations) :
  - Diallos Equisol
[Image: myd5caklnx4.png]

In the aftermath of the unsuccessful attempt to destroy Atrellya’s remaining Crescent Fortress within Meranthe, the forces of the Republic as well as their allies are ultimately forced to retreat. Upon the battlefield several significant battles occurred, and several significant losses were incurred as well.

Whatever happened between the Oracle of Athelios and Varrach the Revenant of Ragnarok, is kept to hushed secrecy. Whispers flood the public however as peasants, the common soldier and non-magi alike are always willing to gossip: some claim the Imperfect nearly did something devastating to the Equisol’s mind. Others claim his soul was scorched from the Death Magi.

Regardless of it, he refuses to speak of it publicly.

◊ The capture of their Pontifice, and the first Arcanist, Loramelian Ueda, sends shockwaves rippling through the Republic and most notably Gloomlight. Rumors swirl that it’s made the Oracle notably less even headed and far more vicious in his dealings.

◊ The construction of a statue that properly pays homage and service to Athelios has been erected at the behest of the Penumbra of the Asperan Church, Jaizara Sulibella. Accompanying the finalization of it, a sermon was conducted discussing the tenets of Athelios. For those interested in the faith, speak to Jaizara to join.

◊ Word on the street claims the Oracle is currently seeking out Priests dedicated to both Chireus and Ualdir. Nephilim are acceptable just as well, however. If interested, flyers have encouraged those in question to reach out to Thomas Equisol.

◊ Prior to the advance upon Atrellya’s remnants, notable Secretary to the Oracle, Miriam Equisol, has stepped down in favor of her daughter. The Oracle’s own daughter, Tanya Equisol now stands in the position, filtering out the requests and complaints of the common man and ensuring the Oracle receives the news that’s most important for running the realm.

◊ While the current Treasurer, Edwyn Meeksworth, attempted to reform the taxation system within the Grove, this resulted in an uprising of merchants and a small skirmish took place. Promptly, at the Oracle’s behest, the taxation system has returned to how it’s previously been. However this has impacted the market by itself, as well as the fact that ore has become far more pricier to get. Will it eventually correct itself?

◊ Gloomlight is continuing to take donations from those interested in seeing it succeed further. They’re already one third of the way to cementing their borders further outwards! Donate today!

◊ As always, the Bastion is recruiting. Speak to Commander Justia, Astra Captain Nix Bargiel, or Umbra Captain Lyco S. Corbin to join!

The Republic
Martyr’s Vigil: Allied
The Kingdom of Fortune: Allied

Delphina: Friendly
Arcadia: Friendly

Xuefeng: Friendly

Serenity: Neutral
Mementos of Mortyl: Neutral

Atrellya, Demons, Witches, Necromancers: Double Tap
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[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
A few months into the year... 
In the lands surrounding the towering eternite structure of Aetius, a few shacks emerge. A budding hamlet, apparently under the Avian Alliance guild. 

[Image: 2ed5f1d35b903994da5281c4972785b0.png]

Realm of Icah
Year: 2148 AC.
Population: A dozen people (magi & non-magi).
Religion: None.
Relations: TBD.
Banner: ???
Settlement Type: ???

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