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State of Meranthe
[Image: image.png?ex=67afedab&is=67ae9c2b&hm=b30...f9fd03332&]

2157 AC

For six years the giants have worked to create a new home and foundation for themselves. Each location has provided its own trial and tribulations, but through persistence and teamwork, success has finally reached their doorstep. The Sands of the Silent Expanse stir with life that continues to flourish. The once harsh environment has become the new foundation in which a community is born.

  • There has been a six-year period of constan
    t migration and building among the citizens of Jotunheim. Two locations were picked in the initial run, but circumstances ensured that they did not pan out. After seeking special council, the Jarl, Aeric Wilkinsson, set the path for the Giants to migrate away from the East and back to the West among the Silent Expanse. It is here that foundation of Jotunheim's settlement now stands. As the Settlement now stands, their numbers continue to grow with Giants and Non-Giants alike.  While their militia is currently growing in strength, the settlement currently operates under the Conqueror type.

  • In their time of need Serenity has welcomed Jotunheim upon their land as the Giants seek to grow and fund their own community. A Blood pact has been sealed between Aeric Wilkinsson and Oshun as they unite their people. Even as the giants have forged their new home, traffic continues to flow between Serenity and Jotunheim creating a form of economic prosperity between one another.
  • The Early stages of Jotunheim's formation has witnessed a religious boom in those who serve and worship Ymir. Acolytes and Priest have begun to emerge from the settlement as they share their faith among Meranthe. A notable figure who has risen to the rank of Skald is Ishildr Eldurson. Their work has been acknowledged by the Jarl, and he watches and listens for more of their growth. 
  • In year 2156 AC, Jotunheim hosted a Moot to gather all the giants once more to discuss the plans that would be going forward. Explanations of the Incident with Taleya Equisol and Goldlight becomes a topic of discussion to express in public knowledge of what happened on that day. Growth of Jotunheim and the endeavors what can be done have been expressed in house with a general consensus.
  • Still within the early stages the Einherjar, Jotunheim Militia, currently seek recruits with the requirement beginning at sixteen to join. Currently the active standing Drengr filling these roles are Dok Wilkinsson and Za'agan Sun

Serenity: Allied
Fortune: Neutral, but possibly Cordial?
Gloomlight: Unfriendly
Arcadia: Neutral
Xuefeng: Neutral

Fel and those Alike: Enemies!!!
[Image: Drakanspire.png?ex=67b0ae0b&is=67af5c8b&...90d24b0ae&]
"From Ruin and Ash, We Forge Our Future In Their Image
For All Those We've Lost, We Start Anew
For Them, For Us & For The Four"

Ω  -  The years after the fall of Dragon's Nest during the events of the failed Atrellyan Invasion were a tumultuous time for the drakanites displaced by such events. A home was found within the realms of The Ruby Empire in the far north, a promise made and fulfilled with the burning of Varesia and the building of Drakanspire Temple. But while some may have thought things would stop there, it became clear in the following years that resources of both the faithful and the Empire itself were being allotted to building up the volcanic region around setting up a proper outpost for the faithful and the Inquisition. 

Ω  -  Herald Saige Stormheart continues to lead the faith of The Divine Dragons, teaching the ways of The Four to all those interested in listening. Those who seek the path of priesthood under the Four are urged to speak with her and make their intentions known so that their lessons can be arranged and a baptisim can be set up. 

Ω  -  Inquisitor Suzuka Kazana, has made it quite well known that the presence of 'The Fel' or those who associate with ideals in opposition to the Divine are not welcome. Those repentant of their sins are welcome though be warned, the Path of Redemption is not for the faint at heart and failing on your journey will lead to the same fate as those who are unrepentant of their sins. Death.

Ω  -  While the Inquisition and Drakanspire stand culturally and religiously unique from those in Xuefeng, the banners of the Inquisition are seen flying alongside those of The Ruby Empire. The temple and the land around it still belonging to the Empire as an outpost/keep with the potential to grow further into a city-state under its banner.  

Ω  -  For matters directly regarding the Faith of the Divine Dragons, one is encouraged to reach out to Herald Saige. For all other matters regarding the temple all are urged to reach out to The Inquisitor first to allow the Herald clear focus on spiritual matters.

Ω   -  Rumors circulate of a multitude of festivals and rituals being planned for the coming years by various members of the clergy and Inquisition alike.

Ω  -  Those interested in joining the Inquisition Chromatica [or Chroma Inquisition] are encouraged to reach out to Inquisitor Kazana, The Right or Left Hand of the Inquisitor {Soma Kazana or Zao}, or any of the ranking Blades {Nymeria Bargiel or Ren Kurosawa}.

[Image: RVgt8IQ.png]
Ruby Empire - Liege/Allies
Serenity - Neutral
Jotunheim - Neutral
The Republic - Neutral
Princedom of Caethir - Neutral
Delphina - Neutral
Arcadia - Neutral
Draconis Chorus - Neutral
Serpent's Crown - Repent or Burn
Atrellyan Remnants - Repent or Burn
Legion of the Lost -  Burn 
Grand Guignol - Burn
Any other Fel Designation - Repent or Burn

Drakanspire is Founded as a Devoted-type Settlement under the banner of the Ruby Empire
Located @ 816,721,1
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= 2158 AC =
The Progressive Core and Capital of the Republic
"In War and Adversity, Victory
Through Victory, Peace
In Peace, Vigilance
To ensure a better world."
  • After the death of Mestra, the Order's focus shifted inwards for a time. Golems could be seen within the ranks, filling out the workforce. Quality of life seems to have improved as a result, seven foot constructs of gleaming steel working tirelessly. A large number of children have been seen within the square, the newer generation of mages coming into the light as time passes on.
  • A restructuring of command has taken place, with former Knight-Captain Grey Aundeoth ascending to the rank of Captain-General and assuming control of the Order. Garret Richter steps back in his long service to the role of Archbishop, leaving the day-to-day to the new Captain-General and his two subordinates, the Hand of the Tribunal Agne Talalt, and Knight Commander CES-001 Saber.
  • Preparations are in effect for a ritual to occur on the turn of winter, an alleged plan by the Captain-General to bring about a month long night to the Vigil and distill fragments from the dark. Shadow mages and light mages alike are invited to participate and attend.
  • A defense of Aquantio was mounted recently, assisted by the Order. The tree has found itself often a battleground over the past decades, yet still grows strong within the shadowlands.
  • The whispered of Catacombs had come to completion, though what this meant for the city is not immediately clear. Plans have been drafted for exploration and excavation efforts, rumors of some deep expedition circulating. The Captain-General makes it clear that he wishes to see an era of growth and prosperity. Rumors further state that the production of Synthetics has begun - and a few highly advanced pieces of technology have been sighted coming from the workshops.
  • In prior years, captures and skirmishes with the forces of the Isle, specifically the remnants of Atrellya and those of the Grand Guignol, have found a variety of prisoners being exchanged back and forth- though some vanished to never be seen again. While the bulk of this was near the realms of Delphina and it's vassals, the Order was not idle in it's pursuit.


Gloomlight Grove: Glory to the Republic
Kingdom of Fortune: Under the Protection of Golden Wings


Delphina: Long Live the Lumin King. For who else is fit to rule, after him?
Arcadia: A force for good, that wised up a bit

Xuefeng: A far-off curiosity that still remains that way
Drakanspire: Do better than your forebearers

Serenity: There is promise, but we have our eye on you
Nightview: Better off, after the chasm south

Caethir: A charming city that needs to choose it's friends carefully.
Nihil: Wait and see
Viritas: From the ashes, something new
Jotunheim: Wait and see
Antefinem: Outside our Jurisdiction

Lost Legion: You had your chance
Grand Guignol: Time to draw the curtain
Atrellyan Remnant: To the last
Ad Contra Deus: Hel's too good for you.
Serpent's Nest: So they are.
[Image: dYZAkk5.png]
2158 AC

"Across the vast expanse of Eternia, we wandered, seeking out Her.

Every path, every road, led me here, to Meranthe. Now, at long last, we have uncovered the remnants of her legacy-- the Angel of Art.

In her honor, and in pursuit of her scattered pieces, we have forged Viritas. It is a sanctuary of expression. A place where artistry is seldom bound, and expression is encouraged.

Yet, artistry is not mere chaos. It is shaped, it is sharpened, it is honed by intent, by reason. And so, we dedicate ourselves to the pursuit of what she has left behind, and the life she once lived.

This is not just a tribute. It is a reclamation.

A declaration.

Her art will not be forgotten. Her art will not be lost. It will be found, it will be known, and it will endure."
-Artemiss, the Curator
  • The Alla Prima Garrison has been established to keep the peace, lead by Katsuya Akatsuki
  • Cordelia has been announced as head of research, and architect to the growing settlement.
  • Yaeka Akatsuki is declared as the Curator's Shadow, to serve as their personal protector.
  • An expedition to uncover the angels lost art is underway.
  • Despite enlisting the aid of the archmagi association, Katsuya was seen restoring some of the damage dealt to the lands during the demon invasion. Most notable, the filling of a massive pit.
  • Two art competitions are underway. The first, a chance for Meranthe to show off it's arts. Singing, poetry, dance, sculptures, paintings, and the like. The second? Will be catered to those who prefer the violent arts. (Yes, another tournament.) More details to come.
  • While most art is encouraged and allowed, violence isn't permitted on Viritas' territory. We hope that if you see your mortal enemy, while browsing our work, that you've enough self control to kill them outside.

In an effort to maintain focus on reclaiming the angels lost art, and focus on creation, at attempt at neutrality is made.
To that end, despite those of all walks of life being welcome to visit, citizens are forbidden from practicing Witchcraft, and Necromancy.
Meranthe - Neutral
Caethir - Favored

Settlement type: Commerce
[Image: fkWXJg4.jpeg]
2158 AC

"Hello, People of Meranthe. My name is Melia Hajrudin, and I humbly greet each of you. I'm certain many have not heard of our settlement and as the current acting president of Antifinem, I make this address with pride as our people move forward with stepping into the public eye.

Our core values are rooted in equality and freedom. To look past race and creed, to accept all as they are, and to judge not only on morality but strength of character. We seek to create a space where all may thrive, not just people of nobility and those of stature but the common man, lost souls, and the downtrodden. If you seek refuge, look no further than our shores, which welcome you with open arms. Every life has value and the freedom to choose how they wish to live. A right that all will be allowed to practice without fear of discrimination or prejudice. I want to share a few talking points of interest to provide the unfamiliar with a glimpse into our lives.

Regarding the conditions of our land, we are a vassal state to the Kingdom of Fortune and are self-governing. Through negotiations with the Kingdom, we have come to an understanding of common interest and mutual agreement that our democratic political standing will not be tread upon but upheld. The vassalization agreement is one of mutual aid and united in comradery. An attack against one is an attack against both that won't be taken lightly.

Recently, our island was under siege during the election that had appointed me as President. The culprit behind this attack is known as Za'agan Sun and is wanted Alive. Please do not pursue this individual as he is considered dangerous. Contact me or any of Antifinem's cabinet members with the whereabouts of this individual so that justice may be rightfully decided under the watchful eye of the law.

We are looking for a wide range of tradesmen, merchants, and workers of the land to help grow our community to one that all may take pride in. To promote the growth of our home, I will personally be leading a campaign tour around Meranthe to address questions and concerns that any may have. Scheduling for this has yet to be worked out but if this interests you, please keep your eyes and ears open!

If you are interested in our home, please do not hesitate to visit. We strive to welcome newcomers and the curious. Perhaps one day, it could be your home as well.

Thank you."

"Tribulation Breeds Strength...
Need Breeds Change..."
  • Word spreads of an extensive project concerning the mass production of Cold Iron upon Antefinemite soil.
  • A Commercial Centre is currently being funded to ease the costs of island imports and exports.
  • A Tithe system has been instated by Acentitus Mundus clergymen, for registered residents and businesses on Antefinem.
  • After diplomatic talks between the Kingdom of Fortune and Antefinem officials, the isle of Antefinem has become a Vassal-State under Fortune but remains self-governing. 
  • Za'agan Sun is declared a terrorist after they launched an attack during the Antefinemite Presidential Election speeches resulting in the deaths of 24 nonmagus men, women, and children including presidential candidate Targis Wynfield present at the momentous occasion. Countless others were maimed, and the wanton destruction of Antefinemite structures, complete with the desecration of the image of Patron of Antefinem, earned the ire of the collective populace once credit was applied to Jotunheim by association. It is said that their claim to an honor duel was used to justify the atrocities against mankind.
  • Reports of misdemeanors from rogue magi donning Antefinemite colors have initiated internal investigations
  • Claims of miraculous healings of magi and nonmagi by the Patron of Antefinem continue despite the presumption of the entity being slain.
  • Rumor has it that the magus councilman Harbinger plans on formally establishing the state's independent militia  

[Image: g5o4qrt.png]

Gloomlight Grove: Allied by Proxy
The Goldlight Order: Allied by Proxy
Kingdom of Fortune: Allied

Delphina: Unfriendly
Arcadia: Cautious

Xuefeng: Neutral
Drakanspire: Neutral

Serenity: Unfriendly
Nightview: Cautious

Caethir: Neutral
Nihil: Neutral
Viritas: Neutral
Jotunheim: Unfriendly
Lost Legion: Cautious
Grand Guignol: Cautious
Atrellyan Remnant: Cautious
Ad Contra Deus: Cautious
Serpent's Nest: Neutral

Settlement Type: Commerce
[Image: 2bf029232da8665c0383c0aed6271846.jpg]

- 2160AC: Year of Ios -

Following the events of Mabel's doomed march on the Serpent's Crown, the outpost unexpectedly appeared to crumble under the weight of an unknown ritual- leaving it wasted in a spectacle that many were present to witness. Amidst its consequences, a procession soon set out from the ruins- at first merely one woman, only to steadily grow with each township passed through. Rumors refer to the leader of the procession as the 'Sword Saint,' but those who have met her know her by another name- Pneuma.

Finally in Western Meranthe, they come to a stop and began construction efforts. Now a small roadside village northward of Viritas, they've come to call it...

- Hallow's Pass -
Presented by Queen Pneuma Hallowcrest.

  • Most visitors find themselves allowed within the budding village, provided they yield to its laws- save for Delphinians and Arcadians.
  • Laws against wanton violence and petty theft come into effect. The practice of profaned arts such as Black Magic and Necromancy remains unregulated, but Undead in particular may find themselves warded off by its denizens.
  • The Ent, Pet'Yal is declared the official, national flora of the burgeoning settlement. The carnivorous plant finds themself attended to by nonmagi at the snap of a finger (or vine, rather).
  • Nearby villages of nonmagi find themselves approached by the Hallowcrest monarch, offering support and protection in exchange for loyalty.
  • Hallow's Pass is a Conqueror-type settlement.

- Relations -
sorted arbitrarily
Princedom of Caethir
Neutral. Invited?
We have so much to talk about, Franz..!

Republic of Paritas
Neutral. Wary.
Keep your noses out of our business.

Realm of Delphina & Arcadia
Keep Hel warmed for me. I'll see you there.

The Ruby Empire
Neutral. Far away.
If you've any qualms with us..
.. they won't matter.

The Crescent Isle & Grand Guignol

Serenity Dune, Viritas, & Jotunheim
Neutral. Neighbors.
What could this mean for us?
Suppose we'll find out!

[Image: 6TMoRHW.png]
2160 AC
The Caethir Princedom continues its march onwards, days turn to weeks and weeks turn to years.. Soon enough, it swiftly approaches its tenth year. The recent growth however has been quite extra-ordinary.. Carts are seen traveling along the north eastern regions, delivering goods and construction materials.

[Image: AD_4nXee3ZCAi-NJ5uiTtUxj4bdC6HbcG5zM2szo...so5l7Vw9Y5]
  • With the recent victory at the prairies of Westford, numerous noble houses have grown into relevance, some introducing themselves more broadly to the public.
  • The Azure Order is currently undergoing a reform of its systems to become more efficient and better capitalize on the recent societal growth.
  • Having followed the map to the Glimmerlake, the princedom was able to start searching the lake itself for magical resources.
  • Rumour is abuzz of a large tinkering project behind the doors of the capital’s manor castle. Carts of magical crystals and shells are often seen being funneled into a side entrance.

[Image: AD_4nXee3ZCAi-NJ5uiTtUxj4bdC6HbcG5zM2szo...so5l7Vw9Y5]
The Royal Courts
[Image: AD_4nXfS4XOO35ji6eQLCBJCRBf10MwjyZP1UzmP...so5l7Vw9Y5]
[Image: AD_4nXee3ZCAi-NJ5uiTtUxj4bdC6HbcG5zM2szo...so5l7Vw9Y5]
Letters Patent

[Image: AD_4nXes9SjoggI43KAm2Ne_h4tz6As4qiavmuSt...so5l7Vw9Y5]
A letter patent has been bestowed upon the House of Oathborne, for their Heir’s valiant service in the defense of the princedom. They are entitled to the Barony of Highwatch, to serve as its hereditary stewards until the end of times.

[Image: AD_4nXfqyT3M4_W5RwRYhaASKaJQBfkTSucGnYTt...so5l7Vw9Y5]
A letter patent has been bestowed upon the House of Reinfell, for their continuous support and wide spanning recruitment drive. They are entitled to the Barony of Westford, to serve as its hereditary stewards until the end of times.

[Image: AD_4nXfZIR1ZY41tCPyzbSJn-CkW34g5KvdSZeQW...so5l7Vw9Y5]
A letter patent has been bestowed upon Aurelia Aenaes for their countless contributions to the princedom’s economy and security. They are entitled to the Lordship of Havenlight.
[Image: AD_4nXee3ZCAi-NJ5uiTtUxj4bdC6HbcG5zM2szo...so5l7Vw9Y5]
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[Image: So-MAtr-copy.png]
The Crescent Isle No Longer.

It doesn’t take long for rumors to start sounding from where the Crescent Isle is, it is seen that massive resources are being poured onto the lands, and a lot of workers - seemingly paid fairly-  were seen more or less terraforming the lands. Earth magi raise the earth, move the sands and fill in the lands to make the place a proper platform for what’s to come.

While those worked on landscaping, it is most definitely seen that the Titan observed their work, and even working on guiding their efforts, holding documents and assuring everything is perfect. One could also swear they saw a blue haired woman standing on one of his shoulders, assuring that the plans were worked to perfection.

That woman is said to be Seble Nyarabia.

The Atrellyan banners fall, destroyed and burned in the middle of the isle - the stench of corruption, magic circles and Necromancy seemingly washed away by the change, the terraforming included priests of various faiths to assure the land is cleansed of any past influences upon the lands, assuredly making them suitable for what’s to come next.

New banners were raised, ones of definitive colors, adorning the rebuilt fort. The new colors are not titled yet, for the world has not heard the new name that shall adorn them. And so, it didn’t take long for the Titan to issue a much needed statement about the changes that occurred. 

The Omnistrate addressed those within the lands, and those seemingly watching in the outskirts.
“Atrellya’s influence is no more, as I am taking these lands back to the rightful owners of it. The people of Meranthe, the ones that lived here centuries past, and the very ones that were sacrificed here during their wretched rituals. But, I will not allow that to happen anymore - not for this place, and not for the people that will occupy it as their residence.

Effective immediately, there will be no witchcraft rituals held on the lands, there will be no Necromantic rituals held on said lands either, these lands will be repurposed in the pursuit of the only thing that matters, the only thing that matters; Progress.

The Fel is no more, outdated, ineffective and destined for failure - that is what it’s always been, and that is what it will always be. We move past that, onto a better future, one that is not for us - it is for those that come next.

The Crescent Isle adopts a new name henceforth, it is to be called Pscaela, a name sake given by it’s nurturer, and a namesake I endorse. If you wish to change your life to the better, if you wish to achieve your potential - if you do not have anywhere else to go - you will be taught by her and myself, and shown a better path.”
Then, Seble Nyarabia speaks up from her own spot near the Titan.

Quote:“Admission within the school is free and all are welcome- be it that their stay is of benevolence. I look forward to working with both familiar and unfamiliar faces as we embark upon a new chapter, that of Pscaela."

With the announcement out of the way, there are a few major changes enacted within the city proper.

Quote:»  With that announcement made, Undead and their Necromancers are informed they have until the end of the year to brand and register their undead with the government of Pscaela, lest any undead be slain by their appearance in the lands.

»  A lot of materials and rare minerals were taken deep into the fort, clearly gearing up for a project obviously spearheaded by the Omnistrate.

»  Vast numbers of terminally ill non-magi were finding their way into the fort, none of them were ever seen coming out in the passing months. What might that be?

»  No one was forced to find a new home from the original inhabitants, however, they are urged to not enact any vile art upon the lands, lest they are punished for their transgressions.

»  Those of Enarran faith and Aether are very much discouraged of making entry onto the lands.

»  Those without a place in the world, lost, and goalless are encouraged to arrive to enter admission onto the school ran by the Headmistress, Seble Nyarabia.

»  Magitech is the dominant form of study and achievement within Pscaela, those willing to learn should approach the Omnistrate.

»  Militaristic Presence is seen patrolling the Temporal Fissure, while mining efforts are protected to explore the cave deeper.

»  All will be welcomed entry upon the lands, and they will be protected by the Titan’s presence. Those seeking audience should approach without fear of retribution or violence need they respect the authority and use common sense.


Gloomlight Grove: Indifferent.

Goldlight Order: Indifferent.

Jotunheim: Inconsequential.

Serenity: Indifferent.

Drakanspire: Indifferent.

Arcadia: Indifferent.

Nihil: Indifferent.

Viritas: Indifferent.

Caethir: Indifferent.

Fortune: Indifferent.

Hollowcrest Fort: Indifferent.
[Image: fkWXJg4.jpeg]
2161 AC

"I am sorry.
I have, and will continue to do everything in my power to make things right, but do not get things confused...
Nothing will bring back those lost. No amount of coin, righteous retribution, guilt, or grief will.
All I can promise you is that I will NOT stop trying. I'll NEVER.
I cannot undo the scars that define our history. But, I'll be damned if I cannot determine HOW they define us.
We of Antifenim are a strong people. We are not outcasts, vagrants, or vagabonds. We are SURVIVORS. From our darkest night comes the light of a new dawn.
We are not simply bound by hope, but something stronger. We're bound by faith.
The light shines brightest in the dark. The same boiling water that softens the potato, hardens the egg. I can promise you that there will be harder times to come in the future, and I will not let us buckle under the trials and tribulations. You have my word."

"Tribulation Breeds Strength...Need Breeds Change..."
  • Melia Hajrudin passed several bills under the Melia Hajrudin Act of 2160 offering protections to Antefinem and her interests
  • To secure their campaign promises, the former president also accomplished the construction of a full naval fleet within the last year of her presidency to secure the southern seas. 
  • A successful election has resulted in President Harbinger taking their place as the current leader of Antefinem. Mehrune transitions from the rank of Officer to Councilman within the Senate.
  • The C.I.R.E. Project has been announced by Senator Mehrune to further feed into the economy of Antefinem and her allies.
  • Despite a strong focus on commerce and trade, an intense militaric effort seeks to expand Antefinem's borders well across the seas.
  • During the speeches, several members of the Wynfieldite Party denounced the lack of notable action taken upon Za'agan Sun since their attack on the spire years prior. Word has it that despite several arrests being made at the election staging area, some of the prisoners escaped. Not much more is known on the matter.
  • It is made clear that the nation of Antefinem seeks reparations from Jotunheim for the damages and deaths of those who fell victim to Za'agan's attack.
[Image: g5o4qrt.png]

Gloomlight Grove: Allied by Proxy
The Goldlight Order: Allied by Proxy
Nightview: Allied by Proxy
Kingdom of Fortune: Allied

Delphina: Unfriendly
Arcadia: Cautious

Caethir: Neutral
Nihil: Neutral
Viritas: Neutral
Jotunheim: Unfriendly
Lost Legion: Cautious
Grand Guignol: Cautious
Pscaela: Cautious
Ad Contra Deus: Cautious
Serpent's Nest: Neutral
Drakanspire: Neutral
Serenity: Unfriendly

Settlement Type: Commerce
mana seed
[Image: myd5caklnx4.png]
Upon the start of the year, Gloomlight's Bastion and Oracle marches upon Jotunheim. Forces led by the rogue Uralai also march, intending to take advantage of the chaos between two Giants who worship Amier. The outcome becomes clear, as the Oracle pushes back even Eris Galius who sought to rescue his Jarl from the Oracle's clutches. Yet Aeric's life does not end there, and while he's been taken back to Gloomlight the future between the Giants of Jotunheim and the would be King within Gloomlight remains unclear. Bounties upon the Equisol family have been dropped, beyond the ones upon Thomas Equisol and Cerise Equisol, heralded by Ilumitar. Tensions continue to brew between Ilumitar's Court and the Republic and other god worshipping cities.

Yet upon what one could label as a tactical victory for Gloomlight in the face of their battle in Jotunheim, the Oracle holds an announcement:

Quote:"There comes a time when everyone moves forward with their life, one step at a time. Thus, it's my personal pleasure to announce the betrothal between Richter Aundeoth and Ayuna Equisol; a match that will unite Gloomlight and Martyr's Vigil properly, and ensure that our families continue to be prosperous no matter what. There is not a date set for the wedding yet, as the preparations will take a few years to handle properly, but be sure to keep an eye out for invitations."

◊ Due to The Lawn's continued loyalty to the state of Gloomlight, both Jaherr Valkynia, the fabled Chronicler, and Gardenia Viridi the peaceful Gardener are made official nobles of the Holy State. To be referred to as the Lord and Lady of the Lawn, respectively. May they continue to have excellent relations with Gloomlight in the future years as well.

Aeric Wilkinsson's capture by the Oracle remains a hot debate upon those within Gloomlight and even with those outside of Gloomlight. Whatever comes from this will spell a change across the entirety of the Giants.

◊ There is a whisper upon the wind of a new project the Oracle has begun, to bring back the glory days of the Office of Oracle. Details are mum, even from the most loose lipped of sources.

◊ There is a restructuring within Gloomlight's higher forces. The former Commander, Justia Sulibella, Athelios bless her, assumes the role of Pontifice of the Warden and the Asperan Church. In her place arises Nix Bargiel, taking over the position of Commander of the Bastion's forces. Together, may both Athelios' faith and his solid might crash those who would see only darkness prevail.

◊ Training ramps up for the clandestine forces of the Faceless, though who runs and is in charge of the training is as mysterious as to who the Faceless are. While it's true they all ultimately report to the Oracle, there is one shrouded in shadows that stands below the Oracle that all Faceless report to. If you want to spawn in as a Faceless, DM Milly.
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