ChanceBug Reports
Describe the Issue: Guild Ranks do not work as intended, as I cannot fix my guilds rankings without encountering a limit reached on Ranks 2 and above.

How to reproduce: Acquire rank 7, go to guild list, try to promote a second person to rank 2, watch as the system says upper limit reached.

Please for the love of god disable that for a few days until guilds are reorganized for the factions update
Describe the Issue: faction influence is not properly awarding to set faction.

How to reproduce: Join Kingdom of Fortune, sit within the settlement boundaries and rp, weep as nothing gets awarded.

Additional note: Oh god, I am going to have to set ALL 3 islands to the same guild and redecor it all.

Describe the issue: Factional Cloaks have a insanely high layer priority

How to reproduce: Buy a factional Cloak, Equip it, Chuckle as its layer priority is higher then normal cloaks, and hides your weapon.

Related media: [Image: image.png?ex=6533d73f&is=6521623f&hm=d9e...a666fe12&=]
When someone has two injuries with the same name, you can't choose which to heal.
[Image: E60XVSb.png]
[Image: qwZyv3U.png]
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
Describe the issue:

Dropping items while grabbed sends them to the void

How to reproduce:

get grabbed, mouse drag, mouse drop, throw your item into non-existence

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 

(10-07-2023, 05:33 PM)Galion Wrote: Describe the issue:

Dropping items while grabbed sends them to the void

How to reproduce:

get grabbed, mouse drag, mouse drop, throw your item into non-existence

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 

Weird thing on this, actually. If you want the item again, have the person grab you again and stand in the same place and you can pick it back up. It places it on a whole other layer, it's strange.
you can call people's chickens even when you have no perms over them (non guild member, not the creator of their coop)

i would also like to suggest add in a summon chicken command onto coops that mass teleports them back to a coop. theres enough ways to grief people's chickens, and while I'm sure people dont abuse it, all it takes is one bad actor and you won't be able to return your clucking companions
Being able to call any chicken is intended, but a mass summons option would be good.
Describe the issue:the windows of the inventory disapeard and can't interact with them I don't know if the items are lost but I tried to make my invent full and it do works so makes me belive they are still there

How to reproduce:Honestly I don't know but I grabed the things too fast and a lag spike happened so meybe that

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):
(10-06-2023, 08:45 PM)Tristam Wrote: ...

Update on Crystal Cocoon !

The spell can block properly and shatters after 3 attacks ! Altough if it shatters early, I am still stuck in the casting animation, preventing to move. Unsure if that's intended but it seems very punishing in comparaison to some other invulns. In the clip here you can see my cocoon being destroyed, still inside the cast animation, until I can react to move away.

[Image: bug_phase_3.gif?ex=653403a1&is=65218ea1&...1eaf6643&=]

Also you can't purchase crystal cocoon currently by legal means. Doesn't seem like the element is set.

[Image: AO8FO6K.png]

Describe the issue: Spectators of a private battle are not sent back to the map when the battle is over.

How to reproduce:
  1. Start a private RPB.
  2. Wait for spectators to come.
  3. Notice already that they can walk through the RPB boundaries (perhaps this may be a clue ?)
  4. Finish the combat and teleport back to the map.
  5. Watch as only the combattants have returned, not the observers.
Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 

I haven't been victim of such but I had two cases of private battles where people didn't return to the map and had to ticket.
Describe the Issue: Offline messaging prints two notifications and two letters to the recipient, and the sender gets no notification that it was received (could possibly be due to being offline myself, unsure)

How to Reproduce:
Send letter while recipient is offline
Wait five minutes
Log off
Recipient logs on to two of the same letter
You log on to no notification
[Image: image.png?ex=6547aa08&is=65353508&hm=f3a...54dc6db9e&]
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