Hoovyking DM
Key/Character: MelonBallZ/Valero lux Montclaire
Which Event: The Champions of Light

Responsiveness: 10/10 Extremely quick and on the point. Even had a mini-event to break up the wait while he worked on things in the back end. Very clever time management.

Balance: 10/10 We fought a demon and it was overwhelmingly strong. We took a moment to speak about this and discuss the weaknesses and flow of battle. In short it was not a fun experience there, but Hoovy was more than open to hear why and how he could fix it. In the end the final fight was still difficult, but not impossible and it was an excellent note to end upon.

Storytelling: 10/10 This was a break from the usual story heavy event. Instead this was about the atmosphere and intrigue of the Arena rather than any overarching plot yet tied to it. There were multiple pieces there and all of them made me want to return and find out what stories lie here. This was a nice change of pace from the usual tone of events and it makes me look forward to seeing more.

Overall: 10/10 What more can I say? The place was interesting, the fights were engaging and when it bordered unfair the DM was open and understanding without compromising the challenge. From start to finish it took two and a half hours with all of us consistently roleplaying.

Any other comments: Great stuff as expected. Really appreciate you running this event and your obvious desire to want to create fun for people.
Key/Character: Galynn Sulis
Which Event: The Champions of Light

Responsiveness: 10/10 Everything was smooth and well done.

Balance: 11/10 The second EC was fun, even if it hit like a truck.

Storytelling: 10/10 Gladiator rp, enough said.

Fairness: 12/10

Overall: 11/10 Would recommend.
Key/Character: Sokkxx/Robin lux Queen
Which Event: The Champions of Light

Responsiveness: 10/10 Quick maffs

Balance: 10/10 He was a fair fight, everyone was shocked to hear him adhering to the feedback they gave.

Storytelling: 10/10 Awesome, shoneness. Not much else I can ask for when beating hot ass.

Overall: 10/10 Ya already know.

Any other comments: Going to come back for them action figures.
Key/Character: Arthur
Which Event: Let start to make that axe!

Responsiveness: 10/10 He was very quick with his responses making sure that everyone got there replies in.

Balance: 8.5/10 He was a was a good and intense fight,a little rough but when someone it pushing near 200 rpl in the it was expected

Storytelling: 10/10 This was fucking great was laughing my ass off.

Overall: 10/10 Ya already know.

Any other comments: Mess up every trial.
Key/Character: Magne Kriemhild
Which Event: Let start to make that axe!

Responsiveness: 10/10 Very rapid with the responses!

Balance: 7/10 Whoops I may have made this difficult with my RPL. The first enemy didn't do much damage, but was very tanky due to being a colossal golem. It was balanced very well for what it was. Some hiccups on the last boss' second round, but they were adjusted to be difficult but fair for the second round. Might have done better with a LITTLE more HP!

Storytelling: 10/10 Absolutely pissing myself at how off the rails we ended up going. I'm pretty sure I broke Hoovy with my crackhead antics but it worked out well in the end and had an effect on the demeanour of the final enemy!

Overall: 8.5/10 Once you get a better hang for balancing and the damages/tankiness of certain things, you're going to shine above a lot of other DMs. Practice makes perfect!

Any other comments:

 [Image: unknown.png]
Key/Character: Magne Kriemhild
Which Event: We Need A Proper Axe Pt 2.

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 10/10, rapid with no interruptions or delays!
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 9/10 Had some really spooky moments! Tough but fair!
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): 8/10 The worldbuilding in the area we were in was great and there was a real sense of progression through the land. It DID seem like we moved through the area a little too quickly but other than that it felt great!
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?) 10/10: Punishments all justified and earned, didn't feel cheap at all. Rewards were great!

Overall: 9/10, enjoyed every moment of it!

Any other comments: Fighting literal Vergil and, on the last round, having him go into Volcanic Barrier then immediately Kaor Form after the animation finished was incredible!
Key/Character: Arthur
Which Event:We need a proper axe 2 electric boogaloo

Responsiveness: 10/10 He was very quick with his responses and took in consideration the action of the players in his narrations. Never had to wait to long and was able to get things moving along quickly.

Balance: 9/10 Them fights especially that boss fight rustled the jimmies I mean it was fun and interesting and enjoyable. That boss fight had me trying to go super sayian.

Storytelling: 10/10 I still hot I aint catch saint seyia

Overall: 9.75/10 Ya already know.

Any other comments: Man that boss fight best fucking thing I have seen so far.
Key/Character: Ry0un0suke/Del mer Joyau
Which Event: I'm Scared of the Dark
Responsiveness: Very good. They were quick, reasonable and opportunities for RP in between narrations. 10/10
Balance: The fights were balanced and got harder as we progressed and as the EC grew. They weren't easy but not absolutely impossible. Very good balance.
Storytelling: I liked the direction of 'scare Del'. A spooky forest with a demon spirit haunting it. It fit very nicely into my dev and for my character without me really having to tell you much
Fairness: It was fair considering what it was. In a forest. Dev and a neat item for more dev. Plus, injuries were handled fairly. Three perms of death :pensive:
Overall: Very great! I've not done a more combat focused Hoovy event but, I enjoy the more story telling side and dev centered events.
Any other comments: Will ask for DM again <3
[Image: cb9dd72403b90bae3d8fc519b5bd7c95.png]
Key/Character: Arthur
Which Event:We need a proper axe 2 electric boogaloo

Responsiveness: 10/10Was fucking prefect

Balance: 9/10 I wont lie as a person on the lower rp scale I got the shit kicked out of me but that was to be expected going in from the people I went with.

Storytelling: 10/10 This shall be the bar for everyone else

Overall: 9.85/10 Ya already know.

Any other comments: Man that boss fight best fucking thing I have seen so far.

[Image: saint-seiya---pandora-box-perfect-versio...grande.jpg]

Key/Character: Magne Kriemhild
Which Event: It is time to finish that Axe? It is!

Responsiveness: 10/10 Speedy as all hell, no delays.

Balance: 10/10. One AoE mishap but that was fixed and the round nulled. Balance was perfect across the board!

Storytelling: 10/10 Holy. Fucking. Shit. It's been a good while since I've been this hyped after an event. That's all I'll say.

Overall: 10/10. Busted our balls but made it so, so worth it.

Any other comments: Hoovy has a penchant for incredible final boss battles. Between this one and the unique twist on it, and the Devil Triggering of the last one. . well, Hoovy is definitely the one to go to if you want an incredibly hype set of battles! The puzzles were intriguing too!
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