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Life steal VS Summons
healing 12k off a single skill like despairng tendril because you were able to hit a spicy 6k crit on the person and vines accordingly is not okay or fun at all, so i think that it would be more appropriate to do what avee suggested and add a variable that prevents something like that.
Without memeing, I think it's a little silly to take issue with the counterplay of lifesteal or moves that heal based on how many mobs they hit. Because these summons directly counter a number of moves, and act as body blockers. If it's alright for a 10RPP move to entirely nullify a master like Glacier then it's not really right for someone to take issue with lifesteal or despairing tendril from benefiting off of them either.. You're able to not turn on vines, it's not a barslot.. I can't really take glacier off of my bar, it's a master.
vines shouldnt be blocking glacier either. fuck vines fuck lifesteal praise jesus
(07-23-2021, 06:18 AM)ferrettamer Wrote: vines shouldnt be blocking glacier either. fuck vines fuck lifesteal praise jesus

Buy despairing tendrils. Problem solved. Same cost as vines and just as accessible if you have glacier.

Why care for the dmg, when you can heal 20 spd?
> having ten vines...

> having ten times the problem...

[Image: 217420500_570907057408781_9020443514169767526_n.jpg]
(07-23-2021, 09:21 AM)Nofaren Wrote:
(07-23-2021, 06:18 AM)ferrettamer Wrote: vines shouldnt be blocking glacier either. fuck vines fuck lifesteal praise jesus

Buy despairing tendrils. Problem solved. Same cost as vines and just as accessible if you have glacier.

Why care for the dmg, when you can heal 20 spd?

ok fair but spells other than glacier exist too!! crystal glacier, for instance. you know, the exact same spell but crystal instead and also a master

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