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My thoughts on Hiddens.
I think that this kind of view of the game is pretty toxic. I, myself, am not afraid of pointing out that some people have 1-2-3 hiddens because that's pretty evident. I'm also not afraid to speak up when I think someone doesn't deserve what they have (in a major away anyway - but chance already knows about that) but I also don't think anyone should be completely stripped of hiddens or have literally none.

Yes, that even includes the people who do literally nothing but social RP in a café as a bartender. Even if it's just a regular generic stance the ability to make your weapon glow is nice.

No one plays a game as a hobby (or an addiction) in order to be stomped on and told that they're worthless. I don't see any issue with literally every single character having a hidden on the server once they reach ~200, are older than 18, and are active. It sounds to me like many people in our community have lost sight of what their objective is.

No, not the character's objective but yours:

To have fun.

At the end of the day if you can reach your objectives and have fun without hampering on other people's fun that's perfect.
This is the reason I told Chance that I thought him solo approving a hidden when the rest of the team disagrees isn't a bad thing compared to the opposite.
This is the reason I pushed and told the admin team that if the issue with Bruno having death magic was how strong I was I was willing to have a lesser version (this is why Xian had only 15% power at the start) or literally just a toggle cosmetic with the IC powers attached to it because ultimately everyone wants to have fun when they're playing E3. They want to reach goals. They want to see their efforts and time rewarded.

I'm not perfect. And I do get envious when I see people with more things than I have, but I would never want to see people stripped of hiddens.

No, I'd rather see myself rise up to the point where it's impossible to look at me and tell me "Denied" without feeling like a fool.

tl;dr OP has been back for a week and doesn't know all the characters in the game or care for their story
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
I'd beg to say that Eternia and the RP in it currently is more focused on interpersonal roleplay and personal rivalries over something world-changing like destroying an entire faction.

On Mykael, I got a stance off of interpersonal RP and rivalry with Mori.

Then I got Nullification by overcoming Mori and others, and then finding ego death and selling my soul for something greater.

Even though I would love to have done something bigger for Nullification, the stories you make does not need to be known everywhere.
Honestly. I think it would be neat to make a system whereby hiddens can easily be modularly built.

Then purge our current hiddens. Anything that can't be made into a mastery or one of Mouses legendaries. Gone.

You want a hidden? You carve a unique path. Put your own spin on it. Put forth your own special secret hidden technique..
Honestly I don’t agree with  the sentence you use when you say:

“I don’t know them.” Because you don’t know 50% of the player-base and
Their characters. I’m not sure  you even have a grasp of the game according to the things you frequently post over and over again like a constant thirst for getting downvoted to oblivion.

I believe most people I’ve seen with hidden abilities have worked for it, I’ve seen most do it around at least. Perhaps if you want to actually know how they got them put some attention in what’s happening around you.

I’m not attempting to be mean here. It’s just I can’t agree with your post at all.
The ability for someone to achieve something beyond with your character and be rewarded with a hidden,
And even multiple if you work hard enough is a satisfactory reward.
(04-13-2021, 06:53 PM)Jumpy Wrote: ....weapon glow is nice....

To have fun.


God bless you Jumpy, Amen.
Maybe you don't know the characters who have hiddens because you aren't an admin.

You can't sit there and say that when you don't know what they have done to even deserve stuff.

Bad take.
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
(04-13-2021, 07:30 PM)Milly Wrote: Maybe you don't know the characters who have hiddens because you aren't an admin.

You can't sit there and say that when you don't know what they have done to even deserve stuff.

Bad take.

I say this because in the past in E1 and even some of E2. When someone got a hidden in the world you felt it! Not because im not an admin. Not because I knew the character personally or even the player. Because the overarching story of the world was shown. You could see and feel it. IT affected not just the single player and their rival. But the world. 

Personally I feel like there hasn't been a big antag baddy for a long time because no one has cared to even try and affect the world. This isn't a bad thing. 
but what got me hooked into eternia back in E1 was the fact that players could affect the world. People could affect everyone's story. Not just their own personal. With everyone caring about their own personal stories all I see is people going for is cliques. 

I've heard from many players oocly that if Osrona wanted to they could just run over achyon and be done with them. So why don't they? Why wouldn't they? If achyon is the biggest threat to Osrona why wouldn't they just take out the city if they can. Osrona has the most allies. Achyon has none from what I've heard. The same can be said towards with the Mire still being around. Hell they just lost their leaders in their own wedding! Which only happened cause of a cuckplot from what I've heard in VCs. Nothing is keeping the Mire from just being stomped out. 

Why? Because who cares? Their personal story is done. Why should it matter if a monster infested area is existing and having monsters frequently leave to attack randos. Who cares? My personal story is done. 

Why should Osrona not finish off their biggest enemy? Most of the players personal stories are done. No need to go take down a city they've been at war at for years. 

This is why the story feels stale. Too many people just not caring about the story of the world as a whole. 

That's just my take on it all. My based opinion that will probably get me downvoted.
[Image: Ey453TpXMAEvpOq?format=jpg&name=large]
(04-13-2021, 07:42 PM)ScarecrowVT Wrote: Personally I feel like there hasn't been a big antag baddy for a long time because no one has cared to even try and affect the world. This isn't a bad thing. 

Elevanism???? Achyon????? Literally the entirety of the Shadowmire???????????????????????
"Why should Osrona not finish off their biggest enemy? Most of the players personal stories are done. No need to go take down a city they've been at war at for years. "

you mean the thing they're trying to do in 3 days?
'Personally I feel like there hasn't been a big antag baddy for a long time because no one has cared to even try and affect the world.'

My IC husband died for you to say this about him. How dare you.

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