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Character: Isbrand Dayndros
Which Event: The Rhoynur Still Sing
Responsiveness: Good, yes. He pre-typed while I was being slow. Narrates came fast, sometimes too fast >Sad but marks cannot be docked for that

Balance: The fight difficulty was up there, armed ECs are no joke. But there weren't any kills that were unfair I'd say, except the time you tried to cosmic dash Graham but collided with Kana and insta-killed her. The injury scale didn't seem too bad, so having difficult fights is a-okay

Storytelling: Excellent. Going into this, I knew very little about Cortado's history but that didn't ruin the experience at all. In fact, it made it more enjoyable. I actually felt excited to move on to the next boss, to see what'd happen next. I was wondering how you got the story to be so cohesive until I realized that it was your character!@!@$!$$ The cogs in my head were turning trying to figure out who was who, and what was happening. Very emotional, very nice.

Fairness: Yep, fair. Decisions that were up to random chance and spiked difficulty were compensated with additional rewards. You didn't punch yourself for picking the wrong path even though there was knowing it was 'wrong'. In fact, picking them was probably best case scenario, more loot!
Overall: 10/10 Best event I've gone on to date <3

Any other comments: thanks for not giving me a gnome
Character: God King Mohammed
Which Event: The Rhoynur Still Sing
Responsiveness: 10/10 everything was quick 
Balance: as the difficulty increased I grew excited, trying to predict meant nothing because I’d go in and get punished by 600 aoes, I liked it
Storytelling: 10/10 each new area connected to the next up until I had to leave so it was another nice touch, real fluid and easy to follow. An actual story.
Fairness: very fair despite me not getting any good rolls, the gods wanted me to fail this day I see
Overall: 10/10 my first why event, it was dope
Any other comments: 

Thank you!
Character: Artemiss
Event: In Search of Her Grace
Responsiveness: Fast, interacted with the group well, narrates were quick.
Balance: They had the same issue I had on an event recently where trees that sucked for group battles were used on one of the EC's. Outside of that, good.
Fairness: They gave Katsuya an incelibate injury.
Storytelling: This is easily where the event shined. The implications behind some of the things our characters uncovered will have long lasting effects on my character.
Overall: Very angel pilled.
Character: Katsuya Akatsuki
Event: In Search of Her Grace
Responsiveness: The narrations went by quickly and smoothly, never leaving any long periods.
Balance: The fights were very balanced and enjoyable without making them easy and were well thought out.
Fairness: Very fair for the most part, until he told me no more sex or women that I can't stand for.
Storytelling: Excellent as a work towards what we can expect going forward and overall just well written
Overall: I'm hiding under the bed from my wife until I'm healed.
I am open for business once more.

If you would like to request an event, I am available for tuesday/wednesday time slots only during the day. If you're willing to go late night, we can also work something out.

You can add me at inthepoopoo on discord if you have an event you think I can run. I prefer events with a heavy personal focus to the characters and their goals, but I am capable of doing any type of event.

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