Feed animals with quality food = chance of get quality eggs/milk
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i.
Suggestion 1:

Make Void Cutter an intermediate.

[Image: 53d659d2f7d3989def65f55404d8b622.png]

A basic spell really be .5 damage less than a Mastery? They functionally do the same thing except one does .5 more damage and is a Mastery that requires 40 RPP spent in a tree, while the other one is a basic so requires only the opener.

Suggestion 2:

This one I have no fix to. But something needs to be done about the 'Slideshow' combos. Where people chain one stun into another and have enough for a third follow up (Sometimes two! But rarely). I know TK can do it, and I bet there are other spells that can also do this. How to fix it? I don't know. I'm just saying that I'd rather be triple snared into ERF, than deal with the slideshow combos.
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
Remove Styx self confusion now that the duration was halved.
When using /scout, make roll results show to characters nearby the pursuer. This would be very helpful for groups of characters who are roaming to know who actually succeeded, who failed, and who rolled higher.
make Assassins Shroud (Shadow Master Aura) space tp cooldown the same as other space tp auras.
for some reason, the cd is way longer
Make the medic tree a public tree instead of requiring an app. This shit is the easiest thing to app for and also utterly tedious at the same time. Make the passives require RPP or whatever but please God i am fucking begging to not have to do an app whenever i decide to do a doctor from the get go.
Make Formation of Crystals a toggle buff that spawns a crystal around you every 10 seconds (maybe scaling with CD reduction?) with an extremely minor bonus, like 5 Vit or something.
Make the masters keep the +25% DR on stun
Make Piercing Strike 10 RPP or buff it in some manner; back to 20 damage, or maybe make it so it can't be blocked. 17.5 damage isn't really that standout compared to pretty much every other tree, and almost 100% of the times your target would just block then punish you immediately with something that chunks harder (Spiral Bomb, Shadow Dive, Shockwave, Fatal, etc) without any real room to get away. Not to mention it's very blatant when used due to sound effects and charge time... very easy to react to

It's basically a high risk, little reward intermediate that costs 5 RPP more than almost every other spell for no reason...
Reducing the remaining 15 point spells to 10 would be good.
synths getting their root to GCDE would be nice.
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