Audio notification when you are challenged to a rpb
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i.
Creater of composter being able to see how much time is left , on last cycle.

Guarded composter for a whole day just to have to sleep when was on final stage, just to also get robbed :) not fun.
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i.
Currently, Follow-Up takes away your mana if you press the button while out of range/haven't cast an unarmed spell yet. The former cause can be quite damaging if you want to use follow up and start to button mash in a panic, accidently draining out most of your mana.

My suggestion is simple: Make it so that follow-up won't drain mana unless it is properly cast to hit the enemy.
My suggestion is to bring back the illegal vent thread so i can screech for hours about how much I hate stuns and stun chaining like the godless heathen I am.
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
Make Disarm weapon pick up 3x3 and not 1x1, is a little awkward atm.
Pasting this from my suggestion in the Discord.

More Relaxed Considerations for Signature Abilities

I would like to preface this suggestion with the fact that I am not currently working towards any sort of signature now and I do not expect to have one in the foreseeable future.

With that said, it seems that the application process for signature abilities is contentious, to say the least. The current system rightfully is built upon scrutiny so that the abilities are, ideally, treated as rewards for outstanding roleplayers or, at the very least, those that can be trusted to not squander or misrepresent them. More often than not, the application process is quite simple but it seems to find any actual success you will need to go over and beyond the suggested template for applications and include a substantial amount of logs or an essay attempting to convince the presiding staff members that your character stands above others. This system creates a specific obligation to roleplay in a particular manner if the average player hopes to obtain a signature ability rather than organically roleplaying, one that highlights the character's ambitions and emotions in every scenario. The aforementioned manner of roleplay is but one of many ways to flesh out a character, yet it is easily the most popular when signature abilities are considered as shown by the cyclic rise and fall of arguably generic protagonists and antagonists. This method of writing and characterization is by no means incorrect, however, other methods should be more widely considered as much of the game's setting is subjective and as a result, there are very often varying views as to how a particular type of magic/technology may work and how characters should act depending on their affiliation/race/history.

It is no secret that the quality and utility of signatures vary wildly, with some even serving as detriments when compared to their ordinary abilities. Though signatures are by no means required to have a significant presence in the game, they serve not only as badges of distinction among a player's peers but also as motivation for those who obtain them not only for the new avenues they may provide for characterization but they also show a player that their character is an appreciated presence. There is no shortage of players who have been playing Eternia since its earliest iterations and have never found themselves in possession of a signature ability despite their best efforts, which has been and can be a massive detriment to their overall experience of always feeling like just another side character.

As for the preferential treatment of individuals who seem to regularly find themselves enabled by the staff, I could further argue how it works against allowing for a diverse cast of writers to find themselves in the spotlight, but that would require extensive referencing and likely no shortage of debates and arguments to potentially reach an answer that isn't grey.

With the considerable disparity in the potency of signature abilities and the revitalization it may bring to the player base, I believe that the review process for applications should be more forgiving, even if only temporarily to gauge its impact.
down with journalmins
(07-21-2023, 02:21 AM)Friendly Necromancer Wrote: ...

The problem with normalizing signatures instead of keeping them something rare and venerated is that you then make applications mandatory. Right now you can get away with never touching the forum, and focusing your energies on being creative in-game instead, because 90% of players have received nothing from signature apps. So you're more or less on an equal playing field for the majority of your potential combat encounters.

Once that number becomes, say, 70%, you'll feel more of a need to apply for stuff. Odds are you'll eventually end up in a level bracket where a bunch of your potential rivals have manually granted advantages over you, then.

It seems nice to lax the requirements, because hey, enablement. But all you're actually doing is making things more uneven/increasing the overall worth of signatures. And at the same time, making them kinda pointless in actually rewarding shakers and movers.

I like how it is right now, very much so. A signature is something you go for when you're really making waves, and the staff consider you a force for the good of the game state, or you're a character with that potential but constantly taking losses and struggling to have the positive impact you could have. It isn't 2 weeks in since you hit a little over level 200 and a bunch of people around you also have one.

I made a much longer post on this before, but that's the gist.

The impact and weight of them also feels way better and more healthy when there's a level of scrutiny.
I usually don't put my 2 cents into these sort of things but I definitely agree with Chance that Signatures SHOULD be a daunting and rare thing. If we had every John Eternia running around with death magic we wouldn't really fear it when someone DOES have it. As such making applications mandatory for a game like this is a Debbie downer from hell as most players are casual players. I will however agree it does suck to put in a position where you feel like a "Side character" but in all honesty everyone is as much of the protagonist of their own story as they want themselves to be.
[Image: J6KXmE9.jpg]
(07-21-2023, 02:30 AM)chance Wrote:
(07-21-2023, 02:21 AM)Friendly Necromancer Wrote: ...


In regard to this;

I feel it is important to distinguish that, in our current system, there are signature abilities that don't necessarily require intense amounts of development or impact on gamestate to acquire. Spectral Sight, Custom Summons being two that I myself acquired (along with my beloved Spirit Brother, Tyr <3) fairly easily in comparison to something like Death Magic.

A possible improvement in this regard would to have more 'low-grade' signatures explicitly distinct from powerful auras like Nullification or togglebuffs like Titan of Light; little fluff-heavy rewards like Artisan or Spectral Sight for the dedicated RPers who might not be at the pinnacle of their power, but have shown to have potential within their personal arcs to expand beyond them. A calling card to show "This is someone interesting, maybe not exceptional-but interesting." I've noticed that people with signatures tend to get more opportunity to do big things- the fluff on some of them being just as powerful as the actual effects!
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