I'm not sure how hard it would be to implement this. But I was thinking it would be cool to have a healing done/damage mitigated stat at the end of each round. Damage done could also be there, but I think it'd be more obvious than trying to figure out how much you mitigated or how much you healed. It would also probably help figure out if any stats or spells were bugged. I.E. Inverse charge is supposed to heal me around 2100 a cast, does it actually heal that much? That sort of thing.
[Image: image.png]
Please god don't make Wayfinding/Rift anchors case sensitive. I am now completely owned because I can't delete anchors, AND they're case sensitive.
Please let us delete or rename them...
[Image: image.png?ex=6547aa08&is=65353508&hm=f3a...54dc6db9e&]
(04-15-2023, 10:00 PM)Oicha Wrote: I'm not sure how hard it would be to implement this. But I was thinking it would be cool to have a healing done/damage mitigated stat at the end of each round. Damage done could also be there, but I think it'd be more obvious than trying to figure out how much you mitigated or how much you healed. It would also probably help figure out if any stats or spells were bugged. I.E. Inverse charge is supposed to heal me around 2100 a cast, does it actually heal that much? That sort of thing.

I mean, you could count the ticks. Don't think this game is sophisticated enough to track damage mitigation.

Inverse Charge is 8 ticks of healing. The heal is 2x Mana. 150 * 2 * 8, it's 2.4k healing. It says 7, but it's not 7.
Possibly half the requirement to get to Radiant. 50 spent instead of 100. 25 to purchase it instead of 50. It is still a massive grind due to only being able to obtain faith through prayers and blessings. Prayers giving +3 and Blessings +5. While each lasts a year and only being able to do Blessings once every 5 days. It would still be a considerable grind and an effort made/big achievement for the player/character once they actually get it.
Faith is getting a 'festival' style ritual with the 1.6 update, sometime next week, so it won't be quite as bad.
[Image: 9708d9ed9a88d5521a156bd66d93f8c1.jpg]

Make it that sailboats can go through towers....
I'm so upset you have no idea.

Also, make it that RP boxes, RP text, UI etc can be scaled up. Everything is tiny for me now because of a new monitor resolution...
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
For the new Medic tree update, characters who have had the medical skill before this update should be given some free EXP toward it. Otherwise it just seems like a slap in the face and a total disregard of the character's entire IC. For example, my character has had medic for 20 years. It would not make sense for a practiced Healer Magi to not have any of the advanced abilities unlocked.
(04-27-2023, 01:29 PM)Rudedog0004 Wrote: For the new Medic tree update, characters who have had the medical skill before this update should be given some free EXP toward it. Otherwise it just seems like a slap in the face and a total disregard of the character's entire IC. For example, my character has had medic for 20 years. It would not make sense for a practiced Healer Magi to not have any of the advanced abilities unlocked.

then everyone with medic would ticket for compensation and we would have debates daily on how much someone should get. this isn't a slap in the face. you got it for free.
It is 100% a slap in the face. Characters, for example like mine, have had the spell for 20 ic years. It does not make sense for characters like that, because mine is not the only one that's had it this long, to be on the same level of healing experience as new healers. It just doesn't make any sense IC or OOC to me.  As for debating how much exp a person should get, it should be based off of age and amount of years the character has had the Medical ability before this update.

It just seems unfair for players/characters whose vast majority of their IC's are being a medic, healing and so on. If someone could help me make this make more sense then please by all means. I'm just having a really difficult time seeing how it's not a slap in the face to so many characters/players who already have highly established medical IC's.
(04-27-2023, 01:29 PM)Rudedog0004 Wrote: ...

No reason why you can't request EXP / one of the spells if you have a long history of being a medic, but you'd need to go through the process (a form or forum request) rather than just complaining about it. That said, one of the perks of obtaining the ability prior to the update is obviously that it was 0 spell points.
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