Item Dropping.
Please let us set how many we'd drop through a dialog prompt if possible.
Make nighttime darker (but autolight RPBs). My game bugged to be pitch black outside of light sources, and I think that everyone having to experience it would be the best thing since sliced bread and/or Betty White. Similarly, autolighting RPBs would help to avoid a little problem I call 'I am fighting a grey elemental demon at night and cannot see him despite the fact we are fighting on grass'.

(Also, let Alchemy Eyes give you the ability to see through the darkness easier. Gives it a second use.)
(02-27-2023, 11:28 PM)Nectarine Sunset Wrote: Make nighttime darker (but autolight RPBs). My game bugged to be pitch black outside of light sources, and I think that everyone having to experience it would be the best thing since sliced bread and/or Betty White. Similarly, autolighting RPBs would help to avoid a little problem I call 'I am fighting a grey elemental demon at night and cannot see him despite the fact we are fighting on grass'.

(Also, let Alchemy Eyes give you the ability to see through the darkness easier. Gives it a second use.)

The cave lighting bug[total darkness around] can be fixed by zooming and unzooming your screen vs something like relogging to go uninterrupted.
(02-28-2023, 07:24 PM)Lt. Heart Wrote:
(02-27-2023, 11:28 PM)Nectarine Sunset Wrote: Make nighttime darker (but autolight RPBs). My game bugged to be pitch black outside of light sources, and I think that everyone having to experience it would be the best thing since sliced bread and/or Betty White. Similarly, autolighting RPBs would help to avoid a little problem I call 'I am fighting a grey elemental demon at night and cannot see him despite the fact we are fighting on grass'.

(Also, let Alchemy Eyes give you the ability to see through the darkness easier. Gives it a second use.)

The cave lighting bug[total darkness around] can be fixed by zooming and unzooming your screen vs something like relogging to go uninterrupted.

yes, but consider:
what i said was completely unironic
i actually love the ambiance it gives, and it makes torches relevant
(also we can let nephilim have racial night vision)
If you wanna make block really a main part of game mechanic. 

Suggestion 1.
instead of give 50 % dr while the block stamina bar is at 100%, make the first tik  of damage that will mess with that 100 %, cause the whole damage on the stamina bar (yes 100 % dr for the first tik of block) with the other blocks working properly reducing dr and dealing damage on heath

[Image: image.png]

2. suggestion
At 100% of stamina block bar, the first tik you recieve will not cause damage in your life, but at the block bar, with a reduction of (25-50%) ? of the damage, other blocks after that work how it should.

[Image: image.png]
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i.
buff demon minion summon bcuz they die too fast or make them 0 rpp spell that u can buy at 200+ rpl... its horrible otherwise
[Image: TfL47eY.png]
remove the google form for signatures. ideally, make acceptances public.
why we got lemons in the game w/no lemonade recipe Sad
[Image: image0-46.jpg]
Extended forgiveness period for lack of rent paid. (I have made a full thread on this, so I edited this post down.)

-Metrice will return eventually.
Random Suggestions:

+ Remove Mastery Tokens, let it be that you can pick 2 mastery spells up at 200.

+ Racials that are masteries should be exempt from the above.

+ Introduce more (preferably all) hidden/signatures into the public pool. Nerf accordingly. Introduce 'Signature Tokens', you get 1 at 220. It is unaffected by an Amnesia. That's it. Choose your signature wisely nerd.

+ Steer applications away from physical mechanical growth (IE, fancy new spell/ability), and instead have them focus on fluff world-affecting things. Best example I can think of for this is the implementation of Golems, the whole Herald of Ymir thing, and Varrach's tactical nuke incoming.

+ Make Demons application only.

+ Make Cambions a 200-210 rebirth race. The lineage of a cambion is described as 'cursed', donno if that means any child a cambion has is auto cambion, but if it is then it means that this race isn't as pushed into an antagonist role as I previously thought. 

+ Remove the 3x AP from dangers from Cambions if the above is made a thing.

+ Make a rule where people can't use their friggen shops as a bank im sick and tired of it god please end it.
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
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