can we go back to temps being decided by roll on aggressives, im too lazy to type out an injury every time
There's literally no reason to remove aggressive battles. If you don't like them don't use them. Don't try to force what you enjoy on everyone else. Perms do in fact matter. I say this as someone who will happily collect them. Eventually they do get debilitating.

Also 168 vs 192 is rough but it's not 60 vs 210.
(02-21-2023, 05:11 AM)Quatral Wrote: im back to say, remove aggressive battles from the game, they are anti-climactic, pointless, and serve no purpose, you may as well send a restrain fight for the same amount of stakes.

dont remove them, just adjust them

i've been advocating for more stakes and even more settings for RPBs for different situations (i.e., wanna rob someone, send an appropriate setting. wanna lightly injure someone, there's a setting for that.)

but theres no reason to remove them. if u want better stakes, advocate for changing their settings (like spicy said above) instead of removing choice. removing an option from a video game because u perceive it as not having a point when there r more people playing than just u is bad game design.

the feeling seems to be coming from ppl who have played so many characters and are so used to the game w/ enough connections and momentum that they can easily take care of perms if they arise, or start a new character just as fast. no disrespect but some people have been playing this game much longer than others and can not possibly perceive the idea that someone requires or does things different from them, and it leads to suggestions that really only benefit a small subset of the population (even if we're talking story, which... lets be honest, an arbitrary chance to get injured for life over something stupid isn't going to promote RP, it's going to just lead to weaker characters getting stomped out by stronger ones and people having an aversion to conflict outright) and serves as detrimental to the rest

also, if your knee-jerk reaction to "weaker characters are going to get stomped out" is "skill issue" or "thats good IC" or "it SHOULD be like that" then... lmao im sorry but its just the repetition catching up to you. the game is boring to you because you've done the same thing a million times and you want to seek a new thrill because perms don't mean anything to you anymore since you can go talk to your friend and get an arcanium kit from resources they hoarded 10 characters ago, aggressives don't mean anything because u can chug an elixir made by your friends alchemist alt who u dont really have IC with but u dont want the temp, and "everyone who can't hit 200 in the span of a week is probably just not trying hard enough" no offense to anyone who does that, bc it's evidence that at least in some capacity eternia rewards learning it's systems by allowing you to hop back in faster once you know what you're doing

but it's also not an excuse to try and force a system in which everyone else would ultimately be worse off because you're just bored and making poor arguments that basically equate to "yea i think itd be better this way because (vague reason that actually doesn't provide a credible argument for either gameplay or story reasons)"

the game is just repetitive once you've been playing long enough. look through the steam shop or something.

edit: "you" does not refer to quarter (love u quattie) specifically, just anyone who is feeling this way as a consequence of having played the game for so long
I don't know why this is even a topic, I remember when aggressives were first added myself and those around me thought it was a great middle ground between restrained and danger, the type of thing that could easily fit in for when scenes held slightly more gravity than something of a restrained setting without characters needing to risk a perm.

I don't think that's changed. Sure, temp nerfs can easily be remedied but why would we want to regress and take away a feature that many people find useful and still use to this day even years after it's implementation?
objectively i cant agree with removing aggros but quatral has threatened me with great bodily harm if I don't upvote it

thanks for understanding, everyone
(02-21-2023, 07:05 AM)BLOX Wrote:
(02-21-2023, 05:11 AM)Quatral Wrote: im back to say, remove aggressive battles from the game, they are anti-climactic, pointless, and serve no purpose, you may as well send a restrain fight for the same amount of stakes.

dont remove them, just adjust them

i've been advocating for more stakes and even more settings for RPBs for different situations (i.e., wanna rob someone, send an appropriate setting. wanna lightly injure someone, there's a setting for that.)

but theres no reason to remove them. if u want better stakes, advocate for changing their settings (like spicy said above) instead of removing choice. removing an option from a video game because u perceive it as not having a point when there r more people playing than just u is bad game design.

the feeling seems to be coming from ppl who have played so many characters and are so used to the game w/ enough connections and momentum that they can easily take care of perms if they arise, or start a new character just as fast. no disrespect but some people have been playing this game much longer than others and can not possibly perceive the idea that someone requires or does things different from them, and it leads to suggestions that really only benefit a small subset of the population (even if we're talking story, which... lets be honest, an arbitrary chance to get injured for life over something stupid isn't going to promote RP, it's going to just lead to weaker characters getting stomped out by stronger ones and people having an aversion to conflict outright) and serves as detrimental to the rest

also, if your knee-jerk reaction to "weaker characters are going to get stomped out" is "skill issue" or "thats good IC" or "it SHOULD be like that" then... lmao im sorry but its just the repetition catching up to you. the game is boring to you because you've done the same thing a million times and you want to seek a new thrill because perms don't mean anything to you anymore since you can go talk to your friend and get an arcanium kit from resources they hoarded 10 characters ago, aggressives don't mean anything because u can chug an elixir made by your friends alchemist alt who u dont really have IC with but u dont want the temp, and "everyone who can't hit 200 in the span of a week is probably just not trying hard enough" no offense to anyone who does that, bc it's evidence that at least in some capacity eternia rewards learning it's systems by allowing you to hop back in faster once you know what you're doing

but it's also not an excuse to try and force a system in which everyone else would ultimately be worse off because you're just bored and making poor arguments that basically equate to "yea i think itd be better this way because (vague reason that actually doesn't provide a credible argument for either gameplay or story reasons)"

the game is just repetitive once you've been playing long enough. look through the steam shop or something.

edit: "you" does not refer to quarter (love u quattie) specifically, just anyone who is feeling this way as a consequence of having played the game for so long
did not read
if u want stakees click deadly headasss
aggro fights between homies and starting rivalries are fine and can work to add tension. so instead of removing options just write better to make the aggressive worth it? context is important
this conversation abt stakes has made me realize we have no steaks

please let us cook steaks
let her cook

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