Make it possible to override new keybinds, such as say-popup on H, rp-popup on J, etc.
Or give us an option to remove those keybinds entirely.

[Image: unknown.png]
Since the game just started,

What if we made years 6 irl days hahahaha wouldn't it be cool :)
link baiano reborn
Increase the amount of coins shops are willing to pay for boats so people are encouraged to clean up our beaches.
yet another minor suggestion: we have post, preview, clear- and a checkmark option for spellcheck on rp boxes

i just saw something i totally shouldn't have seen, and considering it was one person with private off, i assume it was an oopise-

so, in the rpbox add a checkmark for private, sets whatever variable the /private command sets to one when you check it and sets it to zero when you toggle it off

lessen the oopsies by having that be a visible option rather than hidden behind a command
it's not what it looks like
Make it so the default price for putting an item in a shop is not [PRICE NOT SET] but 0c instead. Let's punish the people who use shops as glorified storage silos.
As it stands right now, dungeons can literally be accomplished by running straight to the end. Here are two(three?) proposed suggestions:

Make mobs in Dungeons grant more EXP when slain. Instead of 1, they could reward 3 or 5.

If the above isn't what you want, make mobs in dungeons have a chance to drop the rare end-dungeon materials so you aren't desperately relying on a miner to not fuck it up. A rare chance ofc, don't need to flood the game with them.

Third suggestion: Make killing the mobs required to spawn the final boss. Not sure if this is possible, at all, especially since mobs sometimes tend to bug out and just not work at all. Could be fixed by just making it so you have to kill (80?)% of mobs in the dungeon.
[Image: edbae8adc4cdc657c7307971b838ad95.png]

if anyone asks i got banned for sending /messages to people
For the dungeon DLC we're planning to have 'gates' that cannot be passed until you clear the room of enemies.
Make high quality items worth double the cost than they normally are in the sell merchant
it's not what it looks like
(08-10-2022, 03:05 AM)CuriosityaboutMyself Wrote: Make high quality items worth double the cost than they normally are in the sell merchant

Especially some of the fish that don't even have recipes. Like Black Trout.

[Image: nudd67u.png]
[Image: Ou20Kwc.png]
Spiral Bomb, Ethereal Wings, and Force Wave all have no Holy (and presumably no Occult) equivalent. I think dpalm is the same. This leads to an inconsistent aesthetic where some energy abilities are golden and some are blue. I think that, for consistency, all of these abilities should be given Holy/Occult equivalents.
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