Make EC status not be immune to bleed.
Bleed doesn't CC you and is an integral mechanic to how blood works and is balanced.

please. i beg. only 3 spells on my bar can do anything against ECs.
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
Have two videos of the ability not landing while person is moving and while the person is not moving due to lack of range or tracking being slow/off.
Please Fix Dour Javelin.
There are other variants in stronger combo heavy trees like Metal
All of which are very dominant trees in multiple known builds currently.
Who ever currently has water purchased either does not have the ability because it's terrible compared to the ones listed above. Water itself has no Master Hidden. Mist already lost a Master Hidden for some reason. Ice does not Need a Master Hidden. Wellspring has no Hiddens because let's be real, a sustain tree getting any Hiddens is probably not good for the game. It's only Exalted Hidden is Water Prison which was recently buffed because it was also Bad.  The Public Master isn't even worth getting either since people essentially only go into Water to dip into Ice since it's the better tree. Which once again brings us to what everyone keeps saying about Water based builds, "Auxisn't"
It's not really a cringe thing or whatever, it's true because like... if you're playing water and don't go Ice. Are you really playing the game?(Mainly saying this due to verb scenarios which decide a good fair bit of things for IC! Not just RP. If your build isn't viable... you're not going to last IC'ly. Let's just be honest on that fact there for a moment. Rp is fun but, dying to someone who has a stronger/meta based build over and over because you stuck to IC and couldn't compete isn't really all that fun imo.)

Essentially, the point is... after a few tested instances. The ability unless the person is right in front of you stunned by other CC which, Water... x9 out of 10 doesn't have because you'll need to time Whip to Dour's release timer(This is assuming you land the whip and they don't avoid that as well... It's almost not Metal Whip which has better range...???) and that isn't even worth doing since everyone Whips into Steam Burst anyway. I want to be realistic about it and not just say hey this is bad because I specifically can't use it. No, I'm saying it's bad because no one uses it.... compared to once again it's other similar abilities.
Just rather use another Combo, Y'know? Like build diversity. Like if you're playing a fighting game and can't use an ability in your kit because it's useless or something essentially Developers would take notice of. (Probably because a lot of people have not said anything about it. This is a given since once again... no one uses the ability and water itself isn't a popular tree. Unfortunately. Which is weird since, it's one of the primary elements in the game with no appealing hiddens to go for.) be this either in frame data or whatever else to balance it out. Especially if there are similar abilities that far exceed it.
Finally I think it's really just the appeal factor of spell building. Like how Metal Lance or Meteor get so much popularity is because of how they can be used in builds and how well their spells do within all RPB scenarios time and time again. With so many changelogs done Cosmic(Still been a dominant tree for so long. It's balanced yes this is fine, not saying it's not.) Metal...(CC Tree of the game with arguably the best "Sear" based ability to date. It literally drags you from point A to point B. The entire RPB if I'm not mistaken, where some don't even go half it's range. Still a balanced tree, not saying it's not.)
Finally Fire. Outside of Metal... which just got a Hidden listed? I think it already was a hidden but... now people "Know" it's there. Fire has so many appealing hiddens and abilities that make people "Want" to go this tree and develop with it. Same with Cosmic.
I can think of only 1 current Water Magi who is dedicated to the tree with a Hidden(Water Based One) Who... had to get their hidden buffed because once again it's just weaker and outdated. Please, please buff Dour Javelin. Add more appealing hiddens towards Water instead of removing a really good themed one for a similar one that... is weirdly themed to Ninja's?
P.S - Let me wait till 200 and use that Glacier
[Video 1]
[Video 2]
“A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory... a far-off memory that's like a scattered dream... I want to line the pieces up... yours and mine.”
[Image: E5pyTrX.gif]
(10-01-2021, 01:50 PM)Absence Wrote:
Please Fix Dour Javelin.

From the post, I can absolutely say that Water needs a bit of a 'rework/buff' in a sense that it needs an identity like how Fire/Metal/Cosmic have their own with something in it makes the whole tree worth getting into i.e.- Meteor/Stardust(Cosmic), Titan's Lance/Iron Grip(metal), and Scorch/Flame Slide(Fire). In Water, there's not too much identity then just a few 'flashy' spells. The whole thing for water is suppose to be for 'better terms' a tree with 'flexibility' or freedom to freeform a lot of things. If anything, water can be given an identity by separating a few spells like Dour and Flood. If I can make a suggestion, we can absolutely rework water to have the following spells and changes to give it more of a 'meta' feel without actually breaking IC of it.

My Suggestion is;

Swap Wellspring's Pond for Flood- The very name of Wellspring is for being bountiful in something. Yet if anything, Flood would be far more adaptable in Wellspring for it's 'healing' capabilities as it were. Wellspring as a tree is mainly for healing and the 'protection' side of water, where you learn how to control the positive side of water magic. Yet for Water to have hardly any base healing on its own and an aura that is changed to provide a chance of 'life steal' on water damage seems out of place. So its better to swap it for Pond were the AoE can be swapped with a tick heal that has a fixed 500 HP every second for a max of 7 seconds. It would have no 'initial damage/heal' as it would do something similar to Fire AoEs but for healing. As I said this would be 'swapped' with Flood, so it will be intermediate by the get go. 

Bring Cleanse back to Water- Water as a tree is suppose to be cleansing by base. I never got why they moved the cleanse aspect from base water to something more of a 'protection' water tree, when by base anyone should be able to do this. If anything, change cleanse to be a solo spell to remove debuffs of yourself, but Wellspring can get a 'better' cleanse where it adds the 3 pow heal and a group cleanse to party members (If it does this already I wouldn't know). If anything, you can change the name for wellspring from the 'cleanse' to 'Sanitize'.

Buff Typhoon, Bring it to water, and make it the Public Master- Need I say more? Ok, yes Buffing Typhoon can be seen as an 'issue' but that doesn't mean water should get the proverbial shaft in terms of a hidden that literally just changes the look of a water beam and a sliiiiiiight increase of damage. worthless. You can just bring Typhoon back into water and update the damage to be 2 since tornado is 2.5. You can also make it only 1 Typhoon instead of 3. This would make it easy to dodge, but reduce the range from like 60 to 45 due to only being 1 and it can heal with the Water AoEs it drops. It would damage people caught in it too. To make it just that much more fun, add a stunning effect if someone gets hit by the Typhoon. It makes those who recklessly dash into it will be 'properly punished'. Not to mention, you can make tornadoes have a slight tracking ability like devouring winds. Or make it to where Tornadoes have tracking if you have that on.

Buff Dour Javelin, but not in the way you think-  Instead of just buffing the damage, range, or CD, buff Dour simply giving it a single added benefit; Make it instant. As the name implies, its a javelin. Similar to the Lightning/Plasma variants, you can make the water variant an instead cast, but make it a straight path like those. You can even lower the cooldown very slightly with this change. Because Dour is hands down the 'worst' sear attack. So why not change it from a sear to an actual javelin? Plus for 15 RPP you have to get your worth. 

Move Rings of Malice to Mist- I know I know, its a strange change, but for good reason. Rings dont get used all too much because as Absence put it, no one focus on the spell tree. To give it a bit more worth, you can put it in Mist but keep it intermediate as people go into Mist now for a lot of things like Steam burst and Mist form. That alone would be 40 RPP spent. So why not go a bit more to get a Mist variant of Rings of Malice that can also be buffed with Scald. Because it doesn't blind any more on Mist AoE tiles, and the only spell you'd probably use it for is Steam burst and that's just a waste of 10 rpp if I've ever seen it. This will give worth to both spells as Malice can get a bit more damage from it and be real 'malice' in a spell.

New Master level Hidden Idea-

Down Pour:
 A Specialized AoE that slowly drops rain onto the ground in heavy amounts, spawning random puddles that slow foes who touch them. (Think of the Volcanic AoE but for water and much smaller puddle AoE tiles, but it doesn't damage. Its mainly for the slows and heals it can provide.) It also heals the caster based on RPL .75*RPL per puddle AoE they walk over.
Give gravity pull back!!
[Image: break-door.jpg]

  • This does not help this game become more roleplay worthy. 
  • This purely makes it so someone can press /who and then go use your anvil while you are offline.

  • I am literally using the rest of my gold anvil today and never buying another one again, my days selling weapons and armor is over.
  • If this is going to stay and not be removed, the energy requirement should be higher then 1000, it should be 1500. This way unless you have energy potions used, you can't just LOL break into ppls house at 150 RPL which 150 RPL in itself is seriously low. Maybe 180 more preferred 200.
[Image: unknown2.png][Image: Love-Blade.webp]
In regards to the Anvil concern:

[Image: fdc373c102c3dc2f66657910c39d2f4e.png]

Totally my idea and not this ludster (why) person.
(10-22-2021, 05:24 PM)Horos Wrote: In regards to the Anvil concern:

[Image: fdc373c102c3dc2f66657910c39d2f4e.png]

Totally my idea and not this ludster (why) person.

Only usable by house helpers has it's downside.

Moxtli used to have a golden anvil that it basically rented out to people.  Pay X gold per usage.

Now they'd need to add you as a helper, which gives the ability for them to literally delete the anvil.
The break in mechanic as a whole is just ... why ?

From what I heard Raids were used to rob people's houses and stuff anyway.
The fact that it was introduced without any rules is a joke, does someone's home count under Deep withing enemy territory rules ? can you request cap 0 to make them go away ? can they literally just idle for hours there waiting for you to log on/arrive to the house? (perhaps that last one might make sense ICly but I am not sure how fair it is to suddenly be forced possibly into series of four 1v1 right after logging in/preparing to log out, especially if you live alone and no one will be there to help with the fights), rules are here to unify Admin's rulings and we need them, especially for such potentially problematic mechanic.

The anvil thing is just ... why non helpers are able to use anvils anyway ? perhaps this is time to introduce different tiers of helpers ? or just being able to customize who can do what, being able to take away chest/anvil/edit/door access etc for specific people.

And well this system does bring possibility of someone arriving to quite, private scene.

I hope that Admins at least get a ping or something when people break into other's homes, but I still believe a better solution would be just to have break in as an ahelp thing, where you would state your reasons, it would be reviewed by someone and then the home would become unlocked as long as there is strong enough reason and it could not be covered by a proper Raid.

Another possible addition if this mechanic were to stay, make it take couple minutes to actually unlock the house where people inside of it get the ping as it starts and just before the break in happens, require the person breaking in to stay near the doors while they do it and give them some kind of overlay so anyone walking by would know what is happening.

But I still believe a better solution would be to just leave break ins as an ahelp/raid thing and not as a mechanic that takes total of 3 clicks.
I'm using my gold anvil up today and never making another anvil again. Thus ending my carrier as a blacksmith. Magitech I guess is possible, but the gold anvil for the apping process was useful, as well making the occasional ultra weapon or you know like 10-15 of them and some armors then selling them at my sales prices from 10-50% off. Literally a game mechanic that makes no sense is forcing me to shutdown half of my business.

Which if I am really being fair here, costs me more then it is worth anyway, making weapons and armors especially ultra ones and giving them fun desc's then seeing people using them after so many years was the high end of it all. That was what I was making weapons and armors for, too see them down the line how many years later. But it is costly at an anvil that costs 50,000 and literally only gives u an ultra at a 5% chance, which is fair and fine, until ppl could break into your house and theoretically use your gold anvil while your offline. It is like 333 coin per time someone uses it, like the base cost if u take 150 uses and then divide 50,000 by 150 uses, 333.333, so 334. Now if someone comes into your house and uses it until they get full ultra(while you're offline*) and it takes them 50 times, u just lost like 16,700 coins and you can't do a damn thing to stop it, let alone rp.
[Image: unknown2.png][Image: Love-Blade.webp]
No one gonna be bustin down doors, twirling their handlebar mustache and going "Hon hon the fool! Their gold anvil is left unguarded!!!!11!"
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