07-03-2023, 10:49 PM
Auctions Open Until: Wednesday 5PM EST
Name: AetherblossomCost: 100,000c (3 Available)
A spectral, wispy flower. It is rarely found outside of the Tower of Aetius, as it seems to only grow where the leylines of Eternia converge with the netherworld. On full bloom, an Aetherblossom is far more potent (and unstable) than even the golden dust of a fae, and is used in demanding alchemical recipes and rituals.
Name: Ocean's Blessing
Cost: 50,000c (5 Available)
A droplet of concentrated mana rumored to have been bequeathed upon Meranthe by a powerful spirit of water and then alchemized by a guild of dedicated craftsmen. Coveted by many seafarers, the Blessings of the Ocean allows the imbiber to gain the ability to breathe underwater, granting a set of gills beneath the ears and swim long-distance. (Provides Swim upon consumption.)
Name: Blood Copper
Cost: 50,000c (5 Available)
Description: A rare copper that has a dried blood coloration. It is highly conductive, making it ideal to add to weapons or items that need focus by energy or lightning mages. Occasionally veins of it appear next to copper, and separating one from the other can be a difficult process.
Name: Moonblade & Moonstaff
Cost: 20,000c (12 Available)
Description: When a chunk of moonstone fell from the sky and descended as a meteorite, surprisingly it landed in reasonable shape and was quickly purchased as an investment by the Quartz Company. Now a dozen high grade weapons using specialized alloys are being sold off!
Name: Crown of the Ice Queen
Starting Bid: 10,000c
A pristine crown made of eternal ice, rumored to never melt no matter how hot the flames may become. The crown is inoculated in intense ice mana, enveloping the one wearing it in the grace of perpetual winter.
Name: Veil of Night Feathers
Starting Bid: 10,000c
A cloak hewn from jet-black feathers, hewn with masterful craftsmanship. The veil in itself enables one to seemingly move with utmost celerity, leaving naught but the afterimage of their shadows in their wake. It is rumored and believed to once belong to an infamous assassin.
Name: Bronze Oil Lamp
Starting Bid: 3,000c
An antique oil lamp. It might make a good fireplace piece.
Name: The Wynne Tome
Starting Bid: 25,000c
A powerful, magical grimoire. The Wynne Tome, or better known as The Soul-binding Codex, is a text that details the practices required in order to transfer the soul from one mana circuit, onto another. Since rediscovery, some years of deciphering later have revealed that the book with all of its runic inscriptions may also serve as a magical amplifier. After rediscovery, it has oft been referred to by the discoverer as the Fatum De Hominis. Overall, the book has acquired many titles over the course of its history.
Name: Present from the Past
Starting Bid: 20,000c
A gem inoculated with a drop of the mana of Memoria, supposedly. Considered to be a coveted treasure, many grade this gem to be their lapis philosophorum for its abilities. The emeraldine stone, when crushed and alchemized into an elixir, allows one to momentarily regain the vim and vigor that they may have had during their peak years. For a few years after, any effects of aging upon their person are entirely reversed. Yet time claims its due eventually, and once the effects wear off, those who have used it will find themselves aging far more rapidly. (OOC Note: Sets one to Young Adult upon use, removing Age DR% for 5 IC Years. Once the effects wear off, they are aged up by 10 years from their original age.)
Name: Golden Fruit of Yggdrasil
Starting Bid: 50,000c
An eternal, golden 'fruit' that was supposedly stolen from the world tree and transported across the veil. It has seen many auctions in its time, and myths surrounding the nectar of Yggdrasil have been passed around over the years. What is for certain is this pear-shaped object with its deep yellow skin has a highly focused and constant magical signal, marking it as an S-Grade object in valuation despite the many questions and mysteries surrounding it.
Name: Ring of Airwaves
Starting Bid: 5000c
A ring that grants enhanced control over airwaves, from the frequency to the noise. It's fitted for the index finger.
Name: Ring of Temperature
Starting Bid: 5000c
A ring that grants enhanced control over tempature, to heat and cool. It's fitted for the middle finger.
Name: Ring of Illusions
Starting Bid: 5000c
A ring that grants enhanced illusionary perceptions and protections. It's fitted for the pointer finger.
Name: True Flight
Starting Bid: 1000c
Someone once spent over a million coin on crates and didn't get a single True Flight potion.