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Meranthe Auction House
Name: Elvira Kerekes
Item: Imbrixium, Sword of Everlasting Flame
Bid: 220,000
Quote: "Hahahahahaha. No. Sit down."
Name: Magdalene Hel Myst
Item: Imbrixium, Sword of Everlasting Flame
Bid: 250,000c
Quote: "Hyahahahahahaha!~ Aye! I'll stand up."
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
Name: Elvira Kerekes
Item: Imbrixium, Sword of Everlasting Flame
Bid: 300,000
Quote: "Sit the fuck down."
Name: Magdalene Hel Myst
Item: Imbrixium, Sword of Everlasting Flame
Bid: Withdrawn
Quote: "Ya' got it."
Transceiver Schematics
Benjamin Thomson
Ilyas de Daum
Camino de Caewynn
Sierra Walt
3-A Tempus

Lightspeed Reading Glasses - Xarxes (75k)
Spire Shard - Talguth (300k)
Imbrixium Sword of Everlasting Flame - Elvira Kerekes (300k)

Collections for coin will occur tomorrow (past midnight EST) for sold items, excluding the still active bids. Please ticket with the Item Name & an admin will take the money. The ticket will remain up until the item has been delivered.
(07-02-2023, 08:51 PM)jcodes Wrote: Name: scytha hemwick
Item:Lightspeed Reading Glasses
Bid: 82,500
Quote (Optional): here
Name: Silvanus
Item: Spire Shard
Bid: 100,000
Wiat! nvm, didnt see the 300k bid, ignore this

Name: Silvanus
Item: Spire Shard
Bid: 330,000
Quote: After further consideration I believe I do want this.
Name: Talguth
Item: Spire Shard
Bid: 375,000
Quote: "No."
Name: Silvanus
Item: Spire Shard
Bid: 412,500
Quote: Yes?
Name: Talguth
Item: Spire Shard
Bid: 475,000
Quote: "Cease."

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