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State of Meranthe
This topic keeps track of the official laws of the nations. 

To register here, your nation should at least have a small settlement to their name. You should submit your laws via a guild post or here and we'll make sure this topic is updated accordingly. You should also have a representative in the #council Discord channel.

♥'s represent nation condition. Zero hearts available means the nation is vulnerable to complete destruction or conquest. Loss of a raid or civil turmoil for example might lead to a heart reduction. Small settlements have a max of 1 heart, medium have a max of 2, large is max of 5 but typically soft-caps at 3.

Realm of Vdalion
Population: 860'000 (3 Cities, 12 Towns, 23 Villages)
Capital City: Grimhjall
State Military: Colors of red and black.
Government: Council.

- The Moot can ordain an honor duel by majority Council vote. Failure to show is life exile, punishable by death.
Necromancy: Outlawed, punishable by exile or death dependent on crimes
Black Magic: Outlawed, punishable by exile or death dependent on crimes

Realm of Dal'Thala

Population: 50'000 (1 City-State)
Capital City: Dal'Thala
Primary Faith: The Greathive, Worship of Queen Ormici
State Military: The Elzara. Colors of gold and green.
Government: Under Rule of the Greathive, formerly Delphina.

The laws below are subject to change.
- Faeborne are considered nobility and granted social perks by the state.
- Execution is common, unforgivable crimes often result in sacrifice to the Great Tree.
- Only Hivequeen's may be Monarch.

Necromancy: Outlawed, punishable by exile or death dependent on crimes
Black Magic: Outlawed, punishable by exile or death dependent on crimes

Realm of Aphros
Population: 250'000 (1 City, 3 Towns, 8 Villages)
Capital City: Aphros
Primary Faith: The Ordinance
State Military: Umbral and Astral. 
Government: Theocracy - Led by the Oracle. 

- Occultism is permitted, if registered and monitored for military purposes.
- Alliances with dubious individuals more likely.
Necromancy: Outlawed, punishable by exile or death dependent on crimes
Black Magic: Outlawed, punishable by exile or death dependent on crimes. Dedicated witch hunters.

Bjornheim - (Vdalion) 

Seyl - (Vdalion) 

Black Rose Island - (Aphros) 

Freeport of Fortune - (Independent)

Fort Horizon - (Independent) 
Perdition - (Independent)
Final Frontier - (Independent)
Suli'mara (Independent; Faeborne refuge, some support by the Realm of Delphina)
Ryai'sumar (Independent; currently in consideration of vassalization by Vdalion)

Black Thorn Island - (Independent) 

Seafare war with Port Fortune; island was razed and looted by the captain-sailors.

Elmyra (Delphina)

Razed by the Realm of Vdalion in alliance with the Realm of Aphros following an unsuccessful defense by Delphina.

Realm of Delphina
No longer an active presence in the local region after the Greathive took over the Capital of Dal'thala. Many Faeborne retreated to its other cities or the local refuge of Suli'mara, headed by the disgraced former King, Amadiel.

If posting here:
You should be a high ranking member of one of the Cities and a direct representative of them. If you have superiors, you'll ideally want their permission (even if it's just a thumbs up OOCly).

The information should be relevant to your city at large, such as an announcement or a coming change.
Keep it sensible. Avoid unrealistic things like magical flyers appearing everywhere to spread propaganda, as a common example.
[Image: vdalion.png]

[Image: 740db2bae9c31a13aed1fe1f55f03526.png]
"The times are changing, can you feel it? Delphina's actions have weakened the barriers. The will of three echoes in our blood, the children of Ymir are called once more to action. We have slept since the beating of Grimnir's heart ceased. We have looked away from the world and lost sight of our responsibilities as Meranthe's guardians."
"It is time we awaken."
- Sigurd Whitemane.
 [Image: EFnKSJL.jpeg]

Vdalion's Moot has convened and held elections for its various offices. Deciding as a people which direction they wish to take. With the various religions and independent groups their chance to speak.
Elected Officials
Frostspeaker - Sigurd Whitemane
Flamespeaker - Surtyr Folhammar
Warlord - Kane

Members of the Moot Council
Borya Ursus
Hrungnir Jotunhalr

Quote:Currently, several momentous events seem to be in the works.

-Clan Whitemane is accepting new blood, warriors or craftsmen welcome.

- The Zealots of Ymir are accepting new initiates in preparation for the Rite of Kindled flame to be overseen by Sigurd Whitemane in the coming days.

- Flame-speaker Folhammar calls the miners of Vdalion to gather iron and adamantite for the outfitting of the people.

-Clan Folhammar is accepting new blood, having inducted two new Novice and a Meistari.

-The Verdant Sentinels are actively recruiting new members to their cause, speak to High Sentinel Orsa for more information.

- High Sentinel Orsa has announced a sermon soon on the Nemean faith, with a date pending.

-Patriarch Borya Ursus is recruiting loyal workers under the clan banner of Ursus, find him within the city if interested.

-Hunters and those blessed by Nemea are especially welcome.

-Rumors echo of conflict already begun over mineral rites... Cave wars, do they ever change?

[Image: 10533c2da310a25f4828ffb40104ffdf.png]
Aphros - Border Skirmishing
Delphina - Neutral
[Image: aOQ3Ug4.png]

"Seeds grow into trees, and trees disperse further seeds, which in turn grow into more trees.
Rapid expansion is the natural order, and us beings with souls are merely following suit."

- Unattributed

The changing of the seasons is a natural occurrence which can be observed in most parts of the world. Meranthe in particular is known for its long seasons, and this can be reflected in its culture; other cycles which have naturally sprung up, such as the changing over of power, have on occasion been tethered to the natural passage of time.

Yet those most inclined towards nature whom rest within the bosom of its soils have sought to expedite one such cycle, acquiescing that they must bend tradition in part to see a solitary leader stand at the helm of the settlement. Following a referendum, those most noble Faeborne who call Dal'thala their home have decided to unveil early the will of Delphina's former Monarch, the Good King Alfellen, and see the named heir ascend to the throne, guiding the nation's future.

Thus was the Twilight Gala hosted. Amidst ever mounting tensions betwixt it and other nations over towers and land, Kitchi Foisantte, head of the Foisantte Court, has been coronated as Queen of Delphina, solidifying the expansionist policy she kicked off as the woodland nation's future.

In response to the demands to tear down the tower or face war with Vdalion, the new Queen's decision has been rendered explicit not by words, but by action. Money has been pooled from all over Delphina, pulled willingly from the Houses and their patrons alike, to be able to scarcely afford their retort.

A small mining town has emerged around the watchtower most contentious.

It has already been christened in the blood of war.

[Image: 8ekdqKt.png]

❀ Lady Kitchi Foisantte has been declared Queen of Delphina at the recent Twilight Gala, as willed by King Alfellen, who reigned before her.

❀ Lady Elanil Caewynn has been named Commander of the Elzara and thus head of Delphina's military.

❀ Lady Moenie Foisantte has assumed the seat of Matron of the Foisantte Court in light of Kitchi Foisantte's ascension to Monarch.

Gestalt has been named as Crown's Thorn, personal bodyguard and sworn protector of the Queen of Delphina.

❀ The small mining town of Elmyra has been established; the land is cleared and boundaries are demarcated by wooden stakes and statues to Nemea. Construction of buildings is underway.

Ormici, Queen of the Greathive, has been granted purview over Elmyra, with the hivekin to ensure that those hostile to Delphina are unable to plunder its resources.

❀ The warnings of Vdalion have been ignored, and as such the giant's declaration of war has been ratified.

[Image: trpNgCA.png]
Vdalion - War
Aphros - War
[Image: aphros_state2.png]
2001 AC

The Asperan Church and the Bastion uphold law and order, and so we have done today. Let this be enough to quell the minds of the uneasy and the restless.

  • An assassination attempt was made on the nobleman Darius Kallis in the center of the town's square.
  • A fight broke out in the castle of Aphros after an assassination attempt. After it, the dissidents Sozha, Rose, Adam & Nereus were expelled from the city, three of them suffering losses.
  • In order to eliminate dissent and establish order, Knight Captain Hadrian Dominic has established Martial Law upon Aphros until the finding of a new Oracle.
  • Said Martial Law establishes that the command of the city lies under the rule of both Aphros' Bastion and the Church of Aspera, serving as local authorities, with Captains Vaelrun Emris and Hadrian Dominic at the helm.
  • Additionally, Aphros enters a proper state of war against Delphina, even if offensives are not declared yet.
  • The trial of the Crown continues, with the journey to Athelios' realm still to go underway. In time a new Oracle shall rise.
  • Knight Captain Vaelrun Emris executed one of Misfortune's pets, releasing a demon upon the castle. Said demon has been executed, but the Primordial's eyes seem to loom over the city.
  • There is an active, ongoing witch hunt effort. Information has been gathered and further is requested from all available sources, likely spurred on by the recent attacks.
  • As a final note, military and civilian personnel are told to wander in groups of two or, preferrably, three or more whenever they must leave the city's bounds.
  • Any faceless in service of the city, wherever they may lurk, are recommended to prepare reports for when the Oracle is named in the coming days.

"To the Cultist of the False Divinity, know that with the valiant efforts of the Church and the Astral Knights to keep the peace- myself and my Umbra Knights shall stop at nothing to see you brought low.

The Lord of Duality watches our efforts keenly and there is no doubt in my heart of his support in this most holy of missions. For the magics you dabble in, we shall be the vessel through which our Lord's Wrath is delivered unto you.

To the Heretical Champion, know that I will find you. I will bring you low with the very flames your Master's pathetic vermin attempted to slay me with and make you repent for the dishonor you have committed to the Cosmos."

- Captain Emris, Demonslayer

  • Delphina - War
  • Vdalion - Developing
[Image: vdalion.png]
[Image: ad60298aa9efea72d7be04d72106433f.png]
The valley below the frigid steppe lulls to an eerie silence in the middling season of the year of conflict. Vdalion begins an intermittent calm for it's warriors and rumors of feasts flow off the tongue of town criers. As the clash of steel and roar of magic quiets for a time after the most recent Moot resulted in a loss of life whether honorable or consigned to the depths of Helheim, there is a message for the people of Grimhjall and Meranthe alike.
"We of the old blood, Ymir's blood, have shown our ferocity and power. In the recent era we have been silent, patiently waiting for the Hero-King of Meranthe to sit once more upon his empty throne as we watched from the heights of our homeland. But no more, we have descended once from the north and we will again. Let this be an example, that no more blood be shed than necessary. To those who would see turmoil in these lands:
May Ymir have mercy on your soul, as we will have none."
- Flamespeaker of the Moot
[Image: 596c1bb0c72619810664ad893dc9ee64.png]
In the wake of the battle, several announcements come to the people of Vdalion:
• The Zealots of Ymir will be hosting a rite for new zealots and a feast to celebrate Vdalion's first victory in the new age. [Saturday starting 1pm EST]
• Clan Folhammar will be attending this feast and encourages other clans to as well, to bolster the unity of their banners. To those still unequipped, seek them out.
• The battles are not yet done, and warrior of clan and lone mercenary alike are rallied to lend their ax and spear. Take up the Tears of Grimnir!
• Rumors of a new election on the horizon spurs talk of what new clans will lend warriors to the Huskarl and coin to the Moot for a voting seat.
• The Sentinels have made their stance of expulsion of the Hivekin from Meranthe with their presence upon the battlefield.


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Aphros - Collaboration
Delphina - War
Port Fortune - Mandate of Rulership
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[Image: aphros_state2.png]
2002 AC

A new Oracle has been crowned. By his hand, the will of Athelios shall be done; By Enarr's grace, he shall lead us to glory.

All hail the new Oracle, Vaelrun Emris.

  • The Oracle of Athelios was crowned with the final say after a tied vote by Raphael the Fair, naming Vaelrun Emris as the Herald of Duality for the years to come.
  • Aphros' Bastion sees it's numbers surge with the actions taken by the Men-at-Arms and Knights that march to see the hallow lands of Meranthe saved from the abomination and the heretic, and Orexius Walt was named Knight Captain of Umbra given the previous' ascension.
  • The Church of Aspera sees its roots digging deeper into the lands. While the noble houses fall or stagnate in favor, the soldiers of the Church are launching independent campaigns to fight against all which goes against the will of the Divine, with rumors speaking of Necromancers as their first targets due to the taking of a life from their ranks, as well as welcoming new faithful.
  • After the failed razing of Elmyra, the Oracle sought to bring forth funding to give back to the realm proper. With the assistance of Gellena Varis and the commerce of the Realm itself- a hundred thousand coins is being spent to build schools within the city! For the young and faithful, the word of the Watcher at the World's Edge shall be preached and the non-magi and magi alike shall learn of their place as the defender of the cosmic balance.
  • Alongside the building of schools, The Bastion finds itself receiving additional funding to begin constructions around the city proper in the form of brilliant walls that fly the banners of the realm.
  • With the recent mutterings of the heretical followers of Ozmandius Tal rising, a Watchtower was recently erected in the Shadowlands to keep an eye on whatever threat may move from such. This Tower was funded by the Proto Institute and it's Director Acantho. Whisperings of this institution receiving offical backing by the Voice of Athelios seem to leave the castle.
  • Finally, a reminder to those who reside in the Realm of Aphros: the threats posed by the heretic and the abominable Greathive are one not to be trifled with. Remember to move out in groups of at least two from the city to ensure the safety of yourself.

  • Delphina - War
  • Vdalion - Mutual Collaboration
  • Port Fortune - Neutral
(08-18-2022, 06:13 PM)Nailman Wrote:
After the failed razing of Elmyra, the Oracle sought to bring forth funding to give back to the realm proper. With the assistance of Gellena Varis and the commerce of the Realm itself- a hundred thousand coins is being spent to build schools within the city! For the young and faithful, the word of the Watcher at the World's Edge shall be preached and the non-magi and magi alike shall learn of their place as the defender of the cosmic balance.

[With this 100,000 coin investment, Aphros is raised by half a heart, bringing it to three. This lifeline is no longer available to the nation.]

Realm of Vdalion
Realm of Aphros
Realm of Delphina
Freeport of Fortune

(Still collecting information on the sub-settlements to include them above. Will edit accordingly.)
[Image: blackthorncove.png]
Year 2003 AC

Quote:“It’s been a long time since we set out on this venture, o' brother o’ mine. They laughed and called us mad. Well who be laughing now aye?
Welcome finally to tha’ Black Thorn Cove! Ay' and if ye stumble across an island with a similar name, know that we had it first!” - First Hand, Barrett Finn

  • A small island south of the Meranthian swamplands has been claimed by a small crew of self-proclaimed pirates, calling themselves the Black Rose Pirates.
  • The first establishment announced has been revealed to be the Salt Serpent Tavern, a hub for the small crew of pirates (498, 332, 1) as well as many other walks of life, mostly including drunkard outcasts and bounty hunters.
  • A board has been installed within the Salt Serpent Tavern, it is said that the Pirates of the Black Rose will begin organizing bounty outlets to be set and collected.
  • Word has spread that the Black Rose Pirates will begin recruitment for their first maiden voyage. Find Captain Orion Finn or First Hand Barrett Finn for relaying interests.
  • Talk moves of interest to be cast on behalf of the Black Rose Pirates to certain factions, offering their aid in any upcoming battles.. for the right price.
  • The small island is beginning to be recognized as a viable port of trade for seafaring men and women. Master craftsmen have set up shop and offer availability to those in need of specific craft, docks established for the docking and unloading of ships and their units of containment.
  • Rumor moves of an underground trade syndicate, perhaps some showing interest in the recreational manufacturing of the drug known as Sylvanum.
[Image: blackthorncove2.png]

The island population at current stands to be of small numbers, a scattered hundred or so , mostly passerby of seafaring men and outcasts of the capital. A town of great danger and little law, though seemingly open to most as a neutral ground so long as they could hold their own to the threats of encountering those of little moral standing. A welcoming zone for trade and market as well as the more nefarious acts of selling drugs and other illegal goods and services. A beautiful home for the servant of opportunity.

Aphros - Neutral
Vdalion - Neutral
Delphina - Neutral
Port Fortune - Skirmishing
[Image: piratebay.png]
[Image: aOQ3Ug4.png]



Peace in one Hand... After negotiations in the throne room, the exilement of Caliel Al'britu and the release of Solomon Equisol, Aphros and Delphina have agreed to ten years of peace not to be disturbed by petty grievance. All members of each faction, including Greathive, can travel to each city. Aphros is not to allow Vdalion to attack Delphina in Aphrosian lands.

War in the Other. The war with Vdalion escalates. Delphina prepares an organized assault led by Commandant, assailing one of their newly propped settlements. Thread arriving shortly with details.


Praise Afore the Arts. With a renewed focus on arts and civil works, Delphina heals under the guidance of house Gregaris leader Elodie. A passion shared by all races in the great city of Dal'Thala.

A Shamed Captain. Captain Mendras of the Elzara has been left in the care of Aphros after allegations of dealing with necromancers and stealing hive fruit were confirmed. May Nemea guide his soul.

Emissaries of Fair Dal'thala. Following negotiation, Sadi Yaslana will act as an emissary between Aphros and Delphina. The queen continues to search for diplomatic positions with an interest in establishing affairs with the blooming island nations that are growing in the wake of 124's recovery efforts.

The Vaults of Glory. Funding is always needed for the war effort. If you are interested in donating, speak to the Monarch or a representative.

Commander of the Leafblades. Captain Vendaril has been appointed Commander of the Elzara, with discretion to manage the ranks and the previously temporary captains as he sees fit. Serve with integrity and passion.

Love of All Mankind. Delphina renews its focus on civil works with a break from its main adversary. It is seeking patrons of the arts, crafts and medics, as well as looking to approve funding for major projects. Speak to the Monarch or newly appointed steward Rhue Brant about any ideas that you might have.

The Traitor's Slaughter was a narrow defeat dealt by Aphros, and the Realm of Delphina has suffered the loss of their Queen, Elanil Caewynn, as well as on the battlefield. A full heart of strength. (1.5 / 5)

Meanwhile, the Realm of Aphros has enjoyed a promising start under Oracle Hadrian. Continued victories may restore what was lost. (2 / 5)

Realm of Vdalion
Realm of Aphros
Realm of Delphina

Elmyra - (Delphina) 
Bjornheim - (Vdalion) 

Seyl - (Vdalion) 

Black Rose Island - (Aphros) 

Black Thorn Island - (Independent) 
Fort Horizon - (Independent) 
Freeport of Fortune - (Independent)

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