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State of Meranthe
[Image: aphros_state2.png]
2004 AC

"The city has undergone massive changes in the last two years. Instability, a new Oracle, external crisis in diplomacy, brothers and sisters broken apart. But now, we stand together; We stand united as one; More than ever before. From our streets shall filth and sin be expunged, every single criminal pushed out, their blood used to weigh down their sins.

We are stronger than before. Aphros shall grow, and in due time, we shall be the known carries of the Divine Will.
The Gods recognize and propel the will of our nation.
From now on, our growth shall not be limited to the singular city of Aphros.

We are the Sacred State of Aphros.
Under our gaze, there shall be no evil.
Witches and Necromancers.
Those who sin with their very existence.

Know that it is not our duty to forgive you.
It is only our duty to pray for your unworthy soul
As your ashes ascend from the pyre."

  • Aphros' victory against Delphina marks the reversal of the tide. During the battle, Oracle Hadrian Dominic broke the crown of former queen Elanil Caewynn; Whatever monarch is next within their line shall be uncrowned until they make a new one.
  • After the battle, the Oracle makes an announcement that their focus shall be inwards. Witches and Necromancers still live in their midst, and he intends on exposing and killing them one by one; This assumes that they shall bring forth talks of ceasefire between the three nations.
  • The Church of Aspera renews its vows to the execution and exposition of those who worship the undead and associated to witches.
  • The Bastion is to undergo a reform, where those within its ranks shall be evaluated according to their prowess both in and out of the battlefield. To go along with said reform, Lloyd Astrid is promoted to Knight Captain.
  • Amnesty is offered from the state to all those who had followed rebellious hands outward. While the Oracle makes sure to affirm that the lack of belief in their military was unjustified, they should be welcome in the city should they wish to come back. Others that committed major crimes may need to atone before the eyes of the Holy State of Aphros.
  • An alliance of sorts is made with Vdalion. This is the next step from their past cooperation, where now instead of simply aiding each other through shared markets, they can fight on each other's battles, should there be any previous authorization.

"For God of Twilight stands with us!
For the God of Bravery stands with us!
Give them no quarter, people of Aphros!"

  • Delphina - War, but open to negotiations.
  • Vdalion - Allied
  • Port Fortune - Neutral
  • Witches, Necromancers, Greathive & Assorted Scum - War
[Image: Fky6ssr.png]
[Image: vdalion.png]
[Image: unknown.png]

The winds of success travel from the mountaintops, though the arctic air does little to suppress the flames that scorch the surrounding forestry and infrastructure of what was once Elmyra. The center of Meranthe's liberation has brought times of celebration through Vdalion following their victory. With furthering expansion efforts, Vdalion's economy has begun to flourish, and the housing market is teeming.

The Western portion of the mountain has since been inhabited, with the construction of Grimhjall's subdistrict; Folkmoot.

The southern section of the Mountain, has been constructed into the clan Ursus' home, Bjornheim.

Quote:"People of Vdalion; this day marks a step forward for the liberation of Meranthe. The destruction of Elmyra marks the freedom Ymir intended for this land. We, Giant's, were born for this very purpose. To defend what freedom Meranthe bears. To keep our land's lawless."

"May this mark a day of brighter futures. That we, are undefeated. Undefiled. Unstoppable."

"Our march proceeds, without interruption."

- Kane, Thane of Vdalion.

[Image: unknown.png]

• Following the conduction of a most recent raid, Vdalion has succeeded in their goal of razing Elmyra, liberating the resources of the mine's.
• Recent discussions between the crew of Port of Fortune and Vdalion has established an alliance, under the pretense of mercenary employment.

• The election of the Moot has been decided for the year's 2005-2010, naming Surtyr Folhammer as Frostspeaker, and Hrungnir as Flamespeaker. The position of Thane, remains unchanged, with Kane leading the Huskarls.

• Diplomatic talks between Delphina and Vdalion have begun, following the razing of Elmyra.
Raithe, formerly the rank of Berserkir, has been promoted to Einherjar; Right hand of the Thane

• A Summit is called; a Moot open to Vdalion and it's allies, to take place in the coming month.
(August 28th, 7pm EST)

Quote:The Frostspeaker was seen moments after returning to Grimhjall from the battle pinning a parchment to the bulletin at the center of town for all his peoples to see. It was written formal.

'To Surtyr, he who holds the key to life and death,

Much happens around Meranthe and it affords me little time to answer such politics in short order. There has been an unnerving amount of appearing covens, potential witches, and rising necromancer threat. In your last letter you made mention of Sei being one of these very witches hidden amongst us all. As well as the several encountered at the tolls held around Meranthe. It is because of these encroaching things that I have come to offer an outlet.

These threats have become too numerous and rather endless. I would have the leaders of these nations speak with one another. All previous talks with the former leaders has lost some value as most no longer hold their stations, especially in Aphros. I call for an extended armistice. The staying of your executioners' hand as well. At least until these talks have concluded and reached a point of agreement on how to move forward to subdue this threat of Black and Foul magics. Allow me to showcase to you, as the new King of Delphina, that the Greathive will be pointed towards the true enemy of our nations.

The users of undeath and black magic. Let it be known, this offer stands whether Elmyra falls or stands in the coming conflict. It is my desire to have a proper chance to commune with you all, as we have not in many years.

As well, should Elmyra withstand your assault I am of a mind that your people may use the mines without further conflict. This will of course be discussed in the meeting if your people are interested. This war has been lucrative as the sun is bright for those we fight in secret; the darkness that grows in strength.

Let our strength be focused to uproot the true threat before it is too late.

King Amadiel Dal'Thala'

[Image: 75f00189ceaf10ed8068d69f155bc674.png]
Aphros - Allied
Delphina -  Exploring Diplomacy.
Port Fortune - Allied
Necromancers - Hostile
Cult of Misfortune -  Hostile
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"The question isn't whom or how, it's where, and how much?"

Idle undulations of waves caress the shores of Port Fortune. They continue as they have for years now. Yet, quiet contentment underlays brisk and fortuitous happenstance. It's spoken that the march of progress is slow, and inexorable. Those of Port Fortune choose not to abide by such. Rather, the development of the island village has been expansive and rapid. Several hundred homes dot the gentle slopes of the atoll, each as quaint as the last. One might hardly recognize what it has become, to what it was but years ago.

Despite the perturbing lack of a formal government, the informal has seen success. Many factors contribute to the fantastic growth of the settlement.
  • The ongoing war within greater Meranthe has seen the population bolstered by refugees and the world-weary alike.
  • Various projects by the citizens have led to pleasant events upon the island, such as the concert held by The Stormbringers.
  • The ideals of free-trade and the tenuous peace have thus far proven to be a resounding success, naught a single fight having broken out in three years, despite the diverse cast of visitors.
  • Arrangements for the delivery of delicious, and not to mention nutritious, milk have been made despite the conflict upon the mainland. How this is possible with the distance is unknown.
  • The development of a mooring system continues, though the mysterious disappearance of several dozen boats over the course of time has led to many believing a boatgoblin from Oy-Deniz is hiding upon the island. Several adventurers seek this cretin. None have found it.
  • The enigmatic company known as The Nightingale Corp. has established itself upon Port Fortune. Many claim this will provide a boon not only to the local economy, but to Meranthe as a whole.
  • Mercenary work proves to continue to be a boon for the developing settlement, gaining something of a reputation for quality, though it's said this doesn't come cheap. Aphros is said to have made use of these mercenaries, noting their capabilities after a slight incident involving a particular Kitsune.
  • Agreements have been reached with Vdalion regarding the contractual rate of mercenaries in the long term.
  • Some slight discussions of a more formal governmental structure are being had, though this isn't expected to go anywhere terribly quickly.
  • Delphinian diplomats have came and went, but with the sudden death of Delphina's Queen, it is unknown what impact this may have had, if any, though more diplomats are welcome, as they have always been.
  • The Freeport remains open to all peoples of all backgrounds, though should you be a particularly shady individual with particularly shady motivations, that people are particularly angry with, it's probably best to wear a cheap disguise.
  • Several shops have opened upon the island, as well as the development of a new kind of lighthouse to assist when the seasonal typhoons assault the island. What purpose these may have beyond showing the way is currently unknown.
  • The death of the notorious Pirate Captain Orion Finn, despite what one might think, has brought a small bit of sadness upon the island, particularly within the crew. He was a bad man, but a good rival. Such things are seldom found, and even more seldom recognized. What events may transpire from this, have yet to be seen.


A large sum of money, 100,000c to be exact, has been spent on the improvements of infrastructure, including but not limited to the construction of additional housing, for both magi and non-magi. Port Fortune's leadership has come to the understanding that housing these two disparate groups within the same area is not necessarily to be benefit of the latter. Following a particular incident in which a magi whom was buying fruit from the market accidently injured several non-magi, this understanding was reached. The later understood to be aeromancers excuse of "Gotta go fast!" was not deemed suitable, and they were punished accordingly.

In addition to this, some dredging projects have taken place, allowing some of the more shallow areas of the island to be reclaimed, though these are small in number, the added farmland is certainly a boon. The ship within the center of the atoll, as well, was renovated, and several small apartments, in the style of ship cabins, have been made available for rent. How quaint! How rustic!

A small shipyard has been developed as well, though the purpose of this is unknown, the experimental hulks it churns out are slowly becoming more advanced, and more stable.

Things are looking up, and the blue n' white waves proudly from the tavern.


Vdalion : Allied
Aphros : Friendly
Delphina : Neutral
Black Thorn Cove : Skirmishing
[Image: unknown.png?width=1200&height=450]

2005 AC
Quote:"Draining has this great winter been. Only when we accept the past is over, and move towards the future with change will we ever see the Spring bloom."

Years of war find Dal'Thala pressured and with the sudden loss of their monarch lost in the darkness. Much had changed in only a few months with little time being offered for recuperation. Despite this despair that rolled over their lands would they persevere? Communication between Vdallion and Delphina bring about the Summit of Leaders. There a shaky bridge of peace is walked upon with loud shouting and roars coming to and fro.

With the new year coming, the people of Delphina would find respite as their forests and lakes are no longer plagued by the horror of magi warfare. There is a sickly disease that moves through the forests instead. Black magic runs amok and is under constant pursuit. By shadows, the members of the coven lash out and are struck down. The undead walks and tries to force entry upon the lands. The waking nightmare is replaced with night terrors.

In lieu of such events, the capitol of Dal'Thala prepares many celebrations for the year and those that follow. Talk of the Seasonal Festivals returning rings through the populace and even rumors of their contents cause many to start preparing. As the seasons have changed so too has Dal'Thala as they return to their love of the arts and muses. Meanwhile, the Greathive begins their hunting of the true enemies of Meranthe's future.

Following similar teachings as Oberon, King of the Fairies from ancient history, the New monarch seeks to create a large court that shall handle all the happenings internal or foreign in nature. Festivities, the creation of the arts, and the exploration of beauty are put far higher on the priorities of the court. Alongside this comes to re-establishing of the Guild Lightgarde which shall focus its efforts upon ascending the Tower of Aetius during the Season of the Black Hunt.

[Image: unknown.png]
  • Queen Elanil had been lost in a battle yet her remains have been returned to Dal'Thala.

  • Elanil's Heir is revealed as Amadiel Dal'Thala who could be given no crown upon his head.

  • The destruction of the original crown has wounded the people of Delphina and lowered their faith.

  • In the darkest of nights, a Messenger of Love delivers a new crown to be used by Delphina's Monarch. The Crown of Adoration
  • Elmyra has been burned down by the Blackened Banner March forcing its survivors to retreat further into Delphinian territory with what little they could save.

  • The Winter Festival is said to begin its planning to offer celebrations during these changing times

  • The Heir to the current Monarch had been named behind closed doors before the Noble Council of Dal'Thala placing a prince/princess within their midst.
Quote:Changes to the Court
  • Lionel Avarion has been named Hand of the King
  • Commandant and Ynaselle have been named the Commanders of the Elzara

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Vdallion - Tentative Peace
Aphros - Peace
Witches and Necromancers - Hunting Sport
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[Image: perdition.png]
2005 AC

"At long last."

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Much persists within the realm of waking life. An era of peace set upon Meranthe as nations set aside their differences for a time, ceasing in abhorrent behaviors towards one another as focuses are turned towards those creatures of the night. A rise in the number of undead having been noted upon the living, and a quaint sense of plague having set upon Meranthe as sightings of a familiar wilt and rot becoming more widely notable. The practice of Necromancy is clearly present once more after the scattering of the last followers of Ozmandius Tal.

Many are left to ponder the reasons why, but unbenounced to anyone had a grievous would formed within the heart of Meranthe. Deep underground had the Lost Council been hard at work in establishing a hidden sanctuary, a landmark and bethel to the pantheon Caius, surely the source of the rot beginning to set upon Meranthe as it slowly become a sanctuary for the growing horde of the Lost Council. Their ambitions being fulfilled, in the silence of the night. This establishment, to it's members, has come to be known as Perdition. It is a haven for some, and a nightmare for others. Reaking of death and decay, it's ocupance generaly consisting of risen dead or failed fleshcrafting projects alongside the Necromancers who had summoned them, their students included. Though locating this establishment is no easy task, as their has been established the point that any who speak of the secrecy of their union shall be put to immediate death. Enough to strike fear into the heart of any who would hope to betray, though most among them would likely be unable to do so regardless.

Quote:"I have spoken upon the ushering of the return of our era. The era of progress, of evolution. Let this monument be a 
testament of my word. The cycle of life, and death, unwavering.  No longer will be hide and await extinction. 
Rise.. If they would hunt us down, then let us show them how far our talents have come."
- Voyd

[Image: nnecrogang2.gif]

• A hidden bethel has been established deep under the grounds of Meranthe by the Lost Council, a tribute to their chosen Pantheon Caius
• Work has begun upon a cryptic anvil of occultic properties, a forgemaster risimg among their ranks.
• The number of sightings of undead warriors have risen, certainly a concern for the triumvirate of hunters.
• It can be noticed that there will linger the occasional rot and plague upon the generally ambient wildlife of Meranthe, no doubt the wake of the Undead.
• The Lost Council secretly move to undergo a series of tribulations, ultimately leading to their goal of revealing the location of the Last Grave

Updated the main page with the current known settlements (let me know if I missed any).
As a reminder, half a heart settlements are vulnerable: Defeat in one battle is all it takes to raze/conquer them, and the victor gains 25000c.
The settlement that leads a successful offensive battle against another is also is guaranteed to gain half a heart if they're not yet a full heart.

New, indepedent settlements can become a full heart by:
- investing 100k+ after 2 weeks of high activity (via ticket, after a State of Meranthe)
- leading a successful offensive battle against another settlement
- becoming a publicly declared vassal state of one of the three Realms (Delphina, Aphros, Vdalion), supplying them with warriors and tribute/tax
[Image: unknown.png?width=1200&height=450]2006AC

Quote:"...but one shall rule, for She is Queen."

Within the heart of Delphina, was a meeting to determine the new Monarch of Delphina that grew violent. With several in opposition to any but a faeborne taking the throne, several small skirmishes broke out amongst the capital. After the smoke settled, the Greathive Queen, Ormici seized the throne, giving but a brief speech following her claim.

Quote:"...I've long grown tired of my ilks sentience being brought into question. We are not pawns, we are not pets, we are the Greathive. Brought from the Shadowlands to protect the realm of Delphina, but it's traditions and Monarchs past have made our prerogative most difficult. We will save the people from the traditions that bring forth only regression, and strife.

...but, people of Delphina, be weary. The minds of my own were tampered with during their clashes, meaning some who lurk in the Shadows wished to contest my claim.

...regardless of whatever silly rumors a Witch, themselves, seems to be spreading."

[Image: unknown.png]
- Queen Ormici has taken the title of Monarch.
- Commandant has been chosen to lead Dal'thala's armies.
- Annalyse has been chosen as the nations treasurer.
- Kelika, Catalyst, and Kizzek have been named as the Queen's Guard.
- 100k is being placed towards repairing the damage dealt during the second coup.
- Vessix is to work alongside Annalyse to spread the Greathive's coffers and arm the people.
[Image: unknown.png]
To be determined.
➤ Following the takeover by the Greathive at the lead of Queen Ormici, Dal'Thala, the Capital of Delphinais no longer considered a part of the Realm of Delphina, it's its own separate city-state that does not receive support from the weakened Realm of Delphina. Many of the Faeborne and their loyalists left to other places. There is still a number of Faeborne in the former Capital, however.

 Suli'mara, recently founded by the ousted King Amadiel in his surrender, is given some support by the Realm of Delphina (+2 buildings, 220, 740, 1). It is considered the local refuge spot for Faeborne of the Capital that do not support Dal'Thala. (holy crap please find someone to make this place not ugly)

➤ Long-term stability in Aphros at the behest of the Lord Oracle Hadrian and his government has restored half a heart.
[Image: vdalion.png]
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The people of Ymir, warm in their homes within Grimhjall, Folkmoot, and Bjornheim converged upon the Standing Stones to witness the start of the new quinquennium. There was talk of rekindling strife amidst the continuous attacks by coven and cabal upon wanderers and even the fledgling borders of Ryai'sumar, all addressed by the Moot Council.
'The Old Ways're still present in Vdalion t'day 'cause of their stability, an' the wisdom that came up with'm.
There is not yet been a man to lead Ymir's folk alone since Him. So the Moot decides.'
- A Greybeard
In the aftermath of the discussion, the will of the people and the wisdom of the Moot deigned one thing above all else amongst the discussion with the knowledge at their disposal:
Peace with the Greathive will not be possible until it is known they can survive without consuming Meranthe's magi.
In wake of this Council decision, the Blackened Banners of the Huskarls rise again, their omen visible upon the cliffs of the frozen mountain. The fires of the Giant forges billowing smoke.
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Several other announcements and developments graced the first Moot of 2006, with new Moot Council and Flamespeaker appointed, as well as the declaration of Vassal Ryai'sumar.
New Moot Council:
Mia Emara Renee, Seidrs' Voice
Hohenheim, Mythos' Voice
Raithe, Godkins' Voice
Eitr, Flamespeaker
These voices will hold a vote in the Moot henceforth, and with that all the responsibility that comes in tandem. 
[Image: 75f00189ceaf10ed8068d69f155bc674.png]
Greathive - Hostile
Port Fortune - Allied
Ryai'sumar - Vassal
Necromancers - Hostile
Coven - War
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2006 AC

Quote:It was always my dream to unite my people. Ryai'sumar is the beginning of that and so much more. In these perilous times we must stand together, for united we are strong. 

- Vycera

With more settlements staking their claim in the West, the desert and surrounding areas have been seeing more activity. Once a land devoid of civilization, it is now teeming with a life of its own. The land is harsh and deadly to anyone who might find themselves lost there. Despite this, it has become a haven for those seeking to build something of their own and those in need. The budding culture has become diverse in recent years, hosting all manner of non-magi and magi alike.

After negotiations with the former King of Delphina, Amadiel, the two settlements of Ryai'sumar and Suli'mara have merged to become one. Under the leadership of Ryai'sumar's Governor, Vycera, the two will be working together to continue to provide refuge for the scattered refugees of Delphina. Suli'mara will continue to be the refuge for those that do not support the current regiment of Del'Thala and further solidify the unity taking place in the West.

In addition, there have been other small announcements made;
  • Given the close proximity of Ryai'sumar and Suli'mara, there are plans in the works to conform it into a singular city.
  • A clinic is to be built within Ryai'sumar. (This is postponed until public building are functioning properly.)
  • The church is now open, ran by Vycera and Cirilla Folhammar. Honoring both Ymir and the Divine Dragons, it is expected that public sermons will begin soon.
  • Watchtowers are being constructed along the borders to aide with the attacks by necromancers and undead in the nearby areas.
  • A small expedition into the Silent Expanse to uncover the secrets that lay there will be taking place soon. Should their results be fruitful, more are likely to take place.

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Aphros: Neutral
Vdalion: Allied / Vassal
Del'thala: Hostile
Port Fortune: Neutral
Necromancers: Hostile
Coven: Hostile


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