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Nerf Light. Its too strong.
32s for almost guaranteed 1200-2400 damage (for the amount of orbs that WILL generally hit) with a cost of 25 RPP versus 1750 physical damage which can be guaranteed at short range on a 5s cooldown for 0 RPP.

Tackle is 7 spell damage.
6 x 7 is 42.
Tackle can do 42 spell damage multiplier worth of actual damage in the same time as you using the next Scattered Lights.
42 x 250 = 10,500.

Ranged damage which is harder to dodge, or an aimed chance for over 2x the damage?
[Image: ea9a359c0926bc0c3e436499fab1e7f9.png]
This is not worth 20rpp. It's CD is atrocious for the damage it does, and the projectiles get stuck. I'd recommend making it worth it's CD (Upping damage), or lowering the CD in general/making the animation less grandiose to miss it's marks.

For some reason, Lightspeed says
 [Image: 4c5716cc5a63d31e62ea362fef4bff08.png]
It does not do damage, nor is it worth 25rpp. 10tiles? I could Dash Strike to the same effect. It's pure utility. I'd love a Damage Immune Mist form like shadow over this any day. As far as I'm concerned Prism beam is the only skill worth it's cost in light. And it's very dodgeable. Though it does less than Shockwave and is less easy to land.
(12-26-2019, 11:21 PM)Gold Wrote: Light really ain’t all that, Spatial is a thing, and I can’t wait to see what you all say when someone goes spatial, Light, illusion. You never winning, you gonna die, and you gonna feel pain. All I can say is the second you don’t see a light user anymore? Block.

Light user just used light speed? You better dive him it’s it’s over for you, too many have the tendency to back off when you get chunked suddenly. Well timed dashes and proper execution beats everything, your panicking and salt makes light stronger without you releasing it, you’re titled mate.

(12-31-2019, 08:56 PM)Sokkxx Wrote: [Image: ea9a359c0926bc0c3e436499fab1e7f9.png]
This is not worth 20rpp. It's CD is atrocious for the damage it does, and the projectiles get stuck. I'd recommend making it worth it's CD (Upping damage), or lowering the CD in general/making the animation less grandiose to miss it's marks.

For some reason, Lightspeed says
 [Image: 4c5716cc5a63d31e62ea362fef4bff08.png]
It does not do damage, nor is it worth 25rpp. 10tiles? I could Dash Strike to the same effect. It's pure utility. I'd love a Damage Immune Mist form like shadow over this any day. As far as I'm concerned Prism beam is the only skill worth it's cost in light. And it's very dodgeable. Though it does less than Shockwave and is less easy to land.
Lightspeed is an instant teleport. Dash attack has many risks.
If you're missing a 3 tile instant beam you should just practice a bit more
Scattered lights is supposed to be 19 spell damage over 6 projectiles, not sure if theres an issue with it.
3 x 6 is 18 and not 19, but putting that aside, scattered lights is currently 2.5 damage per ball (as seen in the above screenshot) which would equate to a total of 15 spell damage if all were to hit.
(12-31-2019, 08:53 PM)OMNI Wrote: 32s for almost guaranteed 1200-2400 damage (for the amount of orbs that WILL generally hit) with a cost of 25 RPP versus 1750 physical damage which can be guaranteed at short range on a 5s cooldown for 0 RPP.

Tackle is 7 spell damage.
6 x 7 is 42.
Tackle can do 42 spell damage multiplier worth of actual damage in the same time as you using the next Scattered Lights.
42 x 250 = 10,500.

Ranged damage which is harder to dodge, or an aimed chance for over 2x the damage?

Very bad faith argument that's manipulative and weird and ridiculous.

Tackle is a dash, with a short range of 5. You can use it 6 times and do 42 spell damage yeah, but you have to land it all 6 times with a linear dash that throws you directly at your opponent.

Scattered Lights is a 20 range (RPB sized? 2/3rd to 4/5th the RPB size?) homing that attacks from all sides and does free damage that does not lock your movement, lock you out of block, lock you out of other casts for the duration, and does not re-position you into your opponent's face.

It's a powerful spell that can be combo'd with other spells or used to create a pressure to ensure other spells hit. When you tackle, I don't care. Unless you're within 5 tiles of me in a straight line and all my movement abilities are on CD. You have to be real desperate to be relying on tackle.
If you scattered lights me, I have to react, from any range, and I have to burn resources to ensure that thing does not do its damage, and in burning my resources, should I be successful, I don't have those resources for your followup.

Don't try to compare tackle to scattered lights.

And in response to the whole thing about Scattered Lights getting stuck behind walls, that literally only applies to indoor fights, and basically only matters when used in the dojo.
... Come on.

You guys are really reaching with these complaints on this highly useful ability.
How powerful do you guys think the average spell is? Really now?

And Sokxx compared Lightspeed to Dash attack-- you realize a Dash Attack into any AoE is bleeding you dry and not even promising you reach your target right? And is countered by every stun, slow, or any counter-cast in the book right? Lightspeed works from-- now, the same range, and places you behind your target in an instant. You have to telegraph you're about to lightspeed heavily for them to have a ready response to it, assuming you haven't forced your opponent to burn their dash or stuns recently.
Shockwave is literally damage for the entire wind tree and is a melee range AoE that requires you to get up close. Prism beam is a long range beam of high damage that lets you chunk someone from a safe distance. And it fires instantly so you can literally just snipe somebody without them expecting it. And light builds out of two of the most busted trees in the game.

How easy do you expect the game to get for you? Try being an actual wind spec or a water spec or a fire spec for a change and see how tough things are for people outside of your tree. The stuff you guys are complaining about is still way better than what a lot of us get

If it is so trash and doesnt deserve a spot on your bar I would love to see what you replace it with. You guys got so many busted mechanics built in that would force the rest of the game to spec into other trees and pay attunement costs just to have the pure coverage you get from going for these abilities. If we want teles we have to give up armed to go unarmed or go wind to get lightning. If we want homing attacks that spawn and pressure we gotta go riptide and attune to water. If we want high damage beams, we gotta app into cosmic or something or buy into fire for plasma's beam if its even as good.
See now you're using other skills and trees that need buffed as your argument. Maybe those trees like wind which we ALL know need work should be fixed and brought up to par instead of whining about those trees that are already strong/in a good spot?

Buff the weaker trees instead of nerfing one tree. Which btw Holy still hasn't been touched but I don't see a thread asking it to be nerfed and I can't tell if it's out of willful ignorance or because they're afraid of offending Chance because he has a character that uses holy. Of course I've seen people who swear up and down it's fine as they use the tree.

Light /was/ good yes. Now aside from Prism Beam it's pretty bad. Cosmic is in a rough spot cause half of it's moves took damage hits and CD increases. So, I think if anything they need tweaked back up if not in raw damage than CD. I'm not asking for a 'win' button with Light I'm simply asking that it works as intended. Hell replace scattering lights with something else like some CC if it's one of the big offenders.

Jist of it is, don't nerf a tree because a lot of other trees are bad. Buff bad tress so people can have fun with them. Looking at Wind considering the only reason to go wind is Shockwave.
I won't comment on wind but I do know a lot of people go wind because the aura is great, shockwave is beyond good and drops into most combos, and flurry is still one of the best slows in game.
I don't think Cosmic needs any buffs. It does a lot of damage and it has a lot of utility still. The slow on its AoE could probably use some nerfs. And cosmic just got a few new tools in its kit granted they're probably app-gated. But if it had more damage or less CD it'd be really overbearing. They already got way too much going on there.

I don't think Light needs any buffs. It also gives a lot, and it builds out of two trees that already have a lot. It's a supplementary tree of three skills that offer insane amounts of instant utility and damage that you can't find anywhere else. It's really strong as is. It's not carry the entire bench strong, but if anything were, especially with a whole tree, that'd be a problem.

Do some trees need a little help in comparison to Light, Holy, Shadow, Occult, Cosmic? Maaaybe. I haven't done enough research to say-- but if it means that those five trees need to be buffed more to be even further ahead? Or that they should be buffed before the rest of the meta catches up to them, I'd have to protest.

Edit: And the jist isn't that these trees should be nerfed because other things are bad. These things were nerfed because they were too much. I'm saying they don't need to be buffed arbitrarily because after these nerfs they're still really good, and if you think they're bad then you're living a very privileged character and don't know what the landscape of fights look like outside of your 'elite tree'.
I'd like to request this gets locked and shutdown.
[Image: GLORIOUS_GIF.gif]
Please, I get closer to a stroke every time certain posts are made but my raw autism won't let me not read it.

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