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Nerf Light. Its too strong.
You dont need to put stepcast on lightspeed to face your target because anything you cast after that has stepcast on it already.

Lightspeed isnt telegraphed because lightspeed is instant and does nothing. If you are telegraphing lightspeed that's a you thing, not an anyone else thing. You can even do it off someone's screen so you dont know what they're planning.

Light and Shadow should not be stronger than the other trees just because its a spec of a spec. Thats just really dumb. Holy and Occult are already strong, maybe super strong compared to average trees and other specs, they dont need a God tree hidden behind it. They dont need to be insane to be good, they should offer more options to your kit, not more overpowered power on top of your super powered power that puts you 2 or 3 leagues above everyone else because you are part of the knights or noble clique

Edit: If you are running these trees every spell you have is good for like every build. The rest of us not using these trees or without the luxury of having access to them have to deal with this shit all the time and with less options. Half the stuff we get we have to make decisions on whether its worth a bar slot at all and if its good for our playstyle. Is there sometimes better options? yeah, and for non light users thats a decision on every spell, not 1 really easy to use spell out of the tree.
I still feel 19 is a bit much because there are people using it with 300 power for 19 Spell Damage for 5700 dmg and 8k+ dmg if crits.
3 damage per hit is fine because halving it was honestly sad to see in terms of damage for it.

TO Mal's above post prism beam is good as it is, people just don't use it. Marisol uses it just fine and they deal thick damage when they line those 3 tiles up because it's instant and has a 8-ish tile long range. The drawbakc being you're rooted for a second or so. Pretty balanced in my opinion.

Fuck lightspeed. Jab has a warning to its teleport, can be delayed by slows, cancelled by beams, and outright dashed out of. Lightspeed loses all these weaknesses in exchange for a longer cd.
[Image: GLORIOUS_GIF.gif]
(12-28-2019, 05:32 PM)Mordere Wrote: 3 damage per hit is fine because halving it was honestly sad to see in terms of damage for it.

TO Mal's above post prism beam is good as it is, people just don't use it. Marisol uses it just fine and they deal thick damage when they line those 3 tiles up because it's instant and has a 8-ish tile long range. The drawbakc being you're rooted for a second or so. Pretty balanced in my opinion.

Fuck lightspeed. Jab has a warning to its teleport, can be delayed by slows, cancelled by beams, and outright dashed out of. Lightspeed loses all these weaknesses in exchange for a longer cd.

Everything else had itself touched at but lightspeed only got 5 sec cd more for a total of 20 but with dcr it can still be as low as 15-16. thats just a tad longer cd than most melees so it wont be noticed still. ifrit style Q special users will make great strides with this utility to no end. Morale of this post, fuck lightspeed
Lightspeed can have the range decreased. Like I said, not looking to over nerf. Just balance. So lower its range and keep everything else?
Lightspeed should still have a charge up animation and reduced range, as it is now it's still op asf
Seeing as changes to light were made recently think this topic is done until new examples can be brought forward.
I personally think Lightspeed could use some gameplay expansion for readability.

People will say that there's detriments to it, and make it sound more complicated than it actually is but there's an undeniable power to Lightspeed that many will consider unfair. That isn't to say it isn't countered by things like AoE-- but not everyone is an AoE mage, and even against an AoE mage that thing is game changing. Just consider any other melee range person and their plight with the same obstacle, and how you bypass it all with one effortless click.

Most fighters don't have full bars of spells either (as people are still using things like mana ripple, tackle, strike), so pretending like Scattered Lights wasn't worth a spot on your spellbar either said you had a ton of spells and options anyways, or that you're exaggerating things to make it seem like you're under attack. But most of the complaints about the nerf were from dojo-bums. They're competing with each other to find the most broken things, and they're focusing on a very select set of trees. Light isn't suffering from anything that most the other trees have not suffered from and it's not any worse than most trees. It's just not as crushingly better like it was before.
Making lightspeed have a tell or something seems like it'd be pretty bad for it's usability, as the moment you see whatever animation you can just smack spacebar or hit block or whatever and probably be okay. Or better yet throw down your own stun and see who has the better ping. It makes a move much more dangerous and thus a lot less appealing, at least that's gut instinct.

If you want to nerf it a little, then just attach a 1-2 second debuff when you use it. Something like -10% AP or something, so the wallop isn't that bad. Giving it some form of tell would kill a lot of the appeal, though, and also not even work as intended unless the opponent actually knows what that even means.
Alright I was fine with the CD nerf to Lightspeed and was ok with a 3x spell power scattering lights.

However, why did the tree gain a big increase in cost? 25 RPP for Lightspeed? 20 for Scattering Lights? 15 for Prism Beam? That's 60 RPP for three spells, spells that have been whacked with nerf after nerf since the game started. What sense does it make to NERF a spell and then INCREASE it's cost? It doesn't make any and that's my two cents on it.

In short I don't care about the nerfs they're fine the tree is only 3 spells after all, not even a large chunk of one's bar. My issue is that it just costs far to much.
I just wish there was some patch notes about increased cost... i don’t like shadow changes.

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