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Nerf Light. Its too strong.
Light Orbs do not do damage, even with invigorate on.
The beam that they have isn’t even a beam, it does average at best damage.
The lightspeed teleport is really only worth it if you’re melee or have a round up.

the person who made this thread doesn’t even verb much. the entire tree beforehand was average at best. scattering lights was made to do very little damage because it was a homing and was entirely blockable. even when blocked (when it only did 50% blocking) was only hitting 500-600 with crits.

At the moment, light is entire joke that needs to be reworked or revamped. Either scattering lights need to have the 3 spell damage or it should turn to something akin to the angels gate of babylon.

the prism beam should be an actual beam that does considerable damage and be more RPP. Probably a longer tile nova ray or something.

the teleport isn’t worth changing; it can be something that’s good for repositioning or they are entirely messed up by getting to close to someone’s range of damage. Unironically the Lightspeed skill has put me in bad places rather than good.

you could entirely rework it to be like the vampire teleport that lets you go anywhere in a range if you want /real/ repositioning.

to further add salt in the wound, some of the light users prior to the change automatically wanted to refund it (scattered lights) after seeing how low the damage was in comparison. i.e: Claude and Robin. Even with Invigorate, it’s more so like balloons of cute light just hitting your forehead and then kissing you after instead of making you instinctively block or mist form or shadow walk etc.

please make light decent again in 2020.
I verb thanks.
Light orbs home and they do damage.
They didn't get their damage sliced in half, they got their spell damage reduced from 4 to 2.5 so instead of doing 1670 in those pictures every hit they are doing 1k per hit.

If you feel like they arent doing damage maybe you dont know how to maximize their damage and arent putting enough effort to make that spell work for you. If there are easier spells to get damage with that you want to use, welcome to every other person i nthe game who didnt get easy no effort damage like you had. Or maybe the tele meta with everyone using jab and lightspeed is just too much to keep up with.
I was personally hit for about 5k total from an invigorated Scattering Lights standing completely still to see just how much it did. (With base Spirit for a 200 rpl)

5k(And that's being generous with that number, my hp bar barely shifted down) for homing lights that are VERY easy to block, or even avoid some of them.

If you're having trouble dealing with jab I suggest using the spacebar or applying one of the many slows in the game (Those affect jab windup a lot).

I honestly feel like a majority of the issue with this thread is most complaints originate from some people not bothering to figure out how they can counter something. Instead they just want it nerfed to the ground so they don't have to worry about it.

All this will eventually lead to is an even less diversified meta because I sure wouldn't play Light rn, and I feel bad for the people who have it at the moment.

Light/Shadow should be stronger than average trees, at the cost of a higher expectation to get them. Though this is an opinion, perhaps in the future.
(12-28-2019, 04:44 PM)Lorelai Wrote: I verb thanks.
Light orbs home and they do damage.
They didn't get their damage sliced in half, they got their spell damage reduced from 4 to 2.5 so instead of doing 1670 in those pictures every hit they are doing 1k per hit.

If you feel like they arent doing damage maybe you dont know how to maximize their damage and arent putting enough effort to make that spell work for you. If there are easier spells to get damage with that you want to use, welcome to every other person i nthe game who didnt get easy no effort damage like you had. Or maybe the tele meta with everyone using jab and lightspeed is just too much to keep up with.

That was my thought. Scattering Lights did not drop by half.

If 1.5K was the average, it only dropped to 1K. How is that supposed to /not/ hurt? Also you completely ignored Jetniss who brought visual proof of those moves. And if Lightspeed has no windup and lands you behind, you are telling me the person won't have a stun combo for that? Riiight.

@Jess You were expecting one spell to shift your health bar? If what you say is true, at 4 it would have been 7.5k. Your health bar would still be fine.

Edit: What meta? Everyone uses Cosmic/Holy/Light. And Cosmic>Illusion and Light>Shadow. Yeah -you- can land SC like you said. Or Shadow Walk. But if your claw deals 4k, and by your own admission, it's strong, why would 5k homing be something to scoff at? Is this about cooldown, you are forgetting everything in the Cosmic/Holy kit. If there WAS a meta, people would be using different spell trees and not almost everyone into Cosmic/Holy/Light numero 27476284729.

Lightspeed while Meteor is charging. Meteor hits. Meteor Dash in. Drop Star Rain. Drop the small/bigger Holy Land (also these two stack giving you +20% DR as well as stack with Star Rain to really burn your health due to the tile damage) Cast Invigorate. Cast Scattering Lights. Follow up with Nova Ray.

And Cosmic/Holy can do far worse then that basic bnb combo. You are only accounting for what Light spells are. You are completely ignoring that Cosmic and Holy are pretty damn strong. Much stronger then their counterparts Illusion and Occult. Even in game people who have Illusion/Occult/Shadow (And I'm one of them. Except shadow, don't think its worth it aside from SW for the immunity.) have made comparison to how much stronger the other version is.

Here is a thought. So we don't end up nerfing trees left and right, as that is not what I want. Find two (or more) equally skilled verbers. And have one with C/H/L and the other with I/O/S. And let's put this to rest. If SL was over nerfed then put it at 3.
Jab is a 5(7 if you count the two steps it takes to get to five) that does a damage and turns you around to land any of the versatile larait stuns and other things like that.

Lightspeed doesn’t unless you have /stepcast on it. Even now as i play Light with Cosmic, hitting anything with it depends on if someone can’t tell something so graphed out and played (or they do very poorly and not block).

The homing wasn’t even doing well, even if you blocked. Now the damage is just laughable from the experience that I have seen and asked around. For something that is so deeply cherished and should be strong, the only thing strong in it is it’s weakest.

Prism beam is the only “good.” Because it depends on crits. But that can be fixed by just blocking.

I will stand by the fact that it should be reworked; it should have something versatile with it. But saying it’s too strong when not many people (or the five people in the back of my head who have it) have it and say it’s mediocre is astounishing.
Here's a better way to calculate damage rather than throwing around arbitrary numbers: Scattered Lights currently deals 15 homing damage (6 projectiles * 2.5) at a cooldown of 32s. This spell costs 15RPP.

I have increased it to 3 (total of 19), as I was under the assumption that there were 8 projectiles rather than 6.
15 damage in 6 projectiles. (250 power) on average that's at least 3750 damage with 0% dr and 6 chances to crit for at most 5625. This is a homing skill with no windup that can be used at a range and surpress aggression from your target. its good.

19 damage in 6 projectiles. (250 power) that's about 4750 with no DR% and 6 chances to crit for at most 7125 damage. Same circumstances. Even better now. My issue with lightspeed remains. 20cd is better but the followups and the cdr reduction from agi doesn't make it noticeable still.

The prism beam is instant animation for its length so if you have a clear lineup on 3 tiles it hits.

Light is good and just needs to be observed for more time.
Again... you don't need to assign arbitrary damage numbers. Just focus on the base spell damage.

I'd say at 15 damage it's still worth using since people freak out when they see it, and that can be more of a benefit than the actual damage. But 15 dmg/31s is still a little low, so we'll go with 19 dmg/31s. It was previously 24 dmg/31s.
That will probably be better, thank you for that.
That sounds really good.

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