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The Hunt for the Silverfang
Name: The Hunt for the Silverfang
Risk: CoI

Attendeees: Barca Scipio
Tanya Ise

Synopsis: After hearing the reports from many miners and scouts that the giant Direwolf from the Silverwall Mines has escaped the mountains into the wilderness, Agrien Vandroy from the Vandroy Company was prompt to organize a hunt for the great beast in order to protect the travellers from it's attacks on the woods, as well as to bring the prize of it's head as Great Game. With that information and goal at hands, Agrien have hired the professional huntress Barca to lead a team into the wild and to track, search and put down the threat of the Silverfang once and for all.

OOC Notes: The tone of event is meant to be a tracking adventure in the search for the Silverfang; the reason why it escaped, the details around the Direwolf, where it escaped to, what type of environment it went to, and why, and everything else can be at the DM discretion to add some freedom to explore and have fun on their end as well. Maybe even build a story around the giant beast and it's surrounding details? Just having fun, you know!

Rewards: Monster parts, probably Silverfang's pelt or hide or fangs, and maybe some herbs or things found at it's den? Anything the DM consider to make sense, being monster parts a preferred reward.

DM: Prego / Nailman
Leylin will be available for this!
me dm this

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