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[Image: SFt7labyzaYwu6M7orbyPveCXW6qDVzc5TS6AiE7...21ZLP1Mv7p]
Through the listless nights and the dark callings, it's finally here; a piece of the Dark Lord's menagerie. A sacred site long since forgotten, crawling with whatever creatures and demons fancy themselves the new majordomo of this old site of power. Through his vision and his liaison with the Dark Lord, he's seen it. This is where he needs to go to better himself, and learn the secrets of old. Deeper, they'd go.
Alone, only a handful of them. A place hidden away in the deep back woods of Esshar, warded from holy men and occultists alike for the dangers that tread and the tricksters that lie inside.

Risk: Decently mid-range to high, varies on the DM's discretion of the threats.
Tone: Serious Tones, Battle oriented & Riddle oriented
Reward Request: Occult & Blood Development.
DM: Zaku
Attendees: Truder, Remiel, Zaos & potential fourth.
When: TBD
Zaos de'Rosa will be present.
Remiel de'Rosa be attending this event.

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