State of Esshar
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Quote:"Ilburg will be joinin' tha' fight against Osrona. An' within' tha' next few months, various positions within' tha' tribe will be filled. We begin' by trainin' a few priests and priestesses. "

Priests and priestesses are tasked with overseeing weddings and performing the proper rituals involved in said weddings. They provide spiritual advise to those who need it, teach those curious about Njorun and the other divine spirits, and perform rituals and prayers before large battles. 

Ilburg's expansion is still underway. Most of the construction workers kept getting assaulted by dark spirits, but they're better now.

Pariah is also openly accepting challenges from those who question his title and place as the High Lord of the tribe.


Training for the priests and priestesses will begin Sunday at at 6pm est.

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An announcement, one public, is made on behalf of the Celestial Church’s Arch Priest Del mer Joyau. Their words passionate, zealous, even.
“War continues to brew throughout the country. It festers and has taken the lives of many. The loss at Starfall Island was one that will be felt for years. A mark, a stain to our Shimmering City. Halting us, yet for a moment. The Order and Crown continues its own efforts of pushing back Myllenoris and its allies forces.”
“But the Church?”
“Defense has been our main priority with these efforts with Myllenoris. They seek blood, but I’ve seen how ignorant they are. To insult the faith, the cosmos and the heavens while worshiping a false deity? Such a ‘faith’ is a mockery. It’s bloody and false. Who they worship are no better than demons.
“Bask within the truth of the heavens and the Stars. For they have given our prayers a sign. They’ve noticed and looked down upon us with a smile. Those who take part in this heretical worship of spirits will know judgement from the heavens and all above.”
♓︎ A citizen of Alabastre was captured, Edelaide Astaret her life numbered as she was to be used as a sacrifice for Myllenoris’ spirits. Rather her soul be denied journey to the Stars, she was said to have died honorably in battle at the hands of Sythaeryn Vartuul. While of another city, who else will Myllenoris take for these foul sacrifices? How many lives? 
♓︎ Practice and participation of the Myllenoris’ faith, members and Greycloaks is outlawed within Osrona. Those caught indulging in such should be apprehended immediately and brought to the Celestial Church, or such presence informed to any Clergy member. Such will remain even after the conclusion of the war. The demon Aschea is not welcomed. This ban approved by the Crown. It is immediate. 
♓︎. Recently, Deacon Filia was attacked by a Teraphim and terribly injured, alongside Acolyte Mariaan. Such will also be seen as an act against Osrona’s faith. It will not be tolerated
♓︎. Heretical speech against the Church and Faith, Celestialism, and heretical worship is both a minor and major crime within Osrona. Those caught will be dealt with by the Clergy
♓︎ Occltists run about Esshar once more. The Church Keepers are taking actions to ensure the capture and cleansing of these individuals who tread a dark path. Allow yourself to be purged of that which plagues you. The Church welcomes those who wish to step off such a dark, misguided path
♓︎ In light of the attacks against Clergy members at the hand of Teraphim, the Church continues its involvement with the war efforts against Myllenoris and its allies, now with more vigor than before. The faithful made targets? The heavens and cosmos will see those responsible judged for their crimes
♓︎ Keeper patrol increases. If the Order cannot keep its people safe, the Keepers of Osrona’s Celestial Church will fill such a position.
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“Crimes committed in the dark do not go unpunished.”

- 1740 AC -

The Shimmering City, Osrona acts as the last light for The Empire of Esshar.

Letter flurry over Esshar, delivering message of the King to Myllenoris.

Quote:I will never bow to the demands of a demon.
No lives need be sacrificed for the Petrakis dynasty? Show Eternia how true those words are, Asta Hargrave.
My mother, Serea Astor? Siegfried, my loyal knight? Both killed.

You insult my wife, you threaten my people, you murder my knights, harbour occultists and you demand the sacrifice of two-hundred lives.

Tell them the real reason you march for me, the reason that Myllenoris now knows. You wish to rule over all of Esshar. The reason I anticipated, why I have never let you have your way.

But it is clear my people held as hostage, loyal as they are, have fallen ill to your lies of dissent and do not wish to suffer any longer, so I will free them from their oaths. The oaths that are too heavy for their shoulders and I will bear that burden myself.

The Stellus Romani Montclaire, no longer Stellus, no longer tied by his position in the Triumvirate.
The Triumvirate? Broken now by King Alexander, King Arisitidis' son instead of through a fake, forged document. And it will last broken until my death.
Ophelia Montclaire? Relieved as Diplomatic Aid and removed from her duty to the Crown.
For Thalis, a man of Faith fighting for his home? For him, relieved of his duties and for him, we exchange Danica Drugovic. A captured hostage on our side.

All of them removed from their ties to the Essharian Empire, to the Petrakis Dynasty. Regulus in all of his diplomatic wisdom surely would understand how foolish it would be kill them now.

Though the only reason you need is me.

This is between you and I, your insecurity that man was granted divine right over all of Esshar. Prove that you at least have the spine of a leader, free those prisoners assuming it is you ruling and not Sythaeryn. And then once they are freed, stop cowering behind excuses and come.

Rally your army. Raise your wraiths, your occultists, the mercenaries and murderers. Worship Aschea for aid. Rally Theria who came to my castle walls begging for peace after sending dragon fire to raze land. Rally Illburg who shows they wish for nothing more but pointless bloodshed. Rally Barsburg even! For not even could an external empire cause all of Esshar to unite like it could to come after me and my people.

This war ends with me.

And for those who ask why I continue? Who beg for peace despite throwing up arms and attempting a siege against my walls? Actions speak louder than words. Who tell me to stand down without having a single moral bone in their body? That find nothing to fight for?

It is called standing for a purpose greater than yourself. And I will stand even if nobody else finds the courage.

For I lead for the good of Esshar. That is why the Petrakis were given divine right.
King Alexander Petrakis

The War of Crowns,
The War of Divine Right continues.
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(Speech Transcribed by, Cayden. Clan Head of the Kalvore, Member of Forger Clan, Champion to Ilburg.)
"Now... I know most of you all don't like me, but that's fine... I make an active attempt at being an asshole for a reason. Cause you see? The islands poisoned by politics, snakes... Lies and deceit. And for those who know me? They know I ma honest man, for better or worst. 

So i'll begin with this... 

I'm the High-Lord of Ilburg now and the Freedom Breather; Pariah, will serve as my Reaver. Head-Priest and Champion; to I, personally.

With that said? We'll talk about how ilburg plans to deal with this whole war going on. And i'll say this, with the defeat recently had by the united efforts of this... League. I hereby dissolve the revenge instigated between the two nations. I'm sure many of you, Rhoynur included will wonder why. 

It's simple, the king made his choice during a hard time. One where even his city sought to see him kneel before the Demon of Myllenoris. Seeing him defy fate, defy the world? I guess you could say that it touched me a bit. Made me realize that the king now, isn't like the emperor of the past. So while we may be seen as blood-thirsty mongrels. Know our skins too thick to worry.

Ilburg is officially pulling out the league. 

Heard about what happened over there in myllenoris... Funny, I seem to point things out, but nobody listens. I'm used to it though. 
All who reckon they might be wolves inside, forced to wear the skin of a sheep to stave face from the retribution of others. I welcome you to ilburg, where we fight for our freedom. Where we fight to preserve what is ours; Life. So let me end with this... We're not pulling out of this war.

Ilburg enters into the fray as a third-party. Intent on seeing Osrona remain standing. Not in their defense, but to ensure Asta does not gain control over another cities ruling.

You plan to put a teraphim on the throne or some easily manipulated soul. I'd rather die early than see my city burn later."

- Word of possible treason was spread prior to the ilburg units currently assisting the siege. While only a small batch. The Rhoynur, mercenaries, bandits and thieves there now having been given the signal via speech? Choose to cause Chaos amidst the armies. Knowing possible retreat after pulling out the League could prove difficult. 

- Small collective units within ilburg are sent out as both scout parties and detainees. Seeking to capture any and all that leave past the walls of Myllenoris. 

- The desert is on high alert, with units consisting of Rhoynur and Mercenaries. Most people passing by are quickly questioned.

- The settlement is still expanding... Sorry guys, sometimes stuff just takes years to complete. But one day! 

- Despite lacking a Chapel, ilburg is still seeking those primarily of Rhoynish blood to come and take on the trials of the Ilian. Undergo training to become either a Priest/Priestess. Considering these difficult times? Warriors such as the High-Lord and Reaver look forward to the comfort someone of spirituality could offer. From the perspective of a different lifestyle.

- All Religion based activity is to be taken directly to the Reaver, Pariah. If they cannot be found? It's fine to bug the High-Lord....

- The Kalvore Clan Head, Cayden. Is currently seeking willing souls that look to endure the harsh training required of them to become a champion of ilburg. Those of which stand the testament of time as barriers united hand in hand. Defending the settlement with blood, sweat, tears.

- Coin is booming as well, despite the lack of farm fields and... Shops, the economy remains strong. As if city were being supported from the shadows. :Thinkingface:

(Sorry if I missed anything... Ima newbie to this. Please be gentle, Senpai.)
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The Kingdom of Myllenoris

In the years 1738-1739 AC, the Kingdom of Myllenoris and her allies were successful in seizing Osrona's territories from them. Now, the Empire of Esshar has been pushed back to their last bastion: the Shimmering City itself. The forces of the Coalition circle Osrona, boxing the residents inside the city. Travel and trade will become nearly-impossible during the year. This will be the final push.

Toward the end of the year 1739, a chaotic scene unfolded in Myllenoris. The High Lady herself clashed against Sythaeryn Vartuul and Mistseer Finley, and in the aftermath of it all, Serea Petrakis and Siegfried lay dead.

Interestingly enough, the following words were spoken by the High Lady before she briefly fought with Sythaeryn:

Quote:"You're a fool, Sythaeryn. You cannot see more than what you see before you. You cannot see that I never had any intention of letting a Petrakis sit upon the throne of Esshar.

That throne belongs to the Teraphim of Myllenoris."

Her words have been taken as a threat by many in the Coalition, likely the reason for Ilburg's newfound war against Myllenoris. A few months of isolation in the Vale later, the High Lady has emerged and releases the following announcement:

"Members of the League, now formally just called the Coalition, were always free to back out of this conflict that has more or less revolved around Myllenoris and Osrona. The war alliance was made with the intent to be a mutually-beneficial war against Alexander Petrakis. To repay him for all that he and his people have done to our kingdoms. The siege upon Theria, the slaying and disrespect of Vartuul. The violation of the Treaty of 1733. But what is not permitted is the betrayal of sacred dealings. I, along with others of my people, risked our lives to help control the gateway under Ilburg and banish the Nethradin Vro'diark.

The agreement was that Ilburg would assist Myllenoris in the conflict. And now, they openly declare war upon Myllenoris. Our hands, thusly, are tied:

Ilburg will stand down. Ilburg will pull out of the conflict and not interfere, or Myllenoris' full armies shall march upon Ilburg until the new, supposed "High Lord" Basten is executed for his transgressions.

Osrona will be decimated and subjugated should they continue to resist the demands of the Teraphim people.

A few further key points:
  • The prisoner of war, Thalis, has been released. Myllenoris requests the release of Danica Drugovic, as offered by Osrona.
  • Post-war plans that highlight the fate of Osrona and the Coalition have been drafted. Papers have begun to circulate. The complete disempowerment of the Petrakis family has been set in stone. Restructuring of Osrona's internal hierarchy will include a democratically-elected official to serve as the head of the Osronan Triumvirate.
  • Osrona, once reformed, will be granted a position in the united coalition of Esshar. A high council of lords that will collectively decide Esshar's fate, and rule their kingdoms separately, but jointly. This will be a permanent fixture in Essharan politics, to promote unity and defense against external threats, such as Barsburg or rogue witches.
  • A Teraphim representative will oversee Osrona during its new period of reformation and restoration. It is believed the Teraphim in specific does not actually refer to Asta Hargrave herself.
  • Regulus Grimmore has been made Lord-Chancellor of Myllenoris. He acts as the High Lady's speaker, and representative in matters foreign and domestic. It's a position that is, on paper, on par with the High Lady herself. The nature of their spirit bonding means that he is generally always aware of what she wants, so this grants him the ability to act with confidence when she is indisposed.
Despite everything, the Kingdom of Myllenoris still besieges the Shimmering City until Alexander Petrakis himself surrenders.

(War thread coming soon!)
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- - Year 1740 - -

The city of Alabastre along with its allies, previously, has pushed the Empire of Esshar to its own city through participation in battles- yet it found itself no longer participating as the years went on. The word around Esshar says that Alabastre has been focused upon further construction and expansion the most, now seeking capable hands to continue working on it further. Curiously, however, that wasn't the only thing on their minds - their sights are now directed towards the relics that contain the strength of stars, of cosmic power and blessings previously unimaginable. 

Yet, rumors speculate of the trouble brewing within inner hierarchy of Alabastre, with restructure going on about as result of disagreements going on between its members. After what seems like a quiet of few years, the news reach from the city in the forests.

"Esshar has sunk deep in chaos."

"Incompetent leaders and selfish schemers seem to take every corner of Esshar, but Alabastre has decided to become a more open place to those that wish to distance themselves from tyranny of leadership that finds itself tangled up in its own web of lies, and focus on something greater. Alabastre was meant to be the city of secrets - and it shall be, with the foundation of the wisdom within pages of Leonaus Grimoire. While others sink in endless squabble and war that leads nowhere, we'll be moving forward with restoring the lost wisdom that seems to be so needed nowadays. And with that said..."

"We cordially invite interested cosmic magi for cooperation in this endeavour, as well as the project to follow."

"Alabastre will remain independent to pursue insight among the madness that has taken lives, homes and purpose of living - and it extends invite to those that wish to walk this path."

"And hose that decide to stand in our path will be struck down."

Several key points:
• Alabastre remains entirely independent of other cities.
• New sights of a new construction is appearing atop of Alabastre's castle. A future project?
• Word goes around of particular disagreements running amok within inner structure of Alabastre, appearing after Basil has made an attempt on the life of Priest Sethon inside Osrona.
• The lands given by Alexander rei Petrakis and Nebula rei Petrakis, now known as Nebula Lockwood, are still under control of Alabastre.
• Invitations seem to be extended to interested parties, new magi arriving to make their life inside the growing city. It seems that Alabastre is no longer closing itself off.
• After visit of Asta Hargrave to Alabastre, rumors say that the meeting ended up with a fight and heated exchange of threats and warnings. Is alliance no more?
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Spring, 1740AC
The Celestial Church
  "Have faith in your Faith. Should you be wary, our arms extend to those in need of encouragement, meaning and guidance given through the most trying times. It can prevail over all. You only need a strong soul to bear such."
♓︎ Following the King's announcement, all of Osrona was given the most concrete proof of Queen Nebula or, Nebula Lockwood, a witch who has lied herself into earning a position in the royal family. She is charged with the murder of Marie Petrakis, the assault of several Radiants and Keepers, and witchcraft. Citizens of Esshar are to proceed with the upmost caution, especially when outside the walls of Osrona. Even at when war, we implore those of other cities to remain safe. The Red Witch is to be captured, her whereabouts presented to the Celestial Church and Order if such is discovered.
♓︎ After Nebula Lockwood's reveal, the King Alexander rei Petrakis seemed to be underneath her thralls. Wrath given form. Following her escape, he was taken into the Church for a few months for rehabilitation. Word of exorcism ringing about...
♓︎ From the Church, on its second floor, explosions and screams could be heard. The door locked, and the Arch Priest and their Keepers, followed by the King's most loyal Radiant, first moving into the room with ritualistic items. The King soon joining, wearing white robes. Windows burst and brilliant light alludes to something dangerous, possibly life threatening occurring.
♓︎ From whatever occurred, the Arch Priest has locked something, a rather frightening looking figure, within the depths of the Church. The King, can he approached now without fear of lash out of rage? Was this attempt... successful?
♓︎  Promotions ring about the Church. For undying, unwavering loyalty to both the Faith and the Crown, Filia and Sethon ascend to the rank of Bishop, bearing the title of Bishop Keeper
♓︎ The Church continues to support the war efforts, defending its city from the treachery that threatens to burn it down. Peace will be obtained, walls protected and the rightful rule remaining in place. Such is the will of the heavens.
♓︎ A lengthy expedition for the Church continues its preparations. Will it bear fruits? Have faith.
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Following the sack of Osrona, the Valeborne of Myllenoris were left to find their own way home.
In the days that followed, some celebrated, some mourned, and amidst all of it, a new High Lord was crowned.
It was believed by many that the Crown of Aschea was destroyed, only for the relic to manifest itself upon the head of the new ruler of the forest kingdom.

A public address was given to Myllenoris, transcripts of it available to spread throughout Esshar as a whole.

This war is over.
Osrona lies in ruin not because Alexander slew Asta Hargrave, but because the Petrakis 'King' proved even at the edge of oblivion, he believed himself capable of wiping out a foreign way of life.
The strike against the Crown of Aschea was nothing less than an attempt at murdering the Mother we Teraphim pray to.
He was not satisfied with the victory of an honor duel, and so we were not satisfied with the price he had been forced to pay.
And so this would-be godslayer has no kingdom to try to take back.
We destroyed it.
The sycophants of what remained of the Faith at Osrona's fall and any who continue to stand by Alexander will join in his fate should they attempt to retaliate or return from wherever they now hide.
What comes next, spirits willing, should be an age of healing, not only for Myllenoris, but for Esshar as well.
It's my intention to rectify some misconceptions of my kin, and though I expect this to be a difficult task given the conclusion of this long and terrible conflict, it's one I'll continue to endeavor to accomplish.
Osrona's lands are being given to the recognized Stellus of the Celestial Church, Romani Montclaire.
With what reconstruction efforts he has spoken with me about, I've given him approval to act on his own with the aid of a Council consisting of all allies and parties interested in taking part in it.
(Finn Ghede)

Spoils of War
  • Arcanium that was promised to the soldiers of Myllenoris and a 10% cut for those of Alabastre has been delivered
  • Rhoynish relics of note that were found within Osrona were all handed over to Basil, the new and recognized High Lord of Ilburg
  • The plundering of Osrona's treasury is to be turned over to Sythaeryn to fund expeditions beyond Esshar's borders along with Myllenoris' aid should he ask for it
  • Theria has been given authority to oversee their own works and participation in the rebuilding of Osrona as they see fit, along with their 30% cut of the stolen treasures
Changes in Myllenoris
  • Ella Gracia has been made a Mistseer and is now recognized as the leader of the Blackcloaks.
  • Tieru Avlee and Ro have been recognized as High Priests of the Valeborne
  • Finn Ghede has taken the mantle of High Lord and now bears the Crown of Aschea
In Regards to Osrona
  • Myllenoris' official stance is to provide aid to Romani Montclaire and the Council responsible for the city's reconstruction
  • Petrakis loyalists and witches will be kept out of the city at all costs
  • Alexander Petrakis and those who still follow him are only to be hunted should they persist to be a problem or near Myllenoris and its allies with violent intentions. If they choose to peacefully remain where they are, Myllenoris has no intention of pursuing any conflict at this time
Myllenoris Laws of Note
  • Witchcraft and the study of it remains the only illegal and prohibited magic within Myllenoris
  • Occultism is to be monitored and watched, but it is not outlawed
  • Exorcism is encouraged to be viewed under a similar lens to promote the balance between the light and the dark
  • All other laws remain the same
Business in Myllenoris speaks of a shift in the Valeborne to focus their works within the Vale itself.
Word of what secrets are yet to be found within spreads, and the High Lord has made it known to his people that he intends to soon lead his own expedition into the tunnels uncovered there.
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“What rebuilds and remains?”

"Mikhael Petrakis was given the divine right to rule to stand against the Witch Elaide long ago. It is for this reason that the stars blessed him."

"When Alexander chose to unite with the Witch, Nebula Lockwood, it in turn destroyed the divine right that his family was given. He is not fit to rule. His family is no longer blessed. This is what I believe."

"Not that I am going against the doctrines of my church and Faith. But instead that a man was given the divine right to rule to fight against something, and by accepting it, that same right is lost to that family. You may call it what you wish."

"My desire is to see Osrona regrow anew, without the Petrakis family. An Osrona that can be part of peace, and is not swallowed by Zealotry or madness. A true Osrona for the people that can remain. I do not see it as going lower."

"It is offering people a chance to live in this unfair, cruel, brutal world. And it is to stand and create new doctrines that support the stars and what our worship should be."

♓︎ Osrona is currently occupied by Coalition forces. While in the process of rebuilding and reconstruction from the battle between the Coalition and Alexander Petrakis’ Osrona, the city is occupied and secured by the Greycloaks of Myllenoris.
♓︎ Romani cos Montclaire, stripped of all titles under the rule of Alexander Petrakis, has been placed in charge of reconstruction efforts, and resumed his place as Stellus of Osrona’s Faith.

♓︎ The process of restaffing Osrona has begun, including Sparrow cos Queen being restated as the High Keeper of the Faith, August cos Astor as Radiant of the newly re-established Vigilant, Ella Garcia as a representative from Myllenoris, Rinn as a representative from Theria, and Walter Docro as a representative of the Family.

♓︎ In accordance with terms from the Coalition, Del mer Joyau, and Alexander Petrakis have been banished from Osrona upon threat of death if they return, and excommunicated from Osrona’s Celestial Church. The people that followed Alexander may return, but only if they denounce Alexander Petrakis, and the Petrakis Empire. It is stated that something is beginning progress to ensure loyalty with the Petrakis empire has been severed.

♓︎ Replacing the Monarchy, a new Elected system has been put into place, allowing the people of Osrona to be led by people they select and believe in every six years. The first Election will take place in 1746.
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♓︎ (You can now join the Osrona (Rebuilding) Discord server at
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1741 AC, Winter
“Listen, and listen well, Esshar! Those of Osrona have been forced to take refuge in Nysea as our capital was reduced to rubble. Our people slaughtered as if they were no more than cattle. Savage, barbaric behavior from those who attempt to stoke the moral high ground. As though they were defeating an evil when, in truth, they were the bringers of evil. Aggressors, every last one of them.”
The Church follows the Stars, the Angels. Built upon such ideas and principles. To deny the King and Petrakis rule goes against the very foundation of Celestialism. This Church headed by the traitor faithless Romani Montclaire is nothing more than false, heretical. He shook the bloody hands of the murderers of our friends, families, citizens, and brokered an illegitimate deal with them. It is as I thought, he bears no faith and is merely a puppet who revels in the strings of his masters. He has killed those we hold dear, since he sides with them and brings about a schism to our people, effectively weakening our recovery. This man, one with no sense of value or honor in the slightest is no more than a dead man. A corpse walking-- It's as though the Teraphim have brought the dark art of necromancy to Esshar.
Bear witness to the True Essharn Celestial Church, led by Stellus Del mer Joyau.
Following the aftermath of the Siege, the destruction and murder of thousands of innocent Osronans, the Faith of Celestialism remains strong. Del mer Joyau ascends to the head of the True Essharn Celestial Church as its Stellus. Such was the wish of the late Saint Pericles Vitalis, his want before dying honorably in battle, for his people.
For their strength, valor, loyalty, commitment-- Filia and Sethon rise to the rank of High Keeper. A title worn and executed with pride by Saint Pericles Vitalis. They follow in his footsteps, upholding faith and protecting those who cannot. The ivory Keeper pair also held their own against the felled High Lady Asta Hargrave and her Misteer Elred Yindove during the siege of Osrona. Our people do not waver.
Upon the death of the High Lady, the White Witch Asta Hargrave, from her came a foul Wraith. Even in death does she refuse to truly die. The King, High Keeper Sethon, and Stellus battled against this Wraith. Once more she’s brought down, though such an encounter was close. The Faith and Crown emerge victorious, but their capital burns...
Lloyd Durages takes head of Osrona's military, though what remains following the Teraphim slaughter. He sits as Lightbringer. Osrona's three sources of power return, strong as ever in more ways than simply combat.
Romani Montclaire is to be executed on sight for his crimes against the people of Esshar. Treason being one of many of his transgressions. He is no Stellus.
King Alexander rei Petrakis and his most loyal set out to the mountains weeks prior prior to the siege. There, the Stellus, High Keepers, Lightbringer, and King of Esshar all emerged victorious from trials set by the High Angel Maltziel himself. There, they endured the Fallen Angel Marduk and received the light and guidance of the High Angel. He chained Marduk following the group's victory. Here, the King made leaps and bounds in his recovery; he was redeemed, giving him the valor needed to slay the White Witch Asta. The Saint Florentina bestowed judgement to them all, seeing them all fit to move forward. Given water blessed by the High Angel, and a means to make contact… The Stellus received from the Saint her specter, a Holy artifact, bringing forth a new age of Restoration that the Saint once had.
Glory to Osrona
Hail Alexander Petrakis, King of Kings, Slayer of the White Witch, Chosen of the Stars.
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