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State of Esshar
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The Kingdom of Myllenoris

The Kingdom of Myllenoris has made public their stance on the current conflict between Osrona and Theria. A message circulates throughout the kingdom and beyond, declaring the withdrawal of their own forces from the Therian front.

Duana Kurokaiyo is dead, and the Kingdom of Theria is making efforts to drive out the agents of Helheim.

The Kingdom of Myllenoris was principally concerned with the perceived malicious harboring of witchcraft within the walls of Theria. Now that Theria themselves have cooperated with the demands of Myllenoris and Osrona, the peoples of Myllenoris see no reason to march on Theria to subjugate them in war of conquest. Not at this time. Our kingdom shall withdraw from the siege effort, and focus our forces on the defense of the territories of the Osronan-Myllenoran alliance.

The blessed Teraphim of Myllenoris will fight their own wars, not the wars of Osrona.

The High Lady of Myllenoris,
   Asta Hargrave-Grimmore

Despite withdrawing from the coming siege on Theria, the Myllenoran armies still appear on high alert. The Greycloaks train and prepare as if they will be summoned to war at any moment.

Relations between Myllenoris and Ilburg seem to have improved after the granting of 10,000 acres of fertile land to the desert kingdom for agriculture. Whether this was a true act of kindness and remorse over the very controversial "Holy War" or a piece of a larger plan against Ilburg remains unknown and hotly-debated.

Myllenoris appears to be slowly withdrawing diplomatic agents and Teraphim representatives from Osrona. Rumor spreads that Myllenoris' withdrawal from the siege on Theria has weakened the Osronan-Myllenoran alliance and soured relations between the two.

It's unclear what the High Lady and her Teraphim are up to. Perhaps they're biding their time for some greater plan... 
Osrona, the Shimmering City
1736 AC
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  • Ser Berrios Falstaff, a renowned Knight in his younger days and an adviser to the Petrakis family in his last days has recently passed away from natural causes. He served on the war council in recent, among many other great Knights and his well-thought out strategy led to the successful defence of Grimmore Spire. His death was honoured in the Tomb of Heroes and the entire First Light mourned him.
  • In the recent defence of Grimmore's Spire, the dragon Vartuul, son of Garjling, was defeated and then slain with Osrona taking its remains. Princess Marie Petrakis landed the killing blow. Shortly after neutrality was offered to Theria and the Siege was called off due to demands being met regarding the witches and occultism.

  • Osrona has started to focus internally, revising structure. As such, a few more promotions were made. Knight Garm, known for his quick promotion to Knighthood has been made Radiant for his strength in the war. Andrew Lancaster who led to Vartuul's defeat has also been promoted to Radiant. There are talks of other promotions being made soon. Among these efforts in the war, a few individuals were noted. Stellus Pericles, Elesius Soleis and Ser Siegfried who showed great triumph in weakening the draconic beast.

  • King Alexander II Petrakis was wed to royal courtier Nebula Winterbourne on the first day after the war ended, making her Queen Nebula Petrakis.

  • Workers have started frequenting the area south of Osrona, starting inspections on the The Osrona Imperial Mage's Academy and University. Experienced magi who wish to work and teach at the academy are urged to forward a letter of their intent to Princess Marie Petrakis. This is restricted to Osronians. King Alexander has this to say on the issue: "The Osrona Mage Academy has been a crucial part of people's lives and Osrona's history. That will not change." Whether it will take off soon is to be seen but regardless, the area is being expanded. ((OOC note: You can reach Marie on discord at Kt#6915))
  • In other news, Sanna Arborea who has had her occultism exorcised by the Celestial Church has begun a path to redemption after the helpful guidance of Elesius Soleis. There is hope yet for occultists who have not strayed too far down the path.
  • The last notable remnant of the Barsburg invasion has been defeated by a combined effort of magi with Mikael Hargrave striking the final blow.
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"Oh, where tha' Hel' do I even begin...lotta' stuff has happened, in tha' last few years. Lotta' changes, an' here soon? There's gonna' be more. I'll summarize best I can...."

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Penelope stands before the people, and announces many things!

The ruins:
Quote:"So. It's not a gate ta' Helheim. What we're dealin' with is still a pressin' matter. It does involve wraiths an' tha' spirits of tha' damned, but it ain't gonna' take tha' whole damn world ta' deal with it. Asta an' I got this shit. We'll be puttin' together three teams of elite mother fuckers to deal with it. Ya'll be contracted if ya' chosen. We're dealin' with it. Quit buggin' me.
The treaty:
"Lotta' people seem ta' like it. Got a few who seem ta' hate it. I don't rightfully give a damn how ya' feel about it. Tha' offers were reasonable, an' we got pressin' matters ta' attend to. Like tha' wraith filled portal beneath us, an' expandin'. Ain't buggin' anybody for now, but that don't mean we're fightin' anyone's battles. Don't mean we're vassals or servin' anyone else, or whatever dumb ass rumors ya' might've heard. Just means we aren't goin' for anyone's throats right now. That'll change. Ya' damn sure it'll change. But, whether or not we gut one of them demon Kingdom's or wage war will depend on a number of things. So, for now? My official claim an' stance on Esshar an' it's Kingdoms?

I don't rightfully give a damn.

Tha' state of political affairs changes too damn much. Piss me off an' we can fight. Leave us tha' Hel alone an' we'll find somethin' else ta' fight. Demons. Barsburg. God. I don't give a shit.

An' with what Myllenoris gave us, I can truthfully end on this note.

My problems ain't ya' problems and ya' problems ain't my problems.

If we got tha' same problems we can deal with it ta'gether.

If we got problems, we can fight.

If not, quit buggin' me."

My pseudo-daughter Mars is exempt from this.
"Yeah. Yeah. I hate em'.  Tradin' freedoms for tha' illusion of safety an' all that mess. But, we got a few.

An' by a few, I mean one.

Respect tha' culture of my people. It was lost once, an' I ain't losin' it again. We ain't bunch of savages. We ain't just some people sittin' in a sandy hole. We're Rhoynish, an' those who ain't by blood live here for a reason. Quit buggin' me.
"I'm tha' High Lord. No, I ain't stutter. I'm gonna' blow ya' fuckin' minds at tha' start of this year."

"Tha' current clan heads are Basten of tha' Forger clan, Cayden of tha' Kalvore clan, an' Kofe of tha' Ilian clan. If ya' come outta' tha' word works claimin' ta' be a clan head in my tribe without runnin' it by me, ya' can go fuck ya'self."

"Basten is our reaver, second in command. Cayden is tha' leader of the Kalvorian's. Kofe is our Lorespeaker."

"Far as priests and priestesses goes? Was supposed ta' be my duty, but I ended up havin' ta' take care of tha' place. So, as things stand, we ain't got any. That can change easily, though, as long as someone steps up ta' tha' damn plate. If interested, bug me."
"We're cleanin' up tha' temple ta' Njorun and building docks for our ships. More houses and shit, too. Hired someone ta' teach those curious 'bout farmin' since most of us haven't had ta' learn 'bout that mess. Everyone's mouth is fed now, and we're workin' on tha' homelessness issues. Quit buggin' me."
(yes i know the current crops don't work but the map will get fixed eventually)
[Image: X2qmBb0.png]
The Kingdom of Myllenoris


The Kingdom of Myllenoris formally declares war upon the Empire of Esshar and any who back the Petrakis dynasty.

In 1736AC, Alexander and Nebula Petrakis held their wedding party in their castle. Some sort of disagreement sparked a conflict in which King Alexander ordered the arrest of High Lady Asta. The High Lady violently resisted, and in the ensuing chaos she and her consort Regulus Grimmore, alone, defeated six of the finest warriors of the royal court. Before they carved their way out of the castle and Osrona, the High Lady slew Knight-Cadet Hrist by allegedly tearing her soul out of her body. Among those wounded by the High Lady was Mikael Hargrave, Asta's own son.

Upon returning to Myllenoris, some form of heated debate took place outside the tower of Moonfall Valley between the High Lady, Mistseers Finley and Aerilon, and many other Greycloaks.

In the end, war plans were formally drafted, and an official, written declaration of war upon the Empire of Esshar and Petrakis' allies has been delivered to Petrakis Castle.

Some announcements have been made by the High Lady and her consort:

It is with a heavy heart that I announce our retaliation against King Petrakis for violating the Treaty of 1733. My husband and I, guests of the royal family, were forcibly apprehended and intimidated for seemingly no reason at all. In his cowardice, King Petrakis sicced his entire royal court upon us. I was forced to throw the first strike. Forced to wound many of Petrakis' people. Forced to kill the one who had pledged herself to House Grimmore as a retainer for her betrayal.

But I am not sorry for any of it. I do not regret it.

If the boy-King was so willing to throw away the peace at a moment's notice, this war was inevitable. Perhaps it is a mercy that it happens now, rather than later.

Our demands are simple, but we will only state them if His Majesty honors us with his presence.

For my loyal subjects, a word of reassurance. Even versus the combined might of Osrona, your High Lady remains undefeated. They started this war, and even if I must march onto the battlefield, alone, and free the spirits of every last one of them myself, this conflict shall end only with the decisive, unquestionable defeat of His Majesty.

- Asta Hargrave

I am bereft. I've advised the King for years, served as a Diplomat honourably even longer. I've been through two wars, done my best to eliminate the risk of another. Made personal sacrifices for Osrona, for the whole of the Essharan Empire. And now, King Alexander Petrakis shows his gratitude: a knife in the back.

I advised him against marrying a commoner, cheapening the honourable line of Petrakis. I admit, I was desperate enough to offer to sponsor her to be granted nobility, if only to prevent such a shame being brought upon the Petrakis lineage. And yet, he has done so regardless. And at the reception for this wedding, a celebration of this union, Alexander has shown himself already bent to the will of this commoner, as for naught but a wrong look at her from my wife, the High Lady of an allied Kingdom, the King attempted to depose her.

Mere weeks after ending one war, he sought another over percieved insult. To meddle in the succession of a Kingdom recognised as independent by the crown in the Treaty of 1733. And when I refused to compromise my honour, and the peace I forged by pushing for such a provocation when ordered to do so? He unilaterally declared me stripped of my titles and land, me, Lord of House Grimmore, for acting in a manner that would preserve peace!

I ask this of you, people of Osrona, people of Esshar! Will you be drawn into another war, a war started over a percieved insult of a wife? Make your decision wisely, and may the stars judge you justly for it, as I'm sure they will I.

- Regulus orn Grimmore

The Kingdom of Myllenoris is abuzz with military movements. The Valeborn appear to be mobilizing en-mass for some form of attack.

Conflict has already begun in Starfall tower. News of the war reached the guards stationed at the joint military outpost late, but when it did, a small battle ensued after either side refused to pull out. A few dozen warriors from both sides have been slain in the battle. Starfall tower is now abandoned, with military encampments from both factions established all around the tower. Occasional skirmishes break out, but it appears to be a stalemate.

It will take a decisive push from either side to claim the tower for their side.
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“Bad peace is worse than war.”

- 1736 AC -

The Empire of Esshar begins to prepare for a second war.

In 1736AC, a day of celebration was ruined by a pair of uninvited guests. Asta Hargrave, the High Lady of Myllenoris, and Regulus Hargrave arrived in Osrona to attend the wedding party of Alexander and Nebula Petrakis. Only a select people who witnessed the events themselves unfold knew what ignited the conflict, what enraged the High Lady, and led the King to order her arrest. The two of them managed to escape the court with their lives, with the sleeping demon of Myllenoris fighting off against several of the Kingdom's most renowned knights - and even the Queen herself. 

Quote:"You all have heard the news of war. Some of you wondering where I have been. I have been mourning my Knight in the Tomb of Heroes. Hrist, the Lily Knight. She was the image of a true First Light Knight with an untold sense of duty and loyalty. Asta Hargrave killed her for doing her duty, simply because Hrist's oath to the Grimmore House did not mean undying loyalty to Asta. That is the type of person she is."
"Now. The truth of the night."

"Asta Hargrave used magic on my wife. I ordered her arrest and the capture of her crown, assuming that is where her unwarranted aggression came from. She admitted it was all her. She threatened the lives of everyone there with death and Regulus Grimmore joined her in treason. She attacked and declared war. And Hrist, in doing her duty was killed in cold blood. Her soul was taken from her body."

"We're avenging Hrist."

"My war is with Asta Hargrave and her alone. If the Teraphim want to protect a murderous criminal, then they will be brought under Crown Law as well. Asta Hargrave will be brought to justice."

- Alexander rei Petrakis

Quote:Do not allow the lies of a demon and her army blind you, Osrona.

Asta Hargrave was not once forced to act the way she did. Asta Hargrave was not forced to come to our court. Asta Hargrave was not forced to doubt the judgment of Angel Maltziel, he who named our family as the sole inheritors of Esshar. Asta Hargrave was not forced to murder Hrist, a loyal knight who pursued justice.
Asta Hargrave made all these decisions herself. She chose war.
She wanted it.

To sit by and allow it to happen is no different than siding with that monster.

Our people have slain demons throughout history, and she is no different.

- Nebula rei Petrakis

The Empire of Esshar formally declares war upon Asta Hargrave and all who support her.

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“It has been roughly two years since I last spoke properly to you all, and now I am here to inform you of matters that I truly wished to never have to announce. War is upon us again, and the Faith will once again step forward to defend Osrona. After recent news a meeting within the Celestial Church was held, and from it a decision was finally made. We will be joining the battle of Starfall Tower.

Already Keepers and other personnel of the Faith are marching over towards the fields of Starfall Tower to enter into Osrona’s military encampments. We will overcome these trials that have arrived ahead of us. 

Continue to push on Osrona. Glory to Osrona, glory to the Heavens.”

♆ - The Faith has declared their intentions to join the on-going dispute at Starfall Tower. Keepers and other personnel of the Church of Celestialism are recently seen heading towards the direction of Starfall Tower, their presence confirming the firm resolution of the Faith’s decision.

♆  Abel Caillier who held the rank of Deacon within the church was excommunicated by the Faith, his multiple offences becoming public knowledge not long afterwards. Unrepentant Moral Debauchery, Antagonism against the Faith and Stars, and finally attempting to Impersonate the Stellus.

Promotions once again ring throughout the Faith. Malikos Caelun, Elora Renae Otho, Sethon, Filia and Rang all were recently promoted towards becoming official members of the clergy, the rank of Deacon bestowed upon each individual as the tensions around Esshar rise.
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"My fellow Therians.
Since the very birth of Theria, covetous forces have sought to claim its mighty, and damn near-impenetrable mountains. They have all failed. Today, we are confronted with a menace. A menace that has used everything in its power to justify taking what is most dear to us: Our Freedom. This enemy is none other than the one who currently sits on the throne, surrounded by opportunistic fiends and sycophants that wish only to gain from the blood of their own and our people.
Osrona is not our enemy. The Church is not our enemy. The First Light isn’t our enemy. The King and his legion of advisers is our sole enemy. A man ready to see the whole world burn to secure his rule. Had we not complied with their demands when we, with great reluctance, outcasted Duana Kurokaiyo to save the many? And yet the gears of war were still turning at full speed. Had it not been for Myllenoris’ refusal to fight an offensive war, we’d be having Osrona at our doorsteps.
A world with this current King is a world where Theria will forever be in peril. And for that, it has been decided that Theria WILL be aiding Myllenoris in this offensive. Our goal is to simply remove the current government in Osrona. Because I truly believe the citizens of the empire wish for peace. I sincerely believe, with all my heart, that most Osronans wish only to live in harmony with the Dragons in the north.
But I also wholeheartedly believe these people are slaves to their comfort. To the simple life of following royalty’s orders with rationalisations born out of intangible and irrelevant concepts to our current lives. It comes down to us, Therians, to LIBERATE these people of this oppressive force. If not for them, then for us, because it is more than clear that they hunger for our Flame as well.
To Osronans who have had enough: Lower your blades. Or point them to the man who obligates you to fight for his own, personal cause. Stand for your freedom, and Theria will stand with you. We don’t even ask for the head of the King, merely his removal. A far more merciful choice than the one we had been given.
May the Flame Guide you All." -General Alya Kriemhild

Quote:-General Alya Kriemhild has officially declared Theria position in the war. Myllenoris will be receiving aid from the Nation of the Free in a temporary military pact. Therians are encouraged to join and help in the war effort, but the freedom of choice always remains available to them.

-Dragonlord Sythaeryn has stepped down from his position after a bout with Dragonlord Rinn. The latter being currently dedicating her efforts in more obscure matters, little comment has been made about the situation by the General yet.
-With Dragonlord Rinn’s change of priorities, Yani orn Task has been given a temporary Warlord seat in the council, serving as a voice in her stead. With the dwindling council, a search for new occupants for the seats is rumoured to start soon, although there doesn’t seem to be any intentions of lowering the standards to accommodate the situation.
-An inordinate amount of resources and strange materials have been continuously delivered to many of Apep’s labs. Along with the constant streams of individuals getting their blood tested and various other experiments occurring, the backpack marshmallow seems to be gathering more individuals for something yet mostly unknown.
-The Drakanite Skadi, once exiled by Theria for defection and treason, has been executed in Myllenoris for spying. Her husband, Demios Arborea, has been accepted back into the community and has been seen assisting Apep in one of her grand projects.
-The Hunter’s Lodge, a unique group of people seeking to hunt monsters throughout Esshar, is currently on the prowl for potential Golems and Automatons. If anyone is interested in the Guild and their activities, feel free to contact Ezekiel Morgan.
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" Sweet lies fester, Edelaide. Though I think I'd love regardless. Love, and beauty. Do you love yourself? Are you beautiful? " - Tiernay, 1738 AC
An Invitation to Those that wish to join:

"There is something that I need the lot of you to understand before coming here. We are not like the other cities that you have entered and stayed with. We do not and will not lie to you about our intentions. We do not and will not play coy little games with your feelings and your emotions- but what we will do, is tell you the truth. With that being said, if you feel as if you've got what it takes to join us- that your mind is of arcanium and your body is as hard as tyrium, then come. If you feel as if you are capable of contributing and making a change in this world- then come. If you are not a coward and if you understand the true meaning of family and friends and union...Come. However, if you feel as if you are incapable of reaching any of these three at any given moment, then I suggest that you not bother. We only accept those that are capable of being normal, sensible human beings. If you lack common sense, do not come. You will be shamed and you will be turned around." - Mars.
  • Reports state that the Queen of Osrona has meet with Member of the Lionhearts. It seems that the two have reached some sort of deal. (Will be addressed later.)
  •  A friendly reminder is given out to those that the Lionhearts(as Mercenaries) will slowly being transitioned out into an actual military. Mercenary work will be kept to a minimum as means of a steady revenue to the city. Further inquiries revolving around future works should be written by letter and delivers to Mars, Basil, Tiernay or Owyn or requested in person. (Good Luck in Future Endeavors, Kings and Queens)
  •  Quietly Tinkering- With that being said, one would be able to find civilians working together to rehaul the infrastructure of Alabastre, the first targeting, being the old abandoned church that used to house the warriors now being 'repurposed' as a better living space. Rumor also has it that they're preparing for an expedition in regards to 'the stars'.
  •  King Basil seems to have something to say in regards to the Rhoynish people who are not a part of Ilburg: 
    • Quote:Brothers and sisters. My fellow Rhoynish kin. For too long, we've been scattered and lost across the pages of history, no longer able to reconnect with our ancestry and our true purpose, our true spiritual duty before Primordial Njorun. But now, the time has come for a change.

      And I call upon those that want the change.Can't you see how Rhoynish were treated on general basis by other nations? Can't you see how often we were discarded as broken and weak? I always striven to improve the condition of our people, always worked to establish the Rhoynish what we were always meant to be in our glorious history, so that we may have a future for ourselves - and now, I open my arms to those that want to join me in this cause. You do not have to limit yourselves to servitude of another. You do not have to limit yourselves in following the false belief of owing something to another. The heritage of our greatness has been lost, but it can be always rebuilt. You will not only discover your history, your heritage, but you will contribute to something far greater - to restoration of your kind, to breaking the shackles that kept us bound.

      Join me in Alabastre. Join your people.
  • Queen Mars speaks upon Alabastre's current positioning in the war and her current deal with Nebula rei Petrakis:
    • Quote:Outside of being paid, we had personal stake in this war- mostly, regarding the actions of the Order's knights and false politicians. What we were aiming for was not total control over the bridge, but mostly- a shared investment on both sides. However, it has become very clear to me that many of Osronan's current political speakers are not gifted with the power that they say they possess. Upon meeting with the Queen, it has been discovered that Ophelia and Serea were incorrect in their positioning, therefor, the two of them have been tentatively banned from entering Alabastre's walls and/or speaking on any matters involving the two cities. Any information that is given or spoken by the two will be null [effective immediately] and disregarded. We take offense to people who speak far outside of their station and as such, impart knowledge upon them: 'Do not attempt do business when you have no business.'

      She pauses, moving on to another topic.

      As mentioned earlier, Alabastre has claimed their side of the bridge and the lands that are west of it. This currently includes the area where the bridge is located, to the mines that are leading to Myllenoris' territory, and the swamp lands from our positioning. Those who desire to build upon these lands without consulting us will meet opposition...Members of Theria are also welcome to speak with us regarding the mines. We are open to anything that is not outlandish. And as for our current positioning in the war, we are now neutral until further notice. Once more, you will be informed when there has been a change. Until then, further questioning is encouraged to be in person or through letters. Those willing to make offers?- arms are still open. For now.
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The Celestial Church
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“We’ll miss you, Teacher.”
♓︎ During the battle of Starfall Tower, Pericles Vitalis, the Stellus of the Celestial faith since 1733 was slain by his rival Sythaeryn. In honor of the actions of the Champion of Esshar, the Clergy has convened and agreed to name Pericles a saint.

♓︎ Following the fall of Pericles, the Clergy convened. In a unanimous vote, Romani cos Montclaire has been named the Stellus of the church, who would imminently declare Sparrow cos Queen the High Keeper and Del mer Joyau the Arch-priest. In addition, Thalis Avitus, Malikos, and Sethon have been named Keepers of the Church.

♓︎ The church had recently heard of cultists, performing foul rituals in the Dreadwood. The Clergy have marched it's order of Keepers to handle it. What was retrieved was not elaborated upon, but assurances of the cult's elimination are a given.

♓︎ Despite the victory against the cult, the Church warns that occultist activity is on the rise. The High Keeper reportedly found two occultists while traveling, who he battled against. It is advised that people keep their eyes peeled.

♓︎ It is said that the church convened somewhere within the Petrakis castle, in hopes of using white magic to revive the fallen Stellus. The Clergy has begun spreading information that an angel sent signs in front of the statue of Matlziel, showing it's continued support for Orsona. 

♓︎ The Church Contract of 1737 is said to still be remaining in effect from the church. A copy of the document has been released to the public. It is said that point six, of the church's assurances, has been discussed with the Lionhearts and may be disregarded, as the document was officially released a year after it was signed.
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Osrona's point during these times of war is clear. Opting for a clear, minimalist approach in these State of Addresses.
  • Elesius Soleis has been made the first Paladin in decades, a rank separate from the Order of the First Light and the Church but one which the Esshar Empire holds highly all the same.
  • Lloyd Durages has been promoted to Radiant for his efforts in the war and high sense of duty, a long time coming. He bears the crest of the Blazing Lion Knights of past.
  • Ophelia Soleis has been granted nobility for her families past deeds for the Crown but more importantly her own diplomatic ventures to aid to Osrona and it's people, her kids will hold status as minor nobility. Elesius humbly refused this offer like his grandfather, Lightbringer Elijah Soleis before him.
And finally, to shed light on the situation from months ago, a more formal document/warrant has been shared with Osrona's people:

Quote:Regulus Grimmore - Wanted for Sedition, Aiding and Abetting, Criminalism, Desertion.
Asta Hargrave - Violating Clause 5 of the Myllenoris-Osrona Treaty when attempted arrest was made, Assault on a leader, Declaring War, Terrorism, Sedition, Murder, Resisting Arrest, Aiding and Abetting.

The Capital Crimes
Murder - Asta Hargrave's murder of Order of the First Light Knight Hrist.
Sedition - Regulus Grimmore conferred with foreign leader Asta Hargrave (Myllenoris' Leader) and then sought the King in private, suggesting to break up the Triumvirate Law (A Law signed into existence by the previous King) by replacing it with a forged, manipulated copy instead of going about it the proper way.
Sedition/Revolution - Regulus of House Grimmore, one of the three major houses continuously made efforts to question King Alexander's claim to the Throne, witnessed by several nobles and people at the party. This and his abandoning of Osrona led to the removal of his nobility.
Terrorism - The fake holy-war waged by Asta Hargrave, pulling out of the Siege after Regulus Grimmore and Asta Hargrave were the ones who asked for stricter terms. Essentially manipulating and lying of political nature to put Osrona and its people in danger and create tension between cities.
Assault on a Leader - After resisting arrest, Asta Hargrave attacked several high-ranking members of the Shimmering City.

This finally came to a high at the wedding party, where a gang of sewer kids were encouraged to crash a private party by Regulus Grimmore and Asta Hargrave at the Petrakis Castle. And then finally when Asta Hargrave (an uninvited guest) called forth spirits and magic against the Queen in a place of celebration. When Osrona made efforts to arrest, it was met with threats of murder and stark refusal and the night escalated from there.

Osrona's Crown Laws can be found here -
[[This document was handed around Osrona as an explanation to the higher echelons of society but now has been made available to all people.
Essentially it is made from Osronans perspective, as all these State of Esshar addresses are propaganda pieces.]]

The Esshar Empire stands in agreement with the Church Contract, signed by the late Saint Pericles and King Alexander II Petrakis.

A United Osrona.

"I will not agree to the ridiculous demands of two-hundred live sacrifices made. To even ask for such shows a disregard for human life. We will not waver in face of the aggression of Asta Hargrave who sees fit to wage a war against innocents merely because I call to question their crimes. We will defend all our people, from the merchants in Messaris to the people in Sudbury to the nobles in Aerendale."
King Alexander Petrakis

And finally, Princess Alice Petrakis addressed Osrona in recent times, telling them to have faith. Speaking of a sign from the Angels and Kraus above.. could it be true?

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