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  Rumors of Spirits and Blood.
Posted by: Morg. - 06-12-2024, 04:46 AM - Forum: In Character - No Replies

[Image: icpost.png]

"Hear me, wanderers of these sacred lands touched by the gods themselves. I speak with the voice of the croaking frogs, the harbinger of the spirits' attention. Many of you have forgotten the spirits, those who forged the very earth you claim as yours, the same spirits whose strength and might shaped our world. But change is soon to be upon us - as those who hear the drumbeats of the wilderness and feel the hunger of the primal within, already realized one thing: those who were cast down shall rise again. The spirits, defenders of the far-reaching jungles, shall walk upon the land of Meranthe. Earn their favor and gifts, lest you face the ceaseless wrath they have otherwise spared you." - Oshun

As the dunes of the desert continue their ever-present motion, one truth becomes clear to those who traverse the wilderness.
The influx of foreigners grows with each passing day as news of the events in Meranthe spreads across the world.
Their footsteps and wheels leading them onto one direction: The West.
As in the south of the desert, the worship of spirits through the ancient traditions flourishes, becoming even more pronounced with the passage of time.
Tribalistic clothing, sigils and tattos increasingly seen amidst the crowds.
An place where the old ways are utilized once more, and the attention of the spirits bear in every ritual, onto every mark and close to every whisper onto the wind.

[Image: imagem-2024-06-12-013718593.png]

The Serenity Dunes embrace those with free spirits and unwavering will.

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  Fulfilling a Chosen's Duty
Posted by: Huntertain - 06-12-2024, 03:18 AM - Forum: Events - No Replies

[Image: painting-chinese-village-cliff-generativ...-13337.jpg]

"A chosen dies for their village."
"They are born with the knowledge that they will die for the right cause."
"Your personal wants to be casted aside, for this village, it's people- it is all you know."

"Zìyóu dì shēnghuó duì wǒmen lái shuō jiùshì sǐ de."

Douzheng. A village in the western parts or Sheng, isolated from a large majority of the population. While it's not heavily knowing amongst those that have lived throughout the land, it is a village that has existed for centuries. It exists under the guidance and strict followings of tradition. For within this village, every generation, a chosen eight are selected to defend this village. This chosen, mostly from their birth, are tasked with becoming the strong warrior the place can provide. They will learn to defend from the previous generation, protect theirs, and then teach the next one if they live so long.

Becoming one of these Chosen without any choice, Xiao was given the title of Vermillion, the Chosen Cosmic. She was to forced to live as one, to become a fighter that she never felt she wanted to be. With all of the village doubting her, she learned out of spite and become a hardworking individual. However, an incident one day that she has still never talked about occurs, enough for it to result in Xiao choosing to leave Sheng while she still had the chance to.

After leaving Sheng twenty years ago, Vermillion (aka Xiao) is finally confronted with her past. More and more, she has gained a feeling of being stalked, as if her every move was being watched. One day, she is suddenly ambushed as a letter arrives to her and knows that it's nothing she can dismiss any longer. A call to come back home, for what purpose, she cannot be sure. However, she already fears what will be coming her way, and knows she has to take this head on.

Attendees: Vermillion, fellow friends/shengese.
Danger: LCoD
Reward: The Chosen Vermillion Seal (dev item with family symbol)
Theme: Dreary village, located high up the mountains. Unsettling and quiet.
DM: TBD, open to all! Can reply or DM on discord!

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  Serenity- [High Sentinel Trials]
Posted by: Rued - 06-12-2024, 01:57 AM - Forum: In Character - Replies (4)

[Image: 64642646246.png]
Since the revisions within Militia of Serenity. Amount of people joined within it's rank increased greatly too. As the traditions dictates. 

It was finally time for; 

[High Sentinel Trials]   

Unlike the regulations followed by other militias, this one involves extra steps to ensure that growth within the ranks is based on valid and well-understood decisions. It requires both strength and mental acuity.

[Image: 656564545.png]
This trial work through a point system to determine hunter's efficiency and also fairness in combat.  Each advocated challenge announced between the soldiers. Where points often that can be counted by the soldier himself through taken notes. 

Allowing them to earn points from one to four points. 

Simple yet effective process. The way in which these points often are earned are by few specific challenges.

Quote:[Aggresive Challenge] 
[Two Point to Winner]
[One Point to Loser]

These challenges often involve a temporary rivalry between two hunters. With the added element of risk, fighters gain access to two points while experiencing the thrill of battle.

For additional challenges. 

[Team Challenge] 
[Two Point for each side]

During this challenge, two groups will engage in a battle against each other. A team fight will test their synergy or simply help to improve it.

[Hunt Challenge] 
[Four Point Regardless.] 
During this challenge, hunters can participate in groups or solo. They will go out on patrol, a task that is riskier compared to other challenges but offers more points, taking into account the risk undertaken by the hunters themselves. 

Each hunter shall be responsible for taking notes of each challenge, considering it can be hard to keep it all tracked in the duration of the trial. The first trial shall occur for around three days at max, before moving to it's next stage.

[Image: 341341351515153.png]Unlike the first trial, as the name suggests, this trial is meant to determine a soldier's wisdom and creativity. Each sentinel will take this test together, and if desired, even Guardians can join to seek a rank-up.

The test itself will mostly consist of a predetermined set of questions that hunters must answer using their thinking and creativity. This trial will be held around day or two after the Trial of Strength, unless complications arise in the process.

[Image: 54545435435.png]
The last trial of this entire process, depending on the preference of the hunter, can be done right after the Trial of Wisdom or the following day. During this trial, hunters are expected to express their journey thus far, their desires, and even their weaknesses to the king.

To be vulnerable and to be heard.

This allows hunters to not only find their inner strength through that very expression but also get a chance to accept themselves. Some might refer to this not as a trial but as counseling, yet it carries such importance. 

[Image: Cizgi.png]

Upon completing every trial sentinels either will receive their second promotion within Militia or simply stay within their current ranking. Entire process if things move properly. Can roughly last around week at most. Where it will be followed by the public promotion ceremony. 

While this information serve as indication of the upcoming trials. Where the offical start of entire thing will be given on the near upcoming days. 

[Date will be announced within upcoming days!]

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  Come get some sprites
Posted by: EvenStar - 06-11-2024, 09:00 PM - Forum: Creative Corner - No Replies

Hello-hello! I don't really play much anymore, so I have this folder and I've been sitting on letting anyone who wants to use them, use them. Or even donate them as common hairs, becos it is nice to have more options. Some are rather kitbashy, you may just be able to spot small pieces from other hairs. I'll spare u the speech now.

You are free to use these in any way, you may modify, learn from, and make them completely your own!
"_eveningstar_" on disc for questions. BYYYE.

•┈┈┈┈┈••✦ ❤️ ✦••┈┈┈┈┈•
Some action reference!
Includes much female hairs, accessories, and a single fairy icon stitched & ported
over from the all famous "Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure".

[Image: 9xjdeUt.png]

Direct Link

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Posted by: Garryy - 06-11-2024, 08:45 PM - Forum: In Character - No Replies

[Image: image.png?ex=666a0741&is=6668b5c1&hm=d74...4964559cc&]

. . Soon after the successful efforts of all involved, a letter reaches Quill Chronicles Headquarters.

Quote:"Well done, you managed to stop those puny flames. I am sure the children are pleased they get to enjoy another day in char and rubble. I anticipated you would be able to put a stop to the fire, now shall we play a game? A series of attacks will spread throughout Meranthe, indulge me and continue to play hero.

Will you be fast enough the next time? Here's a clue to where is next.

What's the one room you cannot enter?"

[Image: image.png?ex=666a07c2&is=6668b642&hm=92c...29b0e8cae&]

- The Crow

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  Weary Eyes Search In The Dark - For the Light Beckons
Posted by: ASignalInTheNoise - 06-11-2024, 04:21 AM - Forum: Events - No Replies

[Image: fe9c584dac2b9711f16b8b5da9d82e26.jpeg?w=1470&r=0.5625]
After the events of the Hollow World...
A light glimmers on distant shores, far from Meranthe, and yet, its appearance has meaning.
To one who has held their head high for so long; endured unbearable tragedy and suffering, and still raised a blade in defense of all that is good and just in the world ... the tales of this place, the murmurings of the Lighthouse Of Agartha and it's Keepers, brings a sense of purpose to it all. To not simply endure, but to pass on the hard-won knowledge from a life of sorrow, loss, and resolute dedication to one's oaths.
And so that one sets her sights upon it's shores.
Spurred on by nothing but rumor, hope, and a dream, an expedition is organized. Tenure in Aphros allows for resources to be drawn upon, and private coffers opened - but the journey is not one for fortune nor fame, but ...
... for something so much more infinitely valuable.
To know it was all worth while.
Where this journey may take them and their companions is unknown;
All they can do is enjoy the trip.
Attendees: A small handful of intrepid compatriots.
The weary heart of an old soldier.
The many conflicts of time and the loss within.
Solace in the meaning of sacrifice.
The truth of the struggle, and if it was worth it.
The Lighthouse and It's Keepers.
And potentially, a new Vow to b
DM: ??? Looking.
Risk: CoD/HCOD - DM's discretion.
Reward: Development items accepted, but development towards becoming a Keeper desired; the Vow is eternal.
Discord: mazian

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  Londo's Maple Academy!
Posted by: VibeEntertainment - 06-10-2024, 04:43 AM - Forum: In Character - Replies (13)

[Image: p7bwceojmx7.jpg]
"It is the year 2122. Thanks to Asterin P. Kasca and the efforts of Non-Magi throughout Londo hired to ensure the safe construction of Londo's new, Maple Academy. Is it with great happiness that I announce it's full opening within this year's time. If not this year, the following. Where all are free, yes free to come and take part in classes of various topics. For those wishing to teach, we're hiring adept teachers in their craft to do such."
"To be specific, you can come aid in regards to Wayfinding, Medical, Holy Magic, or even any specialized Magic and or Faith you feel you would love to pass along to the student body. There is also no age limit. Anyone, is free to be a student. All teachers will be paid for every class they host by me"

"As a teacher you're to host classes fitted to your own schedule. So do so at your leisure!"

"That said, from this moment forward, all my future and ongoing classes will be held within the academy."

"I look forward to seeing those willing to learn, as well as those willing to give back to those whom seek knowledge."

-Fantasy P. Kasca

To discuss teaching positions, DM Vibe_da_kidd
For teachers posting lessons, do so in this thread!

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  Sellsword Lapine for hire
Posted by: mat13295 - 06-10-2024, 02:39 AM - Forum: In Character - No Replies

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTUrnOQ8w5ZPahuE00C2lm...YvqCljGw&s]
Do you find yourself being jumped constantly in the streets by your most hated rival's goons?
Do you not have the strength to fend them off on your own?
Maybe there's a fancy looking tome of power or forbidden secret you don't think yourself capable enough to steal from some monster guarding it on your own?
Perhaps you just need a parcel delivered?
Or you just really hate sitting on your own gutting swuisarme for water crystals?
Have you perhaps considered hiring some help?
Contact the Dead Rabbit Mercenary, Minerva, today!
A letter may be sent to arrange a meeting to discuss contracts, payments and job details.

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  To Preserve Forevermore
Posted by: Titania - 06-10-2024, 02:38 AM - Forum: Public Events - No Replies

[Image: 06c430d4eafc8c83305f93ee7daa5ce8.png]

Quote:"Ye of faith, walk with me."
"Today, we make way towards eternity."
"All stories start small..."
"...but even small victories can mount."

Following the events of the Sermon, Aaliyah Tal has been seen wandering Meranthe as before-- but this time, with a small army of undead at her back. For what purpose she wanders, little is known...

...but anyone who upholds that necromancy is a bad thing likely knows that the once-Caian pilgrim has little truly noble in mind. Recently, her wanderings have brought her to the circle of trees just past the swamp, across the bridge from Gloomlight. She's been seen lingering there. Regarding the flowers, the trees, the petals. Considering. Plotting.

A move is set to be made.

The first of many.

Any who seek to preserve the sanctity of the Lifestream are recommended to try and stop her, if they can...

...for who knows what could happen, should the newly proclaimed Tal go unopposed.

DATE: Fri, June 28th, 6:00 PM EST
LOCATION: The Tree-Circle, West of Gloomlight (449, 464, 1)
OBJECTIVE: A profane ritual, but one of many, the specifics unknown.

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  The Claws and Fangs of Saekanis
Posted by: Bluebird - 06-09-2024, 11:29 PM - Forum: Emporium - Replies (3)

[Image: 170583506772464201_1_akvqn0.png]
Saekanis. A dreaded name; a dreaded Divine Spirit.
In some ways misunderstood - albeit not entirely of his own fault.
Many an Ookami revere him in equal measure with Asena - a feat accomplished by Mistral and her Melodians, and yet...
Others fear him. And for good reason.
But there are a few, more wild-at-heart ookami that do not revere him due to fear.
Many do so due to love of the Black Wolf. They believe he sets them free; unchained by the rigid rules of society, encouraging them to quench their thirst and stave off their hunger in whatever means necessary.
To them, their emotions must rule over all - over logic, over reason.
This does not mean they have no rules; for in the world of Ookami, there is always a hierarchy, no matter where you go.
And in this newly risen group, this is no different.
Saekanis' Executor
[Image: aa2_mp8ghb.png]
The one that had taken you in.
She had taught you initially what it means to follow the Winter Wolf.
There is yet much for you to learn from her, when it comes to him - many lessons in the upcoming seasons and years.
And yet, she herself remains a mystery.
All that you know is she is your High Elder, and his very essence rests within her blade.

Many more of you, eventually, were gathered together.
And with it, the growth of your own little messed up family.

There are two portions to this 'pack'.

The Fangs of Saekanis
The natural scholars of the Winter Wolf.
If you are part of his Fangs, you are more likely to be the type sweet with your words.
They are fond of engaging in the irony of creating things, an aspect of Asena, only to use them to destroy and enact in Saekanis' will.

They are also more typically the Shamanistic types of the collective pack.
The roles of the Fangs are as follows:
  • High Shaman
    The leader of the Fangs. Typically the one most spiritually inclined, and like the Warleader, is chosen through a specific ritual that is undergone at each new location.

  • Farseer
    The High Shaman's second in command. They are usually medical oriented, but act as an advisor and whilst the High Shaman is a degree above in spiritual inclination, the Farseer is more likely to receive prophecies. This is usually a bloodline oriented role.

  • Songmaster/mistress
    The one that oversees most other aspects, should neither the High Shaman, the Warleader, or the High Elder be present. They are also the ones that preach the songs of Saekanis, and act as a mediator in the event that something goes horribly wrong. (It will).

The Claws of Saekanis
Typically the first line of defense, or otherwise the more physically brutal aspect of the combined group.
Those part of his Claws are more likely to engage in ritual combat to see who is stronger - much more obsessed with strength beyond anything else.
You are more likely to see his Claws engaging in warfare, rather than his Fangs.

The roles of the Claws are as follows:
  • Warleader
    The leader of the Claws. They are the one that (typically) is stronger than the others as they were chosen through ritualistic combat that is undergone at each new location.

  • Berserker
    The second in command. Unlike the Farseer that is usually chosen through bloodline and a prophecy, they are typically the one that lost to the Warleader at the finale.

  • Huntmaster/Mistress
    The one that organizes the 'hunts'. These hunts can be on bringing back humans/beastkin/etc, or just natural forest animals.

Other, more generalized roles overlap with both the Fangs and the Claws.
(Hunters, Gatherers, so on.)

The rituals most commonly known and associated with Saekanis and cults involving Saekanis are those that involve feasting.
This can be of animals, or of people - or, in many cases, both. The most infamous is one called the Grand Feast, in which a bloody battle is had during the day, and any enemies captured during such a battle is used as sacrifice.

But who are you?

Are one of 5 Ookami that travelled to Meranthe with Hati.
You are here to spread his will and his desires all throughout.

Worse (for the land, at least), you desire to complete overtake the entire land and grow your territory.
And if none of you can take it?

...Maybe you'll see about burning it all to the ground.

What do you get from being one of these insane little guys, though?
You get an 180 rpl boost, and a DM (me!) on standby for any events.
A mentor figure in my character to help get yourself situated, and curate lore and IC - I will be making a very big document for any information throughout the spawning week.
You will also sign yourself away during one of the initial rites, so you get access to Witchcraft.

High Shaman & Warleader will be chosen in these rituals alongside the initiation rite, & the Farseer will be chosen through the initial application process.

You may apply here, though don't fret - anyone is free to join up afterwards, and if you wish to join without the 180 benefits, you can express such under 'OTHER'.
However, you will receive much scrutiny if you join as a non-ookami, and may endure some amount of troubles!

(Ensure your character is at least 16+)

The application will close by the 23rd, and then all will be reviewed.

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