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Momentum in the World: A Discussion
I hated Nysea. Not that it existed, but that it was added to the game by the admins immediately after Osrona was sacked, and it took away a lot of interesting potential on the end of the Osronan remnant. Did they scatter to the winds, did they knuckle down and rebuilt, etc etc, these options were prevented by a choice that took some of the oomph out of the conquest of Osrona. That said, I politely disagree with the timeskip being the worst thing; it really seemed like a lot of interest was flagging and the timeskip that led to this era gave us the strongest iteration of the game yet. I did disagree with some parts of it (Osrona not being Barsburgian or just plain gone but rather back in the hands of Essharans, for example) but thats beside the point.

Ultimately, I do agree that if a faction manages to conquer, it should be allowed to. If that faction wants to burn down a settlement, sure. If they want to occupy it, sure. Achyon fell for reasons that made a lot of sense to me personally, as someone who played in it near the fall, and part of it was because of its unique position as a settlement ultimately controlled by an offmap presence. If the Ebonblooded conquer Osrona, or vice versa, there will be no admin interference in its fate save to direct a map change or maybe make a post outlining what happens on the part of the NPCs, because I agree that a lack of finality in wars can make them unsatisfying. That said, if the two factions end up at peace for some reason, that's fine too (though I doubt it, unless something very interesting happens).

Its good for players to show OOC courtesy, though; while Osrona at its height absolutely could have kept pushing for the Coat (if it had won the Narrows raid, at least), Simple gave the Ebonblooded time to develop and grow, and I think that if we all keep it in good spirits regardless of the outcome it'll make for a better story. Because - despite how much some people try to hammer into me its not always the case in practice - I believe that fundamentally this is a collaborative story, and done right, even defeat can be satisfying. I would hope that whoever ends up on the losing side of the current war would agree with me, because being good sports about it is ultimately healthier, for those involved and the game. 

The Barsburg thing was supposed to just be a single public event, but people seemed excited enough about it that those handling it got inspired and so did I, and now its looking to end up as a secondary world arc to the Ebonblooded v Osrona war. I'm okay with that, personally.

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