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M a g m a
  • Tidal Wave now slows instead of stuns, and deals 14 damage on-hit (Water)

Hey look, Magma Slide is now an objectively even worse in comparison, now that I can use tidal wave for comparison. It's 7 tiles wide, as opposed to 5, applies the slow on impact instead of the dodgable AoE, does TWICE the impact damage, and gives you a damaging flood on the ground that also heals. The damage is wimpy, but a free 5 pow heal on top of everything else is great.

Magma AoE isn't the worst AoE in the game now, but it's still worse than Cosmic, Holy, and Occult AoE.

Two spells left to buff.
Magma needs some love. I can agree. The immunity was supposed to make lava pools form on anyone within trying to camp it.

Their Magma Slide is supposed to be close to flame slide in power with slow tacked in.

I was interested in running this but right now it needs to be buffed some to be any useful.

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