Lonely LaniusThe Alder Legacy
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Starring of course...

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[Image: QPTDrjp.png]
Your fearless Father, a Vanir warrior with a indomitable will, Someone who was ever-present in your life since the day with a few exceptions here and there.. Nowadays he spends a lot of time traveling, training or doing whatever his heart compels him to!

[Image: tandCa4.png]
[Image: gV0Go7Q.png]
Your caring Mother, a woman that has been trough one too many scuffles despite her peaceful demeanor. One that made sure to raise you and see too your every need, while trying to not smother you in her care all too much that is.
The Details
- You where Born in Aesirheim, But are deeply linked to Osrona as well. As you currently reside in the Star's Shelter Sanctuary.
- Hair color can range from Purple, Pink and Blond. Your eyes can be cerulean, lavender, teal or anything really..
- You can potentially use Any sort of magic, with the option of learning Holy/Barrier from your mother herself
- Your Mother is also a skilled Medic if you where to be interested in such crafts as well.
- BIG FAMILY, perhaps too big sometimes. But you'll definitely manage!
- Lots of Dev items and Alder Relic's to inherit, The Star's Shelter Sanctuary and Orphanage too!
- Amount of kids taken depends on interest, Genders and Name's are all up to you, Go nuts!
If you have any questions or are interested just DM here. (Sebb#9144)
These will be available to spawn in 1-2 years
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