CoolaindafriezaPilgrims from Sheng: Out of the Frying Pan, and into the Fire
On a dark night, storm clouds move over the harbor of Garljing's Coat, ships remain docked to ride out the weather, but it isn't long before three ships are spotted in the Horizon, slowly making their way closer. 

[Image: 2-three-ships-in-a-gale-willem-van-de-velde.jpg]

Soon enough two ships stay anchored out in the harbor, while the third makes its way into the port, sailors securing it to the side before the boarding ramp is lowered, a singular figure descending.

[Image: AJ3BWir.jpg]

After a brief conversation with an official figure of the north, the Captain would address those who departed from the ships.

"OI, listen up! Ya all fled from bad things happenin' near Sheng, some of ya are from mainland, some from island, or Hel, ya just tagged along. But this be yer home fer now, cuz reports already show, south O here is right Fecked. So make yerselves comfy, learn how ta bundle up n get to work making yerselves useful fer our new friends. N if ah smell trouble... I'm breakin' some kneecaps."

As she finished up her speech, Sailors and Pilgrims alike are seen moving bags and goods. And even more, the Captain is seen talking to some tall Armored figures, hushed words before they start to move on.

[Image: 6817390-QMULAAIC-7.jpg]

A Clan Hanoga Warrior

Pilgrims from Sheng: A Cold New Home
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