12-16-2019, 10:27 AM
Any player can run an event! You just provide an outline of your event using in the Event Plan Sub-forum: https://chronicles-of-eternia.com/forum/forum-50.html
For example Event Plans, see the Event Plans Archive: https://chronicles-of-eternia.com/forum/forum-52.html
Keep in mind that item rewards should be hard won, and if they're not minor, limited to a few per event.
If you have an event in mind you'd like to run, post a plan, or ask questions any questions you might have in the Discord. Once your event plan is approved, you'll be given DM on the day of the event. Just ticket with your DM key and event name.
Setting up an Item
1.) Teleport NPC -> -War Map (or any NPC beginning with -, this'll take you to the event zone)
2.) Spawn Object -> Blank
3.) Edit -> Grade (the grade its set to), Unique (the unique tag)
See this Guide on Event Materials for further information (such as the creation of a Special Resource)
Setting up an EC
1.) Toggle EC via Edit is your friend
2.) +250 vit per participant; high agility for low cooldowns, and high power (600+) is often a sweet spot
3.) Reward Spell -> flash, these are EC spells that zone
4.) Experiment with different spells in advance
Some event sprites https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/7...cd74845f0f&
Standard Event Injury Table
IF UNHARMED: /roll - 1 is a 24 day temp, 2-4 is 12 day temp
1 is a -10vit perm, 3 or less is a -5 vit perm, 4-6 is a 24 day temp
IF 2+ KNOCKDOWNS, no temp:
1 is -10vit perm
3 or less is a -5 vit perm
IF 3+ KNOCKDOWNS, no temp:
2 or less is a -10vit perm
4 or less is a -5vit perm
3 or less is an upgraded perm (to -10 or -20 f.ex)
1 is -40vit perm (critically injured)
2-3 is an upgraded perm (to -10, -20, or -40)
1 = death
Other Tips
- If new to DMing, be sure to request permissions some time before the event to experiment, set up enemies and items in advance, to get comfortable with the commands. You can access the DM panel with F1.
- Edit > EC will toggle on a character's Event Character status. This grants GCDE, immunity to debuffs, and infinite mana. This is a must while fighting groups.
- Spawn Item > Blank grants a blank stated item you can edit the values of, including the sprite. Make sure to enable its 'unique' tag, and put the title of the event if you're unsure what to write.
- Teleport Mob. Hit - to scroll down the list and you'll be taken to a number of event maps. Explore a little in advance and decide which maps you'll use.
Rules / Guidelines
All DM commands are logged and regularly checked. Please follow these rules to avoid suspicion and investigation!
- Do not spawn any items that aren't the event loot's or for appearance sake. You have full control over enemy strength via direct edits to their stats.
- Do not give ECs an excess of levels. Just use 'Spend RPP' and enter a negative value so they have points to buy spells, or use the 'Reward Spell' command.
- Do not give ECs excessive abilities/power ICly (such as a dozen signatures). Occasionally justify the challenge of the battle with supporting minions in narrates. Make the narrative count and the PCs matter!
Event Locations
Teleport XYZ -> (Z level is 6; grass fortress is 15,15,6 f.ex)
Quote:Name of Event & Type: Private, public, etc
If it's requested, then link the event request post (if there is one)
Your DM Key:
The key you'll be hosting the event on. Must be unique and not used for characters.)
Summary/Outline of the Event:
What might occur during the event. It doesn't need to be overly specific, but you can include things like the encounters, obstacles, NPCs they might interact with, scenery and objects, etc. As little or as much detail as you want.
Injury Table:
How will injuries work?
Item rewards must be detailed in advance. Anything the party might gain should be clearly listed here including descriptions.
For example Event Plans, see the Event Plans Archive: https://chronicles-of-eternia.com/forum/forum-52.html
Keep in mind that item rewards should be hard won, and if they're not minor, limited to a few per event.
If you have an event in mind you'd like to run, post a plan, or ask questions any questions you might have in the Discord. Once your event plan is approved, you'll be given DM on the day of the event. Just ticket with your DM key and event name.
Setting up an Item
1.) Teleport NPC -> -War Map (or any NPC beginning with -, this'll take you to the event zone)
2.) Spawn Object -> Blank
3.) Edit -> Grade (the grade its set to), Unique (the unique tag)
See this Guide on Event Materials for further information (such as the creation of a Special Resource)
Setting up an EC
1.) Toggle EC via Edit is your friend
2.) +250 vit per participant; high agility for low cooldowns, and high power (600+) is often a sweet spot
3.) Reward Spell -> flash, these are EC spells that zone
4.) Experiment with different spells in advance
Some event sprites https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/7...cd74845f0f&
Standard Event Injury Table
IF UNHARMED: /roll - 1 is a 24 day temp, 2-4 is 12 day temp
1 is a -10vit perm, 3 or less is a -5 vit perm, 4-6 is a 24 day temp
IF 2+ KNOCKDOWNS, no temp:
1 is -10vit perm
3 or less is a -5 vit perm
IF 3+ KNOCKDOWNS, no temp:
2 or less is a -10vit perm
4 or less is a -5vit perm
3 or less is an upgraded perm (to -10 or -20 f.ex)
1 is -40vit perm (critically injured)
2-3 is an upgraded perm (to -10, -20, or -40)
1 = death
Other Tips
- If new to DMing, be sure to request permissions some time before the event to experiment, set up enemies and items in advance, to get comfortable with the commands. You can access the DM panel with F1.
- Edit > EC will toggle on a character's Event Character status. This grants GCDE, immunity to debuffs, and infinite mana. This is a must while fighting groups.
- Spawn Item > Blank grants a blank stated item you can edit the values of, including the sprite. Make sure to enable its 'unique' tag, and put the title of the event if you're unsure what to write.
- Teleport Mob. Hit - to scroll down the list and you'll be taken to a number of event maps. Explore a little in advance and decide which maps you'll use.
Rules / Guidelines
All DM commands are logged and regularly checked. Please follow these rules to avoid suspicion and investigation!
- Do not spawn any items that aren't the event loot's or for appearance sake. You have full control over enemy strength via direct edits to their stats.
- Do not give ECs an excess of levels. Just use 'Spend RPP' and enter a negative value so they have points to buy spells, or use the 'Reward Spell' command.
- Do not give ECs excessive abilities/power ICly (such as a dozen signatures). Occasionally justify the challenge of the battle with supporting minions in narrates. Make the narrative count and the PCs matter!
Event Locations
Teleport XYZ -> (Z level is 6; grass fortress is 15,15,6 f.ex)
- grass fortress 15,15
- autumn forest 85,30
- desert fortress 145,30
- snowy cliffs 200,30
- corrupted land 270,30
- beach 340,30
- swamp 400,30
- space 460,30
- oasis town 510,30
- oasis interior 570,30
- dark platform 630,30
- lava 690,30
- on the edge of the abyss 760,30
- plain grass 30,90
- autumn forest oasis 90,90
- desert cliffs 140,90
- plain snow 200,90
- spooky forest 260,90
- south beach 330,90
- graveyard swamp 400,90
- massive snowy bridge 480,90
- lava temple interior 580,90
- maze 630,90
- volcano 40,150
- desert railway 140,150
- snowy mountain 215,150
- narrow snowy bridge 270,160
- small ship beach 330,170
- pure ocean 400,160
- dark fortress 480,160
- temple interior 570,140
- maze 630,90
- massive enchanted forest 470,220
- sandy island 300,210
- castle hall 530,195
- castle main interior 570,220
- jungle 220,270
- giant city 430,300
- cave system 580,300
- snowy castle peak 720,300
- corrupted ruins 240,350
- spirit realm nature 100,480
- grand tournament 340,500
- ice cavern 700,420
You're rewarded EXP on your character for the planning, time, and energy running an event requires. Make a ticket while stating your DM key (asking for removal) and what character you'd like the EXP on.
When your event is approved, it will be classed as one of the following. Mini-events are typically short (a few hours) whereas standard events are more elaborate.
Mini-event: 2000 EXP & 10 tokens
Standard: 5000 EXP & 25 tokens & 1 Month Sub (can be gifted)