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DM Guide - Official
Any player can run an event! You just provide an outline of your event using in the Event Plan Sub-forum:

Quote:Name of Event & Type: Private, public, etc
If it's requested, then link the event request post (if there is one)

Your DM Key
The key you'll be hosting the event on. Must be unique and not used for characters.)

Summary/Outline of the Event: 
What might occur during the event. It doesn't need to be overly specific, but you can include things like the encounters, obstacles, NPCs they might interact with, scenery and objects, etc. As little or as much detail as you want.

Injury Table:
How will injuries work?

Item rewards must be detailed in advance. Anything the party might gain should be clearly listed here including descriptions.

For example Event Plans, see the Event Plans Archive

Keep in mind that item rewards should be hard won, and if they're not minor, limited to a few per event. 

If you have an event in mind you'd like to run, post a plan, or ask questions any questions you might have in the Discord. Once your event plan is approved, you'll be given DM on the day of the event. Just ticket with your DM key and event name.

Setting up an Item
1.) Teleport NPC -> -War Map (or any NPC beginning with -, this'll take you to the event zone)

2.) Spawn Object -> Blank

3.) Edit -> Grade (the grade its set to), Unique (the unique tag)
See this Guide on Event Materials for further information (such as the creation of a Special Resource)

Setting up an EC
1.) Toggle EC via Edit is your friend
2.) +250 vit per participant; high agility for low cooldowns, and high power (600+) is often a sweet spot
3.) Reward Spell -> flash, these are EC spells that zone
4.) Experiment with different spells in advance
Some event sprites

Standard Event Injury Table
IF UNHARMED: /roll - 1 is a 24 day temp, 2-4 is 12 day temp
1 is a -10vit perm, 3 or less is a -5 vit perm, 4-6 is a 24 day temp
IF 2+ KNOCKDOWNS, no temp:
1 is -10vit perm
3 or less is a -5 vit perm
IF 3+ KNOCKDOWNS, no temp:
2 or less is a -10vit perm
4 or less is a -5vit perm
3 or less is an upgraded perm (to -10 or -20 f.ex)
1 is -40vit perm (critically injured)
2-3 is an upgraded perm (to -10, -20, or -40)
1 = death

Other Tips
- If new to DMing, be sure to request permissions some time before the event to experiment, set up enemies and items in advance, to get comfortable with the commands. You can access the DM panel with F1.
- Edit > EC will toggle on a character's Event Character status. This grants GCDE, immunity to debuffs, and infinite mana. This is a must while fighting groups.
- Spawn Item > Blank grants a blank stated item you can edit the values of, including the sprite. Make sure to enable its 'unique' tag, and put the title of the event if you're unsure what to write.
- Teleport Mob. Hit - to scroll down the list and you'll be taken to a number of event maps. Explore a little in advance and decide which maps you'll use.

Rules / Guidelines
All DM commands are logged and regularly checked. Please follow these rules to avoid suspicion and investigation! 

- Do not spawn any items that aren't the event loot's or for appearance sake. You have full control over enemy strength via direct edits to their stats.
- Do not give ECs an excess of levels. Just use 'Spend RPP' and enter a negative value so they have points to buy spells, or use the 'Reward Spell' command.
- Do not give ECs excessive abilities/power ICly (such as a dozen signatures). Occasionally justify the challenge of the battle with supporting minions in narrates. Make the narrative count and the PCs matter!

Event Locations
Teleport XYZ -> (Z level is 6; grass fortress is 15,15,6 f.ex)
  • grass fortress 15,15
  • autumn forest 85,30
  • desert fortress 145,30
  • snowy cliffs 200,30
  • corrupted land 270,30
  • beach 340,30
  • swamp 400,30
  • space 460,30
  • oasis town 510,30
  • oasis interior 570,30
  • dark platform 630,30
  • lava 690,30
  • on the edge of the abyss 760,30
  • plain grass 30,90
  • autumn forest oasis 90,90
  • desert cliffs 140,90
  • plain snow 200,90
  • spooky forest 260,90
  • south beach 330,90
  • graveyard swamp 400,90
  • massive snowy bridge 480,90
  • lava temple interior 580,90
  • maze 630,90
  • volcano 40,150
  • desert railway 140,150
  • snowy mountain 215,150
  • narrow snowy bridge 270,160
  • small ship beach 330,170
  • pure ocean 400,160
  • dark fortress 480,160
  • temple interior 570,140
  • maze 630,90
  • massive enchanted forest 470,220
  • sandy island 300,210
  • castle hall 530,195
  • castle main interior 570,220
  • jungle 220,270
  • giant city 430,300
  • cave system 580,300
  • snowy castle peak 720,300
  • corrupted ruins 240,350
  • spirit realm nature 100,480
  • grand tournament 340,500
  • ice cavern 700,420

You're rewarded EXP on your character for the planning, time, and energy running an event requires. Make a ticket while stating your DM key (asking for removal) and what character you'd like the EXP on.

When your event is approved, it will be classed as one of the following. Mini-events are typically short (a few hours) whereas standard events are more elaborate.

Mini-event: 2000 EXP & 10 tokens
Standard: 5000 EXP & 25 tokens & 1 Month Sub (can be gifted)
Accessed with 'F1'
  • Narrate - Where you post your narrations for the party to respond to. Narrations ping players that are tabbed out

  • Spawn Item - Only spawn items needed for the event, in the appropriate quantities! 

  • Spend RPP - To let your ECs purchase spells, give them a minus amount using this command, which increases rather than spends

  • Ghost - You can move around quickly with this and through objects. Keep in mind that others can still see your sprite while ghosted.

  • Teleport Mob - Use this to get to event areas (the mob names begin with . for ease of access).
Enemy Balance - NPCs, Spawned Mobs
  • Make sure to test your NPCs in advance. Their damage output and HP can vary wildly. Somewhere between level 250 and level 1000 tends to be good. Only adjust the level of NPCs, the rest doesn't do much.

  • Some archaic mobs spawn unused items that have a high sellback value, so be careful here. This doesn't apply to the daemons, yokai, and stinnox.

  • Usually, it's best to attack in waves with NPCs once the party is ready. They shouldn't really be more of an appetizer before the main confrontations. To do this, move around as a ghost, spawn in batches of NPCs. The fun part here is you can adjust as you go along since you decide when the wave ends, and it lets you get a feel for the party's strength.
Enemy Balance - Player Controlled ECs
  • Use health_max and health to set Event Character HP. Avoid using vitality as you have to take into account an increased HP regen from a large amount of vit, and editing the variable directly also makes things like the EC needing to re-equip an item to assign their new HP unnecessary. 1 vitality is equal to 224 HP, and a 200RPL character generally has around 40k or so.

  • You might need to use the 'tuning' command in edit to get your sprite's alignment right. Creature sprites are 32x32, 64x64, and 96x96.

  • If against a strong party of 4 or more, give your EC at least 400 force and a minimum of 150k HP to be a challenge. This varies depending on your EC's theme, spell kit, and intended difficulty. Experience is something that definitely helps here.

  • Never redo due to EC strength being too much or under-powered. Instead, work it into your narrations. Maybe after a poor showing in the first round they power up!

  • Justify your EC's strength. Generally, a lone magi isn't going to be able to take on a strong party, so maybe they have backup support in the form of henchmen ICly, or they're being supercharged by something? (This is less of a plot issue if it's a big monster/boss)
  • Cumulative punishments are preferred. The more injured someone is, or the more times they've been knocked down throughout the event, the higher their chance for permanent injury or death should be.

  • Punishments should feel deserved. If no one in the party is knocked down in the round, no one should roll. If a trap is sprung, it should be due to a specific action and the follow up RPs should be taken into account. 

  • To injure or kill someone, send a 6-cap RPB, have them type /surrender, and interact with them via X.
  • Temporary Injuries: These are mostly to increase the difficulty of the event for the person (battles and future rolls). As a DM, you can also specify conditions like 'This injury cannot be healed via medical treatment or potions for at least a year', if desired.

  • Permanent injuries: No higher than -10 vitality per injury, unless it's very deserving. You can edit injury values, such as the description and amount (edit > injuries).

  • Death: This should naturally be climatic and reserved for high stake events, and experienced DMs. It is a powerful plot tool that must be used carefully.

  • Failure: The character can no longer continue the event, they're exempt from all future rewards. For events that are meant to be difficult, this is a nice alternative to death as the person being disabled isn't losing anything but time & potential loot. You should make sure to fit it in the narration - maybe the party brought along NPC aid that takes the defeated person back to their camp or boat.
  • Risk vs reward is important. If it's a high risk event, then multiple characters failing the event and not gaining loot is perfectly fine, if the judgements made were fair.

  • It is very unlikely you'll be approved for mechanical rewards (such as custom items) if you're new to DMing. We also prefer that DMs run events for groups of characters they're neutral towards if they've yet to earn the administration's faith.
  • Development Items: These are custom items that provide no direct benefit but aid in a character's development (such as a rare crystal, herb, or tome). Example. Make sure the description is detailed and provides direction!

  • Public Items: Potions, enchantments, ore, etc. Something like arcanium is event only and very rare, only to be given in small amounts in high risk events.

  • Custom Items: A weapon or equip item with custom stats. These should generally not be better than standard gear unless they're the highlight of the event. Minor custom items are more acceptable to be used as rewards by experienced DMs (such as an amulet with an extra 2 power, or a ring with +2 ele power). The lore and flavor of the item is important here, they shouldn't really feel like little stat boosts with just a line or two of description.
More Event Plans!
Keep in mind we're perfectly okay with a plan that's just a few paragraphs, as long as the items and encounters are clear, and a general idea of what might go down. Don't be intimidated by having to write the plan itself. Event plans aren't concrete and are a loose guide to follow. Sometimes going with the flow works out better!

But with that said, come and appreciate and be inspired by a small sample of the submitted event plans...

Grave Robbing
Arc of Light - Caliburn
The Janitor's Closet
Chocolate Factory
Blood of the Undying
Late Night Classes
Cluck Cluck
Spooky Season
Frozen and Forgotten
Where's the Sapphire?

Howling Spirits - Link
Returning to Shiva - Link
Ruined Temple - Link

King's Blood - Link
Scouring Wasted Depths - Link
Bound in Sanguine Ink - Link

Moon Rock Madness - Link

Where The Sun Never Rises - Link
Glittersweet Vengeance - Link
Glittersweet Vengeance Pt 2 - Link
Docro Family Values - Link
Hauntings of the Southwestern Seas - Link
A Dastardly Hunt - Link
Circus Field Studies - Link
Into the Shadowmire - Link

Bashful Birdwatching - Link
To Cure One's Heart - Link
Alabastre - Link

Extermination - Link
Red Moon - Link
Kraken - Link
Rat Tales - Link
Dungeon Master Resources!

Kott Mori DM Sprite Pack

Event Sprites
Event Locations
Use 'Teleport Coords'

grass fortress 15,15, 6
autumn forest 85,30, 6
desert fortress 145,30, 6
snowy cliffs 200,30, 6
corrupted land 270,30, 6
beach 340,30, 6
swamp 400,30, 6
space 460,30, 6
oasis town 510,30, 6
oasis interior 570,30, 6
dark platform 630,30, 6
lava 690,30, 6
on the edge of the abyss 760,30, 6
plain grass 30,90, 6
autumn forest oasis 90,90, 6
desert cliffs 140,90, 6
plain snow 200,90, 6
spooky forest 260,90, 6
south beach 330,90, 6
graveyard swamp 400,90, 6
massive snowy bridge 480,90, 6
lava temple interior 580,90, 6
maze 630,90, 6
volcano 40,150, 6
desert railway 140,150, 6
snowy mountain 215,150, 6
narrow snowy bridge 270,160, 6
small ship beach 330,170, 6
pure ocean 400,160, 6
dark fortress 480,160, 6
temple interior 570,140, 6
maze 630,90, 6
massive enchanted forest 470,220, 6
sandy island 300,210, 6
castle hall 530,195, 6
castle main interior 570,220, 6
jungle 220,270, 6
giant city 430,300, 6
cave system 580,300, 6
snowy castle peak 720,300, 6
corrupted ruins 240,350, 6
spirit realm nature 100,480, 6
grand tournament 340,500, 6
ice cavern 700,420, 6
A note that mini-events, such as spontaneous public events or quest board postings, can be run without event approval, as long as you have some experience in DMing. The stipulation is the rewards are limited to coin & basic development materials.

To do so, you just make the forum post and host it on the day.
Saving Throws
This is an optional mechanic that Dungeon Masters can choose to include in their events. If doing so, make sure to confirm each party member's attributes before beginning the event either via a group chat or sign up form.

A Saving Throw is a response to a narrate that combined with an attribute and a dice roll (typically d6) determines the outcome. These attributes are,

Attribute Points
Charisma - A person's ability to inspire and negotiate.
Wisdom - Their knowledge and general intelligence.
Fortune - Luck concerning the tides of fate and favorable outcomes.

Characters have 8 Attribute Points and Attributes can be no more than 6 total, maxing out at Level 220.
Chance - 3 Charisma, 3 Wisdom, 5 Fortune (8 spent)

Basic Example
Narrate: "Arrow fire rains down upon you!" (Fortune Roll. Difficulty of 8)
Chance has 5 Fortune so he inputs the command /fortune 5 and must roll a 3 or higher to avoid arrowfire. 
He rolls a 2 via a D6, thus a total of 7. The DM narrates that he has taken an arrow to the leg and has suffered a light temporary injury.

A DM can of course modify and adjust this system as they like, or do things like grant or debuff a character's attribute stats due to specific circumstances or something that occurs on the event. It is meant to be simple to understand and use, but also flexible. You can use it to determine actions like investigation, attempts at intervening in an action, theft, etc, to support and give more structure to things.

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