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Maazu and Ruby: A Starfall Wedding
A Starfall Wedding

[Image: 36cfd60df7d993cce3fdce5699489351.jpg]

A joyous day is upon Maazu, Ruby, and all their friends.

They'll be getting married this Saturday! Their ceremony begins at 5 pm EST.

It will be held just on the edge of Starfall grounds, right where Acadamy grounds end, and the Shadowmire's territory begins, beneath a tree that shades a beautiful view of the sea. An idyllic place for the beastkin lovers to be married.

All friends, and acquaintances of Maazu and Ruby are invited to attend! Both of them would love as many people to attend as possible!

That includes people from every nation, every faction! Upon neutral ground, there will (hopefully) be no attempts to brake the peace.

The invite list is not set in stone. Anyone who has a positive relationship with the couple are welcome to attend!

Among the invite list:

Yiras Tobias
Ida Kumo

Keelut Baskerville
Azan Otxoa
The Gelmonts
The Cirques
The Pelleauxs
The Yarboroughs
The Graces
Penance (Lucia Alcast)
Melody Lux Vel Kruger
Eliza Lei Vel Kruger
Toriel Adler
Rufus Adler
Ethric Althier
Yakra Otton
Blair Pyr Docro
Ethia Alcast
Thyme Pulani
Ban Efsevis
Robert Maven
Xinion Chronos
Garret Blackquill
Rudey Grimmoire
Twisted Creature
Acheron Erebus

Those specifically asked NOT to attend:
Aelrin Van Astor
Colette Sindri
Tirius Multhunder
Licht Zagard

(No offense is intended if your name does not appear on the invite list! It is hard to remember every single name, the couple has had good interactions with a lot of people!)
A quick reminder to all parties looking to attend!

Maazu and Ruby politely request that all hostilities, physical, social, or otherwise, be suspended for the duration of the ceremony. 

It is understood that there may be quite a bit of bad blood between some of the guests. Hopefully, everyone involved may put aside their differences for one, lovely day.

Surely, all involved are responsible, respectful, and care enough for the couple to behave themselves, and not spoil their wedding.


In addition, any parties that may or may not have disputes to resolve with the loving couple, or their guests, are asked not to attempt resolution during the ceremony

There will be other times to deal with these problems! Certainly, the happiness and respect of Maazu and Ruby will be what matters most to everyone present. 

In addition to the ceremony, the couple has also reserved the Sunrise Inn for their reception!

Food, music, and if attendance permits, a fun little tournament will be held there!

Some experimental rules will be used to try and give everyone a fair shot, and make it a little bit more interesting!


1) The tournament will be held in underground battle space connected to The Sunrise Inn.

2) Please attend the wedding ceremony if you would like to compete!

3) Participants should use a basic sword / phoenix rod, remove their armor, and power down their health and magic to 150, and their dodge, critical, and mana to 100. This may be lowered further depending on who all is choosing to compete. (This is before auras / stances, please just have even base stats to give everyone a fair chance! Please also limit the use of hidden and master spells/abilities, base stuff only, please!)

4) Tournament will be single bracket elimination. Due to the low power, fights will be limited to rounds of one.

5) Winner will receive 1000 crowns, and the chance to receive another 1000 by fighting the bride and bride in a (probably) fairly adjusted battle. Low rewards to ensure that everyone is just here to have fun!

Following the conclusion of the tournament, an important announcement will be made from the couple!

Tournament Signup

Power Down commands:

/powerdown vit X
/powerdown magic X
/powerdown critical Y
/powerdown dodge Y
/powerdown mana Y

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