KyratioLinnen Legacy
[Image: Saki_3.0.png]
Saki Linnen 1821-1852
Both of you remember Saki, right? Your dear Mother who took care of you, home schooled you, and was practically there with you in every waking moment of your life up until you were nine! She taught you manners, adored you both. You were her world. She always listened, always cared. Even if your complaints were as small as "The room is too hot!" She'd use her magic to fix it. She seemed to always know how to fix everything, always have an answer...

She spoiled you both, giving you anything you asked for, teaching you anything you wanted, hugging and caring for you whenever you desired. In your years under her upbringing, you learned a lot. Not just about the world. Magic, Alchemy, Artificing, Medical Treatments- and so much more! Though, she was never able to complete your teaching, so this is only to a minor extent.

She didn't hesitate to bring you both into places you found quite scary, like the Mire. She taught you their ways, showed you that not all of them are too bad... She told you stories about Torgon, and let you meet Abe, who you learned is Attica's Dad!

She brought you along to Osrona as well, showing you the nice town. Though, she warned you of the higher ups! Many of them are quite rude at times. Very strict! 

While those are the only two 'towns' she showed you both, she often brought you up to the mountains to an Inn. The Ryukyu! She often spoke fondly of it, telling you that her Sister, Ciel, is the Owner. You heard many stories from her during these visits to the Ryukyu. Though, She always tried to skip over the more depressing or violent parts.

Everything was great, until one day, she received a letter, her happiness disappeared, and she ran out the door, leaving you both with her final words.
"Don't open the door for anyone, unless you recognize their voice."

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Ky Linnen ????-1852
Your father, Ky. While he wasn't always present, and he was quite the troublemaker... When he was around, he was a great Dad! He often sat down with you both for hours, showing your his card collection which, he treasured far too much, really! He showed you other things as well, such as his Gunsword, something he made with a lot of work, sweat and thievery!.
When he wasn't showing you his super awesome mega cool card collection, he'd often take you and your mother out to nice, quiet places to fish! The waterfalls under the Academy, the hidden sanctuary near Moxtli, the cliff near the Temple of Eos, or even the Ryukyu Inn at times.
Your father was very bubbly, almost childish when he was around you and your mother, often playing silly games, or teasing her in your presence! It was clear that he loved her very dearly, and that she returned it just as much.
Though, your father's troublemaking, sadly, would only lead to his demise.

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Ember, your grandmother! She was around quite often, patting your heads, rubbing your cheeks, giving you sweets! While she seemed only a few years older than your Mom, does that really matter? She's your grandma, that's that! 
From the moment you were born, to even now, she coddles you both constantly as much as you allow! She's worse than Saki was at times, probably!
Though, since the disappearance of your parents, while she still treats you both the same, she seems more distant to others..! Help your grandma feel better, kids.

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Eurydice Vanreth
Eurydice, or, Eury as your mother often called her. She, alongside her daughter, Attica Vanreth were a very big presence in your life since a very young age! While Attica is a few years older, you both probably see her like an older sister, considering how often you were around her! Eury, like the babysitter that was (almost) never needed. She was there, helpful and nice to you, yet your Mother was always center stage.
You surely have fond memories of her visiting Saki for tea, her strong accent and noises always very present. At first, it was scary... But eventually, you both got used to it! Her strong exterior was always something Jessie took in stride, wanting to become strong, just like her!

Right, Jessie?
After your parent's disappearance, Eurydice and Ember have taken over as your caretakers. Mostly Eurydice, as she now lives with you both!

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Yiras. A loud, aggressive, but still kind Ookami! While you mostly only saw him as that younger man who would constantly challenge Saki or ask her for help, he was still pretty amusing! Saki often spoke nicely of him, complimenting his dedication, loyalty, as well as the fact he was a very good alchemist, like herself! Though, she also mentioned his short temper and the fact he'd often make bad decisions. 

All in all, she hoped his life would get better!

Jessie Linnen & Sophie Linnen
                                                                                       Brunette, Green Eyes.             Red-head, Golden Eyes!
Both of you are twins. Together from the beginning, hopefully, till the end! Both are opposites in many ways. Sophie is quiet and reserved. Jessie is loud and snarky! Sophie is helpful when she can be, Jessie is the type to be sarcastic and hide the answer. Sophie likes to read, often getting so much into her books and day dreams that she'd fall down the stairs without her brother's ever watchful eye. Jessie likes to make things explode using alchemy, and he'd probably blow up the whole house if not for Sophie's quick saves!
Both of you are smart, well educated from your mother's years of home-schooling. Independent, even. Yet, with the loss of your Mother and Father only a few years ago, and no answers given as to what happened to them? Surely, you're both in wonder.

If you're interested in playing Jessie or Sophie, please DM me on Discord! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Also, I will help you with a playby if needed! Kyratio#5390
I may also just add more info to the current if anyone feels I need to.
Eight days before these two are playable! Don't feel shy about dming me on Discord if either of them seem interesting to you!
[Image: Smug_Thyme.png]
Five more days!
[Image: Smug_Thyme.png]
Two more days! D: C'mon, I swear I don't bite.
[Image: Smug_Thyme.png]
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