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04-11-2021, 12:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-05-2021, 05:37 PM by Lung.)
Greetings, this lung here, i had the ideia for doing a unarmed guide from a long time, but i felt the necessity to gather more experience with time, to add all info i could in this guide, my objective is not make you guys the perfect unarmed fighters, but to understand how far these skills works, and by your own effort, develop synergy with your build,and have the basic knowledge of what can be done with the unarmed tree. I hope you guys can enjoy.
Alright, First things first, the knowledge that I'm going to pass both on theoretical and real combat one. most of these stuff you will not remember in middle of a fight, since the adrenaline sometimes drag the person attenction, this can be solved when you train enough to create memory into your gameplay, need some effort and train to achieve that.
That means in most cases you will not have the perfect scenario to use the way the guide says, will be more difficult. With that initial part said we can begin.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fast Travel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Other spells
-Fist barrage
-Iron Body
-Fury Fist
-Titan Fist
-? ? ?
*Gear Talk
-Elemental Damage
-X potions
-Choise of armor
-The Method
*Combat Behaviors
-Another hiddens
*Quick Summary
Quote:Quote:(Read this part after read each spell desc)
![[Image: unknown.png]](
*Brawler: Is easy because you just need activate it to use, then you will become the combo machine, he shares something with gentle, the right time to use it can be more or less impactful into the match. but unlike gentle who need be used in the right momment and have a lower duration, Brawler uses is for being ofensive and deal some combos, for his simple use turns him into a easy active to learn use.
*Gentle: This one is a little more different, will take off slows, and negative status, you will have a small window to run for a powerful combo that the foe may put into you after slowing, or for a no slows engage, observe that have mores uses, and even most of them is not powerful as brawler, since dont have a agressive behavior like him, that makes this one more big brain to use, this dont make him less, this can save you life if used well, so that's why is in medium level.
*Tactician: Medium because timing to block requires a certain skill and reflex to use in more hard spells to predict, also the effect is 50 % even having a lower cd you dont have a high chance of denying the damage, this put you into a more hard gameplay level, close to gentle, that's why i put him into medium.
*Assault: I will be honest this spell is not hard to use, if you wait for the right times to use it instead of just spamming, you just need be more alert about the enemie behavior on combat, but due being a nice track i put on easy if you just spam, but if you use in a smart way? Medium.
*Titan: This one is a hard one to use, most of track is easy to dodge, and to see his indicator, if the target is not slowed, or not coming into you without baiting? dont expect this be a easy skill to land, its on medium due the time you learn a way to use it with you combos.
*Wp: Medium, have his uses for offensive and defensive tactics, no much more to add, easy if you just use to engage.
*Lariat :is one easy if you spam with jab, but a medium one to stop enemie rushs, or track them in middle of assault and phanto strikes, even into ivun spells too, this requires some knowledge about the game ofensive behaviors.
* Iron body: Medium for the same reason of tactician, this one may block the damage, but must of time you will be punished after that if you dont have mucle armor active when you activate the iron body.
*Jab: jab just as a follow up? easy, the other tricks or jab + coutering some spells, using even slowed and hitting the timing, and seeing the range into you mind? Hard.
*Barrage: Hard, most of time you will end up coming close and not hitting until you notice some stuff about the damage rate and etc.
*Fury: Hard, takes time until you learn the exact range of the shockwave, so you can use without having to trade, most of times you can miss when uses from much far, that's why i put hard.
![[Image: unknown.png]](
2º s = Second two of duration.
*Iron fist(15rpp)
-Vantages: Pretty basic so just a few, You gain power based into a % of you total roleplaying level, that means its a constant growing power, most of stances give a Fixed ammount of status instead of %, one example is in rpl 200, you get 40 power points. its a lot if you look other stances that gives, 10, 20. also the fact of being cheap is maybe one of the vantages.
(% values) (Fixed values) Your level.
20% of 200 = 40 or actualrpl/100 *20= power(if floats the value take the higher one) 22.6?= 23
- Disadvantages: By using iron fist, you dont have a stance active, what i see as a huge disadvantage into your build,spare 5 points to pick a dif stance, its not shame using it until you got enough points, first understand your build to see which stance fits better.
-Synergy: As a opener and request to upgrade your stance in future, just starting the unarmed tree makes you able to apply for it.
-Conflict: You cant buy this if you are a monster, ogres if i remember well. and cant use if you have learned the magi combat styles.
-Special Features: Despite not being able to use unarmed with the 3 examples from last topic, You CAN buy iron fist and choose use Thief or Dancer styles. But it's not because you can use,that it means you should. the reason the power is % is to lack the use of weapons that unarmed have, if you choose lose you power to get lesser status like thief and dancer, be warned that you will put a huge disvantage into you shoulders.
(No restrictions)
#The following stances all gives 20% rpl into power, so i will focus more about the actives.
*Brawler(5rpp) 60s cd.
-Vantages: A lot, in this game exists the GCE spells And the regular ones, The regular ones when used, put a 2 second cooldown into you other spells to avoid you spam it, and the GCE ones dont activate that cd, so they are most used for quick combos. what brawler do? makes from 2 to 1 second, and its for all spells you have, not only from unarmed, this effect in some skills its like a upgrade, a example is lariat that allows you to mix a combo when brawler is active. you need know each skill of you build to discover how this affect them. Dont forget for me? Activates on q key.
(In the way is now The duraction is 8 seconds.) (If a skill have this Then is GCE ) (Brawler Active effect.)
Disadvantages: All in life have a price right?, for know i could only see 2 ones.
1º You lose you cleanse or defensive active on stance, like gentle. You can active brawler but if you got slowed and caited to death you wont do much. This can be fixed with cleanse spells or other kind of spells like that that gives speed boost.
2º When you activates you become previsible, since is 8 seconds and you turn red the foe if is smart he will know, 'he will rush me', then he may use his defensives spells, you can bait but will cost your stance, so use wisely not rush in the first second of battle like me, im stupid.
-Synergy: Have with most of spells that are not GCE. GCE and brawler dont do bad together, there is a few things that you can notice. Make you able to cast brawler and a gce at same time without triggering the GCD, or you can do like GCE spell then right after brawler, if you build have a combo that is good to use like that, example? Barrage+brawler. since this is a unarmed guide i will talk about the unarmed spells.
Jab: nothing
Fist barrage: Nothing
*Titan Fist: Allow you to cast a spell at the second the Fist is casted instead of momments later.
*Weighted punch: You can hit sooner, that means more time to hit while the foe is with his damage reduction reducted.
*Assault: Allow to use a spell right after 3º blow istead of momments later.
*Lariat: You can use a spell a few moments when the drag ends instead of waiting a lot.
Fury Fist: Neutral about it, i dont found any good use for brawler on it just base spam stuff and combos.(yet) (maybe a stun right after? i only unarmed give me a break.)
Iron body: Nothing, the duration is 5 seconds, you dont do nothing in that time, so no dif if is 2 seconds or 1. (maybe in future?)
-Special Features: You can activate 2 skills at same time, one of them being Brawler active(i use q for active and 2 for my gem slot/aura active, so i press q+2 instead of q then 2) [i cant q+2+other spell at same time that would be 3 spells, so i do q+2 then barrage.]
(a video here could be cool, but i hope you understand what i mean.)
*Gentle Fist(5rpp) 60s cd.
-Vantages: This is a good one to balance your build if brawler dont fit you, it Gives a Cleanse effect when you activate and also gives Slow immunity for 6 seconds, lets talk about each one.
The cleanse effect is a effect that remove negatives status from you. (Not cc, this is important!) Mud,slow,root,curse,Damage reduction,confusion,blind. these status effects, some of them slows but others no.
The slow immunity, is a effect that make you unable to being slowed by any kind, take note that effects with adicional stuff, like wp slow and dr, root with slow and heal debuff, will only make you imunnity to slows, the other effects will keep on, unless you use when activate the gentle, then the cleanses clean all the debuffs like that, but after that you still can be put again, only slows are the one that cant be re applyed in the 6 seconds duration.
Active effect
-Disadvantages: Something like the brawler, you lose a huge offensive skill that boost a lot of your spells, mean you battle will be more slow, the effect is quick so need to be used right to not waste it. just a few disadvantages.
-Synergy:Its a cleanse so will want to use when someone withers you, or apply a huge slow and rushes, you can use with muscle armor to make you'self a war tank for a few seconds.
-Special Feactures: Looks like if you activate gentle, or any other c leanse right before taking a stun , you ignore that stun. (is a hard high level reflex play but i thought still was worth add, dont know if is a bug but i tested? and works.
*Tactician (5rpp) 20s cd.
-Vantages: This one is the super meme stance from the tree, to gain a chance of deny damage,the vantages of using this, is the low cd, and the chance of missing damage into you, if you do in the right timing. When you block quick enough, and release this triggers the tactician for 2 seconds, its the same blue effect of gentle
50 % spell dodge means you have a 50 % chance of dodge any damage you recive while is active
Disadvantages:You sacrifice or you defensive/ofensive stance (Brawler/Gentle) to put it, if you like playing a tough battle, of have skills to fill the lack of that ones, you could go for it, its a fun one when dodges.
-Synergy:you can cast before engages if you know you will lead to trade. like assault or lariat. that way gives you a chance to dodge it, this is using in a offensive way, in a defensive is predict an attack.
-Special Features: Can be activated, even if GCD is up, unlike brawler and gentle.
-Addicional info about Brawler, gentle and Tactician: If you GCD is up, you cant activate the q from Gentle and brawler, plus, activating them dont activate the GCD so they work in a unique way, also Tactician dont seem to follow that rule, being able to be used any way, i belive its because of the dif key to activate.
*Upgraded Stances[Versatile]
-Notes: Looks like the times had changed, Afinity style that used to be a hidden was more and more being changed for custom stances/Upgraded combat styles i will tell what i learned about them.
Most of custom stances for unarmed that i saw it, have at least a 25 % rpl to pow boost, this is good, so ask for it when you're going to ask a hidden that is a upgrade for your stance, i understand that you can choose the effects depending on what is best for your build, what suits better, some cases they will not give what you asked, and give other thing instead.
I know just a little about this, so what i can say? ask for at least more %rpl into power if you going app for a combat sytle upgrade.
-Vantages: Its a upgrade, and a hidden, so is really good getting more rpl% into pow and most of case some uniques effects, also having a custom combat with a custom quote? boost the moral, at least for me.
-Disadvantages: You spend 1 slot hidden to get it,and if you unlucky to get something that not suits you,in the way you wanted, you will have to live with it. i dont blame the admins if this happen most of cases if because you would be too much op with that stance. instead of just ic stuff, happens? yes but is less common.
Spells of unarmed
*Jab(10rpp)5s cd.
Notes: Maybe the most basic spell of the unarmed essence, the skill that give you a teleport to your target, to do a follow up combo. if you expect me to only tell 2 things about this spell? you're wrong, this one have more to add than most of them, by the way it works and the weird stuff i found about it lets begin. I ask extra attencion my students, this part may confuse you in some kind of level.
Please focus on the red marked part and not the outside one that is for the dash jab explanation we begin with basic of basic.First of all what is that?, This my friend is the jab, in all his way and how his mechanics works.
My desc:Jab is a dash hit skill that have a especial effect from far and a normal from close, The maximum range that you can teleport is from 8 Tiles away from a target and minimun of 4 tiles to begin to teleport, the maximum are marked as stones in the picture.
1-3 tiles distance: This range you are able to hit jab to cause damage, with 2 and 3 being the best ones, since you hit the end of casting, the jab cast for a seconds then only apply damage at the end of it, the 2,3 tiles give enough distance to that cast hits.
4-8 tiles distance: At this point, when you jab someone, you teleport to behind him in a quick step, the number four tile is marked as white into the picture. for only jab and no other effect the tiles position dont matter this much, since its almost all the same.
Special Features: Jab is a move based spell. that means 2 things.
1ºSlows will delay you casting, in a huge ammount, maybe enough for the target leave the range and you be kissing the air like a fool.
2º In contrast, speed boosts will make you cast almost invisible, You cast turn so faster that you teleport before the sound effect of jab,
usualy is press Jab -> Sound effect -> cast+teleport after is like , Press jab-> Teleports-> Sound effect
If you get slowed and use a speed boost you probaly get back to normal, i dont play beastkin much so i dont know.
Small Tricks: One thing piss me off about fighting with others unarmed fighters, most of them dont know about the Dash+jab trick, to make the cast faster, and also give + 4/5 tiles of proximity on your foe this make you vunerable without a dash buts is a trade, need to know the momment to use it dont be like me yo use always, this turns you predictable. Also this will lead to 2 ramifications of what i trained on my jab Extended jab teleport range, And dash jab to hit the Target.
Dash+Jab: Train it, get some far +8 tiles if you want a real quick teleport, or inside the 8 tiles range to have a chance to hit the jab too.
Zig zag: This is when you dash jab then move left or right to track the foe mannualy, this sometimes can change a jab who would miss into a one that teleports.
Diagonal dash: Also a simple trick ^ > Space, makes the dash diagonal. need train this if aim to use dash jab with efficiency.
reminder: The picture means a frame of second, that means if you're in the position when you use jab, and there a quick momment to be casted, you will always teleport/hit well. you need to remember in a Real battle you and the foe will be running.
Dash real range: Sometimes i tell default dash is 4 or 5 tiles, that is because the dash is really 5 tiles but when you look the jab interactions to work the way you want to he will act like 4 instead of 5. Keep that in mind.
Extended Jab teleport explained.(from 9 tiles or more distance.)
![[Image: unknown.png]](
Please put you attenction into the blue part now, the red will be used to talk about jab dash to hit the target.
As you people can see, its simple as is, you can dash+jab in the target direction from 13 tiles, and still teleport on jab from real far, BUT let me talk something, i dont recomend from tile 12 since the target can move, the chance of missing is high so aim for,10-11 at max aim for diagonal jab since they look have a bigger range. (using Dad+jab then the keys you use for left and right to zig zag.
Dash+jab to hit the target (at max range of 7 and minimum of 5 , 8 tiles dont hit well.)
in combat,need be even more close since you will be moving)
In this example the thing is more different, observes that tiles 5-6-7 are marked with wood there is a reason, That's is the points where if you dash jab, will result in a weird teleport and slower into the foe, and will hit the target with damage damage, Why this is useful?, well dont know i liked it, is basicaly using dash to make jab hit, what i like about it, is the dif teleport sometimes make foes that are waiting for you jab using the jab sound, may miss a counter they preparing, also if you using Energy aura is a extra chance of silence the foe so... yeah. the perception to this in Real fight where both are running is that you are amost 1 tile from him, when acutally is not.
Crucial information about jab: Talking like this, may look easy but is not, need practice and trainning to start visualizing the range in my mind, i used the stones and woods to fully understand how it worked, but since i started playing unarmed deep in my being i was doing this without even knowing ,using instinct and intuiton. like a human who use fires to defend himself without knowing about it, but now i discovered.
Warnings: Some people learn to counter you jab, by listening the sound of if instead of looking, Use a speed boost to surprise them, NEVER JAB TELEPORT A BEAM, he will suck you to his range and you will cry, i've done some tests with jab to hit, and if you are in any of this points, if you dash jab to hit the chance of being dragged is low. (Go straight, no zigzag, that tives a chance to enter in the beam range.)
(.) > X ============)
Watch out for stuns, being stunned on jab is easy when the foe know how to do it, so if you get a gut like that, or if he have pyroclams(Aoe stun) make sure OR you're fast then him to apply the combo, or he stun is on cd, jab from far is more harder to get stunned but still possible. Act versatile dont use jab to always engage a combo, sometimes get close the old way using a dash or something to apply other spell.
Checkpoint: Upcoming updates: Video with combos?
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
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04-12-2021, 04:34 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-16-2021, 02:19 PM by Lung.)
Continuation of unarmed spells desc
Hold on, before continue i need to add a information that would go in combat topic, but i need put here or will be confuse the explanation of some spells.
In this game there is 3 types of spell that i created a term for them, that way i could use WP like a champ and not like random Regular unarmed player. lets explain it.
Single Damage type: This mean the spell damage is 1 hit, BAAM, damage done no addicional effects with extra deal damage. Examples: Smite, WP, power smash, Sweaping cleave, dash strike, Bolt, Sound strike, Water whip, Despairing Tendrils, Spike , Golden bolt ,Bone spear etc.
Tiks damage Type: This spells dont do only one hit, they commonly do less damage but in various single separated hits. for a long or a quick duration. Example: Assault, Phantom Strikes, Any beam, Sonar cacophony, Magma Volcano, Fist Barrage, Most of javelins, Titan spear, Rapid fire, Meteror etc Most of aoes and etc.
Unique/both damage type:This spells are not like tik or single damage. they are in his own way of work.
2 examples that are equal is Lariat and Fury first, they first do a Single damage type 7 and 12, high, then keep doing lesser tiks ones(i calculate 0.9 +-). same goes for Spiral bomb.
Other spells do the single damage and apply or not,a addicional effect that gives tiks damages for a duration, example: Fireball, Hemorrhage, Poison spells, Flame slide, etc.
There are even unique cases like Steam burst that shoots 3 single damage project, but when land end up being more than one damage tik.
With that said lets begin.
*Weighted Punch (10 rpp) 15s cd
Desc: This spell, is a 5 tiles dash but sometimes can work as 4, or 3. that track the foe direction and hit it, applying slow and - 10 % damage reduction for 3 seconds. but in my experience? i can tell its close to for some spells.3.5 or 3.9 soon i will explain why i think that. I will talk about using it in a tryhard way, but feel free using the way you like.
Your Resistance to damage in status. with Wp hit would be -2%. Desc of the spell.
Understanding fully how it works
Max Range marked with stones:
Range in a square vision, plus diagonal range:
This spell when you cast will start to track you target, until he enters in a 3x3 square zone with you in the center, then will stops, hit the foe anda pply the debuffs.
Starts to rush.
Stops the rush when a target enters in this range(with the track.) while you're in the cast, or the range reach at maximum.Easier to miss at far tiles when the running of battle is crazy.
I dont know how range works in this game so i will count as tiles walked.
Spell damage type: Unarmed/Phisical. Single damage type
Synergy: Due to GCD being 2 seconds, and the Debuffs duration being 3, its obvious that Tick type damage is not the best one to enjoy the damage reduction at full damage, not saying is terrible use them, you can still use, but saying a exemple where in a gap of 1 second to punish with all battle rush will be good a single damage to punish well. like single type do. some tiks will be lose, even some spells with lesser tiks(assault) have some problems sometimes hitting only 2 tiks.
As lariat and Fury first being both damage type,they can get well using brawler or not, Also fist barrage have a long duration and quick tik applycation he should fit in this too.
Brawler active turns you punishment time from 1 to 2 seconds due his effect. this allow some spells like assault, and brawler instead of almost full damage, being full damage using damage reduction.
Remember gce dont trigger GCD so using spells like that will add even more damage to the combo,brawler is a nice upgrade to wp but due the cds, duration only make this be use 1 time, since the duration is 8 seconds (Brawler) and the wp (15 cd)
My favorite skill to use with dash+jab, its a nice poke where you can run away if you dont want punish the enemy.
If you start to become too previsible using wp always before a huge skill punish always with a easy skill like assault or that ones difficult to escape.(Cotoco skills) change you way a little, feiting, only poking with wp then coming closer just to run back to try bait them.
If you going get hit by a armed could be a good trade to not leaving without a trade since he tracks, sometimes i wp fatat stikes that pierces me! need have a good predict time
If you diagonal dash, and dont touch walk keys anymore, and spamm wp he will turn the wp move diagonal track.
Conflitct: Tiks damages, they dont get all tiks hitted, if most of them dont crit the gap is losed by a single spell that could have do more damage.
Makes you previsible if they think you will want punish that dr debuff, with brawler active even worst to predict you engage.
Special Features: Apply slows and Damage reduction for almost the same duration.
Have a great damage, cd, and tracking, slows dont make the cast slower but make easier for enemy escape anyway.
Have a duration of 3 seconds, the slow and dr, but with some experience, i noticed the dr still up a few mili seconds after the slow mark is gone, something close to 0.5- 0.9 miliseconds allowing some spells a better time to punish.
Its a 5 tiles dash, but dont enter inside the enemy tile like Axe kick used to do, he stops 1 tile close to enemy then hit, so that means will always be a 5 max range or x range -1, like in a 4 tiles distance will be 3, in a 3 will be 2 and etc.
Final warnings: Be careful with assault/phantom stike, is a random skill, so if you try to punish assault in first or second hit, you may miss it because of teleport try wait for 3 strike walk closer and hit if you want to trade like that.
Since is a dash move spell you can be dragged far and cancel it, Chugchugs teached me that, so look out if you foe have shock waves(skills that throw you far.)
*Fist Barrage(10 rpp) 30 s cd (23 after 7 seconds duration)
Desc:i hate this spell, only because you can miss it and get punished for that. but you look at the slow it gives then becomes a good one, but this is my opnion. Barrage is a 1x3 Range spell, that have a duration of 7 seconds, gives 2 tiks of 5 damage in 1 second (That is really quick and good) and apply a slow of almost 10 seconds. Simple right? no. you can miss it.
we have this seconds of duration, lets separate them [1](2)[3](4)[5](6)[7] they are unique.
In this type of mark [], the spell will do damage quickly if the enemy is in range. Seconds 1,3,5 and 7
In this type of mark () will not do damage, but is the time for do jab, or a rush close to the target, so in the next second will hit due to the quick way the damage works. 2,4,6 yes means you have 3 rushes. of engage and the first second to try counter.
Barrage true range, marked by stones.1x3
![[Image: unknown.png]]( B ut barrage effect make it look its a 2x3 but is not. red points its out of range.
Spell Damage type:Unique. Its 2 tiks in a so quick way, that is a fusion of tik and single. cant say is both category. doing 10 damage.
Synergy: First thing i will say about this part is the sound that makes when you activate, its like a roar effect, the tip is, this sound is almost 2 seconds, use the sound as a guide, the momment the sound ends you have + 0 0.5/1 second to means you're in second 2 so its time for a rush!
Second thing is this spell in the second of apply damage is quick,the skill by itself is quick, quick enough to me dare to say:if a foe is hit by this fist tik, he will be also hit by second almost in a no dodgeable way, this show how fast is, but its also the problem, when you activates, if the foe is not in exact range(1x3) YOU WILL MISS IT, and forget getting much closer trying get the second 3 hit, you will probaly get a stun. try hear the sound of activation end and prepare for second 2 rush. (This may need tome ear trainning to feel how the timing works. also can try count in your mind the seconds)
First second of the skill is amazing to counter armed that come real close, or piercing skills, but hard to use right.
If you jab lariat in seconds 2,4,6 you will upgrade you lariat with more tik damage, good with or not brawler use of WP timer.
Under test: but if you hit Barrage, then quickly assault, at the end of assault if you spam wp and is in range to hit, the Barrage will also hit good for slows and stuns.
Work good with track spells like wp, to get inside the barrage range. and teleport ones like jab. use wp in second 2,4,6 if you close enough to apply 3 hits or jab wp.
Conflict: In past this skill were op, but were in the way i belive it should be, any second that the target was inside the range he would take damage, was 4 seconds hit duration and hitted real quick but was changed to the way is now.
Like i said still hate this skill,if you miss the rushes its hard to focus on the next one, you need be glued on target to all duration in a blind attempt to hit it if you dont know how the 7 seconds work.
the fact the slow is real good and the tiks are quick/garanted hit the 2, and a good damage still dont clean the rage i feel when i take a stun and dont even hit if i miss the timing in my head. i belive was proposital, a hard skill to learn to use for a Good effect.
The skill make you previsible when you use always the second to to engage. also make you foe know you will try a close encounter to apply so if he is smart he will use it to stun you. unless you bait it.
Special Features: Real quick apply damage when in range, Slow of almost 10 seconds, and each tik refresh the duration, GCE so can used with a combo if you lucky or skilled enough to use the 1 second of it.
Final notes: I hate, but i say is very good. Its a high level learning one to choose if you dont count until 7, but really good when you master it, i complain it because im noob, this is about you guys, im giving you the info to get better with it. is your choice use or not i said the good parts and bad ones about it.
*Lariat(10 rpp) 25s cd
I like this one, Plus Flying kick, were the 2 skills i always liked, for reasons i dont know, when i knew the huge problem about lariat, the mp consume was buffed, and tik damage too? i got happy, lets begin.
Desc: Lariat, is a dash type no track spell that moves 7 tiles foward. stunning and dragging any enemies in a 2x3 area in front of you applying 7 damage when it touchs, and +-0.9 tik damage for each dragged tile.
Range of stun and drag hitbox marked by stones.Red points tiles you blind point.
Range distance, linear tiles.
Spell damage type:Both. Doing always the single damage of 7 if hits, still do tiks even in final of range, doing 1 drag damage.
Synergy: Jab,Barrage, Wp, Slowed foes and etc, this spell i see in 2 ways the ofensive way and the defensive way, its nice to cut a enemie melee rush or something, and super nice combo to jab then quickly lariat, Brawler allow you to punish the target almost right after the stuns end, some spells made impossible him to avoid.
Fury fist is one of them,also if you do the combo Brawler Barrage+jab+lariat, applies the slow, and spam titan before the durations ends, its really hard to run for it.
To maximize damage you need be at 1 tile from enemy to do it, but sometimes you will need stun the target or something, will do less damage but cut a engage like that could be good.
Same trick of wp, if you dash in diagonal, dont touch movement keys anymore, and lariats, you lariat will be in diagonal movement! still use the same hitbox of 2x3 so be careful to not take a óle.
Conflicts: First of all be warned about immunity type spells (Lava, Iron body, deflect palm) This is if you want to punish in last second is bad, you if you miss you will lose the 7 damage to hit, and only do the lesser tick damage, if you want stun the target use other spell, the lariat stun is really short so even with bralwe its not worth using it to lose damage and the stun of it to stun a target with lariat, if the gap of 2 seconds to try apply a follow up its too high, enough to the target run.
Its not a good spell to be used like a stun, its good to be used as a engage or a combo cut, dont use it with a ideia that is a punish stun like bone spear or pyroclam,only because it drags, Also dont try using stun like spells after lariat if you're using bralwer.
The problem of lariat low stun duration will pick a activate a mechanic of game. "When you take a stun, for the duration of it, you are susceptible to take another, but when it ends? you gain a quick duration of cc imunity(1,2 s? dont know the exact duration) to avoid a uncounterable cc trigger.
That means the cc of lariat is low enough to active it. so be careful what skill you will use to follow up your brawler lariat, i tried this with lariat beams, results in target running away, the best one was Energy burst, i belive is because of the way it works its a little dif from beams so have that into mind.
The normal jab lariat combo and the 2 seconds of GCD give enough time to the target run so dont try spam without brawler, unless you have hit the barrage combo effect.
Special Features:Its a drag spell that also gives a quick stun, good to 2 things, block you target, and may put the enemie in GCD timer, in a similar way that whips do when they cut a combo.
Final notes: Its a regular spell, not too good, not too bad, If you're the guy who only uses it to jab lariat, but when you use for more than that turns into a good skill.
Assault(15 rpp) 30 s cd
Desc:Assault is a spell 6 tiles range, or 7 if you take the enemy tile. of 4.5 damage and have second best track of game.(teleport, the first one is insta, activated got hit, like smite, flurry,) he hits 3 times before end and each hit he teleports for a dif location, can be close or far, its random in how the target walks, but from what i noticed. there is a minimun range in your body hitbox to teleport closer or far in the target. each hit does a little drag turning skills like wp and lariat hard to hit well to trade.
tile distance.
Spell damage type:Tiks
Synergy: The spell is hard to talk about, is too random the teleports for make a close info, but what i can tell about it, is by the end of the duration you GCD almost finishes, so the fact is a good track skill plus that give a good follow up spell is the target is not taking too much distance. With brawler? be up at the end of 3º blow.
This spell is like lariat, people use too much in a way and dont think about other way, as a counter, i lost count how many times i was doing a jab lariat, a rush with any jab, or ant other dash type skill, and someone PH/assault me, due the teleports i almost always end up losing the rush and miss the spell, good to other long type ones like Meteor or titan lance, that spells who drag you away. or stun that you know you cant dodge.
When 2 people use this kind of Flurry spell its totally random where they will land, so open that eye.
Conflicts: Despite the range to cast is 6, he have a even huge one to cancel it. 12 or more i guess? i dont tested that, but the target can break out of it. using spells like cosmic rush or super speed boost to get far away.
You can be stunned in middle of cast, and depending what stun is (bone spear for example) you can be a easy target if the foe were skilled with this time of skill, punishing you in seconds 2 or 3 of spell, you can do this too if the foe have the same skill.
Some people learned to beam you in Assault/PH, be careful they will drag you in first or third hit to a beam and you will feel that you dont want to use that spell again if the beam is up, Also be careful with beams, since casting whem the enemy is using due the random way the tps work, you can also being dragged the same way.
Foe can block all hits, the first one is harder, only if he predicts you will use it(me iron bodying assaults), you cant cancel the skill and have a simple pattern, so the foe know he will be hitted, same logic of stepping in a aoe, he can use a inv spell to cancel or defensive skills (Dr buffe) the damage like piercing stike.
Special Features: Random teleports, Duration of 1.5 seconds, Once activated have a huge range to try break it, Quick apply of damage, the teleport is good to try avoid drag projt type spells.
Final notes: Its a skill worth of being 15 rpp, due the ways you can use,damage and the nice tracking. when i was new i thought, this skills is weird, when i should use it, but now i can see how use. you choose if you want give a 13.5 damage spell with low chance of dodge.
Iron body (10 rpp)[intermediate] 26 seconds or 21 after 5 s duration.
Desc:Iron body is a intermediate spell( Need have spend 50 points in unarmed tree as a requisite to buy it.) that gives you for 5 seconds, Damage immunity, but make you unable to cast spells, walk, or do anything else while is active.
intermediate spells. iron body active effect.
Spell damage type: None, is a defensive skill.
Synergy: This is be a hard one to talk about..., the damage immunity is good, spells that you know will come to you, like meteor, Titan lance, phanyom strike if you are quick enough or predict it, dashes etc, will be damage denyed, If you cast muscle armor cc immunity effect dont worry about the punish stun part, wont bother you.
You can spam tactician block effect if the target dont hit the punishment right at the end of iron body if he still try any follow get a second defense in that opening time, but if he stuns you before iron body ends? forget about it you got punished for using iron body.
You feel good when you predict a spell and use it, feel cool at all, but then remember you will be punished soon. he also have a super low cd so you can use it a lot, but i dont recomend.
Conflict: Maybe having a such long time is the problem. if you get stunned before ends, the stun stands, you can get silenced by Affinity style proj in iron body, or beamed at it, depending in how well the foe got the timing you can take a full beam to some tiks, but the problem is when just hitting the stun is good for the enemy, and allow him to do a follow up in you, Theowars example, his beam-light cannon.
Maid said to me, its a good spell, you just need to use when the enemie dont have stuns etc, but how you use it like that, when the by the time he use his stuns, most of spells worth of using iron body were spend, you end up giving 5 s to enemy recover cd if you cds are not up.
Special features: Damage immunity for 5 seconds,you still recive negative status and stuns,low cd. Sometimes foes try using single type spells and miss the timing.
Final notes: Will be reworked so lets wait for it.
Fury Fist(15 rpp) 24 s cd
Desc:Fury fist, its a long wave foward spell that creates a instant invisble shock wind that gives 12 damage at 9 maximun tiles of distance and creates a series of punches(same as lariat 0.9 damage and +- 12 punches) that looks like a 3x3 area.
the punches travels until a 13 range tiles distance and have a special hitbox. they are throw in the 3 random tiles in front of you, That means, Up, middle, and down. with each punch having a hitbox of 1x3
![[Image: unknown.png]](
Invisible shock wave hitting before the actual punches.
![[Image: unknown.png]](
Detalied Fury fist "Shock wave hitbox". Red points indicates the initial shock range, And blue ones the punches max travel distance, this picture its wrong, its 12 when should be 13 also shoud have a 4x4 blue points.
![[Image: unknown.png]](
This spell is like Barrage, the animation may trick you but i will help!
The shock wave is a 3x3, but the maximum range of the punch that is 1x3? is a 13x5 area! but since they are slow and put in random patterns, that means the tiles in a distant area turns inefficient, the good are to hit the punches is in the 3x3 one.
MUDAMUDAMUDA! with a focus in the middle part, is where the foe will be hit by all punches, since the up and down can only hit the punches up and midle, and down,down and midle, the midle are will hit all of them. so if you have a snare, or nice stun aim that spell right! if you wish use punches damage.
Spell damage type:Both. The invisible shock its a single type damage, and the punches are tik type damage. but unlike lariat that always do the tiks, this one since dont stuns, will may miss some, unless the target is, stunned, slowed or snared.
Synergy: Its a poke spell, most used to the 12 damage, but works well if you slow them or stun to make a use of the punches, i would say jab fury would be good but is a random combo, sometimes hits sometimes not,
I recomend using with brawler as follow up or after stuns and etc, its a hard skill to hit when both are running using without slowing the target first may result in a miss spell. and using in a defensive way most than offensive if you dont slow the target.
A combo i like is Barrage,jab+lariat titan fist then fury fist. if the titan hits foward, i call it wave of punches, its hard to use since the foe can take off the slow or dashes but the combo of Titan+Fury is super cool and hard to do.
Good using as defensive skill for engages, since you will hit if a melee foe is comming near you, and a hard one to use in assault so be careful. you can do it but the chance of missing the shock wave is high.
Using some logic, you will think that the closest, the more punches will quickly hit, thats true, but also bad for shockwave damage, if you aim that, try say as 2-4 range away tiles, since too much close distance,tends to make easier miss it, i know is weird, but since is a insta shock wave should not have much problem.
Conflict: This spell is more single than tik damage, due his way of work being dif from lariat, so have that in mind, using to punish a inv spell may result in a lose of the skill doing 0 damage.
Be careful with ribcage, since this is a aoe, the enemy can try feed on it, Dont have more to add, observe this skill with you build, to look for any conflict spells with each other.
Special Features: Instant poke, Fist with a nice range, Decent fist speed, Nice damage, This skill used to be shit, 8 damage only but now is 12 so its special to me after this buff.
Titan Fist(10rpp) 28s cd.
Desc:Titan is a spell like sear when you cast, you start glowing and after 1 second will send a fist projeptile that track the foes, and works in a weird way but is drag type damage, not like lariat. it deal 4.5 damage like assault, per tik.
Have a range of 7 tiles, but in this one he only stuns and dont do damage. so its a 6 tiles range area, and the projep have a hitbox of 3x3. The maximum of tiks you can do is 5 tiks but not in normal ways, or at least in very hard ones, so lets keep the 4 as max default one.
Punch hitbox
![[Image: unknown.png]]( ![[Image: unknown.png]](
Glowing effect/casting animation before send the spell/linear range of Titan fist.
For being a 3x3 proj makes sense that the green points area also drag the enemies, and yes this happen.
But For some reason that i dont know explain the Titan also drags people from red points, and this range makes a extra tik so becomes a 5 tiks spell, but under normal ways when you cast it you body turns to the other side, making the cast change direction to diagonal and turns more difficult to do it, if someone find a way to do it with stuns good or using control do change you direction in the last second good, you're a ninja to do that.
![[Image: unknown.png]](
And in blue point does only 1 tik damage, and stuns quickly the target, probally same duration of lariat, the skill keep going, you probally work like a wall and block the drag here.
Now a quick damage guide.
![[Image: unknown.png]](
If the punch hit from 6-5 tiles will do 1 tik damage
If hits in 4-3 tiles will do 2 tiks damage.
If hits in tiles 2-1-0 will do 4 tiks damage. (0 position is inside you or sideways)
About the drag?
Left numbers= Position Right ones=Dragged tiles.
Spell damage type: Tiks one.
Synergy: Was a hard skill to learn about, since i never used before, so common stuff, is easier hit a slowed or stunned target, even with a 1 s cast time, also the good part about being a 2 s skill cast, is you GCD ends when you cast, so if you hit at all you will be able for a follow up even with a low cc when train you can do it.
With brawler this is crazy, you can cast spells in the momment the punch is deal, if try spam a fury fist for example, if the titan hits the target will be stunned inside the aoe. plus the cool effect.
Using barrage fist tikk or engages, then titan is a nice combo with the slow. jab titan and glue in target also is a good one, just be careful for 1s time to not get stunned beamed or something else.
When you casts there is 2 seconds before it sent it.So default GCD ends when titan is at tile 4-5 of the animation, still gives you time for a follow up plus the stun effect. with brawler even better.
Conflict ue to the timing and way the spell works You cant cast any other spell while under the effect of titan cast, and until the proj being sent, even with brawler, since brawler puts a timing close the cast is , cant even titan jab, because titan goes first then jab teleport. but look for spells that can be good in the momment of cast with brawler, or almost at the end of range without brawler.
Im only unarmed so dont got much else to say, see your build if dont have any conflict spells.
Special features: 3x3 projeptile, weird hitbox at back of the caster, nice damage, weird tracking KEEP ALWAYS foe IN MIDDLE OF YOU, when the foe starts to flank you the track diagonal acts weird. Dash diagonal also turn into a diagonal Direction.
Adicional notes: Try using always from tiles 2 or 1, since will do the 4 tik damage is really good, that means be glued in enemy when that effect is up, dont cast from too far or the distance will make you loose it, since the skill speed is a shit, and the range even worse.
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*Video with combos?.
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
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04-12-2021, 03:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-30-2021, 04:26 PM by Lung.)
Gear Talk
Starting with the introducion about it, as a unarmed, and using a unarmed stance, will make you only able to using Leather gloves as weapons. in my time they dont existed but look at this? nice.
Leather gloves are a craftable recipe from tier 4 of artificing,that needs 10 pieces of leather to craft, you can drop it from boars.
Weapon icon. Weapon recipe/Tier of crafting.
Here you can see the Quality, The pristine and the boosts it gives. 5mel its a status that dont exists, what it truly gives is + 5 agil, +10 crit + the power quality bonus.
The quality goes from regular, uncommon, rare and ultra, giving extra power points in 0,1,3 and 5, the quality is affected by the type of anvil used when was forged, having a better value for each anvil.
The pristine is a effect in your weapon that gives a bonus status, when the year pass the effect will leave and will need a artificer of at least tier 4 to fix it or buy a whetstone in a shop. is the golden sword in weapon recipe picture. The status that the pristine gives to the gloves is 5 agil.
Most of weapons will give a initial offensive status, that's why the leather gloves is a weapon that is also not a weapon, it dont gives nothing of power by itself if is a regular one.really make sense of the ic stuff about being unarmed. only agility and crit but then if you enchant them....
We have what we were looking for, As being in weapon category, we have 2 enchantments slots one for choose Agility or power buff,And another for elemental damage buff. And a third one for a active gem. Exalted are the Better enchants.
With a exalted Power enchant we have 20 points of power added to the boost status.
With a exalted Agility enchalt, we have 20 agil, 20 crit and 10 power to the boost status.
With Any elemental Rune will give +3 pow of that element and +3def of that element, in my case were physical.
The actual element list is: Fire, Water,Earth,Wind,Bio,Meta,Ether and Physical. if you tree is a subtree from a element the primal one will be the element type. Plasma will be fire, Lighting will be wind and etc. Cosmic,Energy uses ether and Armed /unarmed uses Physical type.
So, what type of enchant should i take?. Well look at you spells damage type, critical chance dont happen always, so if you damage is more based into single type damage, aim for power, but if you skills have a lot of tiks, invest in criticals to do more damage may be a good choice!
About the which elemental enchant choice, i will talk about it in next part, plus the Attunement potions.
Values. Whetstone is a tier 2 artificer recipe. 5 steel 5 adamantite
If you dont know how to get a anvil, you need own a propriety to start to build then open this windows.
Attunement potions and Weapon elemental enchatments.
There is a Tier 2 Alchemist potion Called (element)Attunement, which gives you +5 of pow and defense of that element with a same elemental weapon enchant you can reach to 8 of elemental pow and defense. The potion have a duration of 1 year in game, that means you need play 5 days, and i mean really play, the effect only counts when you online.
But it blocks you from using other potions without cutting his effect: Lax essence, Reeds, Potions for mining, Energy potion, Rejuvenation, jester, lust and etc. Single ones like Elixir of healing, mana amnesia and blackout dont take off the effect.
![[Image: unknown.png]](
How elemantal pow and defense works? They give you a multiplier of damage/damage reduction when the damage is dealt, fire pow will only boost and defend more against fire spells elemental type.
Physical power will work for Armed and unarmed spells.
Yes physical power count as element.
dont know 100 % how the multipiers works but helps.
So lung what type shoud i choose? well my friend i have 3 options for you.
Balanced type: A example, you are fire unarmed. your damage is mixed into physical and fire so ...a fire def will also give you defense for explosion, magma, and plasma damage while physical only against unarmed and armed spell types. what do you do?
+3 physical pow/def (Weapon enchant) And for (attu) choose fire type 5 fire pow/def this will give you a balanced attack and defense.
Full agressive type: Look at your spells, what spells do the most of damage, and put 5 attun and 3 weapon enchant for that element resulting in a 8
Custom: If you that kind of person who have like 4 dif trees, you will have to study all your build, and find you awnser by yourself, the last 2 of tips i told, was for unarmed+ 1 or max 2 trees.
X potions
If you guys dont know, there is also a potion called (mana,agility,power,vitality) X , it gives 1 point to your status and each person have a limit of 50 X'zes than he can drink.
Spirit is mana.
Now which one should i take as unarmed.? what is better? should be a 50? can i get 20 20 10? 25 25.......... well this part is personal to you, but i can say 2 things about my experieces with it, Dont spend into mana if your build dont have a focus into DR, or you get a lot of dr or dont get at all, same goes for putting points into mana at your status, get 2 % of dr istead of more power or vit or agi? its a little ammount compared to others.
Second thing i can say about it, is most of people goes for agil because ![[Image: unknown.png]](
-Boosts your critical chance
-Boosts your CD reduction
-Boost your dash CD
-Boost pursue rolls
-Boost Flee rolls
That also leads back to that tip about single type damage and tik ones spells, if you have like 4 spells of tik, good daamage, its already worth going for agil, but again this is a information im giving, its always up to you what do you need in your build.
!UPDATE! : Agi from itens, weapons etc, Will only give you CDR not crit, while crit will give you only Critical chance and no CDR. i learned that when you put points into agi, you get both into status, but into itens? they separeted. Thanks CrystikRage for letting me know.
Choise of armor.
This is a important part of being unarmed,most people will say that the best armor for unarmed its ultra leather one, but they wrong, each build was a better type of amor to use, ultra leather may be the easyiest one to get, but if i tell you will be cases where a ultra leather and a mytrill armor will have almost no cd dif when using? its all about the cd of your spells, your cd reduction and weight.
First thing lets talk about Cds, there is 2 types of cd spells, the ones that dont have a duraction effect and the ones who have.
When you use a spell, who is a buff for example, (Wild nature, Bone blades) or a defensive one like iron body will have a duration, but the Cd also starts when you cast, so the Real cd and the cd that starts to make you feel the end of spells afe dif, iron body have a 26 default one but its 21 cd when the effect ends. in summary? a spell with duration will take longer to you feel the lack of it. give the same duration to reduce time from cd.
And the spells that you activate, the effect is done, and no duration to modify the real cd.
Done, Lets talk about cd reduction, is a value that cuts some seconds of the Spell "base cd" into it a 30 s skill cd with 10 cd reduction will be a 27 seconds one.
But a 30 seconds cd skill, with a buff duration for example of 6 seconds instead of a 24 seconds utilization time due to the 6 seconds duration, will be a 27-6 one a 21 seconds cd until you start missing the spell use. cool right?
Then exists the status weight, in some weapons nyesk and tryium ones)and also in all armors, he takes a % of your cd reduction to make it longer. 100 points of weight takes 10 % of cd reduction from your status, so watch for it.
The higher the cd of spell, the Higher the reduction from Cd reduction, a 30 s spell with 10 % cd reduction will cut 3, while a 10 s one will cut 1 second, Skills with much more cd get benefit from it and with that info i will be in the next part.
Im not taking adamantite ,copper, steel or iron ones, since they look too basic and heavy for low vit.
-Leather, leg+torso= 6 vit and 20 weight.
-Blue steel, leg+torso= 9 vit, 5 agil, 8 crit and 35 weight
-Mytril, leg + torso= 10 vit+ 25 weight
-Arcadium, leg +toso= 11 vit+ 3 pow + 25 weight
This is regular forges,
for torso you will have for uncommon until ultra 1, 2 ,3 for vitality bonuses.
For legs you will have 0.5, 1 and 2 vitality bonuses.
!Very Important part!
See how close this weights are? and how the cd reduction affect the spell based on the cd type, the duration and etc? with this lets to the final ultimate tip. you dont know if you should change to a armor to other?Do the method.What is the method?
Open you Note block on your pc, note the armor you using,all spells names that you use into your spell bar ,use each skill, and take a note cd in the note block. Do this with all armors you consider a option.
![[Image: unknown.png]](
In this example i dont changed because im lazy to get my armors, but you should note and change, Observe which skills will have a dif cd,if is important ones that 1 s of cd could make a dif or maybe 1 or 2 seconds extra, And then by your own judment, decide which armor is best, since each build will have dif cds, and that ammount of weight in armor will or not influence important skills in your spell bar.
Have in mind if you agil will keep growing, probaly will change, try this when you start to focus in a single armor type to start get a ultra one.
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*Combat behaviors: Blocks, moves, small tricks what you can expect. And Others hiddens that i forgot to say(Muscle armor, Mighy blow.
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
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04-12-2021, 09:11 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-26-2021, 09:38 PM by Lung.)
Combat behaviors
Hello again my students, we reached the final part of this guide, im happy for being good students like you guys and i will miss you, lets get,enough silly talk.
This will part will be all about real combat, i will say most of behaviors that happens in a fight. before i begin i need to also add 2 stuff, Blocking and dodging, the importance of blocking is huge, and i know is hard sometimes to remember to block, but put a effort on it, follow the suggest behavior you should train, that i will talk about. And about dodging, is also hard when in attack mode, try train more a zigzag dash.
In a fight we have a chaotic scenario, the battle range is a 27x27 tiles square area, so pretty big! will have conners on diagonal and walls, remember both of you will be running in a battle, and in when both of you are into the same speed this creates a uniform effect, what means?...
Means if you want to get close by running and the foe runs in the opposite direction at same speed, you will not get close at all until you start hitting the edge or he changes the direction of walk often. This is a O-D behavior means one is in a offensive attitude while the other is in defensive one. now lets begin the behaviors.
These patterns change in a matter of seconds in a middle of battle and can toggle multiple times
O-D: Ofensive-Defensive, in this case if they at same speed will create a uniform walk effect distance. one will try avoid most of spells while the other will run to try hit some, spells that are linear pokes, fireball, fury fist. will have much difficulty to hit if you dont predict his move due the uniform walk effect, homings do good but tracks like wp can miss if you're not close enough.,some skills like teleports do even better like assault. so the target almost cant escape.
O-O: Ofensive-Ofensive, a rare one to see without brawler, ifrit, and caster. i only fight this time once, and was very quick, i won because my foe was a teen and was temped, most common to happen when both have a 1 s GCD effect, if they bold enough to trade each other, they will try spam their combos, by the nature of trade, will win who deals more damage, in this case the o-o tends to turn o-d and back real quick.
D-D: Defensive-Defensive, in this case both of verbers will be trying to or bait or feint the enemie trying to force a spell or something to get a opportunity to punish, can become common when a verber is starting to get low life we will avoid conflict.
This is the battle only with the food, now lets put the rest of it the salt.
The salt of battle is the slows, the speed boost, the teleports all the rest of stuff that you give you a vantage at you foe, power boosts, invunerability (shadow walk) sustain and etc.
As a unarmed fighter, you will obvious have a part of you that is melee, means you need get close to being hitted, or take a aoe, how do you fix it? jab dash Be quicker be imprevisible mix you patterns dont bee too previsible, dont use only jab, sometimes get closer running.but dont forget BLOCK! my suggestion for you, after all melee spells you use block right after it, most of cases a trade will be a lesser one due block in time, and if you're fast enough. be careful to not start blocking too much and a skill that you could dodge, you end up being hitted.
Expect slow being you worse enemy then stuns.,shields, dont hit that is a waste of spells, unless the foe is almost dying, will be have times when any time you rush you foe he will do a aoe in you, like magma or fire, that times there is nothing to do unless use less you melee part and more the other tree one.
Be really careful with beam/stun foes, you will need to have to rush with care if you dont get get in a huge combo, got a tough round? take a breath sometimes helps, remember all you trainning from before and use what you can.
And in the end? fight, a lot, the experience will go in you as you see more stuff that i dont saw, and you will improve by that i belive in you.
Another hiddens
First a quick talk about hidden, they are special spells that are not avaible by any perso buy, you need develp it, doint a journal and etc, a fried said to me. Dude without this any random person will have like a Huge super op spell by doing nothing, the journal and logs it to prove that you character is worth ic to use it. with that said you can get 1-3 hiddend depending how good you ic stuff is, you probaly will get 2 hiddens like me.
But when you get rpl 200 you gain a token to spend and get a Master spell, that is public look if you tree have one. With that said lets talk about the last 2 hiddens.
Mighty blow(15rpp) 30 s cd.
Desc: Mighty blow is a teleport skill like jab and assault, at 6 tiles distance same as assalt, 7 if you count the enemy tile, he will teleports hits, and knockback the foe 10 tiles aways, while will leave a 5x5 aoe, that gives 0.9 tik damage for a few seconds and add a ligh to mark the area, also enemies inside that 5x5 area with the target enemy in middle, when you hit, will also hit them and drags them at same direction.
![[Image: unknown.png]](
Mighy blow linear range.
The 5x5 area arround the target that will hit also all enemies inside it, and leaves a aoe at same area that will stand for 4 seconds doing 0.9 damage with a maximum of 7 tiks applyed. 2+- tiks per second inside the area.
![[Image: unknown.png]](
Aoe marked by Cut wind cut indicators+ the light effect.
![[Image: unknown.png]](
Mighty blow dragging more than 1 taget.
Spell damage type:Both, but its more single one. Since the tiks almost will not be used due the drag.
Synergy: This spell is self useful by the way that is, at fist was hard to find skills who would be good with it but i found 2, Wp then mighy blow, since is a tp only if the target flee from you at all duration, its a good combo, and Brawler, so you Wp, then assault then Mighy, you will have enough time and do a lot of damage on the damage reduction. the problem is predictable after seeing some times, and counterable by shield and etc when he saw you wp and are red.
Also the best skill to cut a combo due his way of work, with a easy track and a long knock back, This skill have same stun effect of brawler, if you mb a enemy that was combing his spells will be put into GCD, like whipe do.(stun effect is when you under a stun and use a spell you GCD activated, try using a spell with iron body active and you will see it)
The counter attack power for cancel jabs in right timing is amazing, or armed rushes, you block them so easly just by hitting the timing, this is spell is exactaly like assault, but instead of having a chance to dodge you cancel them, dont use it if you foe used ph or assault you will waste it.
Disadvantage: Its a spell a knock back, so using like brawler and titan then mb will make it lose the titan, or put a target away when you need him near can be the only problem i saw it.
Special Features: When i got this spell i run to the docro cave to start training and this skill made me surprised! A Teleport one, 5x5 area arround target area damage to hit other foes+ aoe the fits in the area casted!.
Final notes: In in the right place, as a hidden of how good it is.
Muscle armor(15rpp) 60 s cd.
Desc: Muscle armor is a aura that gives you 30 power, 10 vit and a active that makes you immune to stun for 10 seconds! Its really good but then you stop to think in 2 things.
![[Image: unknown.png]](
Muscle armor aura effect, and Red shadows active to show the cc imunnity buff.
Vantages: Its a fucking aura that gives 30 power, that is a really good ammount, also gives vit, and cc imunnity? with gentle you can become a bulldozer, speed boosts you become a Hydra from gta san andreas , When you use the cc imunity and uses iron body or other spells like that, the cc imunity will save you from being punished so you just need walk away.
Roleplaying muscles is fun.
Conflicts: Well if you like me who use brawler, dont have speed boost we fucked if the foe dont have any cc, our active is useless, worst if he have slows we become easy targets, The key is the same of gem so i dont like it i need to spend my power boost that is mana surge to use iron body without being punished??? they need change it in future.
Dont make you immune to snares or slows and also dont cleanses nothing. that is warcry gem feature.
Special features: SIDO CHESTOOOOO, cc imunity.
Final notes: if you go for this aura dont use brawler.... use gentle, or else you will end like me when you face foes, with no stun, slowed to death. sai saiii saido chestoooo, dont have fear of rush while under effect of it, you're not you cannot be stopped! only slowed
You read all the guide? godamm you really want to learn how play unarmed right? well i hope i helped you in some way, adding a info or something like that, thanks for reading and have fun!.
*Upcoming update? Video with all combos Examples.
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yo this dude plays tekken on god.
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05-17-2021, 07:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-17-2021, 07:31 AM by Lung.)
Demonstration videos as promised, this is the end of the unarmed guide.
I just suggest you lower the volume a little bit before opening the videos, may hurt your hears.
Unarmed spells showcase.
Combo list, synergies and etc.
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05-18-2021, 10:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-08-2021, 11:52 AM by Lung.)
at the request of many, a quick quiz on who wants to build a build, what criteria should I use for which spells to choose:
Which spells should i take in unarmed tree? besides only jab and assault
1-Your build will use brawler?
(yes)[add lariat] (No)[remove lariat]
1.1 But you will have a spell that can be used as defense to try cancel enemy rushes (beams, slows, knock backs like earth stone)
(yes)[keep lariat removed] (no)[add lariat]
2- Your build have stun? (normal stuns or beams, meteor, snares.)
-Add barrage for GCDE or no stuns like: Quick stuns(ex water whip)[only if you train you muscles to quickly do a combo, is hard at some point.], long(bone spear, pyro)[easier to do a follow up]
-Add titan fist for long stuns. quick ones at your own risk, but if that's the case, also add barrage to slow them.
-Add fury fist if you have a beam, at the end of most beams you can walk towards and do a easy hit with him.
2.1- But you have a slow that is not Weight punch? even if is a proj, great ones are the homing and no dodgeable slows(Bang, Flurry)
(yes)[Harder but can make it work]
-could add barrage to use with jab on slowed targets
-could add titan fist at you own risk to try use with slowed targets
-Add fury for a easy poke
-remove titan
-remove barrage
2.2 You know use barrage + lariat in the right timing, or you have lariat in your build?
-put barrage back on your build
-I dont know use the barrage and lariat timing [Better start training then, if you dont have slows]
- I dont have lariat on my build[No slows, no lariat, no stun?, then no barrage]
2.3 You have titan fist , have a extra slot, and have nice reflexes?
-Get fury fist to use the stun time to punish with it.
-Get fury at your own risk.
3- you have no cleanses, no dr spells, no sustain and have a extra slow for spell?
(yes) Get iron body
3.1 i have a clenase and or a dr spell or sustain
-i dont suggest get iron body then.
3.2 i have a extra slot but i have cleanse or a dr o a sustain spell
-Put recover instead.
-Quick guide to which stance take:
*brawler: if you have lariat, and other spells that can be used to defend you (Cleanses,dr spells) you can use it to balance you spellbar, the main effect for me to brawler is make lariat a cc where you can punish with a follow up spell. instead just start spam spells.
*Gentle: mandatory if your build dont have: Defensive spells. or else you will be to exposed, unless you like that style of gameplay
*Tactician: The only way you will use this, and not get on a disvantage against who use brawler or gentle is: You have defensive spells, You could have or no lariat, You want have fun.
*Defensive spells( any thing that protect you, the best ones are mist form, smog, the second best is the shields that give dr, dark light, energy shield, and the less better ones is the ivuns, iron body, magma shell, the best one of them is Deflect palm.
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07-13-2022, 09:06 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-13-2022, 11:20 PM by Lung.)
*Animations locks, momentum and dash importance.
Today i bring to you people a new concept i found,momentum. if you a veteran player you probaly noticed already, but even GCDE spells, have a specific momment in the spell animation that if you try press a second spell follow up, you end up missing or the spell cast is ignored, or you need press more times to make it work, that's because that spell, have a animation lock, where, dont matter how fast you press a second spell, it wont work, heres a new concept, anchor, a factor you learn about that spells that says "now you can press without worry." Anchors can be points in animation,sounds produced by the spell, or even a mix of all that and whatever you thinks is suitable to create a good anchor, that you create to focus your atenction, they choosed by how close they are from the point you free to cast, or the time after the small gcd ended, how fast you can press after it ended. the closer, the faster you combo will look like
(The closer the anchor is from the gcd ending point ,the faster your combo will look like, but since is about miliseconds, sometimes the best anchor we place is not in the exact point, but is better than being on 0.8 or 0.9)
Energy users that use energy shield would feel heavy do a quick follow up after pressing it, a example is that same spell, the anchor, the gap you see in animation that unlocks the cast, is the sound of the spell, when you realize that information and begins to press spells in right momentum you realize you casts on combos turns slightly faster, yet notable. This is more common at some gcde spells but can be found in others as well with use of caster or brawler or ifrit.
Now that i explained the spells that have a locked animation and can mess up your momemtum, i would like to talk about spells that when casted, trigger a animation that locks you, but in a different way. For example the use of dash, for do a quick combo whipe or whatever be, is something common on skilled verbers, caught enemy off guard, that's is because water whip or most whips animation dont find troubles with dash animation.
i will give you a example:
Axe kick, even being gdce, you cant make his momentum faster by doing dash+axekick, you need wait the whole animation of dash end so then you be able to cast the spells, and futhermore, axe kick anchor is when the white animation is casted, if you try press quick you can end up casting nothing as well, so you should try press when you see that animation appears, or momments before.
Fury fist for example? you can cast at any momment of dash, means you can increase the momentum, you dont feel you "grip at numbpad" is heavier because his animation does not need dash animation end, they kind of mix each other? still dont find a clear concept.
You probaly saw people breaking beams animations already(novaray,timebeam,etc), that's related to that i just spoke about, but how that is important to unarmed? simple, by knowing that you make yourself less suitable to make mistakes of not casting a spell in a crucial momment, remember when stuns used to trigger gcd if you trying press a spell while stunned? yeah same ideia.
*Here is the list of spells from unarmed that cannot be casted in middle of dash.
-Weighted punch
-Axe kick
-Flying kick
*Here is the list of spells that you can cast in middle of dash
-Jab(this principle explains why dash jab is possible to begin.)
-Fury fist
-Titan fist
-Iron body
-Fist barrage
-Brawler,gentle, tactician actives (yes this is important to know)
Remember this does not limits just to unarmed tree, like i said? As long energy shield have a slight delayed animation broken free (means you cant try press one then the other in quick sucession wihout the risk of casting nothing) it is a spell that can be casted in middle of dash.Is up to you realize those concepts on your spells, where the anchors are, if there is any, of how well they interact with dash and etc,
Quote:Using that concept of anchors,some creativity, a good knowledge of what you arsenal can do and training? you not only will be able to create,discover synergies or combos that before would look like impossible, or never discovered, but your verbing skill will be a step better than the average, always remember that i do press 2-3 times too, specialy when the anchor is placed right before the timer, so dont stop pressing more than one time or begin press just once, instead? know when you should be pressing.
#Small summary if you got lost so far.
*People usally use dash + a spell to try increase the speed to get someone off guard or make his moves faster to avoid predicts.
in other words, improve the momemtum of the combat, the momment the spell connects You need be aware that not every spells allows you to cast her in middle of dash, due her animations code or whatever be, means you need dash, and instead press the next spell before dash ends, you need wait the whole animation of dash end to be "animation free", they still can be a nice spell to use with dash but have that in mind, so you do not mess your motor cordination and end up with your button press being ignored, famous case? someone dashing at you and nothing happening, prob he missed.
*As long that, exists spells that are GDCE or not, that have a delayed cd for you press, in theory a GDCE spell have a GCD of 0.25? but those are slighy higher, enough for you feel your pressing harder, comparing what you see in screen, i used the example of want use energy shield, then quicky do a follow up to attack, people prob smash to 2-3 times for work, result? you can end up missing that combo, that can be due animaimations locks or whatever the spell work like. That's why i created a concept of anchors, anchors are a indicator you learn about the spell where you sure, if you press your followup after/real close/ or at same time it happens? you sure you wont be end up losing that combo flow you will be doing in the best speed possible.
For bonus i will say.
Energy shield:
-Anchor: when you hear the sound of the spell, you free to cast.
-Can be casted in middle of dash
Axe kick
-Anchor:when you see the white animation or press right before it
-Cant be casted in middle of dash
Comming soon:
[Unarmed guide 2, The rising fighters insurgency]
[Unarmed guide 2, The Downfall]
Date: Someday after 08/05
(who knows, can flop or not, still doing anyway.)
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
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11-14-2022, 05:31 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-20-2022, 01:28 AM by Lung.)
Meranthe's Expansion
#A quick summary, what's new?
*New Spells
*Old spells
-Flying kick is back, now GCDE
-Titan fist became GCDE
-All stances died, means you finnaly can use properly Conjurer or caster with unarmed. yay.
- Gentle fist returned
-Speedboost on dash now is activated by {Flying kick, Tackle, Weighted pucnh, Axe kick, and any spell that look like a regular dash}
![[Image: image.png]](
All info related to how spells work can still be used to learn, since little was changed, despite damages values and GCD to GCDE.
But before that a term i invented.
Dynamic meaning: A spell that his cast, be or not based on a area, and as long this cast is of a instant nature share common hitbox spaces of throw, and even if locks you in animation, does not hold you to use simultaneosly another spell in right circumstances, that spell is a dynamic one.
Red: fk range common twith throw, Blue: Lariat range common, Yellow: Fury fist.
Being instant mean you damage is not mainly over time, assault and titan need a few seconds to casue fully damage, and throw is instant, so he is quicker than most spells, only instant ones are of a compatible dynamic nature, multi tik are welcomed as long they are tracked, like assult, and quick.
![[Image: image.png]](
Examples: Throw, flying kick, fury fist, lariat,
Non examples: Axe kick, Weighted punch, assault, jab, Titan fist.
Despite this concept being impotant to unarmed just gonna point other spells.
Examples of non unarmed spells that are area based and instant: Powersmash,Cleave,Shadow claw, most of aoes etc...
Flying kick (10 rpp) 18 s cd
By the previous guide, i did choosed not describe flyingkick, since on that time, it was removed from unarmed tree, in addction of fist barrage and titan fist, but now, not only it is back, how also is hard to land, and will be important know how it works in order to do combos related to throw and grapple.
Flying kick is a dynamic hitbox spell a 3x2 square with the user in center,but taking his back and sides. by the way the hitbox are, is evident why is so hard hit it, due is not a fast spell. and if you notice is the opposite of lariat, a 3x2 with the sides and front instead, is not fully a bad thing.
![[Image: image.png]](
On cast:begins a linear movement of 6 tiles forward, can be used in diagonal, while the movement is not over, if enemy enters in that area, or if was already on that area on cast he takes 14 damage and a 6 s heavy slow. and a 3 tile knockback quick to the oppostite direction.
![[Image: image.png]](
Depending when the enemy was hit, that knockback is almost not seen, but the longer the end of movement the most visible he is, he is slow so is not that much.
![[Image: giphy.gif]](
Spell damage type: Single tick, it needs a target to cause damage, cant cause damage to other enemies unlike lariat, can be used in diagonal.
Synergy: It turned GCDE and slows, so as long you hit you can combo with anything you like, it have a special synergy with titan fist allowing a funny combo i used to do, titan fist + flying kick, and to me jab fk is more advanced than jab lariat as basic unarmed combos, remember is always better when used as counter measure as long is not a knockback.
Conflicts:Is a spell lock animation based, you cant cast until the movement is over, so keep that in mind when you aim for a quick follow up combos, does not give you imunity or anything so be careful with too much linear move patterts to not end up with a beam on face.
Special Features:
*Counters, if used right, you can use right as someone use a teleport spell, that goes to behind and try use is as counter it moving foward, is hard but his backward nature allow that. specially against jab, be careful with faster jab since you need extra kinetic skill.
*Dynamic cast, it allows certain interactions with throw and grapple.
Final nones: Best spell in my opnion, as you can use to counter teleports and other stuff, just because of that, remember you can also use lariat to deny a attempt of a enemy that is rushing towards you wanting to stun.
[b]Grapple (10 rpp) 19s cd[/b]
Another of the new spells, grapple is a snare that holds for 3 seconds, that allow only the use of a unarmed spell, while snares both of you and the enemy, it does not silence it so you still vunerable to beams defensive spells and whatever he had.
Grapple is a instant spell, area based, a retangle of 5x2, in front of user used to be 5x3 but was nerfed, and i hated that due how hard is too land and how ofter punishes more his user than the enemy, if you not fast enough.
When you cast, the spell and enemy is inside you lock yourself and the enemy in a snare, while on that you cant cast spells that are not from unarmed tree, and a unarmed spell on hit, will break the grapple for both of you.
![[Image: giphy.gif]](
Spell damage type: none. dont do damage.
-{Jab,axe kick, weighted punch, Flying kick,Lariat, Assault,Fury fist} this list of spells, when cause damage to a grappled enemy will break the grapple.
-{Titan fist, Throw} This list will not break the grapple.
-Grapple can stop movement based spells since is a snare,like fatal strike if you are badass and have nice reflexes, but now his range was nerfed i doubt.
-As for against unarmed grapple counter {Axe kick, Weighted punch, Flying lick, Lariat, Jab,} all bases spells so is good against unarmed.
-It dont counter {Throw, Assault,fury fist, Iron body}
-First of all, if enemy made him damage imun, you cant free yourself from grapple, ex: poison fog so you just force yourself into pain
-Second, any enemy can counter you while on grapple you need be much faster if you want land a grapple combo or else is a beam is a stun is a lots of thing at your face.
-If you're repeled you still snared with enemy.
-Enemy can block so if you want use titan + anything that is not lariat he have time to react.
-Is hard to land after 1 tile nerft and is not even that good when lands, you almost wont use it on battle.
Special Features:
-Cast throw on a enemy grappled, will turn throw gcde, but only for unarmed spells, you cant:
grapple -> throw -> mana ripple for example that is a non unarmed spell, but you can grapple throw any other unarmed spell
-When you use iron body on a grappled enemy you can use spells while on iron body, but just one, on that same trick you can still use Titan or throw + a unarmed spell, since the logic of that mechanic is based in spells that break grapple but watchout for synergy, titan is a tiks spell while throw is a instant knockback, one need drag while the other repels so be cafeful.
Final notes: I had to create the dynamic series, because his spell use was so shit, that was impossible get much value from it if you dont spam the same combo grapple titan + lariat, and i hate rely in a single combo always, that's his main value make sure the enemy will not escape the lariat, all the rest, the use is so unbenefical that is not worth take it, and when you take you need 2 others, titan and lariat.
If they consider bring first barrage back maybe things change. ot at least change something, because the trade is not worth it, you get more in harm than helped.
Throw (10 rpp) 22 s cd
One of the new spells added, after a while i got a feeling throw was supposed to be like a weaker version of migthy blow, but in reality not even that i can say, simply due track, probaly is supposed to be used with grapple so his use alone is bad, low range makes not even a good counter spell, but some changes turned from a shit spell to a neutral one no that you cant miss and that i liked.
Throw hitbox consist into a 5x5 square with the user on center(Aka a 2 tile range hitbox)
![[Image: image.png]](
When the enemy is inside that range and you cast, you realize a attack that send him flying in the direction you are currently looking, 7 tiles, but he is not stunned, causing 11 damage. before was a 3x3 square... and you could miss, but now? you cant miss, if you spam will only cast when enemy is inside, and that remember me of the aspect of mighty blow being unable to miss wonce is casted and i liked.
![[Image: giphy.gif]](
Spell damage type: Single tik, need a target to do damage, cant cause damage in multiple targerts, can send people in diagonal.
Synergy: Mainly grapple, is a non gcde without grapple so his synergies are pretty limitated, but once with grapple you can do dynamic combos with any unarmed spell
-Well it dont stun so enemy can resist the knockback, by walking.
-Remember is a square? if he is at your back he is not send foward because you block the movement.(which is not fully a bad thing)
-His range is too small to be able to realize counters, i only managed to counter grappling hook and other snares because they snare, dont stun is impossible react to a water whip for example with that since enemy always hit you far from the range.
Special Features:
*Steer movement: You can control + arrow keys to send enemy flying at your right or left, remembeing is easier to that while on grapple , but not impossible on movement, using it with a dynamic combo can result in a retreat when used on your back.
*Grapple combo: When used with grapple and only while on grapple, Throw becomes gcde, allowing cast another spell.
*Dynamic nature: His nature of being a instant cast, A area spell, and a gdce spell on grapple allow the birth of the dynamic series, a set of spells you cast at same time mixed with throw , allowing some funny scenes.
#Dynamic series: Some series just works in certain directions, and you must press both spells at same time. a dynamic serie will always result in a GCD up even using gcde spells.
*Dynamic dropkick:
Grapple -> Turn left , right or back -> Throw+ flying kick.
*Dynamic Spiral:
Grapple-> Turn left , right or keep front-> Throw + lariat
*Dynamic Punches rain
Grapple-> Turn left or right or keep front-> Throw+ fury fist
*Dynamic Pursue
Grapple-> Turn left or right -> Throw + Assault
*Dynamic Twins
Grapple-> Turn left or right -> Throw + Weighted punch or Axe kick.
*Dynamic lockdown.
Grapple-> Iron body -> Any single spell or any combo involving titan fist or any dynamic serie
Final notes:is a nice spell the problem is rely too much on others, most useful serie is dropkick since is a slow added throw, is 25 damage.
#My settings:
Block: e
Gem slot:2
Stance active: Q
![[Image: image.png]](
I used fist barrage on 7
Used mightyblow on 4
0 mixes with ib, axe etc.
Last tip: Press 2 times the spell you want use after a jab to make sure will land in the right time.
![[Image: image.png]](
And this the way i used my fingers, no finger would steal other finger slot or that would result in delay so i had 3 patterns of stay waiting
red: the three fingers make a arrow, 4 ,8, 6 index, middle, marry ring finger, they was also fitted in the ways the combos would work
Green: Horizontal stand, each finger in their position on a respective line.
Orange: Cast from spells separeted, this is not a standle position at numb but a way of also organize.
Blue states for big thumb that is freely used.
Final notes: Unarmed still a weak tree, i wish luck to everyone who will keep trying and challenging themselves but i'm done.
-Unarmed still dont have a thing that benefit use of unarmed spells that is not physical power unlike armed (physis) that plus:
-Most of new spells requires go deeper in tree to maker a better use, which is bad, taking the exeption of grapple + throw, but im saying of grapple titan lariat.
-Weapons were well balanced, using the old math a mytril glove gives up what old ap stances would give on rpl 200, but they still lack essence.
-Stances removed, tacitian removed, so yeah fun removed, we suffered for 2 months without a cleanse before 200 until gentle was re added.
-Unarmed hiddens turned, signatures, they cost tokens and requires a approval, i wish i could had tested mighyblow interation with dynamic series but i dont have energy left to dev anything.
We full of small tricks but if you gather all of them we still small fries, while we dont have something to encourage use of the spells on tree, they all faded to need eat more of you bar to work or be mediocre.
Jab, Assault, Titan
These 3 will fit at any build, master titan and jab timing and you will use with anything that teleports.
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
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06-17-2023, 06:22 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-17-2023, 06:28 PM by Lung.)
Unarmed Tierlist: (Based in my opnion)
Left to right on same tier ex: Demon > Jab > Titan > Assault....
How do i know a spell is good or impactful? , my way to measure that is using 2 simple ideias, Effect and relation.
*Effect:Isolated, how good that spell is? the effect says for itself(A projeptile, linear, slows on hit cause x damage, how good that is , will depend on the interpretation of meta), strong spells usually are strong alone and when used with others? impact even more in the build relevancy, you can have n cases, a spell weak alone that turns good when mixed with others or a spell strong in both cases or a spell that fails in all aspects.
*Relation:How many spells that specific spell can benefit or how much that spell can get benefited from others?.
A simple example is jab, jab benefit a lot of unarmed spells, because his tp raises the chance the next spell be sucessful, but is not everyspell that makes jab better, you can see the relation like this:
The arrows pointing from one retangle from another indicates spells that benefit, if there is 2? mean is a two way street relation, both get benefied.
![[Image: image.png]](
If i would point, i see that jab benefits 4 spells, and gets benefied by 2.
Weighted punch gets close, deals damage and reduced dr, if you want use jab to hit, the chance to hit is better than trying use alone.
Demon step buffs jab removing his cast, but is not like jab makes demon berrer is a one way arrow.
Conclusion: In this diagram i manage to point out how jab interact with other spells and how they interact with it, if a spell benefit lots of others? his use is good, if benefits a small group that even together are not that strong? is weak.
Is the case where a weak spell gets good when have 2 other spells on the build, that is a bad case because:
-Creates dependency in order to get more value from a spell, forcing you fill your bar with spefic ones to fix that problem.
-The effect may not pay off all the investment
-Iron body + grapple allow you use one spell while on iron body, but iron body is gone? what's left for grapple? almost nothing.
With that concept a brief commentary on each tier.
#Key points
*Demon step
This one is no hard to tell why is there, His effect alone? is powerful enough to turn tides, damage negation always is a strong effect for any meta this game may have, as well the small speed boost, despite his relation with other spells not having a Impact that deep other than buff jab, and having a few of macro? that really adds to the spell!, the speedboost part and effect of deny helps in execution of the spells.
-The key points to master would be the inner rythm of tiks damage that hit you and the feeling between attack and dodge, as well some other secrets combinations, that will really depend of the build you using and which other trees you adding, each new build will have new ways to interact with this spell, with some behaviors sharing to lots of builds.
May not seem but jab have much more to master in macro than simply pressing and expecting to tp, that's a way to use like a russian roulette, his effect is strong alone, and the way he benefits all other unarmed spells too, master jab is be aware of the range you can quickly tp or engage, as well other tricks: know use when you could land a jab to hit, maybe silence when using effect of overdrive and etc, one thing i would like to point is jab and grapple are really similar in relation Their effects aim to assist you in order to land the next spell.
-The key points to master would be 2, understand jab and how versatile he can be, as well learn to not be 100 % depend of it at every aspect, with that you will open your eyes to any creative interaction you may find making builds.
*Titan fist
Titan fist at least from my time on game? is the first sear that is also gcde, i've see how much charged spells can be powerful due their effect of "if long enough you can chain more spells on a single momment" that race with lots of charge spells is the proof (teraphilim? i really dont know.) Titan effect is average because his stun time was nerfed when turned gcde, but his relation with spells? oh boy basicaly any spell that tp? you can use both linked, his hit gives you time for a follow up, is a good spell.
-The key points to master would be his timing, mastering the timing, you can use with any tp to land, The range , hitbox of the spell and follow ups to make a good trade. i suggest not using stepcast. take this example
![[Image: giphy.gif]](
#Fit in any build
Only reason why mightyblow is not in first, is because is a hidden, assault have a variable effect, between strong and weak, when used as way to dodge some engages his effect may be strong but when used to spam always as soon he is out of cd? becomes weak if the oponent know punish you for that, that spell was always seen in old builds like : Jab assault always, because is a easy spell to land, rarely will break on rare ocasions and is a constant damage. I dont remembe seem this spell impact others that much futher than get closer for a follow up.
-I suggest master the uses depending the enemy build for try dodge a engage or even time with titan like i do sometimes (PS: this is harder and not suggested.)
*Mighty blow
The spell effect is strong, is a assult range, that you cant miss, you toss enemy away creates a small aoe? is a get out of me spell really good, i believe the effect is between strong and medium, when press spells while stunned used to trigger gcd up? this spell was strong effect 100 % but now is fixed? will depend if you manage to use to deny something instead of just spam, really like similar to assult? variable effect.
-I suggest master with anything charged relevant, this spell dont have much macro since the last time i remember.
*Weighted punch
-After turned gcde, dr duration increased? the spell is wood for any building, may travel distance? but on hit the spell is instant, allow kick follows up and benefit from reducing dr, have some relations with speedboost on dash, so i would say the relation with other spells? is almost good and have a lot depending how used, as for the effect? i would not say strong but is between medium and strong.
-You need master buttom pressing in order to use better, as well find creative use depending the builds, you unarmed remember, you melee unless you using some odd builds.
-Medium effect alone, i have seen few combinations with it in relation to really impact the spell, his power really is about deny people attempts to engage which is the best use, lariat as buffed so it sustains the ideia of fit in any build if you wish a dash drag on it, the spell have a bit of macro involving using control arrows to change direction avoid walls sometimes really impacting a battle.
-Focus on master steer the spell but be careful when using with titan? never turn to the opposite direction, the chance of you miss titan is big, only go to left or right.
*Spin throw
A good spell, similar lariat? his best use is when on defensive instead ofensive, depending if you manage to hit on a wall and get close? the relation may variate but the effect? still medium, is more based in continue and attack, sometimes not even that much trusty to use , sometimes you may get damage even hiting right so make sure use demon with it.
-Focus on master hitbox to know how far you can get, tip (Is same hitbox of water whip, but without stepcast.), you can use dash while on the spin , raising you change to hit a wall, really situational but is all i seen from macro from this spell.
*Fury first
Needs replace grapple, ranged option for unarmed, good shock damage, but effect? not the best, the aoe is not that much strong the impact this spell have in his effect is having a potential ranged treat, as for relation? fury is good in punish almost anything that is like a big stun, beams drills because is instant.
*Focus on master the hitbox of shockwave, how far you can hit it. i suggest stepcast.
#Or dont fit well on everybuild, or his relations are not that good.
*Flying kick
As long i believe the spell is good, when looking from a meta perspesctive? even after the stepcast options, is not hard to find a better spell to take place the slot of fk, the effect it is medium in my opnion a slow and small knockback, the problem always was the hitbox that the stepcast helped increase the acc, but as for relation? Really few spells or will benefit flying kick or get benefied from it, i blame the gcde removed, but was needed.
-Focus in master hitbox, defensive uses always better to hit, and charged spells, focus on counter attacks as well, fk without stepcast is the perfect tool to counteract towards jab due his back range.
*Axe kick
Compared weighted puch effect? axe loses a lot of value, the best trait is the low cd, which very spefic builds which glue on target a lot would benefit, USUALLY a unarmed build when get glued always in enemy is bad if his dps is not that good, because each engage is a change to get comboed, the good unarmed user goes and backs a lot because it knew of it looking breachs, a engage with axe which will not give that much value damage? can result in a lost on trade when used badly. i dont have much to say futher than this.
-Focus in go on good chances instead always, will lower the change you end up heavly stunned on trade or smt worse, gets benefit from speedboost on dash so eyes open.
I love tactician but 50 % is always a chance of not helping you, when adding you losing a stance active for it, is really about if you build is well designed to endure that weak spots, yet? being able to be used even on gcd is a gift, i had not chance to see potential it have with demon step so i leave to any brave soul to try.
-Focus in master battle reflexes and knowledge.
#Did not aged well.
Like i said jab and grapple effects have close proprieties Their effects aim to assist you in order to land the next spell. The problem, jab does that much better, with lower risk, while grapple did not aged well a single bit, having no significative value for using it right, unlike jab. The only use so far is make sure titan fist lariat will land on time, but even that falls on bad case where 1 spell need others to get better which is a waste of slots in this one opnion.
-If you still want insist in this, focus in learn hitbox, and be fast on combos, because a root that is no different from others, that is melee? which is the root weakness , need get close and risk take damage, you will need be speed itself, i forgot to point that armed can use most spells while rooted on you? yeah i did not. good luck, the othe use with iron body + grapple died becasue the spell was traded as well.
This would go with any master stance you may want go which gives ap, i choosed dextery because of the universal good effect of slow imun and cleanse (Which ice lance does not care :) ), at some point in late rpls levels ap wins flat power so go on.
-Focus in see the battle and know which is the best time to use, try made that thinking on r1, seeing if opoonent have hyper combos with roots or snares.
Dancer as said boots any spell that is similar a dash, is up you decide if is worth a single stance just for that. (i do not, i like auras that give it.)
{Wp, Axe kick, Fk, etc}
-I like to point that interactions between demon step speedboost on dash and spin throw were not tested due lack of rpp, prob wont have any but anyone is free to test.
Remember that :Opnion of a person that is not actively on pvp verbing so some points may be missing.
Im up to discussions in any point you may think wrong or want to correct
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i