LungUnarmed Guide.
Unarmed Museum
Hello despite not being an guide content i dont wanted make a new post, but just add an restrospective of all i saw and what i remember since i was a little unarmed bean and today turned an unarmed potato thanks for taking an momment to remind with me.

Someday of Year 2020

[Image: image.png?ex=666d36ac&is=666be52c&hm=476...ba239e219&]
*20 rpp: Iron fist stance, opener
*15 rpp: Assault (today's phantom strikes)
*10rpp: Jab, Weighted punch, Lariat, Flying kick, Iron body
*5rpp:Axe kick

Lung comments: Back in 2020 this is the closest i could rebuild how unarmed was then i started play, our tree was very simple back in those days, we dont had complex stances, we dont had gloves, our biggest damage? arround 12 sd if i remember well and was flying kick, that time unarmed was the low cd low damage tree, and armed the high cd high damage tree, those times.... unarmed was odd, was like an fever dream to me, somehow i found fun in an op blood bone build that time.

Curiosities about this time:
-Back in these time, unarmed stances used to give an % of rpl into pow, was how we got stronger, the higher the rpl? the more power your stance would give.
-One quote i remember very well when i played that time was: On an unarmed fighter? then all he needs is an armor for gear and he is ready to turn soldier.
-Iron body was the only int unarmed had.

Someday later in Year 2020

[Image: image.png?ex=666d3bf7&is=666bea77&hm=251...height=345]

*15 rpp: Iron fist stance, Assault, Fury fist
*10rpp: Jab, Weighted punch, Lariat, Flying kick, Iron body
*5rpp: Axe kick, Gentle fist, Brawler, Tactician

Lung comments: The first big change i remember when i played, i think i never seen this where i played, was only when i started playing eternia on the english server i was able to get this, i guess my first character never fully was at his potential, if i do remind well, the stances came first, then sometime later, fury fist was added as part of tree, if i do remember well not both iron body and fury fist were ints that time, all stances gave 20 % rpl into pow but only the other tree had an active that was the focus.

Curiosities about this time:
-gloves were created for us unarmed users be able to use gems, and have some better status.
-Some time later, this rpl into pow was adjusted to flat ap, many say was the time unarmed ate the most
-Fury fist used to be an hidden that was added to unarmed tree as public! started as 8 sd which sucked then later adjusted to 12 sd.
-This was the main shape the tree would take until the later move to meranthe, having 4 stances.
-About this time new stances were being added a few i remember were: Temporal fist, Magma fist, Feral clawn and others, all unarmed custom stances.
-Many of those stances were also upgrades of the current effects of the basic stances.
-tactician did not had an timer, i posted an suggestion for add it, and they did.
-Iron fist still was the opener, so you could choose not waste 20 rpp but get an stance that did nothing but status.

Surely someday of 2021
[Image: image.png?ex=666d3a66&is=666be8e6&hm=7c5...a5a73939b&]
[Image: image.png?ex=666d3c76&is=666beaf6&hm=a70...cd97dce1a&]
*15 rpp: Iron fist stance, Assault, Fury fist
*10rpp: Jab, Weighted punch, Lariat,Titan Fist, Fist barrage Iron body.
*5rpp: Gentle fist, Brawler, Tactician
Lung comments: Ah the first big change i remember of unarmed, the memes about flying kick and the whole general perpective, i liked flying kick a lot becasue his reverse hitbox was an good counter to jab if you had timing and predict, but anyways, the adictions of titan fist and barrage were wild, many builds this time surged abusing use of fist barrage with dash drags and etc, this was an odd time, but all i remember from this was missing flying kick i was stupid enough to refund, and this was one big experience me to never refund anything they dont force me to.

Curiosities about this time:
-Much time later i found out, that fist barrage and axe kick did had much more synergy than weighted punch, this was never fully possible until i recovered both spells to put on test, the same way today? spin throw and grapple does have good synergies as well with fist barrage, but never were explored due never being on the same 'patch'
-Titan fist was hard to land but the stun time was good enough to even being gcd that time you could do an next combo.
-I think just chages in damage were done to fist in this time, nothing else was messed ever since.
-Back in this  time Muscle armor , Migthy blow and Ultra smash were high tier hiddens.
-Some time later migthy blow tier was increased, to exalted, so i kind got it while was easier to get hehehe.
-This was the last form unarmed had before the phoenix event that ended e3 and would begin e4.
-Did  you know? at some point weighted punch was buffed to deal knockback! was so strong armed could not trade with unarmed and probaly dont lasted than 2 more days, few people remind that, it knocked back like... 4 tiles?

5 august 2022
[Image: image.png?ex=666d4010&is=666bee90&hm=cc6...a5322b395&]
*20 rpp: Flying kick
*15 rpp: Assault, Fist barrage
*10rpp:Throw, Grapple, Jab , Lariat, Iron body, throw, Titan fist, Weighted punch,
5rpp: Axe kick
Lung comments: The second great change how i like to call, the removal of stances, and the adiction of the public masters and tokens at 200, the first thing i remind complain was you had to suffer until 200 to get and slow imun and cleanse, and later this being done again but however, titan was made gcde this time which was nice, and grapple and throw were, new everything was new, this was an momment of history that i remember of genuine fun as i discovered every interaction on every spell over time, but was also the momment i grow my hate for grapple over time.

Curiosities about this time:
-After much complain some time later, gentle fist was readded as stance.
-Tactician as well was readded due requests of people that missed the fun it brought
-In this time were the big changes, we begin dismantle the hiddens into publics you could get with tokens and was big and important at general!
-Of course gentle and tactician were adjusted to stances, no fucking way they would repeat the same mistake to freely give ap to unarmed lol.
-Throw grapple and iron body had funny interatcions that still work until this day (not new spin but old grapple and iron body)
-Eventually flying kick was cut off as opener.
-Some dude i dont remind the name gave big suggetions about adding stepcast to lariat, flying kick and other spells, sorry dude, but know you part of history as well.
-fist barrage was forgotten 

Someday later in 2023
[Image: image.png?ex=666d4010&is=666bee90&hm=c38...72d65391f&]
*20 rpp: Weighted punch
*10 rpp: Flying kick, Grapple, Jab, Titan fist, Assault, Lariat, Demon step, Throw
*5 rpp: Gentle fist, Tactician

Lung comments: May look weird but you not seeing wrong, at this time, fury fist went play on vasco (was removed) and even iron body was taken to make space for the stances, weighted punch turned opener due complaints (skill issue) with flying kick, (justified, back on those days still dont existed stepcast on flying kick) , and demon step was recent added, and was op as hell , this was an dark age on unarmed becuase demon was not an master, and was powerful as hell, many patches later suffering to make that shit somehow " finnaly on the right point.", this preludes the next "third big rework in unarmed where we will be today."

Curiosities about this time:
-This was the momment in unarmed story jab had to be nerfed in his cd to limit strike builds that were comming hard on the meta, making the max cd jab could get 2 seconds (3 in reality.)
-Throw by far had been reword into the spin throw we know today and turnd into an int in at some point of history.
-Despite complaints they preffered add the stancec back than remove grapple.
-This is the part of second part of history where unarmed caused more headache to everyone being builds of strike super strong as well the demon step, being an hard spell to balance.
-Demon step would be balanced in future and turned master later.
-At some point of history assault stopped being 15 rpp for being 10, good improve, at same rate axe would stop exist in future.
-Probaly was in meranthe that the mytrila and arcanium gloves begin to exist.

14 july 2023
[Image: image.png?ex=666d5436&is=666c02b6&hm=bcc...75383f834&]
*20 rpp:Flying kick
*10 rppBig Grinisarm, grapple Titan fist, Lariat, Assault, Spin throw , demon step, Follow up, iron body, and muderous surge
Lung comments:Yeah the big 'rework or how i like to call the third big change, the addiction of follow up and murderous, that was like an replace for fist barrage range option but at same time gap close, was odd, i remember hating a lot follow up due the knockback killing any combo potential, and they fixing it later on future, and the return of iron body, when muderous was an master used to do tons of damage but today is fine, disarm too, with adjusts here and there, the true is i lived piers with jab until the day of my death, cant blame me, to my eyes follow up had less balance than jab, becasue follow up cant miss.

Curiosities about this time
-The pattern of just 20 and 10 rpp spells finnaly was set when axe and fist barrage were removed.
-Most of imuns were taking nerfs in cd to adjust to the meta, iron body the imun that the only thing had different was the low cd, was killed due those balance changes.
-Even to this day nobody cares use grapple and nobody thinks in remove.
-Demon despite strong still was not the master due the heavy adjustes were taking
-sorry the image was the only i had from that time.

Someday of 2024
[Image: image.png?ex=666d5a82&is=666c0902&hm=75b...b74d29611&]
Lung comments: The fouth big change... creation of physical tree.. the split of unarmed and armed, where iron body and phantom were shared on trees, disarm was also made an int, and fist barrage brought back as well tactician, just to be all changed later in this current tree where disarm is back , and we have an good balance of unarmed here, with damage, mobitie and utility, when i look at past unarmed and see the today, i never expected would had such complextie, and i never expected that even after they try make grapple good nobody would still fucking use it... 

Curiosities about this time:
-I quitted playing before physical tree and after piers death for many reasons that bothered me
-I came back due the muscle armor tactician and fist barrage nostalgia was when i came back on march/april.
-Disarm being shared with  on physical tree with armed probaly traumatized an lot of people
-Many spells of unarmed probaly till not scaling right with physical.

Thanks for having this little waybackmachine to me, was fun remind all this stuff, no matter what momment of history we are, unarmed still, unarmed, that's the beauty of it, pissing people off.
Honorable mentions: 
-When flying kick stunned, Jab strike builds, Demon step terror of mitigation and , Unarmed sustain today.
-Thanks to robos as well for his videos giving me more precise time reference.
-Thanks to all that gave suggestions and bumped discord to help unarmed improve over years.
Phalanx Landarke: Unarmed saint|Piers glaidd: The monk|Flown: ???
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i.
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