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Shaqdaddy94Burly News
Burly News Update

Time for your favorite update of today.

Interview with Alexei pyr Docro

Interview with Saga Altin

Interview with Benedict Delisle

Interview with Ethric (maybe)

Interview with Ektu Grace
Interview with Viktor Delisle

Others will be included in due time. 
Burly News 

Time for a special edition of the Burly News

Alexei Pyr Docro

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 The Interview you all been waiting for.

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Burly: "How are you feeling at the moment?" 

Alexei: "Splendid." "You could say I've had a second jolt of passion recently. Never been quite so full of life."

Burly: "Don Docro. A father, a leader, and even some would call one the most ruthless people of Esshar. What was your child hood like being a Docro? What trials did you go through to become the Don? How did it feel killing someone for the first time? And what is the weapon you carry on you?"

Alexei: "My childhood was a period that I'm quite fond of. My mother, Matryona, was the former commander of Achyon, and the finest, strictest drill instructor one could ask for, and she made no exception for her children. But it was an enjoyable kind of dilligence that taught me the worth of a good challenge."
"As a member of the original class of Starfall Academy, my teen years were eventful to say the least. I joined mostly to make connections and to study our enemies. There, I met Violet Vartuul, now a Dragonlord, and Dallan, a man twice dead. When not in class I recall meeting my father, Ryker, in the Shadowmire woods to pick up sylavanum deliviries -- you can say I started to learn the family trade early."

"Trials to become the Don, now that we could get stuck in the weeds with. You see, I never set out to become the head of our family. My support was put behind Dominik, a cousin and the son of Luca. In my early twenties he was caught in the east... rumor has it he was visiting his lover, an outlaw by the name of Celicia, a member of Bruno Aertas's cult. And there he was found by Dallan and Meia and slain."

"My thoughts immediately turned to revenge. Nobody can kill a Docro and get away with it. I hunted the two of them, and eventually found and cornered Meia to the south of our city, where I tied her up in thorned bindings and dragged her back. A cruxifixion was prepared. On the same night that Osrona attacked Silverwall, the life of Meia hung in the balance, with myself and Dallan fighting to the death --"
"-- he survived, somehow. Lost his sanity in the process. She did not."
"...And my sister, Xenia, may she rest in peace, was similarly killed by Osronans.So there was just me left and my crazy cousin, Emilee, when Don Luca passed his judgements. You can call it survival of the fittest."

"This weapon?" "This is the synthetic sword, forged by Amelia Aertas. One of her finest works. The blade can come apart as flying pieces of metal... Useful if you want to butcher someone with a few dozen daggers. It's called Crossroad."

Burly: "So the world wants to know. Why did you kill Natasha? Did you kill Howl Grace for his actions or to make his brother angry? What insane adventure did you partake on as a Docro? What moment made you feel the greatest joy? And how did Andromeda death effect you?"

Alexei: "When I married her, never did I think it'd end like that. I loved that woman, I truly did - with all of my heart. I rescued her from the wrath of the Fireblooded in our youth and I'd have destroyed the world itself to protect her during our marriage, but somewhere along the way I think she began to have second thoughts."

"I'm not sure where it began exactly... complaints about me being busy and away from home with running our empire, paranoia that I was cheating on her... It broke down and it ended badly, no matter what I said or did. She had lost the plot, and when we were in Asphodel, I told her to leave rather than to grovel at the boots ofthe vampires."

"It escalated. Battle after battle. At the end of it she charged at me and set herself aflame, suicidal for sure - so I snapped."

"My hand found her throat. I squeezed. Twisted. Crack. She was dead."

"Both. Howl took my rival from me, Dimitri Asimov. No way in Hel was I going to show mercy to him. The fact it inspired Cedar to be more entertaining was just the cherry on top."

"There was the time where we went into the shadow lands-- the very edge of the world, and discovered a certain someone. Andromeda, yes. Her passing has left me feeling bitter and angry, a need for vengeance in my gut. And at the same time, I think she should be proud of the life she led, becauseI know I am. If only it could have went further."

"Ah... my wedding day, ironically. Everything was perfect at the time, then the children followed and I was surrounded by constant inspiration. Even sylvanum didn't quite compare. It's funny how life gives and takes, isn't it?"

Burly: "Who is the new love you come to present to the world? What will you do once you step down? What is your biggest regret? And what is the best treasure you ever come across?"

"What words would you like to say to the people of Esshar?"

Alexei:  "No, Andromeda was a remnant of the plague Saekanis wrought on Esshar all those generations ago. And when given life, she used a girl as a host, but the stronger she became the more her true self demanded energy -- First sugary snacks, then people, then Eternia itself. A devourer."

"Oh, please... Why don't you find out for yourself, if you happen to see her? Illythia is... Exemplary. I'm sure, much like me, you'll be charmed. I can only hope my own reputation doesn't endanger her."

"Continue what I've been doing. Produce new products -- If you see Daydream on the market, be sure to try it. And my loyalties will take me to Asphodel where things I can't quite speak on in public will take up my time."

"My sister died in war. Executed in front of my very eyes. I ran so fast, stumbled and crawled to her as arrows flew overhead. Watched as her skull was cracked. Xenia pyr Docro. A fire cracker. My sibling. We were fighting when she was killed like that -- we never made up, really. So if I could see her one last time and embrace her, you know?"

And what is the best treasure you ever come across?

"Oh, well, fuck. There's too many. Yahoel, Crossroad, Insatiable -- All incredible swords. The Tome of Ingress, written by Nyphadora herself. The armor I'm wearing right now, Sisphyus, linked to the Worldscape through void magic. The Docro treasures are vast, but by far and large the greatest one is my children."
"Family is Everything."

"Show a little respect to your Don."

Fight for Fort Umbra

Shadowmire vs Asphodel vs Mox

As the tensions would rise in the air. So would the footsteps of war to come. It was time for a epic battle for the claiming of Fort Umbra. This battle would not only bring out the best of fighters but also the shocking endings. 

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Many battles would occur and it was shown. 

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Nestis vs Queen Falkenrath

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Alexei pyr Docro vs Sibyl Cirque

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Prince Ambrose vs Cedar Grace

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Rhyme King Rigs vs Ilya pyr Docro

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Thorn Meztili vs Revna Rune

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Sebastian Falkenrath vs Smurg

Many other battles but the results were undeniable. 

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Asphodel and Mox advanced on to the destruction of the Fort. Though many would see that Sebastian had brought down the almighty Smurg. Ending the orge life and marking his new title. Orge Killer

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Though as they push on it was then that the unexpected would happen. 

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Sebastian vs Ektu Grace
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Cedar vs Revna Rune

Many would be in shock as many important figures would meet their end in this battle. With a plea from her husband denied Revna even in death door stayed proud and died as she lived. Alexander Vol Hellstorm captured. We do not know of his fate. And as for Fort Umbra. It would be destroyed and shattered into nothing. One can say this was indeed far from over. 

Moxtli - 3, Asphodel - 3, Mire - 2 -Adrian Ivanovich vs Nestis - Asphodel -Autumn Wicks vs Aranha - Asphodel -Vrana, Morven vs Ky, Sohan - Asphodel Sebastian vs Ektu Grace - Moxtli Blair vs Cypress Grace - Moxtli Revna Rune vs Cedar Grace - Moxtli CAP +Auberon Invidia vs Nanzo - Mire +Annete vs Rigs - Mire

Victory for Asphodel and Mox!

Marriage of Alexei pyr Docro and Illythia

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It was time for the beautiful ceremony between the Don and his loving wife. Both in stylish outfits and showing of true class and style. Many guest of all places showing up. Indeed a eventful event. 

The Queen of Asphodel would bind the two in the ceremony. 

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Others watching on.

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With vows exchanged and kiss given to mark the day of two lovers new beginnings.

Alexei pyr Docro and Illythia pyr Docro!

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Dawn of a new Don

After the wedding ceremony. It was time for the three boys to step up the the plate. Ilya, Nikolai and Seth.

Each young man had a chance to show their father they can take the mantle of the new Dawn!

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Each of them giving their speeches. Everyone would proceed to the Docro Mansion. 

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Three battling for the title and the famous sword. Yahoel, The Mechanical Angel

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It was first Seth vs Nikolai

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Though he fought hard Seth fell. 

The next was Nikolai vs Ilya

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With the two giving a hard fought battle. Ilya would pull off the win. 

And with the great title and weapon handed to him. 

Respect your new Don Ilya pyr Docro!

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OOC note: This part 1 of this article just alot to publish and time. So yeah. Others will be done soon. And for heavens sake. DM me for your interview my brain can only handle so many task and time. I work as well so i am tired and exhausted at times. This is alot so thank you all for supporting me. #GiveBurlyGuildCoin
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Burly Projects

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The reporter would have his people send papers all over. Taking a moment to step away to place out things that others may or may not care for as he was one for the people. 

"Many of the people have have not known of things going around the local area or at times even what the lands would bring to us. So the Burly News will start including weather conditions and as well a local area to advertise those who want their work to be place in the news. A step back for the ones in the shadows who seek for their work to be admired. 

We also be taking time to do things to assist the locals who are in need of having their projects push. Nothing like a aggressive reporter knocking on doors to support the cause. 

Also Burly will be offering to assist those who like crafts to be done at the tower. Make a name and be great. Anyone who seeks a weapon for a fair price will be supplied by Burly Aldes! Costing of course but fair!
We also will be trying to contact the main lands for news on outside events. (If admins would like me to update such events that occur in Gehanna, Jianghu and etc)

And the final thing of the update. We will now be starting a under fire interview. This interview will be to see if those who seek to be leaders or are leaders put into situations they aren't use to being in. I will ask you sign a contract before we do the Under Fire interview as the questions i be asking will probably piss you off or motivate you. Either way this only for those who are prepared to deal with things they don't like to hear and to see if they can show why they are where they are. Or why they deserve it. You been warned. "
  • Pushing for ingame different weather conditions (rain, earthquakes, forest fires and etc)
  • Focus on npc local areas that are effected by the battles and chaos of Esshar(raids, wars and etc)
  • Motivate new players and assist in offering help and other project developments.
  • See if leaders can deal with pressure
  • World wide events

Burly News Update Part 2 will be published today best get your interview in now if you are apart of it!
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Now is the Queens' Showtime! Yara Wu take this HOT interview with Mrs. Ektu Grace!

Yara Wu: Right! The Graceful Mrs. Grace. The first WOMAN to handle the title of Warchief from my generation. Esshar needs to know, WHO is Ektu Grace! 

Can you tell us, how was little Ektu's life before growing like this strong woman who is ready to beat anyone ass!?

Ektu Grace: "Well, well! If. . ya' want t'go back ta' the basics -- Ektu Eidu s'how I started-..

.. back in my youth - I was a rapscallion, ya' kno'? Hot tempered while simultaneously tryin' ta' hate nothin' and no one - needless prejudices n' the likes always .. pained me, y'feel? I wasn't- ah, as ambitious as my peers- not in the sense that I strived ta' change the world - though within me I wanted ta', simply didn't know how!

T'was born inta' a lovin' family - up in the mountainous regions! Kept behind lock n' key fer the most part - then they shoved me out inta' the big ol' wide world.. I was- naïve, carin' but too carin', oft followin' my instincts.. n' what bad instincts they were! All'a my love was on the.. lil' family I forged - I joined the Academy, but in turn, also joined with a 'guild' so t'speak - but I'll be honest! Was moreso a.. sensationalized friendship group.. The Silver Dragons!"

".. I loved the lot o' them. My peers- from the academy days; they made me inta' the person I am today! I took interest in a lot o' things - particularly history; one time me n' Thorn went all far n' wide ta' do our homework, we're lucky we didn't get inta' troubles - .. oh! I- also used t'be dangerously clumsy - Seifer can tell ya' that fer certain, used t'never let me live it down - gots inta' a whole lot o' trouble, nabbed by vampires, nabbed by gun-wieldin' Razukas, you name it!"

"I- owe it, a lot o' it, ta' my pals n' my luck that.. I'm alive today! Livin' danger dodger. These days I.. jus' try n' impart the youth wit' what I can, work behind the scenes wit' the rest'a Moxtli's gang t'assure the village's prosperity too! 

Yara Wu: You still looking young as that day! I was soo young! So! You and Thorn know each other since the Academy's time? This is quite new for me. I supposed then, you met the whole Moxtli's people there. I remember when I fall in love for the first time. You should remember, such a troublemaker one. But, please, Ektu, tell me how you and Mr. Grace met for the first time. You know, we love lovestories...

What was your impression of Cedar at first glance? Did you used fighti him as I used to fight my boyfriends too?

AT THIS POINT, THE BOSS AND MR. GRACE RUN AWAY. But not before Cedar made a good tea for his lover!

Ektu Grace: "Knew 'im since I was a tiny tot -- knew lots'a folk! In fact, I'll name 'em.. I knew Thorn- Cedar, Howl, Toratori, Ka-Tula, Seifer.. Zhrani.. Killian Levieur, Clotho Moria! Rain Makani -- the Dark Storm King! There's- also Zetsubo, the most chill lad ya' can imagine! And -- Tia Dorcha -- a controversial lass- but she showed 'er carin' side t'me - always checked up, tried ta' help the Mire in any way she could 'ave,

S-.. Scandelous! Broadcastin' that'a my love life's Ups and Downs ta' all four corners of Esshar?! I- okay, I kid; on the topic'a Cedar.."

"... ah - when we were smaller, tinier, miniaturized versions'a the renditions you see today I saw 'im as - huh! Endearingly goofy - but wit' a heart that steered itself in the right direction; it was admirable a trait - he wholly puts every ounce'a his being inta' his pursuits when he 'as one. He's- always fought fo' what's right, his fidelity ta' close friends n' family is undyin'," hands coil - into a fold, "I respect 'im - he ain't jus' no silly janitor, he's so much more than that - and I've seen it in full!"

"I wish I was like 'im, ya' kno'? With full sincerity I can tell ya' he jus' wants what's right for the world - he's audacious, but that's him!"

"-- w-.. wait, I'm totally goin' on a tangent!" a strand of blue is swept back by a finger, the lass continuing! "I've- well, 'ad the odd argument wit' him - but I'm Ektu - I've fought with a lot o' my pals, sometimes ya' clash, but at the end o' the day? If yer bonds're real, if your relationships're undyin' and unyieldin', everything works out!"

Yara Wu: "Hah! You should see me screaming at Xiang or the day when I was starting a HUGE storm. I was so high! Was a few months after the battle for the Silverwall. Thank's to Burly I didn't hurt anyone... Without any doubt, this is a sweet and warmhearted story! I would love to write about you two! 

Back to the real question! Esshar wants to know: How Ektu Grace, the Moxtli's Warchief, used to fight?! What are your magic and your favorite weapon! I love fans! Do you know? I can dance or cutthroat with it! It is pretty useful!

They heard someone knocking at the door.
Burly Aldes drops Elements Lover and making the reporter lose her words.

Quote:Elements Lover
A truly beautiful work of art that was crafted by hand. The wearer of the item would see that the beauty of the necklace would glow with not only a color of red, green, blue and brown as it represented the nature of each element. The user would truly feel the love place into the item.
The Orichalum and Mythril was shaped with pure concentraton to form a heart of sort with a diamond in the middle.
A message can be read on the back.
'To the woman who loves me. From night and day. We shall forever go on and move the waves.' -Burly Aldes

Yara Wu: . . W-What. . .

[Image: ykCLYo4.png]

Ektu Grace: -..! Cute!

Let's see - when I was a lil' lassy, my aeromancy n' affinity ta' wind was.. substantially more unrefined - but in turn it was exceptionally more anarchic, if ya' pissed me off anythin' and all mounted on the wall would tumble n' topple off of it!" a smile!

But. . in later years, I sought, ah, guidance..? I wasn't one ta' seek out what was beyond - deities, higher powers, dragons n' the likes, but! There was a weak link- always there, ever present, with that'a one o' the many glitterin' stars apart of Leonaus' constellation!

-.. I've always loved swordsmanship - in fact, I was inspired ta' go the route o' close quarters combat in the name'a Caliban! I-- was his disciple, fo' a time, n' while the path I've chosen doesn't particularly resemble 'is, his teachings've made me at least half'a the combatant I am today!

Favorite weapons?

One, hammers!
Two, axes!
Three, dual hammers!
Four, dual axes!"

Yara wu: I know, winds can NOT be tame miss Ektu! I really know! I have the Hay-Sun blood running on my body! A-Alright! Something unexpected just happened after the cameras guys. But I am not the focus?! Right! M-Master Caliban, is a GREAT man, for sure! I need to take a note to interview him soon too!


Yara Wu: Well! Let's play some game right quick. I make a question and you answer the first thing on your mind, right?! Be prepared!

With a lot of paper in her hand, Yara starts to run her questions at Ektu!

Yara wu: "A GREAT RIVAL! 

Did you ever experience unpredictable moments?

What is your biggest regret?

What your most exciting fight?


Would you like to see any or do any changes to Moxtli?

And finally!

This is your time, Queen Ektu! Let Esshar know you deeply wish for them! What do you like to say to the people of Esshar for the rest of their lives?"

Ektu Grace: "U-.. Unpredictable moments -- there've been a lot o' them; the fun ones, the not-so-fun! I'll- see what I can remember 'ere and now,

-.. ya' kno', there was, ah- one time I 'ad ta' part from that'a the group in a.. heist o' sorts n' shapes that went haywire - rather, two enemies! One group! So -- I parted from 'em n' had t'solo tussle 'em atop a movin' train! It was horrifyin', almost fell --

--.. but ya' kno' what? In a narrow escape I pulled through n' beat 'em - so that's that! Soz', it'sa silly n' whimisical story - there's also the time a dragon encased me in ice n' I almost died'a hypothermia 'cus I refused t'fight him. Had ta' uphold my oath!"

"My.. biggest regrets're. . not bein' able t'uphold promises; there've been friends that've left me - an' the little things I still carry. I never did decide ta' read books with Howl, I never fulfilled Tia's wishes o' assistance in interior decoratin', I never.. went ta' Toratori n' Ka-Tula's weddin', I never 'ad another tea party wit' Augustus, best commander, by the way.."

"As fer excitin' fights -- hmn.. there was a time when I encountered that'a both Karstaag n' Smurg, alone, in the sewers - I had t'fend off, jus' when I was a wee lass, still injured from that'a war! In a.. narrow escape, I managed t'fend off n' blow down that'a Karstaag -- sort o' miss the lad.. -.. there was also a few times I saved some folk! Like that'a Hina from the clutches'a a certain someone, an' some boy named Bob from an achyonite affiliated skeleton!"

"Best moment by far'd be my marriage n' that'a the assemblin' of my family; I love 'em. Appreciate 'em n' want t'see them prosper wit' all my heart," there' a small hum, "Aaaand.. changes? I want us ta' grow - t'develop - we're small at that'a the mo', I jus' want us t'be more substantial - fer those within our walls t'rise up n' achieve their dreams n' ambitions also..

Q-.. Queen Ektu is a bit too far! But- ah! I deeply wish fer all'a you ta' achieve ya' dreams - the ones that ain't t'come at the expense o' others - n' live each day as if it were ya' last,

Love your family unconditionally. Understand one another.. Live ta' your fullest.

Yara Wu:  You have a lot of great stories to be known by Esshar Ektu! All women are queens Ektu, dear! Now, let's smile together to the camera for one last picture.

[i]Thank you for your words and time, Warchief Ektu Grace!

Interview with Benedict Delisle

Burly Aldes: "Benedict Delisle! Tell me how was your childhood? What was holding your first weapon like? Who taught you how to construct things? And what is that suit of armor and how was it made?"
Benedict Delisle: "I was born Benedict Casval. The son of a rather mundane soldier. With his pension, he sent me to various private institutions. He considered me the last chance for his family to receive any sort of fame or notice.
It is a shame that his injuries during the defense at Achyon were fatal. It was that battle that I was drafted into the Hand, at the age of 13."
"During that battle, I had developed the prototype for a twin-rail rifle. Fitting for my prowess with electromagnetism, I fought alongside my good friend Synesia and one other against the two Astor brothers."

"Of course, the prototype failed. But it's lineage can be seen in the machine to my left."
"That is no mere suit of armor. It is a weapon, the first true Essharian mecha. While Barsburg may have brought over similar weapons, this machine is the first of it's kind to be made with the hands of someone born on this continent."

"It draws the full strength of it's user. In all honesty, it is more akin to a staff than armor. As for how it was made? I believe that's classified."
Burly Aldes: "How did you become a Delisle? What is your biggest pet peeve? What do you regret the most? And what was the best adventure you went upon?"

Benedict Delisle: "My best friend, Viktor, saw fit to adopt me after living out my adolescence by myself. Inviting me to his family due to the brotherly bond we share. He's a trusted asset, and the person I have the most respect for."
"For the second question, ignorance. Nothing plagues me more than some of the voids of stupidity I have to work with on a day-to-day basis."

"Ah, that last one is easy. I took my good friend Leonid to a club in Achyon, and we burnt it down. There, I was crowned Achyon's current King of Disco. That title is only shared with the legendary Ryker pyr Docro, mind you."
"Then we burnt the place down. You can't end a night in Achyon without burning down a club."

Burly Aldes"Who do you see as a rival? What are your future plans? What do you think of the current state of Esshar? Who do you see as a rival? What are your future plans? What do you think of the current state of Esshar?"

Benedict Delisle: "There are few people I could consider rivals. Most fights I enter are spurred from childish lines of thought; I can hardly consider any wins or losses from those worthy of rivalhood."


"The two men who deserve my attention are Seifer Gardios and Vekel. If only that their victories were claimed by the razor's edge. A loss can prompt growth, but those two men have earned every ounce of my attention."
"...Ah, regrets? I tend to not linger on regrets longer than to learn from them. I am constantly looking to the future. If there was one regret, it would be the circumstances of my birth."

"But I revel in the challenge of crawling my way out of obscurity into stardom."
"Burly, we live in interesting times. I would say that this generation will drive and define how the continent is shaped in the coming years. It will be their hands that will guide it into ruin, or into a prosperous future."
"As for my plans?"

"I have plenty of plans for Esshar. My machines will be the guiding sword of Achyon and it's allies into victory. When this silly war is over, I will devote my time to much more fruitful areas of research. Things that will drag places like Osrona and Moxtli, willing or no, into the future."
"Esshar, my name is Benedict Delisle. Walk with me to brighter tomorrows, or be left destitute in the past."

Interview with Saga

[b]Burly Aldes:[/b] Tell me what was your childhood like? What does the Altin family name mean to you? How did you end up becoming one highest of teachers of the academy? And what is the weapon you carry?"
Saga: "I was born and grew up in Osrona to Marco and Canella Altin. My childhood was full of love, and stories of the trials and tribulations that the Altin family endured to help make Osrona what it was, all starting from the original Altin, Nerin Altin."
"My parents were not combatants by any means, but they taught me to always look toward progress through technology. Growing up was very comfortable for us, we aren't rich by any means, but my family had money to support me through hard work."

"I wouldn't say one of the highest teachers, I'm just a teacher. I try to do the best I can to help anyone that asks as every teacher does in the academy. I started here as a student when I was about 14 years old. Dallan, my first real mentor showed me the nature of the spirit world. It was the first class that I attended here actually. I was so enraptured by it that I followed him every day, learned about his life...his death, and his rebirth. So much so that he actually asked me to be apart of his family, as a sister, and so I agreed."

"When I turned 16, I asked Headmaster Ethric to become a student-teacher. He asked me for a lesson plan and I made one and he allowed me to be a teacher ever since. Once I actually graduated, he put me on full time."

"This is a weapon of my own design, a runic sword. I studied Britannian Style Runewriting when I was very young and I was always fascinated with how they layered runes to ensure the command laid within was perfectly placed. It takes a little bit more work to do it that way, but it makes for a more powerful weapon. What I did, was take that a step further, if you look closely, each rune that you see, is made with smaller runes in the form of a mathematical fractal. What this does is allow the hilt to generate a hard mana construct, incapable of shattering in combat since it repairs itself with the flow of mana. It took a while to forge this sword due to the fact that it draws upon spiritual energy. I had to find materials that were anchored in the spirit realm and then bind them to the physical one. It's a complicated process, but in reality is the foundation of wayfinding funny enough."

[b]Burly Aldes:[/b] "What was your biggest regret? What moment was your greatest achievement? Who is your rival? And how do you see the lands of Esshar currently?"

Saga: "My biggest regret would be Haarper's Death. He was...he was my best friend. He was always a man of peace, always trying to help those in need, never using his sword to strike down anyone. He...he was a good man."
"My greatest Achievement is the Lookout. I've been working on it my entire career here at the Academy, and while it isn't in the sky yet, I've been doing everything I can to finally get it ready for the task to be complete. Many people have helped me to get this project off the ground, even You Mr. Aldes, put in coin to help me fund it. I can't wait for it to finally launch."

"I wouldn't say I have a rival persay, anyone that could have come close...have perished years ago. Maybe when I was young, I was a bit brasher, but with time comes clarity. If I could pick a rival, it would be Ael Gelmont, in terms of Artificing. His ability to forge creations, well at least in weaponry, is quite unique. While there are others that have created marvels across the land...I don't really see anyone as competition."

"The lands of Esshar, it's quite interesting I suppose. A lot of people have been in conflict over ideological differences. I myself bought into the rhetoric of Osrona and Achyon, but as time moves forward, I'm starting to see just how petty this entire conflict has become. It's just a shame that somehow each major city-state has been roped into series of battles and skirmishes. Sometimes, it's as if these conflicts happen out of sheer and countrywide boredom. I suppose that there are more complexities to the situation that government officials have a better understanding of."

[b][b]Burly Aldes:[/b][/b] "What are your plans after the Lookout? Why do you step into certain battles even though the academy is a neutral area? What brings the best out of you? And last question. What would you like to say to the people of Esshar?"

Saga: "My plan...once the lookout is completed, is to assist and handle the problem that is on the moon... There is a threat there that Moxtli had experienced that cannot be ignored. I believe that this threat is larger than any territorial conflict that any City-State of Esshar could conjure, all I know is that we cannot allow what is there to continue to assemble their forces."
"What brings the best out of me, that is an interesting question. I'd like to think that the students trying to progress themselves further bring the best out of me. This generation is powerful, very powerful, and I hope that they can take this country in a different direction. Having them take the mantle of the conflict of the last generations would be a waste of their potential."

"If I could say anything to Esshar, I would say for it to remain strong. The trials and tribulations that you undergo are difficult, but we are a people that strive for excellence, and we shouldn't let out ideological differences blind us from what we could be. We are going to need each other in the coming years to follow..."

[b]Interview with [b]Driyar Hedor[/b][/b]

[b]Burly Aldes:[/b] "Driyar Hedor. You were always a fine young man. But always in the shadow of the one called Raja. You never even exceeded yet to get your wings. And most the time people question if you really deserve Dragon Lord."
"Why do you think you deserved Dragon Lord? Why did you disgrace an honor duel between Iris and Alexei? Who is strong you or your sister? How does it feel knowing tht the other Dragon Lords achieved their wings but you have not?"

Driyar Hedor:
"Because of what I did for the Coat. For the Acolytes, the teachings, the equipment's, the expansion with everybody else and honor. I'll do anything for the Coat."

"It wasn't an honor duel, the words were never spoken although it was bad on my part to go over her words." 
"My sister can beat me, I can beat her. Does it matter who is stronger?"
"Doriya got her wings spread out even further, that's true and I'm still proud for her but...mine will come when Jormungandr feels that I'm worthy of them. It does not feel bad to not have them after all." He flaps his wings. "I still got my wings, smaller ones but they're mine."
Burly Aldes:  "How does it feel knowing you will be side to side with the Vanirhallens from now on? Out everyone who has gotten a weapon handed to them why not you? How did you feel knowing Tora's death was in your peoples' hands? Tell me how did Raija down fall affect you?"

Driyar Hedor: "There are no words of alliance with the Vanirhallans as of yet."
"Why would I want weapons that are family relics or not related to my element? I want to make my own sword." 
"He was ordered by the Vanirhallans to come here and kill his dragonlord. Instead of acting with us, he decided to listen to the enemy, this is not on our hands although, I saw his beheading."
"...My best friend is dead. He was not a rival, just a friend and family. In other words? Bad. Losing family hurts."
Burly Aldes: "My such anger."
"I did warn you these questions are not for the faint of heart. Just this last page."
"Cold in here." 

"Ah so you are fine with letting a man who died with honor to try and save his wife be seen as the criminal? Do you think Jormungandr will see you as someone worthy of his blessing? Do you believe any of the Dragon Lords deserved their positions as well? And last question."

"Will you be able to finally step out of Doriya's shadow?"
Driyar Hedor:  "If I'm fine with it? No. Tora was almost an uncle to me but his last actions marked his as a betrayer of the Oath despite trying to save his wife. That could've been handled..in many ways."
"This is for him to answer. The right question would be, will I go to him to get it? Yes."

"Yes, my sister was strong enough for it and Iris is strong enough for it. Both of them have their reason to and I'm not one to question a dragonlord. Often."
"I walk by her side, not behind her. I'm not a shadow nor will I ever be one, for I'm Driyar Hedor, Dragonlord, and Lorekeeper of the Fireblooded. Her twin brother and family. We walk together bringing everyone around us with us."

Weather-Jasmine Badroulbadour

Description: Rainy
Temperature: High
Relative: Higher than Normal
Wind Force: High
Advice: Remember that High Temperatures and High Humidity from Rain often leads to a muggy feeling.
Fireblooded Domain
Description: Light Sleet
Tempurature: Cold
Relative: Higher than normal
Wind Force: Medium
Advice: Remember to be wary of rockslides and avalanches, especially given the unusually high heat this season.
Description: Light Haze of Smog
Tempurature: Cool
Relative: Colder than normal
Wind Force: Mild
Advice: This would be a fine time for people to take a walk outside.
Description: Rainy
Tempurature: Warm
Relative: Higher than Normal
Wind Force: Mild
Advice: Remember to carry an umbrella.
Description: Clear Skies
Tempurature: Hot
Relative: Normal
Wind Force: None
Advice: Remember to bundle up during the night, since the desert loses heat over night.
Description: Clear Skies
Tempurature: Cool
Relative: Normal
Wind Force: Mild
Advice: Keep your papers secure, students!
Description: Foggy
Tempurature: High
Relative: Normal
Wind Force: None
Advice: Exercise caution when running around, unless you want to bump into someone.
1849AC - Seasonal Weather Report
Accuracy Report: 85%

I like to thank my crew members Baki, Azan, Xian, Jasmine and my lovely Yara Wu for a hard work effort. We seek to do improvements along the way so bare with us. Once the Tower is truly develop we be adding more to the crew.

(Anything that is missing will be added next article)

(Ooc Note: My boy Vigo make some sick stuff: https://i.gyazo.com/53f8b1d3adcc3fc94d79...d580ca.mp4 )
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[Image: Untitled.png] (Vigo#5246)
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Burly News Update!
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-Interview with Viktor Delisle

-Achyon vs Osrona

Interview Noh A. Vitek
-Interview with Nanzo

-Meeting Chester (magical chest)

-We want change (A teen message to their city)

-Interview with Lando lux Metras

-Interview with Asura Nomont

-Death of Violet 

(More to come!)

-We are pushing for the tower remodeling still so do not worry my people of Esshar. We have many names for those who seek to learn to enjoy. I like to think my crew who is with me or not with me for working so hard. We moving on to much greater factors and achievements. 

And for my viewers and fans. Thank you. You really have help me start from the low to the high. We be setting up a a party of sort in the tower for when the remodeling is done for this long achievement. Peace arrangements will be made with cities and citizens for this event. 

Thank you all.

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Burly News Interruption!

"Hello i know this itsnt the Burly News but this something important. I would like to introduce to you a system that would assist those of the lands with their everyday needs. 

The Burly Home Receiver 

[Image: mailbox.jpg]

"Want to receive news but resting at your home? Want to get it quick or maybe wake up and open a box to scoop it out or maybe. Well the Burly Letter System is a item drop off or letter drop off for you to pick news or letters you missed while you slept peacefully. (Offline) You will have a magical alert system to let you know if such things arrived to you like most letters! It be installed in all homes if the individual chooses to do so! Only the individual or those who live with them access your things."

So far these leaders agreed to this idea and hopefully we can push the product to be to your homes soon. 

[Image: d21c4b8875b8f6a447f17d7a8ef76c65.png]

So those who agree to this once product is constructed and done we will work to make sure your people get a much more enjoyable way to stay updated.

Willing to fund towards it alot of coin!

(Oocly looking to make this a option ingame for when people edit their homes. Someone can choose to have it in their home or not. And only those who live there can access it. Willing to assist in finances going towards making this a dream come true. Or maybe admins can place it down for them)
[Image: Cross-from-Trinity-Blood-trinity-blood-7...81-400.jpg]
Burly Update

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It has been shown the kitsune reporter had been busy. Not many much of news was being done but many can see the fruits of his results come to life. 

"To those who supported me and those who didn't i want to show you that you can make reality. Do you not see the reality of Burly News has brought a vision the people not only wanted but needed. I say to you my supporters. Also my haters. I do this for you. And i will not stop till the world can truly have a better way to communicate and receive news or things they need in life. This Burly News makin dreams become a reality."

Part of the Burly Home Receiver was now a reality. Burly Out!
[Image: Cross-from-Trinity-Blood-trinity-blood-7...81-400.jpg]

Hello for those who do not know and who do know me. This is yes. A Burly News Update. With recent life choices and me pursing my own choices in life i slacked on giving you updates. I apologize for this and i will take whatever feed back you have for me. I will be returning the news officially soon as possible. (Tomorrow).

Its hard running a business and also keeping on coin. So if you seek to donate or support do as you please. Burly News will keep being free for the people. And yes i plan to update you all the way from the events of the Osrona vs Achyon to Tournament.

And also i will be pushing for the return of a event that was long ago forgotten and left behind. I will be pushing for the Return of the Grand Tournament.

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Its go time people.
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Achyon Vs Osrona 

A battle between Achyon and Osrona forces. It was a clash of monstrous people and abilities. Many main battles were all over the field and the tension was high as ever. Though such battles were always engraved it was battles that stood out the most. 

Auxis vs Ambrose

A fierce battle that led to the downfall of his beloved ship.

But the end of things it came down one winner with Achyon be able to defend their home.

[Image: QKGroFm.gif]


Burly: "Who is Noh? Who are your parents? What experiences do you enjoy about this land so far? What do you seek in life? And do you have anyone you look up to?"

Noh: "Noh Alkhea Vitek, I'm a wanderer who does jobs mostly for money. I like fighting those I see, and my latest injury was from an ogre."

"My parents were a knight and... I don't know what my mom did. She wandered around a lot. One day they both stopped coming home and we got sent to an orphanage. Me and my brother, he's a student at that school and... anyway."

 "It's not hard to describe what happened, when I left the orphanage I decided to explore the land, after getting mugged a few times I just decided to get stronger so that doesn't happen. I just kind of go where I please now. I got no real plans for the future right now, and... I tend to pick people who fight well and want to beat."

Burly: "Who has mugged you? Is there someone you wish to challenge? What motivates you to never give up? And what is your pet peeve?"

Noh: "Uh... I don't remember the first one... I just remember waking up with a really beat up chest. I don't know how I don't remember that but on my way to find a doctor some fire-gun guy attacked me and put one in my shoulder. After that it was some... A guy named Nero, but he lost, twice. It was my first real win against them. Turns out he lives in the Mire, and after he told everyone I attacked him they turned against me until I told them the truth." He puts a finger on his chin, he'd met a few people over the years, not really having a reason to talk to them he would often avoid them.

"I saw a mouse in Achyon. Em's, also from Achyon. And I want to also beat the Orsonian fist fighter." That's about it, besides Em's the other two were near master hand to hand combat fighters, he wants to get to their level, especially Niffty.

"I don't give up fighting, injuries will happen and they hurt like hell, butthey make me stronger. I call it surprise toughness training. You gotta be alert and capiable to take care of yourself when you travel the land alone a lot. That goes for medical, food, and navigation, also smaller things like sanity and hygiene."

"And the...pet peeve. My brother." That's it.

Burly: "Do you feel you become a big name in Esshar? What made you push to get a interview?"

"What would you like to say to the people of Esshar?"

Noh: "That's fine. Honestly I think it'd be better use of my skills rather than getting old for nothing." He was curious, even if he did grow strong, he can't just wander forever. Maybe report things that he picked up while traveling round was his mindset, but as far as the reason for the interview?

"Money." He simply says, he still does need a source of income and he still has plans for things, but he's really financially... weak right now. Besides collecting things, not everyone is looking to buy them.

"As far as something I would like to say to everyone?" He thinks for a second. "...Worlds a dangerous place, but don't be afraid to explore it. There's a lot of stories out there looking to be told."


Many of those who knew this chest wasnt sure what to think of the creature. But many have grown to enjoy its nature. Chester wasnt able to talk but he gave many things we all should appreciate. His apperance mostly known at Starfall. 

Chester sadly came to terrible fate. I myself take blame as i gave him to many treasures and then he open a rift that me and others went to explore. Chester being the powerful creature he was place us into the void. Soon we came to a situation of do or die. And sadly Aurora Alder had to bring down Chest. Though he maybe gone. Chester left a message. For us to not give up and to keep pursing for the treasures of the world that we seek. Even in death he still gives memories. 

Thank you Chester. May you Rest

Battle in the Sands

A battle that would forever be called Sands of Blood. 

Many warriors death were caused in this battle. Many can say that it was a victory but at what cost. That is for the people to decide. The warriors of Aesirheim stood their ground. But many were lost in the aftermath. Vekel may he be gone. Arden may she rest. And for the others who fates are still unknown you will be remembered. 

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Interview with Viktor Delisle
Burly: "Viktor Delisle! The son of the former Commander and legend Marcel. Tell me how was your childhood?? Did you believe others saw you as your father's shadow? What is the name of your weapon? Do you know of Ace's fate?"

Viktor: "My childhood was good, all things considered - my father is a very wealthy man, and my mother was very protective. I was the oldest, after Sanguinius - which is why my father had many expectations for me." 

"Why, yes. I fed into their expectations too much and ended up a carbon copy of him." 

"My weapon is the legendary Chameleos - forged by Ameila Pyr Aertas, the finest artificer - and my father's own teacher." 

"Ace will probably get executed. She betrayed my trust and fought for the enemy, I don't care what becomes of her." 

Burly: "What is your biggest regret? What is your biggest achievement? Do you believe anyone can rival your power? What are your plans for the future?"

Viktor: "My biggest regret would be not living my life when I was young - got along better with my friends..

Instead they are all dead and I am the only one that remains from my generation." 

"My biggest achievement was living this far."  "... I never thought I would, but, I'm glad I did."

"Anyone can rival my power, they just need to have the necessary resolve to do so." 

"Retirement. I'm raising my kids and teaching them to fight - how to be proper human beings - not to be a killer like I am."

Burly: "You have kids? Wow who is the mother?"

"How do you feel about Barsburg actions? Are you protecting the Fireblooded or apart of them? If you can say anything to your dad you always wanted to say what would it be?"

"What words would you like to say to the people of Esshar?"

Viktor: "Ace." 

"I feel the actions were too late." 

"I'm neither, I'm simply a citizen - I'm going to build a small home for myself here, the same place I spread my friend Lotan's ashes, to be close to my friend." 

"Thank you, pops, I hated not being sure if you'll live when I was little - not sure if you'll come back to us, but, I realized that your resolve was always the strongest and you pulled through just for us. I'll always love you, pops."

"Enjoy your time with your people and friends, there'll be a day where you'll be the last of your friend group - and you'll wonder if you treated them all fairly.

Forgive them if you must, just make sure you remember them fondly and respectfully.

Through all my years on the battlefield, the only thing I learned was that - it's not your achievements on the battlefield that truly matter, it's how you live your life and what you make of it."
(Viktor Delisle)

Death of Violet 
After the battle of Osrona and Achyon many didnt know what would occur from the aftermath. Though those who stood from the aftermath can see a raging mother making her way to the Docro's mansion. With words exchanged and demands made. A battle would occur in the mansion. The battle was immense and filled with much pain. Though at the end those outside the mansion would come to know. Alexei standing tall as he did the finishing blow to the woman.
The Daughter of Duniya and Mother of Iris had fallen in battle seeking to save her daughter. A heart filled waves of emotions can be felt for the Fireblooded loss. But the memory of the woman she live as she died being who she was. A woman who gave it her all A mother who did not hide from danger and would do whatever she could to  protect what she loved. May you rest Violet. 

Birth of Niahm

It was the gathering of many and the birth of a new dawn to the Fireblooded. Many people in awe would get to see the ritual and beauty of birth. The rise of a light that shined bright for the territory. The birth of Niahm.

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The Tournament of Terror
A tournament that was for factions of the alliance to gather. With many great battles and even rude comments flying all around. It was a sure to be a of a good time. Even i had some fun in the tournament. But most things took a deastic turn when it came to the finals. 
A battle to judge the champion of the tournament was in preparation. That was until Auxis called out the Cadet. With words flying back in forth. It soon came to light who the woman was and her faithful companion. Alexei the Don revealing himself no fear in his eyes. 
With a battle under way Auxis exchanged blows with the former Don. 
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A fearsome battle took place as the two went blow to blow. Though it was Auxis who manage to pull the win. Though it was not over as Auxis had to deal with Iliythia as well. A clash between the two went under way but he manage to push her back to stop her rescue. 
Elwin seeking to end the woman's life would fall to her blows in battle. Though he survived to see another day. 
Sadly the beauty of Osrona the heart and soul Priscilla would come to blows with the woman. The battle was intense and she made sure to live up to her family name but at the end she fell in battle. 
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Ael seeking to save the woman himself fought with his heart but soon fell in battle. With her love gone from the world. Illythia brought down her wrath to end Priscilla's life.  Escaping the scene afterwards. The tournament was in utter chaos.  Many can say there was no true winner. Both sides took a heavy blow from the losses. 
May they be gone they shall forever be in our hearts. 

Hello readers this is Burly. I probably miss some articles and things but hey thats life. I be doing a review of some things like you Nanzo. Yeah i be doing your interview. And for other names i am back officially to make more things be done on the spot. Sorry for the long wait and if things are not as you wanted them to be. Well pay me. We be adding those who are gone to the memorial page so do not worry. This is Burly News.
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Its your favorite kitsune giving you update of the events in the lands of course. And its time for a good ole. 

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-The Dragon Den

-Ceremony to those who are gone

-Meeting Ivory

-Who is Dracula?

-The story of Melody

There will be more to come as well. We be doing things as much as possible. So bare with us.

Burly Cool Clothes

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We at Burly News will be selling clothing of all kinds. This is a way to bring in more fashion and also much more enjoyment for the people. We have many selections to go by and we deal with prices as time goes on. What we have? Mask, pants, boots, heels, dresses, sweaters, bras, bikinis, goggles, and jackets and more to come. 
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We be modeling future clothing down the line. Location is  [Image: dd578e868f126ba5da812ceccb37c6e2.png]
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