In this guide we will be discussing how to apply sprites to objects in Eternia and by extension go into details about the BYOND platform.
This guide expects you to be somewhat familiar with pixel art and is focused on guiding you through the processes involved in uploading them to the game. If you are totally lost here is a random pixel art guide I found online. But that is only the tip of the iceberg. Google will show you the way. But if you need a little help understanding this niche better then check out this Pixel Art Discord which is unaffiliated with the Byond platform. The best resource you can find in relation to Byond Spriting is the SS13 Spriters Discord. A free program to sprite through would be which I used in my old Eternia: Prologue guide. But any software that supports layering would work.
However, this time around any sprites I create will be through Aseprite, which is a paid program I have logged thousands of hours into that is spared the unrelated bloatware most other programs have and is genuinely just fun to use. I completely recommend investing in Aseprite as it has all you could possibly need and is designed primarily for pixel art. As an alternative to Aseprite however I do recommend checking out Libresprite which is an open-source fork of an Aseprite 2016 build before it went commercial. It has many of the same features but lacks much of the development. It is however free and serviceable.
As well, please spare yourself the suffering of spriting directly in Dreamaker (Byond's image editing software, also known as a DMI file type.) and just copy/paste or import/export your files to and from whatever program you decide to use for drawing. Dreamaker lacks support for additional layers and is known to bug out if you Ctrl+Z at the wrong time. It is also known to have issues with Alpha/Transparency when a sprite is copy and pasted in from another program. But we can get around that last part.
![[Image: OK44XGn.png]](
In order for one to upload and utilize their sprites they need the following monthly subscriptions:
€8 | Be a subscriber In order to wear resprited cosmetics.
€9 | Be a Gold Patreon in order to change a sprite. (Press F1 in game, top left corner.)
For a total of €17 a month.
€26 | Be a Platinum Patreon which provides Gold Patreon benefits and also provides subscriber status on top of additional character stat points.
Clarification note: It is enough to simply be a Subscriber if you have a friend who is a gold Patreon that can resprite your items for you. Subscriber is required to wear any resprited items however. As well, you cannot resprite weapons at will due to the focus on unique items. You require some in character development to have a custom sprite on your weapon.
![[Image: dOmPfIR.png]](