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Events - Expeditions
[Image: Army.png]

 [Image: SilverSun.png]
: Promethia
Characters involved? Oznan, Majin, Godfrey.
Expected Party Size, Estimate: Oznan, Majin, Godfrey definitely. Possibly Nanzo, Guo, Marie, Janus, Arjeta, and a couple more. Expect six to ten.
Event Summary: 
Barsburg, the empire of 'progress', has grown stagnant, their expansion into the mainland of Esshar pushed back after a century of conflict. Even in the face of that defeat the empire still stands strong in their holds and the Manufactoriums producing the Synthetics have not halted. They are one of their most precious secrets earning the extensive precautions they have taken to safeguard their discovery. To the burgeoning lands of Promethia, however, it is a site of pure anathema- A slave camp binding near superior beings and limiting what they could contribute to the world.
Now a dark army bearing the emblem of the Silver Sun approaches. It is not a swell of forces for outright intercontinental war, but a carefully selected force of elites meant to utilize shock tactics. By hitting the factory hard and fast they plan to steal what research and liberate their metallic brethren.
PvP Potential? Extremely unlikely.
Main Goals: 
- Uncover synthetic research regarding secrets of creation.
- Attain blank and inert synthetics (to acquire a couple of player Synthetic slots for Promethia + one to put Eurydice into.)
Grand (100k)
Discord: Psilo#6029
[Image: 33556952440962827e460ccb6394ccac.jpg]

 [Image: SilverSun.png]


Nation: Promethea

Characters involved? Godfrey, Virion, all of the fearless demons and monsters, Lyrean Grimmore, Matthias Grimmore
Expected Party Size, Estimate: As big as the DM wants it to be. Considering the potential deadliness, the more the better.
Event Summary: 

Quote:I am a machine of my word. Whatever history will remember me for, they shall know that Godfrey the Created never failed to keep his promises. The arch-lich's lifetime ambition will be fulfilled, and so my city will have an army to ensure our dark order is maintained for a millennia to come.  Hark ye, demons, beasts, warriors of the night and unliving; we march for the gates of death to unseat their throne and crown a new king.
 The timeless machine's leadership of Promethea was an unexpected twist of fate, but Godfrey was never known for wasting words. A pact formed between two emotionless, alien beings. That the lich would offer an army and boundless knowledge for his data banks, if he would only settle an old score. From a past life, yet bound for an eternity. The Demigod of Death, Achlys, yet reigned over him from the shadows. 
No gods, no masters.
The black legion and hordes of Promethea assemble with a stirring congress at the great rift gate, prepared to embark to the realm of death where no living being ought to ever return from. A great army of the undead, demons, soldiers, and lesser automata prepared to march forth to engage the forces of the Primordial of death, aiming to unseat and deliver them true death to capture his essence and usher in the ascendancy of Promethea's technology. 
PvP Potential? Unlikely in the classical sense, possible in the EC sense because of the place in question.
Main Goals: 
Invade the realm of Achlys
 Finish Nidaz' old grudge once and for all.
Kill Achlys and capture their essence for the Neo Phoenix Chamber
Seat a new prince of death.
Grand (100k)
Danger: Incredibly deadly I'd imagine.

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