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Spell Balance Suggestions
+1 to the Exsplosion / Fire.
Spiral Bomb
Take the stun duration down to 1 second, or remove it in general? As it stands, it's pretty much promised that if you get hit by it, you're taking the next two or three moves, especially if they are gcde.

Also lower the stun on this. I feel like it's maybe 2 seconds? Essentially I just see some stuns favor much more over others and last a lot longer, and am not the only one. 

The Combo promise of these moves just proves too much, especially with certain trees packed into the mix. People blow through 40-50% of your hp and there's nothing you can do about it unless you block it just right.
An irregular suggestion, but;

Spell: Holy/Occult aura
Suggestion: Both holy and occult are relatively "full" trees lacking in any form of aura whatsoever - occult has one but it's both a master rank and not actually all that notable, by the wiki description it pales to riptide's basic. Illusion also has one, but it's both relatively small and people are unlikely to solo-illusion either, while aesthetically holy/occult could very much be someone's primary tree. Compared to cosmic which is individually absolutely tripping auras or fire who every sub-tree has an aura, it hurts!

Occult's could get by just on renaming death magic and making it basic, stat-wise as written it's nothing special. Holy could have a rip of water or time's, something that passively heals or something. Give 'em their stat-up button!
They both have auras that give +30 power
Spell : Lariat

Suggestion: This **** is not just 1 second, and so isn't water whip. They def feel like they are 2 seconds. I should know, I have them both. I advocate to have them nerfed. It is ridiculous the follow up of these spells with not even needing to properly time a follow up.

I speak up for Stuns like this because the stun meta is really starting to piss me off.
Spell: Time slow.
Suggestion: Increase the duration it lasts. At the moment it lasts only 5s, and unless they're in range of your small AoE when you pop it? Getting close to them won't proc it at all.

At the current moment, much worse than a majority of other slows in the game!
more like reduce the duration of every other slow jesus f christ
Spell: Tidal Wave
Suggestion: Remove the stun, or lower its duration! This spell allows for some absolutely disgusting combinations as water has two other stuns from Water Whip and Water Beam. It has way too much combination potential.
Spell: Water Whip

I’ll start with this considering the issues it’s caused as a stun confirm. Yes, it’s incredibly powerful for adding some additional damage and a few seconds of stun to build which already have a stun. But for builds that just go into water/spec, it’s absolutly needed for landing certain hits. I don’t think the spell itself should be changed, rather that stuns should not stack. It would remove the need for Water Whip In builds that need a confirm on stuns.

Spell: Blood Whip

At this point your just doing me dirty here. Blood whip getting a damage nerf and losing its GCDE is a massive game changer. It’s there do do the bulk of Blood’s damage. In a tree that lacks a massive third option in this combo (Water Whip-Blood Whip-Water beam for me), you’ve just nerfed the overall damage that Blood Mages can do.

To even pull off that combo, you’ve got to land a stun. The options for someone who goes all into blood are Tidal Wave and Water Whip. If you’re smart, you can iron body/Mistform/ do any sort of DR for seeing a water mage run up to you. Tidal Wave is actually a problem; the stun should only last as long as the knockback. Overall, the biggest nerf to Blood Whip wasnt the cooldown or damage reduction, but the removal of its GCDE. The damage can be kept, but please return it’s GCDe. Otherwise you’re just dicking Blood Mages for no reason.
Spell: anything in crystal

Suggestion: make that shit a little less expensive bro please this shit hurts

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