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The Trials of the Ether Flare, SATURDAY 6PM EST
[Image: trials_2.png]
[Image: garljings_coat.png]
-=1805 AC=-

Dragonlord Orodyn takes the knee of Tarian by storm with a bombastic missive.

A competition is announced.

Warriors and Bloodbound brothers of this temple...!

By rite we are seen united once more. Yet this time, in proof of one's valor, passion and devotion!

In the name of the late ebony and ivory dragons, Aldryl and Dinirays, whose memories we now treasure so perennially, we gather and commune in the sacred art of the duel!

Come all ye, fireblooded!

For the throat of the Gauntlet awaits thine steel.

Come the dawn of summer, come together at the blazing heights! Combat for glory and riches - honor our forefathers departed!

Details are quick to follow...

All people either directly inducted into the Fireblooded or who currently reside within Garljing's Coat are hereby invited to participate.

Naturally, all those who consider themselves fit to join the guild of pilgrims should feel encouraged to do so before the event. They are otherwise welcome to show up to witness the bouts at their leisure regardless.

The Felcloaks, in ceremonious sponsorship, have helped amass a sum of coin to be given as a reward to the victors.

Quote:FIRST PLACE - 10,000c + A mysterious token of honor
THIRD PLACE - 2,000c
FOURTH PLACE - Consolation Prize

[Image: symbol-of-the-fireblooded.png]

Oh, and... no cogheads.

SATURDAY 10/24, 6PM EST (Garljing's Coat)
[Image: 148731bfec67de03f97acbd75c8885c6.png]

There will be no cancellation of this event our late brother Dragonlord Orodyn orchestrated,

In fact I expect a mountain top filled with all of you who loved and cared for our dearest warrior.

You had best believed, he'd want this.

So I ask you, will you join us in igniting the mountain's peak aflame?

Rejoice and do battle for he who was robbed of his final dance?

Release the warrior within, before the reave begins.

Come, come and ascend here in the Gauntlet, show our Dragonlord your true strength.

Keep the flame of his soul ablaze.

Same time, Same place,  (474,900)

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